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    beef 結果共14筆

  • Twinnen in Taiwan: Fusion flavors shine on Yongkang Street

    Embark on a culinary adventure along Taipei’s Yongkang Street, where a fusion of Chinese, Japanese, and Taiwanese flavors comes to life. Discover the best of Taipei’s diverse cuisine, from savory scallion pancakes and classic milk tea to Michelin-recognized Shanghainese dishes and flavorful shaved ice.
    2024/01/03 21:15
  • Taiwan’s instant noodle sales boil over NT$14 billion mark

    Taiwan’s instant noodle industry has achieved impressive sales, reaching an annual output value of NT$14 billion. This year alone, consumers in Taiwan have consumed around 900 million packets of instant noodles. Market research conducted by noodle manufacturers reveals that beef and seafood flavors are the preferred choices among Taiwanese consumers. In order to stay competitive, noodle companies continuously innovate their marketing tactics, introducing new flavors, prize draws, and strategic partnerships. The iconic "Hong Shao Beef Noodle Soup" and "Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup" from a well-established Taiwanese instant noodle brand have experienced a significant increase in sales, surpassing the million-packet mark. This success can be attributed to a collaboration with a popular food television series. To celebrate this achievement, the brand has joined forces with a lifestyle app to launch a lottery with a guaranteed 100% winning rate, providing customers with an additional incentive to enjoy the comforting warmth of a bowl of instant noodles.
    2023/12/09 13:58
  • Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki conducts quiet visit to Taiwan

    Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki made a low-profile visit to Taiwan from November 23 to 25, where he met with key figures including Su Jia-chyuan, the president of the Taiwan-Japan Relations Association (TJRA), and Paul Hsu, the Chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of China (ROCCOC). The focus of Tamaki’s trip was on meetings with economic and tourism-related groups from Okinawa, with no official engagements with Taiwanese government entities. During his visit, Tamaki expressed gratitude to Su for discussions aimed at fostering tourism and economic exchanges between Taiwan and Okinawa. The primary objective of Tamaki’s visit was to explore business cooperation, engaging with Japanese business representatives and Okinawan officials in discussions. Both parties anticipate swift progress toward further collaboration, and an invitation was extended for Tamaki to revisit Taiwan and for a Taiwanese group to enjoy Wagyu beef in Okinawa. The exchange concluded with the mutual presentation of local specialties as mementos of their meeting.
    2023/11/25 17:07
  • Chicken producers push for enhanced labeling regulations

    Taiwanese chicken producers are pushing for stricter labeling regulations for chicken and egg products, similar to those in place for pork and beef. The proposals include labeling the origins of these products in dining establishments. Chen Yu-che, Chairman of the Taichung City Poultry Association, has been advocating for thorough labeling since 2019, particularly for imported chicken. Following the COVID-19 lockdown lift in 2023, there has been a significant increase in imported chicken, reaching 230,000 tons per month, about half the volume of domestic chicken. The government’s importation of large quantities of eggs this year has led to quality issues, prompting industry representatives to call for a review of border management methods and increased inspection rates for imported chicken. Chen emphasizes the importance of clearly stating the origin of imported chicken, disclosing slaughter dates for chicken in the consumer market, and specifying the type of meat used on menus at dining establishments.
    2023/11/13 11:55
  • 美國進口牛舌「驗出寄生蟲」 2226公斤全退運銷毀

    美國進口牛舌驗出寄生蟲!食藥署今(30)日公布邊境檢疫,從美國進口的「TYSON冷凍牛舌(FROZEN IBP PREMIUM TRIMMED BEEF TONGUES (BLACK) 0% # 1A (輸入供食品用途) (MPP-142565))」遭驗出「住肉孢子蟲 (Sarcocystis spp.)」數量高達2226.8公斤,依規定全部都要退運或銷毀。
    2022/08/30 12:28
  • 阿北出事了!北市牛肉麵節「拼錯字」 還被外國人抓包

    2021/10/09 09:08
  • 肉食主義看過來!35oz肋眼牛排大口吃好滿足

    號稱台北最高「吃到飽」餐廳的松山意舍酒店17樓的「Que Restaurant」,從原先的自助餐,更換為全新有著單點與套餐兩種選擇的晚餐消費形式。加上原木燒烤元素,所有晚餐單點新菜全面升級,更推出單人及多人分享套餐,其中最具亮點的是35oz的美國BRANDT自然帶骨肋眼牛排,其他還有份量十足的美國紐約客牛排、戰斧豬排和菲力與法式羊排等,讓你大口吃肉好滿足。
    2017/04/17 17:19
  • 日台PK!舒肥牛排飯VS.20公分高丼飯

    2017/02/03 21:10
  • 王品「酷必」牛排飯 首店插旗信義區

    王品旗下新品牌「CooK BEEF!酷必」牛排飯首店5日將正式在台北信義區插旗,將西方經典牛排結合東方代表米食,瞄準年輕族群。
    2017/02/03 13:23
  • 不只牛排漢堡夯!炸雞加炒飯 老外最愛中國菜

    吃美食越來越講究,現在就連美式速食「漢堡」都講求精緻,日前國賓大飯店繼輕食品牌1Bite2GO之後,成立首家正宗美式漢堡店,採用美國農業部USDA認證的頂級美國加州BRANDT BEEF純種自然牛,標榜與飯店A Cut等級相同,牛排肉漢堡引起一陣風潮,但其實在去年底已有業者開先例,使用USDA認證的CHOICE等級牛排肉製成藍帶漢堡,讓美國道地食物升級,平價卻有奢華口感。
    2015/06/26 15:24
  • 憋氣美食 臭豆腐如起司登德雜誌,業者?

    2012/11/29 20:42
  • 憋氣美食 臭豆腐如起司登德雜誌

    2012/11/29 18:51
  • 美食家挺母語發牛肉麵 反對亂譯

    即將登場的台北牛肉麵節,因為海報上把牛肉麵直譯成英文的「New Row Mian 」而引發爭議,台北市政府乾脆決定發起票選活動,要在「New Row Mian 」和「Beef Noodle 」選擇一個正名,不過今天先請美食專家討論,現場美食家意見一致,認為不用票選,就叫「New Row Mian」,只是拼音應該要修正,否則容易誤導外國朋友。
    2011/11/15 19:20
  • 〈獨家〉世界最大!「王品」供應商 無骨牛也出包

    這批被檢出含有瘦肉精的美國牛,是王品合作供應商「Swift Beef」進口的,隸屬的美國集團,在網路上號稱是世界最大的牛肉品牌,但這個月已經兩度被揪到,進口牛肉含瘦肉精,由於瘦肉精只能靠檢驗,供應美牛的飯店說,會要求進口商一定要附檢驗書。甚至還有的進口商,索性自行送檢。
    2011/02/25 19:29
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