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    finance 結果共75筆

  • MOF refutes claims linking loan program to property surge

    Discover how Taiwan’s New housing loan program aids young homebuyers, as the Ministry of Finance clarifies its impact and addresses misconceptions about property transactions.
    2024/09/05 10:34
  • Janet Chia officially named chairwoman of Taipei 101

    Discover how Janet Chia, a renowned Taiwanese figure, takes on the role of chairwoman at Taipei 101, aiming to boost its status as a global landmark. Learn about her plans and the support from the Ministry of Finance.
    2024/09/03 17:22
  • MOF keeps mum on state banks’ real estate lending capacity

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s real estate loan capacity as the Ministry of Finance oversees banks amidst a booming market, ensuring first-time homebuyers’ needs are met and rights protected.
    2024/09/03 09:29
  • Ko Wen-je defends office purchase, cites political precedent

    Explore the controversy surrounding Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je’s use of election subsidies to buy an office, amid debates on political funding practices.
    2024/08/26 15:42
  • MOF refutes claims of loan restrictions in state banks

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s real estate loan dynamics: The Ministry of Finance clarifies its stance on "loan restrictions" amid concerns of a surging market and regulatory scrutiny. Learn how banks are navigating these challenges.
    2024/08/22 10:27
  • TPP suspends Huang Shan-shan amid finance scandal

    Discover the latest on the Taiwan People’s Party as it suspends Legislator Huang Shan-shan for three years and expels key finance members over campaign finance irregularities. Read on for full details.
    2024/08/21 10:06
  • Shin Kong, Taishin silent on potential merger talks

    Discover the latest on the potential merger between Shin Kong Financial and Taishin Holdings, which could create Taiwan’s fourth-largest financial holding company. Read now for details on the discussions and their implications.
    2024/08/20 15:29
  • Finance minister announces major tax relief measures

    Discover how Taiwan’s new tax exemptions for single renters and families aim to ease financial pressures, with insights on the latest income tax system updates and House Tax 2.0 policy changes.
    2024/08/20 14:40
  • President Lai unveils new strategies to fight fraud

    Discover how Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te plans to combat fraud with a new strategy involving interagency collaboration, technology, and public participation. Learn about the anti-fraud measures announced at a recent forum.
    2024/08/20 13:39
  • Finance minister defends amusement tax as key revenue source

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s amusement tax changes: Finance Minister Chuang Tsui-yun announces reductions for most entertainment taxes, while golf remains at 20%. Local governments gain the power to suspend taxes on sports and cultural events. Learn more about the implications for local revenue and industry development.
    2024/08/08 10:50
  • New measures for youth home loans announced by MOA

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture is enhancing its loan process for young homebuyers, including stricter pre-loan reviews and a self-residency commitment, to prevent misuse and ensure benefits reach the intended recipients.
    2024/07/01 17:52
  • 大金連續8年入選《全球品牌價值500強》 創業百年 全球獎不完

    國際知名品牌價值研究機構Brand Finance與《The Banker》(銀行家)雜誌合作公布「2024年全球品牌價值500強」調查中,DAIKIN大金工業以第336位再次入選全球品牌價值500強榜單,較2023年躍升39位。這更是大金連續第8年入選該榜單,充分印證了大金出色穩健的營運發展能力和卓越的品牌綜合實力。也在世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum)中,連續獲選為「世界最具永續經營可能之100家企業─Global 100」。大金空調在技術創新、產品研發、專業服務、人才培育等各環節,都已成為日本,以及全球同類型企業學習與觀摩的典範。
    2024/06/27 18:27
  • China to suspend tariff benefits for 134 Taiwanese products

    Discover the latest on China’s suspension of preferential tariff rates for 134 Taiwanese products starting June 15, escalating cross-strait tensions. Learn about the economic and political implications of this significant shift.
    2024/05/31 13:03
  • 30% of Taiwan residents yet to file taxes, bureau reports

    Discover how Taiwan’s National Taxation Bureau is simplifying tax filings with mobile options and a chance to win NT$200,000. Deadline is May 31, with 71% already filed.
    2024/05/22 17:40
  • 《原子少年2》播出日期曝! 爽上「月7000萬人次瀏覽」美國權威媒體

    孕育新偶像的選秀節目《原子少年2》緊鑼密鼓的籌備中,《原子少年2》日前公布將於8月於TVBS播出,隨之公開的少年形象照也令大眾眼神為之一亮。消息透露除了可以在《原子少年》的官方YouTube頻道觀看節目,這次在美國境內的「天下衛視」也可以看到節目播出,而其他包含新加坡、越南、泰國等地也都有機會收看。每月瀏覽人數超過7千萬的美國知名權威媒體—「美聯社(Associated Press)」也刊登了《原子少年2》播出消息,同時也登上Yahoo Finance, Benzinga等權威媒體與超過500家的英文媒體。未演先轟動引起了全球媒體和觀眾的熱烈關注,紛紛對於台灣製造偶像文化的力量感到驚訝。
    2024/05/15 17:28
  • 2024全球百大富有國家排行榜曝! 台灣第14名打敗韓日中

    知名財經雜誌《環球金融》(Global Finance)近日公布「2024年全球百大富有國家或地區」,而全球最富有國家的寶座由西歐國家盧森堡奪下,台灣則拿下第14名,勝過包含中國、日本和南韓等國。
    2024/05/08 15:30
  • Taiwan Central Bank joins Instagram for youth engagement

    Discover how the Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) is connecting with younger audiences by launching its official Instagram account, joining the global trend of central banks like the FRB, ECB, and BoE. Learn about their unique approach to engaging with the public through softer content, including educational videos and career opportunities.
    2024/05/06 18:08
  • New and retained faces in Taiwan’s latest cabinet update

    Discover the latest updates on Taiwan’s new cabinet under President-elect Tsai Ing-wen and designated Premier Cho Jung-tai, including the retention of key deputy ministers across various ministries such as Finance, Economic Affairs, Culture, Environmental Protection, Labor, and the Digital Ministry, aiming to strengthen national policies and digital resilience.
    2024/05/06 17:29
  • Report: healthcare, tech lead in Taiwan’s graduate salaries

    Explore the latest insights on the starting salaries for university and postgraduate entrants in Taiwan’s workforce for 2023, including sector-specific averages, employment trends, and the impact of the global economy on hiring practices.
    2024/04/30 18:28
  • Premier-designate announces new cabinet appointments

    Discover the latest developments in Taiwan’s political landscape as Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai unveils the fifth wave of cabinet appointments, emphasizing continuity, dynamic leadership, and a vision for national unity and innovation.
    2024/04/23 15:05
  • Taiwan debates over menstrual products tax exemption

    Explore the debate in Taipei as lawmakers advocate for sales tax exemption on menstrual products, facing opposition from the Ministry of Finance over concerns of insufficient consumer benefits and potential NT$380 million annual revenue loss. Amidst discussions on gender wage gaps and period poverty, the ministry highlights the challenges of tax exemption policies and the broader implications for the tax system.
    2024/04/10 13:43
  • China Airlines launches massive recruitment drive for 2024

    China Airlines announces its 2024 recruitment plan, aiming to hire nearly 100 professionals in various fields including customer service, finance, IT, and maintenance, alongside continuous pilot recruitment. Applicants must meet specific educational and English proficiency requirements, with successful candidates undergoing rigorous training programs before reporting for duty.
    2024/04/08 17:08
  • Taiwan hosts 2024 SCSE, showcasing global innovations

    The 11th Smart City Summit and Expo (SCSE) in Taipei, Taiwan, has successfully kicked off, featuring a wide array of exhibitors and international guests focused on smart city innovations and net-zero solutions. The event underscores Taiwan’s leading role in ICT and green transformation, setting a new attendance record and highlighting the importance of global cooperation in achieving net-zero goals.
    2024/03/19 17:10
  • Taiwan to host gender equality week in NYC

    MOFA announces Taiwan Gender Equality Week in New York City during the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women. Highlighted by a forum on women’s financial resilience featuring Dr. Hank C.C. Huang. Notable attendees include Denise Scotto and Kelley Currie. Event to be live-streamed on MOFA’s social media channels.
    2024/03/07 16:21
  • Taiwan’s economic shows stability: NDC

    Stay updated on Taiwan’s economic progress as the National Development Council reports a stable outlook for January 2024. Economic indicators show positive trends in production, investment, sales, and finance, signaling continued recovery. Follow the transition from recession to a transitional economy in key sectors, reflecting a promising shift in Taiwan’s economic landscape.
    2024/03/04 18:06
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