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    SLIM 結果共15筆

  • 明年iPhone沒有Plus?分析師爆蘋果要改名還縮水

    蘋果即將在今年9月發表iPhone 16新機,近期最新爆料指出iPhone 16 Plus將成為末代機型,明年的iPhone 17 Plus將會被iPhone 17 Slim取代。
    2024/05/06 14:57
  • You Si-kun resigns after defeat in Taiwan speaker election

    Following his defeat in the bid for the role of Legislative Yuan speaker, You Si-kun of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has announced his resignation from legislative duties. The Kuomintang’s (KMT) Han Kuo-yu won the 11th Legislative Yuan speaker election by a slim margin of 54 votes to 51. The election for the deputy speaker is set to be a heated competition between Johnny Chiang of the KMT and Tsai Chi-chang of the DPP. You Si-kun’s resignation poses an additional challenge for the DPP in their quest for the deputy speaker role.
    2024/02/01 14:41
  • 日本月球探測器「SLIM」電力耗盡 研判已取得著陸數據

    2024/01/22 16:42
  • 全球第5國!日本探月器SLIM「精準降落」 無法發電恐難探測

    2024/01/20 15:30
  • Lai Ching-te leads Taiwan election poll by narrow margin

    The latest poll from the "Formosa" website reveals a close race in Taiwan’s presidential election, with Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leading by a slim margin of 31.4%, followed closely by Hou Yu-ih of the Kuomintang (KMT) at 31.1%. Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) trails in third place with 25.2%, over 6 percentage points behind the front-runners. Former legislator Shen Fu-hsiung, speaking on TVBS Situation Room, analyzed the situation, highlighting that the close polling between Hou and Ko does not give Lai a significant advantage. However, he cautioned against calls for a collaboration between the KMT and TPP at this time. Shen further explained that in presidential system countries like Taiwan, cooperation talks are not typically pursued, unlike in parliamentary systems where post-election coalitions may form. With the widening gap in support between Hou and Ko, Shen urged political observers to abandon the idea of a pan-blue alliance. He also emphasized that if the KMT aims to surpass the DPP in the upcoming elections, they should focus on diminishing the TPP’s support and consolidating the pan-blue vote without relying on a formal alliance.
    2023/11/25 14:04
  • DPP’s Lai narrowly leads KMT’s Hou in latest Taiwan poll

    In a closely contested presidential race in Taiwan, a recent poll by Formosa Magazine shows that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate, Lai Ching-te, holds a slim lead over his Kuomintang (KMT) rival, Hou Yu-ih. Lai stands at 31.4%, while Hou is close behind at 31.1%, and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) contender, Ko Wen-je, trails at 25.2%. The razor-thin margin of just 0.3 percentage points between Lai and Hou highlights the intense competition as Taiwan enters the final stage of the election. This election also presents the possibility of a shift in political power, with 27.8% supporting the continuation of the DPP government, 26.8% backing the KMT, and 16.5% siding with the TPP. Approximately 2.9% of the population supports an independent candidate. DPP sources claim that recent unusual polling activities are due to vigorous mobilization by the pan-blue and white camps (KMT and TPP), which have anomalously driven declared rates from about 50% to a staggering 90%. The poll was conducted over three days, from Nov. 21-23, using Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) and had a valid sample size of 1,331 respondents. The poll paints a picture of a fiercely contested election, with an electorate divided on its future leadership.
    2023/11/24 18:18
  • 挑戰當印度後第5國 日本發射月球登陸器SLIM升空

    2023/09/07 11:49
  • PS5 Pro傳明年11月登場!有望新增8K模式、光線追蹤

    SONY PS5(PlayStation 5)是近年最受歡迎的家用遊戲主機之一,近期有關PS5改版的傳聞相當多,先前才傳出SONY可能會在8月推出PS5 Slim,今日再有消息指出,SONY有望在2024年第4季發表進階版PS5 Pro。
    2023/07/24 11:38
  • 改版PS5要來了?SONY傳將在8月發表PS5 Slim

    微軟(Microsoft)欲收購遊戲開發商動視暴雪(Activision Blizzard),目前正接受多國審查,先前提供給美國聯邦貿易委員會(Federal Trade Commission,FTC)的審查文件曾爆料SONY可能會在今年稍晚為PS5(PlayStation 5)推出改版新主機PS5 Slim,近日再有消息傳出PS5 Slim可能會在8月發表。
    2023/07/20 09:39
  • 田中美奈實-御用の薄型枕 日本話題女星攜手研發 『美奈實Slim枕』 專為低枕人群設計,可自由調配支撐與高度的空氣編織

    2023/07/19 17:03
  • 被對手爆料!SONY今年將推改版PS5 官方促銷主機疑清存貨

    微軟(Microsoft)欲收購遊戲開發商動視暴雪(Activision Blizzard),目前正在多國接受審查,有網友在美國聯邦貿易委員會(Federal Trade Commission,FTC)的審查文件中發現,微軟透露SONY可能會在今年稍晚為新世代家用遊戲主機PS5(PlayStation 5)推出改版新主機PS5 Slim,讓許多玩家相當期待。
    2023/07/06 16:00
  • 染疫墨西哥電信巨擘史林 家人證實:情況良好已出院

    親近史林家族的消息人士今天表示,全球最富裕人士之一、墨西哥電信大亨史林(Carlos Slim)在感染2019冠狀病毒疾病後恢復情況良好,目前已經出院。
    2021/01/31 13:10
  • 美國民牛肉乾配方創始人 COVID-19併發症過世

    美國經典Slim Jim牛肉乾配方創始人亞當斯(Alonzo "Lon" T.Adams II)因2019冠狀病毒疾病(COVID-19)併發症過世,享壽95歲。
    2020/12/03 18:04
  • 墨西哥富豪史林捐31億元 助震災後重建

    墨西哥大富豪史林(Carlos Slim)今天宣布,旗下基金將捐贈1.05億美元(約新台幣31.9億元),以幫助墨國自9月兩次劇烈地震後復甦。
    2017/10/11 09:54
  • 【女人我最大】4/7檢視你身材的勻稱度節目中介紹之產品品牌?

    *季芹介紹的塑身褲自己去日本買的,她也不知道牌子。 *體脂器牛爾老師在日本買的 *瘦小腹霜、瘦身巧克力 *去角質、加強吸收,促進循環:DERMANEW TATAL BODY EXPERIENCE 淋巴引流:珍碧嘉 *緊實肌膚、分解脂肪:PHYTOMER LIFTDECLIC 雙效纖體凝膠 *強化能量、抗氧化效果:MURAD FIRM & TONE DIETARY SUPPLEMENT PACK *肥胖紋:QUINTESSENCE SKIN SCIENCE Q-STRIXIN MICRO-ACTIVE EMULSION *橘皮組織(臀間肉): CELLEX C CELLULITE SMOOTHING COMPLEX, PHYTOMER BODYDECLIC抗橘皮組織纖體乳 *巧克力:SLIM DELICES( www.blissworld.com)
    2006/04/21 19:36
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