
Taiwan’s Reservoirs dip below 50% amid dry weather forecast

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/03/14 13:50
Last update time:2024/03/14 13:50
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Taiwan’s Reservoirs dip below 50% amid dry weather forecast (TVBS News) Taiwan’s Reservoirs dip below 50% amid dry weather forecast
Taiwan's Reservoirs dip below 50% amid dry weather forecast (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A decline in rainfall this winter and spring is causing Taiwan's reservoir levels to drop, experts warned on Thursday (March 14).

Lin Te-en, doctorate of atmospheric sciences at National Taiwan University, posted on Facebook, cautioning that the dry trend is forecasted to continue into April. This demands heightened attention to the water situation.


Lin singled out eight reservoirs with storage rates falling below 50%: Baoshan Reservoir in Hsinchu, Hushan Reservoir in Yunlin, Mingde Reservoir and Liyutan Reservoir in Miaoli, Shimen Reservoir in Taoyuan, Mudan Reservoir in Pingtung, Nanhua Reservoir in Tainan, and Renyitan Reservoir in Chiayi. Two others, Chiayi's Zengwen Reservoir and Kaohsiung's A Gong Dian Reservoir, are barely faring better, with water levels just hitting 60%.

According to the U.S. NCEP’s Climate Forecast System Version 2 (CFSv2), Taiwan will continue to receive less rainfall in early April. Lin reminded the public to conserve water and hoped for more spring water to mitigate the imminent water shortage.

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#Taiwan reservoir levels# water shortage Taiwan# Taiwan rainfall decline# reservoir storage rates# Taiwan water situation# dry trend Taiwan# rainfall forecast Taiwan# reservoir storage rates falling below 50%# Taiwan water shortage prediction
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