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    Reservoir 結果共12筆

  • Taipei’s water supply bolstered by recent heavy rainfall

    Discover how Taipei’s Feitsui Reservoir received a significant rainfall boost, alleviating water scarcity concerns and demonstrating effective water management strategies for the region.
    2024/05/22 10:23
  • Taiwan faces water shortages as some reservoir levels fall

    Explore how Taiwan’s critical water shortages are impacted by seasonal changes and increased industrial demand, posing challenges for its semiconductor industry and agricultural needs.
    2024/04/25 18:31
  • 拍片詭墜水庫溺斃!巴西20歲網紅「疑遭他殺」 粉絲炸鍋求真相

    巴西20歲男子桑托斯(Diego Kaua Oliveira Santos)是當地小有名氣的網紅,其Instagram共有超過14萬人追蹤。不過,他在日前與朋友外出拍片時,竟離奇跌入水庫中溺斃。值得一提的是,由於這起事件疑點重重,故粉絲們紛紛質疑恐是「他殺案」,而當地警方也已介入調查,希望能夠釐清全案真相。
    2024/04/21 10:29
  • Shihmen Reservoir water storage drops below 2021 level

    Shihmen Reservoir’s water storage rate falls to 24.2%, lower than during 2021 drought, due to continued irrigation supply. Taoyuan Mayor hopeful for plum rains, prepares drought resistance measures.
    2024/04/17 16:53
  • Recent rainfall signals hope for Taiwan’s dry season woes

    Stay updated on Taiwan’s water situation with the latest news from TVBS. Recent rainfall has brought relief to reservoirs in central and northern Taiwan, with the Feitsui Reservoir receiving the most benefit. While reservoir levels have improved, officials remain vigilant about water conservation efforts and potential rainfall during the upcoming holiday. The Water Resources Agency is actively implementing strategies to ensure water sustainability across the region.
    2024/04/01 13:06
  • Kaohsiung’s proactive steps secure water supply

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai announced that the city’s water situation is stable, with the Gaoping River’s flow rate at 8-9 cubic meters per second, slightly higher than last year. Kaohsiung uses 1.5 million tons of water daily, drawing from various sources including the Jiasian District river dam and Nanhua Reservoir. Drought measures, such as drought-resistant wells and embankments, ensure water supply stability. The Tsengwen Reservoir connection project is set for completion, further securing Kaohsiung’s water resources.
    2024/03/29 16:40
  • Tainan’s Tsengwen Reservoir dips below 50% capacity

    Stay updated on the latest water situation in Tainan as the Tsengwen Reservoir’s storage rate dips below 50%. Despite this, authorities assure a stable water supply for all usage targets before the plum rain season. Follow the city’s water-saving measures and reservoir data from the Southern Region Water Resources Branch.
    2024/03/25 15:21
  • 美國水庫撈出駭人「膠狀異形蛋」 民眾嚇傻驚喊:這是啥

    美國奧克拉荷馬州的麥基溪水庫(McGee Creek Reservoir)近期撈出一串「外星異形蛋」,薄膜內包裹著液體,還有像是鳳梨般的外皮,看起來相當驚悚。奧克拉荷馬州野生動物局對此出面解釋,「外星異形蛋」到底是什麼東西。
    2024/03/19 22:59
  • Taiwan’s Reservoirs dip below 50% amid dry weather forecast

    Experts warn of declining reservoir levels in Taiwan due to reduced rainfall this winter and spring. Lin Te-en, an atmospheric sciences expert, predicts the dry trend will persist into April, emphasizing the need for heightened water conservation efforts. Key reservoirs across the island are experiencing storage rates below 50%, signaling a looming water shortage. With the U.S. NCEP’s Climate Forecast System projecting continued low rainfall, public awareness and conservation are crucial to mitigate the crisis.
    2024/03/14 13:50
  • Taichung secures sufficient water supply through May

    The Water Resources Agency assures ample water supply in Taichung until May. Daily consumption ranges between 1.4 and 1.5 million tons, sourced mainly from Liyutan and Techi Reservoirs. Liyutan is at 46.5% capacity, Techi at 69%. Shihmen Reservoir in the North faces strain. Agricultural supplies began on Feb. 15 for spring farming irrigation. WRA will monitor spring rainfall for water management.
    2024/03/06 11:14
  • Tsai endorses DPP duo Lai and Hsiao for Taiwan’s stability

    President Tsai Ing-wen endorses DPP presidential and vice presidential candidates Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim as implementers of her diplomatic and defense policy, known as the "Tsai Ing-wen approach," emphasizing stability, robustness, and trustworthiness. During a campaign event in Hsinchu County, Tsai also supports DPP Legislative Yuan candidates Chan Chi-ti and Tseng Sheng-kai, while hinting at a potential return to teaching after her presidency. Tsai highlights past projects in Hsinchu, such as the NT$2.9 billion investment in a pipeline connecting Shihmen Reservoir to Hsinchu, ensuring the high-tech industry’s resilience during droughts. She played a key role in the infrastructure upgrades, including the groundbreaking ceremony for the pipeline project. Despite opposition obstruction, the "Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program," with a budget of NT$840 billion, was passed with DPP’s majority support. The Executive Yuan is expected to approve over NT$100 billion in funding for infrastructure projects, including extending the Wugu-Yangmei Elevated Road to Hsinchu and Toufen, and creating underground railways in Taoyuan. Tsai emphasizes the need for a parliamentary majority and urges public support for DPP’s legislative nominees.
    2023/12/19 10:04
  • Hsinchu Science Park implements water usage cuts

    Factories operating within the Hsinchu Science Park have commenced a reduction in water consumption in March as a result of scarce rainfall, according to reports. 
    2023/03/08 20:00
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