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    Wind 結果共109筆

  • Typhoon Gaemi heads to sea, Taiwan remains on alert

    Discover the latest on Typhoon Gaemi: Although it has moved out to sea, the Central Weather Administration warns of lingering wind and rain effects in Taiwan. Stay updated on weather advisories.
  • CWA: Typhoon Gaemi could trigger two-day shutdown

    Discover the latest on Typhoon Gaemi as it nears Taiwan, bringing strong winds and heavy rainfall. Learn about the potential for a two-day typhoon day off and which areas may see work and school suspensions.
    2024/07/24 17:02
  • Typhoon Gaemi brings heavy rain, strong winds to Taiwan

    Discover the latest on Typhoon Gaemi as it nears Taiwan, bringing significant rainfall and strong winds, especially in southern and central regions. Stay informed on safety measures and updates from the CWA.
    2024/07/24 09:54
  • Typhoon Gaemi threatens heavy rain, wind across Taiwan

    Typhoon Gaemi intensifies and heads toward Taiwan’s North and Northeast Coasts, with potential landfall expected. Stay informed on weather warnings and the impact on regions across Taiwan.
    2024/07/22 15:29
  • Pegatron Chair: Nuclear power a tool, not a stance

    Pegatron Chair Tung Tzu-Hsien, also Deputy Convener of the National Climate Change Response Committee, addresses Taiwan’s energy future, advocating for a balanced approach to nuclear power and green energy. Learn about his views on nuclear energy as a tool, not a stance, and his proposal for Taiwan’s ideal energy mix to ensure stability and environmental protection.
    2024/07/12 13:24
  • Taiwan braces for scorching heatwave and UV alert

    Explore the latest weather update from the Central Weather Bureau, highlighting sunny to cloudy conditions across Taiwan with high temperatures and a southeast wind. Eastern regions can expect highs of 32-34°C, while the west may see 35-36°C.
    2024/07/04 09:43
  • ’RuPaul’s Drag Race’ winner highlights Taiwan at NYC Pride

    Discover how "RuPaul’s Drag Race" Season 16 winner Nymphia Wind celebrated Taiwan’s LGBTQ+ achievements at the NYC Pride March, serving as a rainbow ambassador and highlighting the island’s progress in equality.
    2024/07/02 16:58
  • Taiwan braces for week-long high temperatures, expert warns

    Discover the latest weather update: Taiwan faces high temperatures across 15 counties and cities due to the southwest wind, with Taitung recording a record 41.0 degrees Celsius. Learn more about the ongoing heatwave and weather alerts.
    2024/07/01 10:01
  • Showers hit Yilan, Hualien coasts amid southwest winds

    Discover the latest weather updates for Taiwan, including sporadic showers and thunderstorms across various regions, with temperatures soaring above 36 degrees Celsius in some areas. Stay informed on the forecast from July 1 to Sunday, with advice on staying hydrated and protected from the heat.
    2024/07/01 09:45
  • 女大陪你看紅毯/金曲35星光大道3帥3美出爐! 楊乃文男女通殺

    2024/06/29 20:20
  • 女大陪你看紅毯/鳳小岳復古西裝被讚爆! 一現身全場通過:入選3帥

    2024/06/29 18:53
  • 女大陪你看紅毯/翁立友登場「婚紗教母」傻眼:以為來敬酒 張秀卿遭虧是媒婆

    2024/06/29 18:21
  • 金曲35/「女大陪你看紅毯 」犀利分析眾星穿搭! 3帥3美「她」呼聲最高

    2024/06/29 16:44
  • 金曲35/「女大陪你看紅毯 」明登場 即時點評眾星造型!  

    2024/06/28 10:50
  • Taiwan braces for heavy rain and high heat, CWA warns

    Discover the latest weather update from the Central Weather Administration: Increased rainfall and high temperatures across Taiwan, with an orange heat alert in Taitung. Stay informed on precautions for intense UV rays and hydration tips.
    2024/06/18 10:22
  • Unstable weather brings showers, thunderstorms to Taiwan

    Discover the latest weather update from the Central Weather Administration: sporadic showers and thunderstorms expected across Taiwan, with temperatures reaching up to 36 degrees Celsius. Stay informed on travel advisories for Kinmen and Matsu due to potential visibility issues.
    2024/06/17 08:56
  • Taiwan braces for hot, humid week with thunderstorms ahead

    Discover the latest weather update for Taiwan: a week of hot, humid conditions with sporadic showers and thunderstorms due to a persistent southwest wind and a lingering front. Learn about the areas affected, safety advice, and expert insights on navigating the weather.
    2024/06/11 11:05
  • Drag star Nymphia Wind returns home to perform for fans

    Taiwanese drag star Nymphia Wind, winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 16, dazzles fans in Taipei and champions democracy and gender equity while celebrating Taiwanese heritage.
    2024/05/28 17:32
  • 變裝皇后妮妃雅頻登外媒 路透社:成台灣國際舞台非官方大使

    台灣知名變裝皇后妮妃雅(Nymphia Wind)日前在美國真人實境秀《魯保羅變裝皇后秀》(RuPaul’s Drag Race)中奪冠,她上週到立法院外參與抗議行動,政治立場鮮明。25日晚間,妮妃雅在台北國際變裝節(International Drag Festival)壓軸演出,吸引數百名粉絲到場支持,現場氣氛熱烈。《路透社》稱,妮妃雅已成為台灣在國際舞台上的非官方大使,為民主、自由的生活方式而戰。
    2024/05/26 12:02
  • Nymphia Wind, democracy advocates join Taipei protest

    Discover the story of over 40 civil groups rallying outside Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, demanding the withdrawal of a controversial bill. The protest, drawing 30,000 people including celebrities and democracy advocates, underscores Taiwan’s commitment to democratic integrity and procedural justice.
    2024/05/22 11:04
  • Drag queen Nymphia Wind rallies for democracy in Taiwan

    Discover how "RuPaul’s Drag Race" champion Nymphia Wind champions Taiwan’s democracy at the Legislative Yuan, amid debates on reform bills and public protests. Learn about the vibrant advocacy for transparency and accountability in Taiwan’s governance.
    2024/05/21 18:08
  • 變裝皇后參戰?國會改革法案今再開戰 妮妃雅預告將現身立院

    立法院會今(21)日將繼續處理藍白提出的國會改革等相關修法草案,日前有多個民間團體號召民眾齊聚立院門口,盼議場內的立委正視人民訴求,而「魯保羅變裝皇后秀冠軍得主」妮妃雅(Nymphia Wind)日前也在臉書預告將現身立院。
    2024/05/21 07:59
  • 卸任後第一件事 蔡英文曝:先睡三天三夜、喜歡在東京街上走路

    來自台灣的美國實境節目《魯保羅變裝皇后秀》(RuPaul’s Drag Race)冠軍得主妮妃雅(Nymphia Wind)昨進總統府與總統蔡英文會面並在國父銅像前演出舞蹈。蔡英文今(16日)在社群平台PO出兩人互動影片,妮妃雅問到蔡英文卸任後第一件事要做什麼?蔡英文笑說,先睡三天三夜再開始想,「讓我先睡三天三夜,確實想就是睡覺」。妮妃雅再追問最想去的國家?蔡英文說,自己喜歡在東京的街上走路,但當政治人物後,這是不宜的事情。
    2024/05/16 18:48
  • 金馬指定髮型師Wind首推洗髮露 捐收益5%「環境復育基金」

    頂級時尚髮廊《W+ Salon》團隊以專業時尚的髮藝聞名業界,累積眾多忠實顧客,贏得業界與顧客的高度評價,更連續多年被選為為金馬獎指定髮型團隊。而主理人時尚髮型大師黃一峯(Wind)近期重磅推出首款洗髮露,特別邀請為舞台而生的專業護膚品牌《Der ZÖMAR》共同打造費洛蒙與芬多精結合而成的專業頂級香氛髮品「日初煦山洗髮露」及「日暮靜海洗髮露」,在享受洗髮的同時喚起記憶中那份溫暖的熟悉,為顧客的帶來全新的日常髮浴體驗。
    2024/05/16 11:02
  • Taiwan’s president hosts historic meeting with drag queen

    Discover how Nymphia Wind, "RuPaul’s Drag Race" Season 16 champion, made history by performing in drag for Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen, marking a milestone in cultural recognition and LGBTQ+ rights in Taiwan.
    2024/05/15 15:56
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