
NVIDIA CEO lauds Taiwan’s role in global AI development

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/06/07 13:58
Last update time:2024/06/07 14:44
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NVIDIA CEO lauds Taiwan’s role in global AI development (TVBS News) NVIDIA CEO lauds Taiwan’s role in global AI development
NVIDIA CEO lauds Taiwan's role in global AI development (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — NVIDIA's CEO Jensen Huang (黃仁勳) highlighted Taiwan's pivotal position in advancing artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure worldwide. Speaking on Thursday (June 6), Huang pointed out an intriguing detail: the word "Taiwan" contains the letters "AI," symbolizing the country's crucial contribution to AI development.

Huang's remarks came during a celebratory dinner at the Shin Yeh Taiwanese Cuisine Main Restaurant (欣葉台菜創始店) in Taipei's Zhongshan District, where he hosted 180 NVIDIA employees in Taiwan. The event marked NVIDIA's successful participation at the COMPUTEX Taipei (台北國際電腦展), underscoring the company's commitment to the region.


Family and Future Plans

The NVIDIA CEO was not alone in his celebration; his family, including his wife Lori Huang, son Spencer Huang, and daughter Madison Huang, also attended the dinner. Demonstrating his deep connection to Taiwan, Huang revealed plans to return to the island within the year. His statement reinforces the symbolic importance of Taiwan in the AI domain, as embedded within its very name.

Huang's interaction with the media and the public outside the restaurant showcased his approachability. He signed autographs, engaged with attendees, and warmly bid everyone goodnight, leaving a lasting impression of charm.

As Huang prepares for his return to Taiwan, his emphasis on the island's integral role in AI development not only highlights its technological prowess but also sets the stage for future collaborations that could further solidify Taiwan's position in the global tech arena.

Taiwan Business

Taiwan Affairs

#NVIDIA# Taiwan AI# COMPUTEX Taipei# artificial intelligence# Jensen Huang# technology news# AI development# NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang in Taiwan# Taiwan’s role in AI infrastructure# future of artificial intelligence in Taiwan
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