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    Touch 結果共104筆

  • 吳可熙在坎城「雞排外交」! 相聚《藍色太陽宮》劇組贈台灣味禮物

    台灣女星吳可熙相隔5年再度來到坎城影展,主演電影《藍色太陽宮》(Blue Sun Palace)榮獲「國際影評人週」French Touch評審團獎,她的演出表現也深獲國際影評權威網站《Roger Ebert》好評,受邀到不少晚宴與訪問,更與劇組再次相聚。最後一天要離開時,她與導演Constance Tsang(曾佩裕)依依不捨,2人相約帶著電影到台灣與觀眾見面,導演非常期待到台灣,更笑說:「一定要吃到台灣雞排!」
    2024/05/26 11:33
  • 吳可熙新作奪坎城「評審團獎」 親曝拍攝秘辛:好怕被推下地鐵

    台灣女星吳可熙主演全新美國電影《藍色太陽宮》(Blue Sun Palace)入選2024年第77屆坎城影展「國際影評人週」競賽片,並榮獲「French Touch評審團獎」。昨(22)日她透過視訊接受台灣媒體訪問,透露了在紐約拍攝18天的過程,更曾搭地鐵遇見行為怪異的人:「我真的很害怕被人從後面推下鐵軌!」
    2024/05/23 23:26
  • 木村拓哉女兒脫了!Koki跟洋男喇舌+床戲 日媒狠酸:根本沒話題

    2024/05/03 11:32
  • 木村拓哉愛女脫了! 「裸身激吻男星」破尺度畫面流出

    日本男神木村拓哉與工藤靜香結婚後,育有2名女兒,其中小女兒木村光希長著一張時尚臉,跟著爸媽腳步,15歲就踏入演藝圈,2022年首度跨足大銀幕,演出《牛首村》,還進軍國際影壇拍攝,在冰島電影《Touch》中一絲不掛上陣,與71歲冰島男星Egill Olafsson有激情擁吻,一度引起討論。
    2024/05/01 07:00
  • 千萬別touch!醫揭「原味內衣褲」驚人真相:細菌量藏萬個

    2024/04/24 07:57
  • 粉絲注意看!韓國猛男走光「沒穿安全褲」 吃完蛇肉直呼:乒乓叫

    韓國猛男秀《Physical Touch》找來6位身材精壯的健美歐巴,上週末結束在高雄的演出,今(20)、明(21)兩天則來到台北。活動上6名演員盡情挑逗,釋放現場所有女性欲望與想像,不過初次來台灣的他們,只能克制口慾,台灣美食通通忌口,還準時到World Gym報到健身!他們還透露,演出上完全沒有「安全措施」,一個失誤就是私密處走光,還有人一脫就連內褲都脫掉,直接舞台上光溜溜!
    2024/04/20 19:28
  • 韓國猛男秀在台北!女粉臉埋大胸肌直呼刺激 「1福利」羞到腿軟

    由韓國的6位身材健美歐巴主演的《Physical Touch》猛男秀,上週末在高雄成功演出後,本週末4月20日、21日將移師台北WESTAR舉辦。除原有的4場75分鐘演出外,420日晚上9點加開僅限18歲以上女性觀眾的60分鐘「派對場」,所有購票者都可與6位猛男歐巴Free Hug,可謂福利滿滿、誘惑力十足。
    2024/04/19 21:24
  • 近三年Apple Watch都出現幽靈觸控 蘋果公開2大解法

    蘋果Apple Watch近期頻頻爆發「幽靈觸控(Ghost Touch)」災情,用戶在沒有任何操作、觸碰的情況下,手錶出現錯誤觸控,導致自動撥打電話,甚至在用戶輸入密碼時受到干擾;對此,蘋果官方就透露有2大方法可以暫時解決此災情。
    2024/04/11 15:36
  • 泰勒絲球星男友傳「求婚成功」 海島度假超甜互動曝光

    美國流行樂天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)正在舉行世界巡演《The Eras Tour》,即使行程滿檔,她仍不忘經營和球星男友凱爾斯(Travis Kelce)的感情,2人目前被目擊再巴哈馬群島度假,還有小報媒體《In Touch》指出,凱爾斯已經向她口頭求婚,表示想要共度一生的想法,而泰勒絲也點頭答應。
    2024/04/08 11:09
  • iPhone SE4手機殼照曝光 仿14增「瀏海」設計

    蘋果即將推出的新一代平價手機iPhone SE 4,外觀設計將有重大變革。根據外媒《IT之家》的報導,iPhone SE 4將採用與先前機型截然不同的全螢幕設計,取消實體Home鍵,整體外型將更加接近最新的iPhone機型。有網友近日在網路上曝光,疑似是iPhone SE 4的手機殼間諜照,讓外界能一窺這款新手機的設計細節。從照片可以看出,iPhone SE 4將配備6.1吋的京東方OLED螢幕,並採用打孔螢幕設計,螢幕上方中央有一個小型瀏海,用於容納前置鏡頭和Face ID感測器,取代了先前的實體Home鍵和Touch ID指紋辨識功能。這意味著,自iPhone 6時代以來的經典設計,將在iPhone SE 4上畫下句點。
    2024/04/01 11:37
  • 傳英王查爾斯罹胰臟癌「剩2年壽命」 美媒:王室著手籌備葬禮

    英國王室2月宣布英王查爾斯三世(King Charles III)罹患癌症,但未透露癌症種類。美媒《In Touch Weekly》指出,查爾斯罹患胰臟癌,僅剩下2年壽命。王室正在準備他的葬禮「梅奈橋行動」(Operation Menai Bridge)。
    2024/03/31 09:49
  • Taiwan works to resolve stranded citizen in China

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) is verifying the situation of Taiwanese citizen Hu, stranded in China. The TAO spokesperson stated that appropriate action will be taken once the situation is confirmed. Hu’s family expressed their wish to visit him in China, while Chinese authorities cited discrepancies in his information. Legislator Chen Yu-chen mentioned that Hu has been in touch with his family daily.
    2024/03/27 15:51
  • 未成年不能看!韓國猛男秀4月北高勾慾火 1招解鎖「更親密互動」

    許多人到韓國都會特地欣賞猛男秀,這次不用飛出國,因為6名性感歐巴4月就要來了!這次將在高雄、台北帶來各4場《Physical Touch》,由於尺度太大、表演太火辣,限定18歲以上女性才能入場體驗小鹿亂撞、荷爾蒙飆升的快樂!購買指定門票,除了能跟6名表演者合照以外,更加碼「親密互動」的福利。
    2024/03/08 20:53
  • Taiwan feels the chill as northeast monsoon hits

    The weather in Taiwan was cooler on Sunday (Jan. 7) due to the northeast monsoon, primarily affecting the northern and northeastern regions, according to the Central Weather Administration (CWA). Miaoli and Nantou experienced particularly chilly conditions with temperatures reaching lows of 10 degrees Celsius, prompting a cold advisory. Yilan and the western half of Taiwan had milder lows between 12 and 16 degrees, while Hualien and Taitung felt temperatures between 17 and 18 degrees. The highest temperatures of the day, ranging between 24 and 26 degrees, were reported in southern and central Taiwan. The coldest areas were Gongguan Township in Miaoli with 10.2 degrees, Zhongliao Township in Nantou with 10.6, and Fenyuan Township in Changhua County with 11.1. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) suggests that the chill from the northeast monsoon will subside slightly on Monday and Tuesday, although northern regions will remain cool. Warmer daytime temperatures are expected in central and southern regions, though rain seems to be on the horizon. Wednesday could see a notable drop in temperatures due to an advancing cold front from the mainland, increasing the chances of light, localized showers in the north and east. From Thursday through election day on Saturday, residents can expect stable and clear weather, albeit with a touch of chill in the mornings and nights. Residents should stay tuned to CWA’s special forecasts as temperatures under 10 degrees are possible in some flatland regions on Thursday and Friday mornings.
    2024/01/07 11:51
  • Tainan lights up: 2024 Taiwan Lantern Festival returns

    The 2024 Taiwan Lantern Festival is returning to Tainan for the first time since 2008, taking place from Feb. 24 to March 10. The main lantern, "Dragon Comes to Taiwan," was unveiled by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications’ Tourism Administration. Inspired by the dragons on the stone columns at the Tainan Grand Mazu Temple, the 18-meter-tall dragon lantern is accompanied by a 22-meter main lantern. This year’s lantern design transforms the dragon into a small round lantern with the same pronunciation as the Taiwanese snack "xiaolongbao," adding a touch of tradition and children’s anticipation. The festival will illuminate the "High-Speed Rail Lantern Area" and "Anping Lantern Area" in Tainan. In celebration of Tainan’s 400th anniversary, the city government will light up the "Anping Lantern Area" in advance on Feb. 3, allowing residents and tourists to enjoy the spectacle during the Lunar New Year holiday. Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che expressed high hopes for the festival, praising the main lantern design for its unique representation of Tainan and Taiwan’s lantern festival through a blend of culture, nostalgia, and playful creativity.
    2024/01/03 19:51
  • Taipingshan welcomes first snowfall amid -6 degrees Celsius

    Experience the first snowfall of 2023 in Taipingshan, Yilan County, as freezing temperatures dropped to minus 6 degrees Celsius. The lightly covered statue of an owl added a touch of winter charm to the area. Despite the strong winds, the snowfall was not significant, and there was no observed increase in the trend. To ensure safety, the management urged all visitors to descend the mountain from 4 p.m. to avoid road ice. Tourists seeking snow experiences have booked local accommodations, highlighting the enthusiasm for the snowfall. For safety reasons, there will be a dynamic total volume control for vehicular entrance into the park, halting new entries once the limit of 1,000 vehicles is reached.
    2023/12/22 12:00
  • Jay Chou named global brand ambassador for Dior

    Taiwanese Mandopop icon Jay Chou has been appointed as a global brand ambassador for French luxury fashion house Dior, becoming the first Taiwanese to hold such a position. Dior praised Chou for embodying the brand’s style and bringing a modern touch to its timeless emblem. He joins the ranks of other Dior ambassadors, including British actor Robert Pattinson and BTS member Jimin. Chou’s appointment highlights Taiwan’s visibility on the international stage and serves as a source of pride for the country.
    2023/12/12 19:15
  • 直擊/林志玲、AKIRA演唱會秒合體! 「愛的TOUCH」閃瞎全場

    EXILE THE SECOND、TAKAHIRO今(9)晚在「國民姊夫」AKIRA的率領之下,在台北流行音樂中心開唱,這也是他們首度在國外舉辦個唱。林志玲今晚也一如先前承諾的到場支持,同時還邀請「綜藝大姐大」張小燕、蔡康永、曾馨瑩等人支持。AKIRA唱到聖誕名曲〈Last Christmas〉也下台,跟林志玲擊掌,現場放閃。
    2023/12/09 20:29
  • 發明Touch ID指紋辨識 蘋果副總裁傳將離職退休

    根據外媒《彭博社》報導,蘋果公司(Apple)的副總裁Steve Hotelling將離職,他在公司負責觸控螢幕技術、健康感應器和Face ID等項目,知情人士透露Steve Hotelling即將退休,但蘋果內部尚未公布此消息。
    2023/12/07 14:06
  • iPhone SE 4估2025上市 激似i14拔指紋辨識改用Face ID

    繼iPhone 15系列以後,平價版的iPhone SE終於要更新了!根據外國媒體MacRumors 報導,蘋果即將推出新的iPhone SE 4,將採用原本iPhone 14為基礎設計,但也就是將拔掉實體Touch ID首頁鈕,改用Face ID作為生物辨識手段。
    2023/11/10 15:43
  • Touch Bar掰掰!蘋果下架13吋MacBook Pro

    蘋果日前舉行秋季第二場發表會,推出了效能更加強悍的M3系列晶片,以及搭載M3晶片的14、16吋MacBook Pro筆電與24吋iMac桌機,隨著新款M3 MacBook Pro登場,蘋果也將入門的13吋MacBook Pro下架,讓Touch Bar觸控列設計走入歷史。
    2023/11/01 08:15
  • 「玄彬」代言OSIM 5感養身椅 啟動世界級秘境的養身旅程 養身椅 更勝按摩椅!周年慶最優惠再享30期0利率

    由韓國巨星玄彬親身推薦的「OSIM uDream Pro 5感養身椅」紓壓體驗再升級,全面導入獨家「數據AI養身科技系統」給身心由內而外的全然紓緩,業界首創「One Touch養身秘境」模式,利用「引導式心向法」的感官引導,並搭配專屬按摩技法,提供使用者彷彿身歷其境,讓心境沉浸於優美放鬆的環境中,達到5感同步釋壓,享受減壓好眠的紓壓新境。OSIM週年慶感謝回饋,不僅享優惠再推出「30期0利率輕鬆月付」專案,敬邀您蒞臨全省OSIM專櫃,親身體驗!
    2023/10/03 14:58
  • 想維修要趁早!蘋果2款筆電列「過時產品」 不再保證維修

    蘋果將在台灣時間9月13凌晨日發表iPhone 15,不過有消息指出官方在10月還會有另一場發表會,屆時預計將推出全新Mac電腦與筆電系列;蘋果最近公布了最新的「過時產品」清單,將2017年2款配置Touch Bar的MacBook Pro添加至清單中,未來不再保證維修。
    2023/09/01 16:31
  • Ailee台北開唱狂粉衝到台前! 塞禮物、要求握手「她1原則拒絕」

    韓國「鐵肺歌后」2日晚間在台北國際會議中心舉辦「Ailee CONCERT in TAIPEI」演唱會,一如她事前預告「活動絕對會很嗨」,開場Ailee就帶來〈Don’t Touch Me〉、〈Mind Your Own Business〉等動感歌曲,完全沒讓等了6年的粉絲失望。不過活動中竟出現插曲,竟有粉絲想衝上台送禮物、握手,幸虧Ailee超高EQ才化解這個突發狀況。
    2023/07/03 19:33
  • 受晶片、零件產能影響 Kia部分車系7月起調整配備

    2023/07/03 14:22
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