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  • E-Signatures now legally valid in Taiwan, says new amendment

    Legislative Yuan passes preliminary review of Electronic Signatures Act amendment to give electronic signatures and documents legal validity equal to physical ones, encourage widespread use, and close digital gap.
    2024/04/15 18:01
  • Nvidia CEO hopes to be Taiwan’s top ambassador

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang declares ambition to be Taiwan’s best ambassador in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and emphasizes Taiwan’s pivotal role in the new industrial revolution. Huang plans to visit Taiwan to share his views and promote its global significance at the 2024 Computex event, where he will give a keynote speech alongside other industry leaders.
    2024/03/25 15:00
  • DPP urges KMT to avoid showmanship over extra session

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) caucus whip, Ker Chien-ming, has urged the Kuomintang (KMT) to avoid excessive showmanship in response to their request for an extraordinary session at the Legislative Yuan on February 17th. Ker emphasized that extraordinary sessions are typically held during recess periods and that there is no need for an additional meeting since the new session of the Legislative Yuan officially began on February 1st. The KMT caucus had called for an early meeting and invited Premier Chen Chien-jen to give a special report on the issue of ractopamine being detected in Taisugar’s sliced pork. They warned that any delay could obstruct the inaugural policy address. To convene an extraordinary session, the KMT’s Han Kuo-yu must first hold party group consultations, according to Ker. He suggested that once that is done, Premier Chen could be invited to provide a "food safety special report" on February 20th.
    2024/02/15 14:06
  • About 90% of workers to continue red envelope tradition

    A recent survey reveals that 90% of Taiwanese employees plan to give out red envelopes for the Lunar New Year, with an average amount of NT$11,292. The survey also shows that workers plan to spend an average of NT$31,093 during the seven-day holiday, contributing NT$288.7 billion to the economy. Popular activities include getting together with friends and family, visiting hometown, resting at home, paying visits to friends and relatives’ households, and watching television or DVDs at home. Other activities include praying at temples, making travel arrangements, gaming, job hunting online, and shopping. Compared to the Year of the Rabbit in 2023, 49.7% of respondents said their red envelope budget would remain the same, 26.8% said it would be more, and 23.5% said it would be less. Additionally, 64% of workers plan to give gifts during the New Year, with an average gift budget of NT$4,977.
    2024/02/06 09:00
  • Taiwan travel agents urge for earlier pre-strike notices

    The Travel Agent Association of R.O.C., Taiwan, has urged aviation unions to give a one-month notice before going on strike to mitigate social repercussions. They warned that another strike could have a devastating impact on the aviation industry. This call comes as EVA Air pilots, in collaboration with the Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP), have secured the right to strike. The planned strike is set for the Lunar New Year period, which is a peak travel period. The pilots aim to safeguard their rights, but the Travel Agent Association emphasized that such action would significantly affect consumers and travel agencies. They criticized past unplanned strikes by China Airlines’ cabin crew, pilots, and EVA Air’s cabin crew for disregarding consumer rights. The association emphasized the adoption of international pre-strike notice processes to allow sufficient time for negotiations and consensus-building, benefiting both consumers and labor.
    2024/01/23 17:33
  • Tainan Mayor grants schools autonomy amid cold snap

    Tainan City Mayor Huang Wei-che has given schools in the city the authority to determine their own holiday schedules based on student count and weather conditions. While winter vacation has already started for junior high and elementary schools, students attending tutoring and after-school programs will continue classes unless the schools themselves decide to give them days off. The Tainan City Government is also taking steps to support the homeless population by providing warm clothing and hot meals. They have urged the homeless to seek shelter in available accommodations, with adequate bed spaces promised. Currently, there are 219 registered homeless people in Tainan City, with 130 living on the streets and the rest placed in local facilities. Rehabilitation centers have been set up in the South District and Xinying District to provide support and help these individuals rebuild their lives.
    2024/01/23 17:32
  • 2024大選/路透認證選民拒絕中國 BBC:北京眼中的麻煩製造者賴清德贏總統

    多間外媒都相當關注台灣2024總統大選,國民黨候選人侯友宜跟民眾黨候選人柯文哲承認敗選後,不少外媒紛紛以快訊方式宣布賴清德贏得本屆總統大選,其中《路透》以「台灣選民拒絕中國,給執政黨第三個總統任期」(Taiwan voters rebuff China and give ruling party third presidential term)為標題報導這次大選,《BBC》的選情即時更新頁也以「被中國視為麻煩製造者的賴清德贏得台灣大選」(William Lai, who China sees as ’troublemaker’, wins Taiwan election),指出台灣人民用選票拒絕中國施壓。
    2024/01/13 21:42
  • Ministry of Labor: Election day recognized as a holiday

    Taiwan is preparing for its national elections on January 13, which has been declared a "holiday" under the Labor Standards Act. Employers are required to give workers with voting rights a day off and maintain their regular pay. If employers insist on having employees work on election day, they must provide double pay for attendance hours and cannot prevent workers from voting. The elections will determine the 16th President and Vice President of Taiwan, as well as the 11th Legislative Yuan. No additional leave is granted if the voting day falls on a worker’s regular day off. Violations of these regulations may result in fines ranging from NT$20,000 to NT$1 million, in addition to wage compensation. Workers whose rights are compromised can file complaints with the local labor administrative authority.
    2024/01/03 19:44
  • Survey: Taiwan a top choice for studying abroad in 2024

    More than 80% of international students are interested in applying for new specialized classes that allow them to work in Taiwan, according to a report by the Association of International Cultural and Educational Exchange Taiwan (AICEE Taiwan). The report, titled "Blue Ocean of International Enrollment Trends 2024," surveyed over 2,000 students from 60 countries who plan to study abroad and learn Chinese. The top three advantages Taiwan offers to international students are high-quality education, a safe environment, and the opportunity to learn Mandarin. Additionally, 86% of international students expressed interest in applying for internship subsidies provided by the Executive Yuan’s initiative and private enterprises. Upon graduation, international students prioritize entering suitable industries, finding employment quickly, and securing high employment rates. Furthermore, 14% of respondents hope that their experience studying in Taiwan will give them a competitive edge in their future education. Scholarships, English-taught programs, and high teaching quality are important factors for students considering studying abroad, while geographical location becomes crucial for those wanting to learn Chinese. Allen Hung, the CEO of AICEE Taiwan, advises Taiwanese universities to provide not only essential enrollment information but also reinforce information about internships and job opportunities during and after studies.
    2024/01/03 17:03
  • 白冰冰好消息不藏了! 曝光女團隊長「新身分」:最好的禮物

    自白冰冰、陽帆主持節目《我愛冰冰Show》組成的女團「Give me five 少女隊」,簽進白冰冰公司並出道。女團剛迎來新年就傳出喜訊,隊長張家瑜在面對課業壓力和演藝事業上不遺餘力,順利考進「台灣師範大學」表演藝術學士學程,好消息也讓白冰冰稱讚連連,更形容像是自己當年入選出道一樣感動。
    2024/01/02 14:26
  • George Chang, Hsu Yun-le part ways over childbearing dispute

    Taiwanese actor George Chang and his wife of six years, Hsu Yun-le, have announced their divorce due to a difference of opinion on having children. Hsu expressed her emotional turmoil over the topic and thanked Chang for his care and support throughout their ten-year relationship. The couple decided to part ways after six months of discussions, emphasizing their decision to give each other the freedom to choose. Hsu admitted to questioning her responsibility for the breakdown of their marriage due to her persistence in wanting children. Both Chang and Hsu expressed their belief in fate and their commitment to pursuing their individual paths. Hsu concluded her statement by stating that she would not seek answers regarding Chang’s stance on children and would not justify her own desire for childbearing to the public. She thanked herself for marrying Chang and acknowledged his high moral standards.
    2023/12/27 11:16
  • Taipei mayor’s approval rating at 65% on first anniversary

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an’s approval rating has jumped from 39% to 65%, according to data from Taipei City Government’s Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission. On his first anniversary in office, Chiang held a press conference at the Taipei Dome, discussing his visions for Taipei’s future. Notable achievements include the successful response to the collapse of a residential building in Dazhi and the highest number of births in 28 months in October 2023. Chiang sees the completion and operation of the Taipei Dome as a shared triumph for citizens, allowing for large-scale events. When asked about his performance rating, Chiang deferred to the judgment of the citizens. He expressed his hope to lead the ’Taipei Team’ for the next three years, aiming to give residents a chance to experience a different city.
    2023/12/25 18:37
  • Ukrainian students at TCU volunteer to teach in Taiwan

    Ukrainian students at Tzu Chi University have formed a volunteer team to teach English and music as a way to give back to Taiwan for its support during the Russia-Ukraine War. The group, consisting of nine Master’s students studying media and communications, will be conducting classes at a local elementary school two to three times per week. The initiative was prompted by a desire expressed by several students last semester, and TCU facilitated school partnerships to make it happen. The Ukrainian student-teachers offer a fresh perspective that inspires their pupils and makes learning a language more dynamic and engaging.
    2023/12/19 22:18
  • KMT Chairman Chu predicts major gains in legislative seats

    Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Eric Chu expressed optimism about the nomination of the Hou-Jaw ticket, stating that it has boosted party morale and is projected to increase the party’s number of legislative constituencies by more than ten. Chu estimated that the KMT is likely to secure 14 to 15 legislator-at-large seats, which would give them an absolute majority in the Legislative Yuan. He highlighted the stable political landscape in the Taipei-Keelung area, the advantage in the Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli area, and potential progress in the southern regions, including Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Pintung. Chu also mentioned the strong performance of Mayor Chang San-cheng in Taoyuan and the popularity of former legislator Li Yen-hsiu in Taipei’s 4th election district. Despite criticism over the presence of second-generation officials on the KMT legislator-at-large list, Chu defended their selection, citing their substantial contributions to the public and their professions.
    2023/12/12 18:18
  • Education head backs bilingual policy despite union concerns

    Taipei’s Education Minister, Pan Wen-chung, responded to concerns raised by the National Federation of Teachers Unions (NFTU) about the 2030 Bilingual Nation policy. Pan emphasized the importance of English proficiency as a crucial competitive skill for students. He emphasized the need for a balanced approach in teaching methods and strategies to ensure that students’ foundational academic abilities are not neglected. The NFTU expressed apprehension that excessive emphasis on English in the bilingual policy could undermine national competitiveness and called for a thorough reassessment of language policies post-election. Pan highlighted the importance of English and digital literacy as vital competencies for students and stressed the necessity of the bilingual policy for English language education. He mentioned that the implementation of the policy allows schools to join gradually and includes plans for teacher training enhancements and the inclusion of foreign instructors. Pan also mentioned that Mandarin courses would be available alongside university courses conducted entirely in English to give students the freedom of choice. He noted that some locales have been overly emphasizing English expertise during teacher recruitment and that the Ministry of Education will issue reminders for a more balanced evaluation. Rolling revisions will be made based on the progress of the bilingual initiative.
    2023/12/07 21:17
  • Taiwan’s healthcare outweighs U.S. citizenship: Commentator

    Taipei City Hospital’s Chiang Kuan-yu commented on Lai Pei-hsia’s decision to give up her U.S. citizenship, stating that Taiwan’s lighter healthcare and tax burdens outweigh the benefits of U.S. citizenship. Lai, an entertainer, relinquished her U.S. citizenship in order to qualify as the running mate for Foxconn founder Terry Gou in Taiwan’s vice-presidential election. However, the Gou-Lai ticket failed to register for the race, leading many online users in Taiwan to describe Lai as the biggest loser in the electoral contest. Chiang highlighted that many elderly Americans choose to return to Taiwan for superior elderly care and more familial support, as incapacitated seniors in the U.S. often do not survive beyond three years. He characterized Taiwan as "a paradise for the elderly, a promised land for retirement," promoting the country as an ideal place for a comfortable and supported aging experience. Chiang questioned the significance of retaining U.S. citizenship once one’s children are independent, suggesting that Lai may not have lost much by forfeiting her American nationality.
    2023/11/26 18:29
  • Lai Ching-te leads Taiwan election poll by narrow margin

    The latest poll from the "Formosa" website reveals a close race in Taiwan’s presidential election, with Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leading by a slim margin of 31.4%, followed closely by Hou Yu-ih of the Kuomintang (KMT) at 31.1%. Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) trails in third place with 25.2%, over 6 percentage points behind the front-runners. Former legislator Shen Fu-hsiung, speaking on TVBS Situation Room, analyzed the situation, highlighting that the close polling between Hou and Ko does not give Lai a significant advantage. However, he cautioned against calls for a collaboration between the KMT and TPP at this time. Shen further explained that in presidential system countries like Taiwan, cooperation talks are not typically pursued, unlike in parliamentary systems where post-election coalitions may form. With the widening gap in support between Hou and Ko, Shen urged political observers to abandon the idea of a pan-blue alliance. He also emphasized that if the KMT aims to surpass the DPP in the upcoming elections, they should focus on diminishing the TPP’s support and consolidating the pan-blue vote without relying on a formal alliance.
    2023/11/25 14:04
  • DPP’s Lai eyes "Home Run" with 8 Taipei legislative bids

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te and eight Taipei legislative candidates registered at the Central Election Committee (CEC) on Nov. 22. Lai encouraged his team with slogans like "8 seats to victory" and "Team Taipei! Let’s home run!" Lai expressed confidence in leading Taiwan forward despite the global situation. The DPP legislative hopefuls are Rosalia Wu, Wang Shi-chien, Hsieh Pei-fen, Kao Chia-yu, Wu Pei-yi, Hsu Shu-hua, Wang Min-sheng, and Miao Po-ya from the Social Democratic Party. Lai urged the candidates to collaborate effectively to secure all eight seats, which would give the DPP a majority in the legislature and benefit Taipei and Taiwan as a whole.
    2023/11/22 15:13
  • Japanese official invites President Tsai to give speech

    President Tsai Ing-wen has been invited by Hiroyasu Izumi, Chief Representative of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Taipei Office, to deliver a speech in Japan. Tsai, Taiwan’s first female president, has garnered attention in Japan and is expected to receive a warm welcome. The invitation comes after Tsai awarded Izumi the "Order of Brilliant Star" for his contributions to Taiwan-Japan relations. During the award ceremony, Tsai emphasized the progress made by both nations over the past four years and highlighted their shared values of democracy and freedom. Izumi described Taiwan-Japan relations as inseparable, emphasizing Japan’s unwavering support for Taiwan.
    2023/10/30 17:49
  • Over 30 universities in Taiwan implement Mental Health Days

    Over 30 universities in Taiwan have implemented mental health days, according to the Taiwan Youth Association for Democracy. This number has increased from just 12 in May. The association cites data from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, which shows that the number of young people under 24 ending their lives has nearly tripled in the past decade. A recent mental health survey revealed that many students feel the need for mental health days but struggle to communicate their stress to adults. The association believes that providing these days off can give students a chance to rest and adjust, reducing their emotional burdens and helping them cope with stress. Most universities limit mental health days to three or five days per semester to prevent excessive absences.
    2023/10/30 13:46
  • 陳盈潔腎衰竭昏迷送醫 白冰冰心情沉重!親吐對方財務狀況

    女星白冰冰籌拍新戲《天知道》,今(14)日替劇中演員安排表演課程,包括寶弟、Give me five少女隊,以及日前拿下世大運銀牌的跆拳道甜心胡子萱。日前69歲女歌手陳盈潔於8月底入監服刑,並在10月8日驚傳腎衰竭,緊急送往國軍桃園總醫院治療,談到好友陳盈潔,白冰冰沉重的表示:「我們是同一代的人,那個時候我們很努力在過日子,不知道為什麼會這樣,我曾經跟她說我學會打麻將,但她居然跟我說她不打麻將了,也不知道為什麼現在會變成這樣,我們這個年齡是容不得差錯,希望她一切安好。」
    2023/10/14 15:29
  • 才剛傳出熱戀!寶弟自爆「目前單身」 親揭甜美新歡真實身分

    女星白冰冰籌拍新戲《天知道》,今(14)日替劇中演員安排表演課程,包括寶弟、Give me five少女隊,以及日前拿下世大運銀牌的跆拳道甜心胡子萱。日前寶弟(葛兆恩)在5月底時,被拍到與一位長相可愛甜美、臉蛋充滿膠原蛋白的女生甜蜜用餐。現場被問到細節,寶弟驚爆自己目前單身,並解釋女方身分:「那只是朋友。」
    2023/10/14 15:12
  • 華莎校慶表演摸下體+舔指遭告發 「公然猥褻不成立」家長氣瘋

    韓團MAMAMOO成員華莎5月在成均館大學校慶演出,唱跳人氣夯曲《Don’t Give》的時候,舞蹈中做出M字腿和舔手指摸下體的動作,性感指數破表,卻遭到學生家長聯合檢舉,認為這段表演涉及公然猥褻,已非藝術表演,而警方也受理報案,但經過調查,指控難以成立,警方決定不轉送案件,結果引發家長更不爽。
    2023/10/04 15:07
  • AMD head to give speech at Taiwan’s university on July 20

    AMD Chair and CEO Lisa T. Su arrived on a private jet at Taipei Songshan Airport around 2 p.m. on Monday (July 17). Her conferment ceremony for an honorary doctoral degree was initially scheduled for the same day and postponed to Thursday (July 20).
    2023/07/17 17:19
  • 「5年前也沒人看好我」 盧秀燕鼓勵侯友宜:Never give up

    立法院前院長王金平號召超過百位立委,主辦「厚友誼立委後援會」成立大會,襄助國民黨總統參選人侯友宜。與會的台中市長盧秀燕致詞時表示,五年前他也不被看好勝選,甚至被說會大輸民進黨對手20萬票,最後卻是大贏20萬票,所以他鼓勵侯友宜「Never give up!」
    2023/07/05 19:08
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