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    TVBS 結果共10,000筆

  • Taiwan’s WHA bid blocked amid China’s opposition

    Discover how Taiwan’s bid to join the World Health Assembly was blocked, sparking criticism from MOFA towards China’s "one-China principle" and highlighting global support for Taiwan’s inclusion in global health security efforts.
    2024/05/28 14:03
  • Taiwan warns of China’s intensified diplomatic pressure

    Discover how China’s recent military exercises and diplomatic pressures aim to isolate Taiwan internationally, and learn about Taiwan’s strategy to counter these challenges by promoting value-based diplomacy for stronger global ties.
    2024/05/28 13:30
  • Chinese military aircraft breach Taiwan Strait median line

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s defense as it detects Chinese military aircraft and naval vessels near the Taiwan Strait, signaling heightened tensions and international concern for regional stability.
    2024/05/28 13:27
  • 獨/屏東私幼驚爆多項違規!男童鼻流血 還遭下封口令「老師說不可講」

    2024/05/28 12:53
  • 專訪/曹佑寧獻配音初體驗超沒安全感 扯嗓狂吼險「燒聲」

    2024/05/28 12:39
  • 專訪/連俞涵自爆路痴荒謬行徑 竟在錄音室「配音配到迷路」

    2024/05/28 12:25
  • 專訪/傅孟柏升格人父!得知消息反應曝光 竟被要求開「飛航模式」

    2024/05/28 12:19
  • 獨/祈錦鈅育兒變虎媽!揭愛女「這點」像到她 被問二胎鬆口了

    2024/05/28 12:06
  • China’s "one China" stance pressures Taiwanese stars

    Discover how China’s political pressure on Taiwanese artists threatens artistic freedom and deepens tensions, as criticized by the Mainland Affairs Council.
    2024/05/28 11:56
  • KMT and TPP members occupy Taiwan’s parliament podium

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s legislative reform as KMT and TPP members occupy the Legislative Yuan podium, highlighting a critical moment for democracy and governance.
    2024/05/28 11:32
  • Germany backs Taiwan’s WHO participation at WHA

    Discover how Germany’s Health Minister Karl Lauterbach supports Taiwan’s WHO participation at the World Health Assembly, advocating for global unity and expertise sharing to tackle health challenges.
    2024/05/28 11:25
  • 獨/祈錦鈅產後「身體壞光光」 爆神經受損:左腳沒感覺拖著走

    2024/05/28 11:07
  • TVBS民調! 64%支持賴清德「兩岸互不隸屬」

    2024/05/27 19:38
  • Asian leaders agree to resume FTA talks at trilateral summit

    Discover the latest developments from the China-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Summit, where leaders agreed to resume FTA negotiations and enhance the investment environment, marking a pivotal moment for regional economic ties and stability.
    2024/05/27 17:51
  • Taiwan calls for health rights recognition at WHA

    Discover how Taiwan’s delegation to the World Health Assembly in Geneva is advocating for the island’s health rights and international participation, despite challenges.
    2024/05/27 17:17
  • China bans Guatemalan coffee, cardamom amid Taiwan tensions

    Discover the latest on China’s ban on Guatemalan coffee and cardamom amid rising tensions over Guatemala’s ties with Taiwan. Read about the trade dispute’s impact and geopolitical implications.
    2024/05/27 17:12
  • TVBS民調/對賴清德施政有信心?結果比蔡英文剛上任還低

    2024/05/27 17:00
  • TVBS民調/未來兩岸走向?6成4民眾支持賴清德「兩岸互不隸屬」

    2024/05/27 16:58
  • TVBS民調/過半民眾觀看賴清德520就職 53%滿意演說內容

    2024/05/27 16:54
  • 你帶環保袋了嗎?別忘環保杯吸管! 市場、小吃早餐店成減塑破口?

    2024/05/27 16:49
  • Shanghai delegation lands in Taipei amid tensions

    Discover how Taipei and Shanghai maintain dialogue amid tensions, as a Shanghai delegation arrives in Taipei for a familiarization trip ahead of the annual Twin-City Forum.
    2024/05/27 16:04
  • Taiwan aims to share health expertise despite WHA exclusion

    Discover why Taiwan’s exclusion from the World Health Assembly sparks debate over its global health contributions and the quest for international recognition. Read insights from Ray Ming-tse Lu on Taiwan’s readiness to share its health care expertise.
    2024/05/27 15:46
  • 韓邁入超高齡社會 推動各項年長者福利

    2024/05/27 15:21
  • 「3兆男」黃仁勳挺COMPUTEX 搶固樁兼秀AI

    2024/05/27 15:02
  • US delegation visits Taiwan, pledges support for peace

    During a meeting with Michael McCaul, chairman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te pledged to deepen cooperation with the U.S. and other like-minded countries for regional peace. The visit marks the 45th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act, highlighting efforts to strengthen U.S.-Taiwan relations and defense capabilities.
    2024/05/27 14:58
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