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    Time 結果共454筆

  • All eyes on Taipei mayoral candidates before elections

    As the date for the local elections in Taiwan draws near, it’s time to take a closer look at the situation in major cities, in particular, Taiwan’s capital: Taipei City.
    2022/11/23 17:06
  • 用烤麵包機煎牛排? TikTok挑戰惹怒「地獄廚神」

    影響力和使用人數不斷創新高的社群平台TikTok,卻也存在著諸多危險和不理智的內容,從先前各種危險挑戰、到利用非正常機具烹煮食物,雖然引起眾多討論,卻也讓人擔心用戶的安危。《Time Out》報導,一則快速吸引超過120萬點閱次數的影片,在TikTok平台爆紅,發文者利用考吐司的機器,進行煎牛排的動作,影片內容也惹怒了「地獄廚神」拉姆齊(Gordon Ramsay),直言這到底在幹嘛?
    2022/11/20 17:01
  • FCC commissioner: Chinese growing tech a rising threat

    The leaders of the world’s top superpowers, Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden, met in person in Bali at the G20 summit for the first time since Biden took office. Against this backdrop, TVBS Commentator Wenchi Yu spoke with Brendan Carr, commissioner of the Federal Communication Commissions of the U.S., on information censorship, semiconductor chips, and all things related to information and communications technology with the U.S., China, and Taiwan.
    2022/11/17 19:13
  • Taiwanese men open to military service extension

    The extension of mandatory military service has been under discussion for some time in Taiwan. However, the government has yet to announce plans for the possible extension of the conscription system.
    2022/11/12 07:59
  • Kaohsiung stunning video on Taiwan’s reopening becomes viral

    Cities in Taiwan have wasted no time in inviting international travelers to visit as the nation reopened its borders on Thursday (Oct. 13).
    2022/11/11 17:11
  • International rankings of top Taiwanese universities plummet

    National Taiwan University, National Tsinghua University, and National Chiao Tung University are students’ first choices when it comes to higher education. 
    2022/11/08 23:59
  • Human rights activists join Oslo Freedom Forum in Taipei

    Activists from around the world spoke at the Oslo Freedom Forum in Taipei on Thursday (Nov. 3). This is Taiwan’s third time hosting the event. This year’s theme "Champion of Change," is to celebrate human rights activists and their causes.
    2022/11/03 21:13
  • Industries in Taiwan have taken a hit due to the pandemic

    Taiwan(TVBS News) - Kaka is a restaurant manager who took over a hot pot restaurant around the time when the COVID-19 pandemic hit.
    2022/10/28 16:57
  • Airfares to Japan drop ahead of Taiwan’s border reopening

    Some travelers headed to Taoyuan International Airport on Wednesday (Oct. 12), one day before Taiwan reopens its borders. Many at the airport were going directly into Japan due to its recent opening and cheaper ticket prices that make it an ideal destination for this time of year.
    2022/10/13 09:50
  • 「百變天后」回來了!鄭秀文睽違4年將開唱 曝感動心聲

    昨(8)日有品牌邀請了大使鄭秀文 (Sammi) 為大型嘉年華出席啟動儀式,為活動打響頭炮,Sammi 在台上分享她的生活方式,與大眾分享如何成為真正的「BetterMe」,她說:「Better me 就是要有健康身心,關注自己精神健康及平時生活作息,同埋一定要有 me time 自己時間,給自己獨處。」
    2022/10/09 17:32
  • 2022時代雜誌「次世代百大人物」出爐 吳怡農入選

    美國時代雜誌公布2022次世代百大影響力人物名單(TIME 100 Next),壯闊台灣聯盟發起人吳怡農入選,波士頓市長吳弭、新加坡副總理黃循財、男網球王艾卡拉茲也榜上有名。
    2022/09/28 21:32
  • 烏克蘭大反攻頭號功臣 烏軍總司令登時代雜誌封面

    2022/09/27 15:19
  • 不是泰勒絲!蕾哈娜證實2023超級盃舞台重返歌手身分

    美國國家美式足球聯盟(NFL)稍早宣布,2023年的超級盃(Super Bowl)中場表演(Half-time show)嘉賓為蕾哈娜(Rihanna),對此,蕾哈娜也於其個人社群中,發布了一張手捧橄欖球的照片,突如其來宣佈「回歸歌手」身分,使得不少粉絲相當激動。
    2022/09/26 11:58
  • Taiwan set to become super-aged society in three years

    At home in New Taipei City, Ms. Shih took advantage of the time when her two kids were at preschool and kindergarten to tidy their rooms.
    2022/09/23 14:12
  • MRT lines outside of Taipei see lower passenger volume

    Clean, organized, on time, and on track, is an everyday scene at a Taipei MRT station. The Taipei MRT has provided a high-quality experience for all since its launch.
    2022/09/23 14:07
  • 比星座科學!春天生日易抑鬱 研究曝四季出生人格特質

    2022/09/08 16:17
  • 大陸女首富換人!恒力集團董座范紅衛 工廠會計白手起家 

    長時間被同一人占據的大陸女性首富頭銜,4日終於出現變動,根據富比士即時富豪榜(Real Time Billionaires)紀錄,從工廠會計白手創業起家、現任恒力石化董事長范紅衛,與其丈夫陳建華的綜合資產,正式超越因股市與地產市場波動、導致財產大幅縮水的碧桂園集團最大股東楊惠妍,躍居大陸女性富豪榜第一位。
    2022/09/04 18:26
  • 全球最酷街道榜!台灣這條列第4名 滿街都是一流餐廳

    街道是所有人每日生活的地方,著名的「Time Out」文化通訊周刊25日公布,全球「最酷街道」名單,有33條街道入榜,其中台北的永康街首度進榜且名列第4。
    2022/08/27 14:00
  • 新任007是他?鎖定年輕演員、178公分 這些男星都出局

    好萊塢男星丹尼爾克雷格(Daniel Craig)在2021年時,演出了最後一部《007:生死交戰》(No Time to Die)後,便宣布功臣身退,正式卸下詹姆斯龐德的身份,向詮釋了15年的角色告別,也掀起全球影迷一陣熱議,紛紛猜測下一任的龐德人選;近日則有媒體透露,新一任的龐德會更年輕,將具有年齡、身高等條件限制,再度引起了一波討論。
    2022/08/21 20:11
  • 《時代雜誌》悼安倍 「黑白照片」紀念日本在位最久首相

    2022/07/09 15:56
  • 「雷神4」配樂「槍與玫瑰」神曲 「捍衛戰士2」經典配樂重現

    即將在周三上映的「雷神索爾」續集,最新花絮曝光克里斯漢斯沃13年前的試鏡模樣,這次電影原聲帶,不僅收錄「槍與玫瑰」熱門歌曲,也有恩雅「Only Time」和 阿巴合唱團的經典名曲,另外「捍衛戰士」配樂更吸引樂迷狂刷,尤其Lady Gaga獻唱主題曲,MV點閱破5千萬。
    2022/07/05 18:04
  • 時報廣場開車撞人致1死22傷 兇嫌因身心疾病獲判無罪

    2017年,一名兇嫌在全世界最熱鬧的景點之一、紐約時報廣場(Time Square)開車高速衝撞人群,造成1人死亡22人輕重傷慘劇;美國法院22日宣判兇嫌「無罪」,因為他罹患身心障礙相關疾病,無法對自己的行為負責。兇嫌將到醫院接受長期精神治療,而不是到監獄囚禁終身。
    2022/06/23 10:13
  • 谷愛凌任「美國申奧大使」國籍又惹議 稱沒後悔代表中國

    中美混血運動員谷愛凌(Eileen Gu)在今年冬奧摘下2金1銀,隨著她的活躍表現國籍問題也不斷被拿來討論,谷愛凌在今(8)日出席加州《時代》雜誌百大人物峰會(Time 100),透露將擔任美國2030年鹽湖城的申奧大使,再度引發國籍熱議,而她也同時在訪談中表示「從沒有後悔代表中國出賽」。
    2022/06/08 16:33
  • 小7「夢幻逸品」思樂冰走入歷史! 網淚別:童年的回憶

    2022/04/22 22:17
  • Sho-time! 大谷首登美《時代雜誌》封面曝光

    2022/04/08 22:43
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