
President Lai unveils new strategies to fight fraud

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/20 13:39
Last update time:2024/08/20 18:17
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President Lai unveils new strategies to fight fraud (TVBS News) President Lai unveils new strategies to fight fraud
President Lai unveils new strategies to fight fraud (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) unveiled vital strategies to combat fraud on Tuesday (Aug. 20), including interagency collaboration, public participation, and more. He announced these measures during a forum on Anti-Fraud advocacy (2024全面阻絕詐騙論壇).

President Lai emphasized the importance of interagency collaboration by urging the Executive Yuan (行政院) to establish a cross-departmental command center. He argues this initiative will enhance the effectiveness of anti-fraud efforts through unity and cooperative strategies.


Lai highlighted the evolution of fraud into organized crime, incorporating technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and even international elements. He noted the necessity for cooperation across various departments, including law enforcement, customs, digital finance, and telecommunications, to tackle this issue comprehensively.

He also stressed the importance of public involvement, advocating for channels that allow citizens to provide input and participate in anti-fraud initiatives. Lai proposed daily transparent updates on fraud cases, victims, and financial losses to keep the public informed and help prevent further incidents.

President Lai's comprehensive approach aims to foster a collective effort to combat fraud, reflecting the government's commitment to addressing this pressing issue. As these measures are implemented, the public can expect increased transparency and collaboration.

Taiwan Affairs

#fraud prevention# anti-fraud# digital finance# organized crime# artificial intelligence# public involvement# law enforcement# interagency collaboration in fraud prevention# combating fraud with technology# President Lai anti-fraud strategies


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