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    biodiversity 結果共6筆

  • Taiwan faces extended summer due to climate change: experts

    Explore how Taiwan could face a seven-month-long summer and other severe impacts detailed in the 2024 climate report, emphasizing the urgency for global cooperation in climate initiatives.
    2024/05/14 16:06
  • Grality leads the way in innovative tree management solution

    Discover how Grality is revolutionizing the management of urban tree assets. With innovative technology, Grality simplifies the complexities of maintaining green spaces, enhancing biodiversity, and improving quality of life.
    2024/03/21 19:15
  • Taiwan’s elusive fauna caught on camera in stunning footage

    Explore Taiwan’s diverse wildlife through stunning images captured by the Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency Chiayi Branch. Witness Formosan black bears, Reeves’s muntjacs, and more in their natural habitats, providing valuable insights for conservation efforts. Discover the rich biodiversity of Taiwan’s mountainous regions through continuous monitoring with remote cameras.
    2024/02/19 13:42
  • Taipei boosts pay for conservation workers after 30 years

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an announces pay rise for Taipei Zoo conservation workers, with bonuses ranging from NT$3,000 to NT$5,000 based on animal risk levels. Chiang emphasizes the challenging conditions of the job and the need for intelligence and physical labor. The bonuses for high-risk duties have not been adjusted in over 30 years, potentially causing a brain drain. Chiang has been actively working to increase zookeeper wages and improve their conditions. He calls for attention to zookeeper welfare and animal protection issues and reveals plans for the Taipei Zoo’s 110th anniversary in 2024. This pay increase further showcases Taipei as a city that values its workers’ contributions to biodiversity.
    2024/01/30 15:09
  • Japanese scientist discovers new cockroach species in Taiwan

    Discover the fascinating story of Shizuma Yanagisawa, a Japanese entomologist who has found two new species of cockroaches in Taiwan and Malaysia. Learn about the "Periplaneta gigantea," or the "Taiwan Giant Cockroach," which is unexpectedly large, measuring up to 54.5 millimeters in length. Explore how Yanagisawa identified this new species through careful observation of its unique characteristics. Find out how this Taiwanese variant differs from common foreign species and its distribution across Taiwan’s mountain regions. Don’t miss the opportunity to see this new species on display at the Ryuyo Insect Nature Observation Park in Iwata, contributing to our understanding of the diverse cockroach genus.
    2024/01/25 15:11
  • 生物多樣性重大里程碑!凍存精卵守護大堡礁

    聯合國在加拿大的生物多樣性峰會(COP15)19日閉幕,全球超過190國正式通過「昆明-蒙特婁全球生物多樣性框架』(Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework),達成扭轉威脅世界物種和生態系統的環境破壞的一項歷史性協議,其中最重要的一項目標是到達2030年,將全球三成的海洋和陸地納入保護。全球生物生存岌岌可危,澳洲大堡礁今年開始使用一種新技術,除了冷凍保存珊瑚精卵外,還可以凍存幼蟲,有助於保護大堡礁的未來。
    2022/12/20 19:55
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