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  • Taiwan to introduce nationwide referendum absentee voting

    The Executive Yuan of Taiwan has approved a draft bill for referendum absentee voting, allowing eligible voters to apply for absentee voting through a transfer voting system to protect their voting rights. The new law, in accordance with Article 25 of the amended Referendum Act, aims to facilitate voting for those unable to return to their place of registration due to various reasons. The Central Election Commission will implement the absentee voting method to ensure secrecy and fairness, with an application system open to all eligible voters until 60 days before the voting day. Additionally, an online application system will be established for voter convenience, including options for residents in remote areas to apply for transfer voting within the same county or city.
    2024/02/22 15:51
  • 影音/ALL IN 5團員被嗆人品差 隊長戀情見光死單身2年

    2024/02/22 11:27
  • 被拍進入電競女神閨房!鮮肉男星認了已單身兩年 戀愛現況曝

    大勢男團ALL IN 5龍年開春歡喜「迎新」好事成雙,去年裕城退團後,宣布增添年僅18歲的鮮肉帥哥「多多」擔任生力軍後,今(21) 日舉行新歌發表會,推出全新單曲〈信仰〉,還特別把先前的勁舞熱歌〈PRINCE〉重新改編及編舞,只見全新演繹〈PRINCE〉2.0版的五人把純熟洗鍊的唱跳功力發揮到極致,無論舞風、造型更宛如脫胎換骨般令人眼睛一亮,而先前團長承恩被拍進出電競女神阿樂的租屋處,兩人關係相當親密,如今2年過去了,他再被問到感情近況,不忍全說了。
    2024/02/21 16:29
  • Taiwan signs MOU with India to employ migrant workers

    Taiwan’s Executive Yuan has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with India to facilitate the hiring of Indian migrant workers. The MOU states that Taiwan will determine the sectors and numbers for employment, while India will recruit and train the workers according to regulations. Contrary to online rumors, the plan does not involve the introduction of 100,000 Indian workers. The signing ceremony occurred online between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in India and the India-Taipei Association. Taiwan’s Ministry of Labor will submit the MOU to the Legislative Yuan for record and will hold meetings with Indian counterparts to discuss further details. Once all preparations are completed, India will be recognized as a new source of migrant labor, allowing employers to hire based on individual demand. This move is part of Taiwan’s efforts to address issues such as an aging population, decreased birth rate, and labor shortages by developing new sources of migrant labor.
    2024/02/16 17:33
  • Taiwan to expand SMA treatment coverage

    The National Health Insurance (NHI) Administration in Taiwan has announced the approval of new applications for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) treatment coverage. This decision comes after the passing of lawyer Chen Chun-han, a prominent advocate for wider medication coverage for SMA. SMA is a progressive neuro-muscular degenerative disease caused by a mutation in the SMN1 gene, impacting muscle functionality and activities such as sitting, walking, speaking, breathing, and eating. The NHI Administration has included the gene therapy drug Zolgensma, which carries a price tag of NT$49 million, in its benefits since the second half of 2023. The criteria for medication eligibility include an upper limb motor function index (RULM) score of at least 15. There are over 400 SMA patients in Taiwan, and by the end of 2023, 158 people applied for medication, with 145 approvals. The NHI Administration plans to hold an expert meeting in March to discuss expanding access to the drugs for all SMA patients, with a potential approval in the first half of 2024.
    2024/02/16 13:28
  • Northeast monsoon cools down Taiwan with chilly temperatures

    The northeastern monsoon has brought cooler temperatures across Taiwan, with lows of 12-13 degrees Celsius in the north. Southern and central regions, as well as eastern areas, are slightly warmer with temperatures ranging from 14 to 17 degrees. WeatherRisk predicts daytime highs of 15-17 degrees in the north, 21-25 degrees in the center, 24-27 degrees in the south, and 18-23 degrees in the east. Tomorrow, as the northeast monsoon weakens, all areas are expected to see improving conditions and largely sunny to partially cloudy weather. Radiation cooling will drive down temperatures to around 12 degrees in the north. Temperatures around the country will gradually rise next week, with southern and central Taiwan potentially reaching 30 degrees by next Wednesday, and the north and east seeing highs between 27 and 28 degrees. However, a front approaching next Thursday may bring brief local showers in the northern and eastern halves of the island, while conditions in most other places are forecast to remain largely cloudy to sunny.
    2024/02/16 10:25
  • Taiwan faces potential shift in legislative power dynamics

    Taipei Premier Chen Chien-jen stresses the importance of adhering to constitutional regulations in response to the Kuomintang’s (KMT) plans to expand its personnel power. KMT legislator Weng Hsiao-ling suggests that the Legislative Yuan should have the authority to approve personnel and dismiss unqualified leaders. The KMT also proposes the creation of a Special Investigation Division within Parliament. Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators argue that constitutional amendments must be implemented first. Premier Chen emphasizes that Taiwan is a country governed by the constitution, democracy, and the rule of law, and all agencies should follow constitutional guidelines. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) expresses its willingness to collaborate with other parties in reforming the parliament, potentially bringing significant changes to Taiwan’s legal landscape and political power dynamics.
    2024/02/07 18:04
  • Trump vows to reinstate tariffs on China if reelected

    Former U.S. President Donald Trump pledges to reapply tariffs on Chinese goods, potentially exceeding 60%, if he wins the November presidential election. He offers no clear answer on whether he would assist Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack. Trump plans on imposing a 60% tariff on Chinese goods, a number that may increase. He is leading in the Republican primary and is expected to face incumbent President Joe Biden in November. Trump imposed tariffs amounting to US$250 billion on Chinese imported goods during his term, sparking a trade war. Biden retained Trump’s tariff policy and banned the export of advanced semiconductors and semiconductor production equipment. Trump disputes rumors of another trade war with China, stating that he has handled all matters related to China well. He also criticizes Taiwan for taking semiconductor jobs from the U.S. and suggests imposing tariffs and trade barriers on Taiwan.
    2024/02/06 17:05
  • 才有人退團!ALL IN 5宣布加入新成員 高顏值長相曝光

    大勢男團ALL IN 5先前團員裕城退團,開春宣布迎來新團員「多多」,這位身高180的少年有著五官深邃、清秀俊帥臉龐,加上唱跳功力極具過人潛力,無論能力、顏值、身高皆屬TOP等級,成為全新ALL IN 5的「寶藏少年」!有著180身高的他,卻讓原本四位成員包括隊長承恩、傑銘、哲瑋、柏安「喜憂參半」,團長承恩笑說:「多多最大的優勢就是年紀輕!他加入後瞬間拉低我們的團體的平均年齡,讓ALL IN 5變成平均22歲的男團!」至於「憂」的部分,團員哲瑋則笑說:「多多的身高在我們團內鶴立雞群,雖然瞬間讓拉高團內的平均身高,但也因為這樣讓我們其他四位視覺上看起來比他矮很多,每次拍照很想用箱子墊高!」哲瑋更開玩笑說:「因為多多關係,讓我們四位最近一直在找『變高』的方法,不知道現在喝轉骨湯還有效嗎?!」
    2024/02/06 14:01
  • Han leads first inter-party talks, sets session for Feb 20

    Newly elected Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu has announced that the parliamentary session will begin on February 20th, taking into account the Lunar New Year holiday and allowing time for staff preparation. Han plans to invite Premier Chen Chien-jen and department heads to deliver policy reports and answer questions. He emphasized his commitment to sincerity and enthusiasm in his role as Speaker, urging all members to consider the future and fostering mutual trust and cooperation between political parties. Han made the decision after the first cross-party consultation, where proposals were made for either February 16th or 20th. Han and Johnny Chiang were elected as Speaker and Deputy Speaker, respectively, on February 1st.
    2024/02/05 16:29
  • Taipei Mayor to ride revamped gondola during LNY

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans to take his family on a ride on the newly renovated Maokong Gondola during the Lunar New Year holidays to visit the zoo. The gondola cabins have been redesigned in collaboration with "Animal Rescue Team Taiwan" and the popular "Maji Meow" (cat) to promote animal conservation, rescue efforts, and life education. From Feb. 3 to Feb. 14, customers who purchase three one-day passes will receive a limited edition New Year magnet set. Each one-day pass purchase also includes a single limited edition magnet. The cabins feature images of the gondola’s mascots, including the "Landlord" (a sloth), the Maji Cat, EMMA, and a calf. QR codes inside the cabins provide access to real conservation stories, promoting respect for all life and equality among creatures. Visitors to the Camphor Tree Trail during the New Year period can enjoy blooming lupines, the "Maokong Light Halo" at night, and sporadic God of Wealth blessings at various gondola stations. Limited quantities of sweets and cookies will be given away at the gondola stations from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 10 to Feb. 12.
    2024/02/02 16:03
  • Ko Wen-je to sue DPP spokesperson over party support claims

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Chairman Ko Wen-je plans to file a lawsuit against Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) spokesperson Justin Wu after denying allegations of attempting to influence support for the legislative speaker candidate. Wu welcomes the legal action and calls for a clear courtroom discussion with all relevant communication records. The controversy arose after the election of the legislative speaker, with Kuomintang (KMT) members Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang securing victory. The TPP accused certain DPP members of negotiating with Ko for a reciprocal endorsement arrangement. Wu asserts that Ko proposed the arrangement, but the DPP did not accept it. Wu demands that Ko explain why he abstained from the second round of the speaker election and raises questions about transparency in the recent election.
    2024/02/02 11:58
  • Han Kuo-yu clinches victory in legislative speaker election

    Han Kuo-yu of the Kuomintang (KMT) emerged victorious over You Si-kun of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in the 11th Legislative Yuan Speaker election, securing 54 votes compared to You’s 51 votes. The KMT also nominated Johnny Chiang, while the DPP fielded incumbent speaker You and deputy speaker Tsai Chi-chang. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presented Huang Shan-shan as a candidate. After the first round of voting, no candidate had a majority, leading to a second round between Han and You. In the second round, all eight TPP legislators were absent, and the results mirrored the first round. Han’s win confirmed him as the 11th Legislative Yuan Speaker, with the deputy speaker election scheduled for later in the day.
    2024/02/01 14:38
  • New legislators sworn in at Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan

    Newly elected legislators, including prominent figures from various parties such as Han Kuo-yu and Hsieh Lung-chieh from the Kuomintang (KMT), Wang Shih-chien from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), and Huang Kuo-chang from the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), gathered at the Legislative Yuan to take the oath of office and participate in a group photo. Legislative Speaker You Si-kun, despite only serving one term, was placed in the center of the photo, flanked by the DPP’s caucus convener Ker Chien-ming and the KMT’s Lai Shyh-bao, who has served eight straight terms. The event was filled with a dynamic ambiance due to the presence of these experienced legislators.
    2024/02/01 12:17
  • Over half of Taiwan backs President-elect Lai Ching-te: TPOF

    A recent survey by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation reveals that 52% of respondents have confidence in President-elect Lai Ching-te’s leadership. The survey, conducted from Jan. 15-17, 2024, among adults aged 20 and above nationwide, shows that 21% have high confidence in Lai’s ability to lead, while 30.9% are somewhat confident. On the other hand, 19.5% are not very confident, 18.7% are not at all confident, and 7.3% held no opinion. The survey, which had a total valid sample of 1083 respondents, also found that 51.9% expressed confidence in Lai, while 38.2% reported having no confidence in him. The survey was funded by TPOF and had a margin of error of approximately 2.98 percentage points at a 95% confidence level.
    2024/01/30 14:23
  • Hsiao Bi-khim acknowledges DPP challenges in Miaoli

    Vice president-elect Hsiao Bi-khim attended a Thanksgiving tea party in Miaoli County, acknowledging the need for progress in cities and counties. She expressed gratitude for the local supporters who remained steadfast with her party, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), despite challenges in Miaoli and Hualien. Hsiao emphasized the importance of adjusting communication strategies and ensuring equitable resource allocation in Taiwan. During a visit to a temple in Miaoli County, Hsiao discovered she had tested positive for Covid-19 and took precautions to prevent transmission. As a result, all her subsequent activities were canceled.
    2024/01/30 10:08
  • Legislative Speaker You Si-kun seeks cross-party support

    The Democratic Progressive Party’s Speaker You Si-kun plans to meet with speaker and deputy speaker nominees from all political party caucuses in the legislature to seek advice and votes. The DPP nominated current Speaker You and Deputy Speaker Tsai Chi-chang for the positions in the next legislative term. The Kuomintang (KMT) has put forth Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang as their candidates for Speaker and Deputy Speaker. Han and Chiang have already visited the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) caucus. The TPP respects the decisions of the speaker and deputy speaker candidates who wish to conduct visits. The KMT will hold its caucus leadership election on Feb. 1, after which You and Tsai will personally visit the KMT caucus to seek their support.
    2024/01/29 16:03
  • Taiwan’s DPP stands firm against disability discrimination

    Chinese media personality Wang Zhian’s derogatory comments about a disabled person have sparked controversy. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) expresses regret that Wang has yet to admit his error and announces they will no longer respond to his remarks. Despite apologizing, Wang’s attempt to politicize and mask his derogatory comments is criticized by DPP spokesperson Justin Wu. The DPP emphasizes their zero-tolerance policy against discrimination and warns against shifting focus away from the issue. Despite writing a letter to the DPP, Wang still fails to admit his mistake, leading to the DPP’s decision to refrain from responding further. The DPP highlights that the disabled legislator-at-large candidate, Chen Chun-han, is highly regarded within the Tsai Ing-wen administration for his expertise in human rights law. The DPP remains committed to advocating for marginalized groups and people with disabilities, and calls for society’s joint effort in upholding dignity and equality for all.
    2024/01/29 14:40
  • Travel agencies brace for impact of EVA Air pilot strike

    The Travel Quality Assurance Association warns that if EVA Air pilots go on strike during the Lunar New Year holidays, it would have a significant impact on travel agencies as all airlines have already filled their fleet. The strike is planned for the Lunar New Year period from Feb. 7-18 and the Tomb Sweeping Day holidays from March 30 to April 7. Travel agencies would face challenges in adjusting operations and relocating passengers if the strike occurs. Limited alternatives would be available for travel agencies during the Tomb Sweeping Day holidays, and managing already-sold bookings would require separate action. The exact date of the strike will only be informed 24 hours prior, although the pilots’ union has announced the duration. The association’s spokesman, Ringo Lee, suggests implementing a strike notice period similar to the Danish model, which allows for a month’s advance notice of strike action.
    2024/01/26 17:22
  • Giant rubber duck undergoes test inflation ahead of return

    The iconic giant rubber duck is set to make its return to Kaohsiung’s Love River Bay, promising a buoyant boost to local businesses and the opportunity for visitors to bask in its whimsical charm. The creation by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman, which captivated over 3.9 million people in its 2013 debut, is all set for its comeback tour from Jan. 27 to Feb. 25.
    2024/01/26 16:49
  • Taiwan to revamp hospital evaluation after 20 years

    Taiwan’s Health and Welfare Minister, Hsueh Jui-yuan, has announced that a major overhaul of hospital evaluation standards is underway, with the possibility of abolishing limits on the number of medical centers. This has sparked discussions and concerns about the reliability of hospital assessments, particularly after rumors circulated that Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital may replace Taipei Municipal Wanfang Hospital as a frontrunner in the northern region’s medical center. Minister Hsueh assured that the core concepts of tiered medical treatment will remain unchanged, and this year’s evaluation plans will not be affected. However, he acknowledged that the evaluation standards for medical centers, which have not been updated in over 20 years, need to be reviewed. The Minister highlighted the need to amend criteria that have become outdated, such as the mandatory inclusion of an Institutional Review Board (IRB), which is now a standard practice in all hospitals. The new evaluation standards will be announced publicly after a meeting, and medical centers willing to participate will undergo a trial evaluation. A draft of the updated standards is expected to be implemented within two years, in time for the next evaluation round in three years.
    2024/01/26 14:16
  • Hsinchu camp welcomes recruits under extended service plan

    The first batch of recruits in Taiwan reported to Hsinchu County’s Litoushan Camp in Xinpu Township on Thursday (Jan. 25). The 206 Brigade’s Battalion 4 received 304 new recruits from the northern region, who will undergo an eight-week training program. The military restored its previous one-year conscription in line with the "Strengthening National Defense Force Structure Adjustment Plan." The training curriculum is divided into four stages, focusing on core values, fitness, rifle shooting, combat coaching, and weapon handling. All new soldiers underwent health screening and inspections upon arrival, including drug-sniffer dogs. Additionally, the recruits had their heads shaved after receiving their uniforms.
    2024/01/25 16:41
  • PLA denounces U.S. naval maneuvers in Taiwan Strait

    The spokesperson for the PLA Eastern Theater Command accuses the US military of maliciously destroying regional peace and stability through provocative actions. This comes after the US Navy destroyer John Finn sailed through the Taiwan Strait. The PLA deployed troops to closely monitor the warship’s movements and expressed discontent over US provocations. Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense assures the public that the situation is normal and they were fully aware of the warship’s activities. The US Navy states that the traverse through the Taiwan Strait upholds the principle of freedom of navigation for all nations and emphasizes the importance of not surrendering rights and liberties. Tensions in the region are escalating due to increasing US naval activities and China’s claim over Taiwan.
    2024/01/25 11:11
  • Medical tycoon donates equipment to boost rescue team

    Chang Ju-shan, chairman of a renowned medical group, donates equipment worth millions to the National Fire Agency’s Special Search and Rescue Team. The donation, motivated by the team’s efforts during an international humanitarian mission in Türkiye last year, includes life detectors, drones, and CPR training devices. Chang also provides two search and rescue puppies, covering all training costs, to join the team. His contribution aims to enhance the team’s mission effectiveness and strengthen Taiwan’s role in international humanitarian rescue efforts.
    2024/01/25 10:54
  • Apple Music Classical launches in Taiwan with over 5M tracks

    Apple has launched its dedicated classical music app in Taiwan, called Apple Music Classical, which offers over 5 million songs and compositions. The app includes a spatial audio function for a unique listening experience and provides information such as the work’s name, orchestra, conductor, performers, and recording year. It also offers curated playlists, exclusive recordings, composer biographies, and guides to significant works. This launch is part of Apple’s efforts to expand its streaming service ecosystem, with Apple Music chief Oliver Schusser stating that classical music forms the foundation of all genres. The services department, which includes Apple Music, recorded a revenue surge of 16% year-on-year, reaching an all-time high of US$22.3 billion in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year ending in September 2023.
    2024/01/24 17:55
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