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    Presidential Office 結果共101筆

  • China’s Taiwan Affairs Director urges peaceful unification

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office Director Song Tao urges Taiwan’s people to promote the peaceful unification process and return cross-strait relations to the correct track. This comes after Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized the historically inevitable reunification of the motherland in his New Year’s address. The forthcoming presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan make these remarks noteworthy. Song’s message, titled "Keep the Direction, Forge Ahead," was published in the "Cross-Strait Relations" magazine, highlighting mainland China’s strides in establishing its commanding position and initiative in cross-strait affairs in 2023. The bold declarations from China could potentially influence Taiwanese voters’ perceptions and choices at the polls.
    2024/01/02 13:41
  • KMT and DPP fined for billboard breaches in Taipei

    The Taipei City Construction Management Office has fined the campaign headquarters of Kuomintang (KMT) legislative candidate Wang Hung-wei NT$10,000 for a billboard violation. The office has also requested rectifications. Additionally, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te has been found to be in violation of size regulations for two campaign materials, and a notice for a fine will be issued to Lai’s campaign soon. These actions come after Taipei updated regulations for managing campaign material in preparation for the 2024 presidential and legislative elections. This is the first enforcement of the revised regulations. So far, the office has received 34 reports of campaign advertisement violations, with 11 cases from the KMT and 19 from the DPP. The office is urging all candidates to adhere to the regulations to ensure a clean election in the city.
    2023/12/30 18:44
  • Ko Wen-je defends longevity of nuclear power plants

    Taipei mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) argued that nuclear plants can be utilized for more than 30 to 60 years with proper planning. Ko criticized Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te’s nuclear power policy, challenging the assertion that nuclear plants should be decommissioned after 30 years. Additionally, Ko criticized the current anti-fraud policies, specifically those implemented by Hou Yu-ih, stating that they were ineffective. Lai’s campaign office responded by asserting that a nuclear-free homeland is a widely agreed-upon consensus among citizens and questioned Ko and Hou’s lack of a clear plan for nuclear waste disposal.
    2023/12/27 16:32
  • TAO doubts Lai’s claims of lowering cross-strait war risk

    The Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesperson, Chen Binhua, expressed doubt over Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s claim that his election would reduce the risk of a cross-strait war. Chen highlighted the contradiction in Lai’s stance as a supporter of Taiwanese independence while believing his presidency would mitigate tensions. Chen emphasized the international consensus to uphold the One China principle and maintain peace. Lai dismissed claims that supporting him meant war as Chinese propaganda and argued that his policy aligns with international norms. Chen countered by citing the success of the "One Country, Two Systems" formula in Hong Kong. Chen also addressed investigations into bureau chiefs suspected of violating the Anti-Infiltration Act and concerns over Taiwanese living in China being unable to return to vote due to a recent outbreak. He expressed concern that if the DPP authorities deprived Taiwanese living in China of their voting rights, it would expose their autocratic and non-democratic character to the world.
    2023/12/27 16:28
  • TAO urges Taiwan to uphold peace, reject independence

    The Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesperson, Chen Binhua, emphasized the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait during a press conference. Chen suggested that if Taiwan adhered to the 1992 Consensus and opposed independence, cross-strait relations could return to a peaceful track. He called for both sides of the Strait to work together to uphold peace and stability for cross-strait prosperity. Chen’s statement aligns with recent remarks by Kuomintang’s (KMT) presidential candidate, Hou Yu-ih, who pledged to improve cross-strait relations through discussions and collaborations. Chen also criticized the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for promoting Taiwan’s independence, refusing to acknowledge the 1992 Consensus, and colluding with foreign forces. He argued that these actions have caused tension and made Taiwan a source of instability in the region.
    2023/12/27 14:31
  • KMT calls for pre-Christmas rally against DPP government

    The Kuomintang (KMT) has called for a public rally in front of Taiwan’s Presidential Office Building on Saturday night, urging citizens to voice their dissatisfaction with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government. This is the KMT’s first large-scale rally organized by the central committee. The KMT Secretary-General, Justin Huang, expressed the intention to rally constituents against corruption and dual-standard governance, striving for Taiwan’s national security, social justice, and economic prosperity. Huang hopes this rally will bring down the incompetent government and emphasized the KMT’s commitment to a final election victory. Among the three sets of presidential and vice-presidential candidates, Huang highlighted the "Hou-Jaw ticket" as the nation’s best option for peace.
    2023/12/21 17:23
  • Ex-DPP councilor and aide indicted in data acquisition case

    Former Taoyuan City Councillor, Kuo Li-hua, of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), and her assistant Liu Tsai-jou have been indicted for allegedly purchasing private information in support of Foxconn founder, Terry Gou, during his independent presidential candidacy. The indictment states that Kuo, under Liu’s direction, secured 325 blank endorsement forms on six separate occasions, totaling a transaction of NT$88,400. Law enforcement officials seized critical evidence, including endorsement registers and text messages, which implicated Kuo and Liu. Despite Kuo’s denial, the Taiwan Taoyuan District Prosecutors Office (TYC) emphasized that they and six others had clearly committed the crime and were officially prosecuted. The TYC has also requested a heavier sentence for Kuo due to her hostility after committing the crime.
    2023/12/21 15:34
  • Taipei mayor defends assembly ban on TPP supporters

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an defends his administration’s adherence to the law after Taiwan People’s Party supporters were denied permission to hold a public assembly in front of Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign headquarters. The review process for such applications, overseen by the Taipei City Government’s New Construction Office in collaboration with the Taipei City Police Department, follows regulations established before 2017. Chiang refutes accusations of leniency in a past scandal and asserts that both the police department and the NCO exercise their authority impartially, upholding administrative neutrality.
    2023/12/20 19:32
  • Taiwan accuses China of election meddling via trade probe

    Taipei’s Presidential Office Secretary-General, Lin Chia-lung, has accused China of strategically timing the release of its trade barrier investigation results in order to influence Taiwan’s elections. Lin suggests that China’s actions, likened to "drawing a bow without releasing the arrow," are aimed at instilling fear in Taiwanese voters and potentially affecting their economy. Lin also points out the coincidence between the recent visit of Kuomintang (KMT) Vice Chairman Andrew Hsia to China and the prompt release of the investigation’s findings. Lin raises concerns about the Chinese Communist Party’s interference in Taiwan’s elections, citing instances of borough wardens being invited on all-expenses-paid trips by China to exert influence. Reports indicate that Wang Huning, Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, convened a meeting in early December specifically to discuss interfering in Taiwan’s elections, suggesting a coordinated strategy from China targeting the electoral process in Taiwan.
    2023/12/20 18:23
  • Tsai Ing-wen offers condolences, aid to Gansu quake victims

    Taipei’s Presidential Office spokesperson, Olivia Lin, conveyed President Tsai Ing-wen’s concerns and condolences following a devastating earthquake in China’s Gansu province on December 18. The magnitude 6.2 earthquake resulted in at least 111 deaths, 236 injuries, and significant property damage. President Tsai expressed sympathies to the victims’ families and tasked the Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) and the Mainland Affairs Office (MAO) to offer aid. She also posted messages on the social media platform X (previously known as Twitter) in both simplified Chinese and English to convey her condolences. President Tsai hopes for a smooth rescue and recovery process in Gansu, allowing affected individuals to return to normalcy swiftly.
    2023/12/19 16:16
  • Taiwan’s Presidential Office unveils 2024 New Year cards

    The Presidential Office in Taipei held a press conference to unveil the Lunar New Year’s greeting cards for 2024. The cards, designed by Yen Po-chun, feature a dragon motif combined with Taiwan’s scenic landscapes. The design aims to convey blessings for the Lunar New Year and wishes for prosperity, peacefulness, safety, and well-being for the nation. The card is in an "Mp4" format, with an animation that intertwines the dragon motif with the numbers 2024 and the word "LOVE," symbolizing Taiwan’s vitality, hope, and vision for progress. Recipients of the greeting cards include heads of state, international dignitaries, ambassadors, representatives to Taiwan, local government figures, overseas Chinese community leaders, members of the legislative body, and notable figures from academic, cultural, and business sectors.
    2023/12/19 10:09
  • MOFA expresses regret over Wu’s UNFCCC comments, cites risks

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) expressed "confusion and regret" five times in a statement regarding comments made by Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice presidential candidate Cynthia Wu. The MOFA highlighted that Wu’s proactive analysis and attendance at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conferences could jeopardize Taiwan’s interests. Following her participation in the 28th United Nations Climate Change conference (COP28) in Dubai, Wu criticized the event’s low standards, stating it was a disservice to taxpayers. MOFA responded to Wu’s criticism, indicating that her conspicuous announcement to attend COP28 provided China with an opportunity to repress Taiwan’s participation, hindering the entire delegation and damaging Taiwan’s future international engagement, as well as the nation’s dignity. Wu’s office released a statement asserting that MOFA had not informed her of the risks of Chinese suppression. When asked about MOFA’s response, Wu declined to comment further. The MOFA expressed regret over the limitations imposed on Wu’s candidacy due to Chinese pressure, directly countering her doubts. MOFA emphasized that condemnation should be directed at China for obstructing Taiwan’s participation. The MOFA expressed bewilderment and regret that Wu criticized domestic institutions but failed to condemn China, the true suppressor of Taiwan’s international voice.
    2023/12/18 19:45
  • U.S. arms sale bolsters Taiwan’s defense: Presidential Office

    The Taiwan Presidential Office expresses gratitude for the United States’ commitment to Taiwan’s security, as demonstrated by a new $300 million arms sale. The move deepens the U.S.-Taiwan security partnership and aims to ensure peace, stability, and prosperous development in the Taiwan Strait and the Indo-Pacific region. Taiwan will continue to enhance its national defense autonomy and uphold democratic values.
    2023/12/16 16:52
  • Ko Wen-je: 70% in Taiwan reject KMT return to power

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je asserts that while 65% of people in Taiwan desire a political party turnover, there is also a 70% majority that opposes the Kuomintang (KMT) being in power. Ko highlights that around 70% of Taiwanese do not want the KMT to assume office, countering media reports on potential strategic voting effects. He suggests conducting further polls to determine the number of people who want the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to step down and those who do not wish for the KMT to take power. Ko cites Vivian Huang’s victory in the 2022 Taipei mayoral election as evidence of a true third force in Taiwanese politics. During his visit to Kaohsiung, Ko is campaigning for Tseng Yin-li, the party’s sole legislative candidate in southern Taiwan.
    2023/12/16 16:00
  • Tainan police bust NT$6.55M election betting ring

    Tainan police have arrested six individuals involved in a gambling ring on a Facebook group, which was taking bets on the 2024 General Election outcomes totaling over NT$6.55 million. The case has been handed over to the Tainan District Prosecutors Office for investigation under several acts, including the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act, the Money Laundering Control Act, and the Anti-Infiltration Act. The ring recruited bettors on Facebook to place wagers on various outcomes related to the forthcoming elections, including potential collaborations between political parties and candidates such as Lai Ching-te, Ko Wen-je, Hou Yu-ih, and Terry Gou. The Tainan City Police Department Criminal Investigation Corps initiated the investigation after spotting the illicit activity online and tracked down suspects across multiple locations. The investigation has revealed that the gambling funds were being converted into Tether (USDT), a popular cryptocurrency stablecoin, by unidentified individuals abroad, and transferred to other gambling organizations, potentially violating election-related gambling laws.
    2023/12/15 18:16
  • Taipei lifts height restrictions near Sun Yat-sen Hall

    The Taipei Urban Planning Commission has approved the removal of height restrictions on buildings around the National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, except for the north side due to flight path restrictions. This policy shift, effective from January next year, aims to revitalize the aging infrastructure in the Daan district and address issues such as leaking roofs. The height limit, which had been in place for over 30 years, will be increased from 60 meters to 120 meters under the new regulation. However, buildings on the north side of Zhongxiao East Road must still comply with Songshan Airport’s height restriction of 95.49 meters. The height restrictions also apply to buildings behind the Presidential Office, ranging from 50 to 78 meters, to protect the capital’s skyline.
    2023/12/15 17:16
  • Changhua chief questions Taiwan’s self-trust amid rumors

    The story discusses the response of Changhua County Chief Wang Hui-mei to rumors that village chiefs from Changhua County were treated to trips to China. Wang questioned the nation’s confidence in itself and challenged the notion that hospitality could sway one’s allegiance. Reports of possible Chinese intervention in the electoral process, including invitations to village chiefs for travel to the mainland, have emerged ahead of the 2024 presidential and vice-presidential elections. The Changhua District Prosecutors Office has detained a suspect allegedly organizing these trips and has summoned 22 individuals for questioning. Wang interpreted the scrutiny her county is under as a "swing county" and expressed trust in the wisdom of the village chiefs to handle the situation.
    2023/12/12 21:39
  • DPP’s Lai unveils video, stresses global Taiwan role

    The campaign office of Lai Ching-te, Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate, has released a new video titled "Taiwan in the world," highlighting Taiwan’s reduced dependence on China and its increasing global recognition. Pan Men-an, head of the DPP’s campaign headquarters, expressed concern over opposition parties’ attempts to marginalize Taiwan and emphasized the significance of the 2024 election in determining Taiwan’s alignment with either the world or China. The video emphasizes Taiwan’s democratic development through international engagement and value-based diplomacy, while also strengthening ties with other nations. Lai’s campaign office spokesperson, Tai Wei-shan, pointed out that Taiwan’s trade dependence on China decreased from 40 percent during former President Ma Ying-jeou’s presidency to 34 percent. Additionally, a report by The Economist in August stated that under President Tsai Ing-wen’s seven-year rule, Taiwan has become the 21st largest economy globally, surpassing South Korea in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. Lai’s campaign office underscores the importance of the 2024 election in shaping Taiwan’s future trajectory and urges the public to make the right choice.
    2023/12/12 21:21
  • DPP’s campaign office defends candidate amid criticisms

    The story discusses the defense of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te by his campaign director, Yao Li-ming. Yao defends Lai as a victim of the system, using Lai’s family home in Wanli District as an example. This defense comes in response to criticisms from Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) legislator-at-large candidate Huang Kuo-chang, who suggested that Lai should empathize with the hardships faced by the people. Yao criticizes Huang for hypocrisy, questioning his sincerity in displaying emotions. Yao highlights the struggles of residents living in mining areas and compares their situation to the limited residential rights of military dependents’ villages in the past. He argues that seeing distressed individuals as privileged is an unsupportive stance for voters. Yao expresses hope that if Lai becomes president, he will focus on improving miners’ housing rights and interests through legal and institutional reforms, similar to past government efforts to address the housing rights of military village residents.
    2023/12/12 17:25
  • Five things you need to know

    Taipei’s top five reports from Monday include the indictment of an army officer on charges of defection and espionage, an investigation into a professor for engaging in technological collaboration with China, the draw for presidential and vice presidential candidate ballots, railway reforms following a train derailment, and intense debate on the Minimum Wage Act in the Legislative Yuan.
    2023/12/12 09:55
  • DPP releases ’Cats and Dogs Love Taiwan’ LINE Sticker set

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te has released a new set of LINE stickers titled "Cats and Dogs Love Taiwan" ahead of Taiwan’s upcoming elections. Collaborating with illustrator Stupid Sheep, Lai introduced this new set 10 months after their previous collaboration. The sticker pack includes illustrations of cats, dogs, and caricatures of Lai and his running mate Hsiao Bi-khim. Building on the popularity of the "cat and dog badge" illustrations, this release adds more design movements and patterns to the LINE platform. The cartoon versions of Lai and Hsiao feature iconic memes like "I want it all," aiming to appeal to both feline and canine fans and bring laughter to their supporter base. Lai’s campaign office spokesperson, Kuo Ya-hui, hopes that these new stickers will encourage supporters to download and join the "Taiwan side," regardless of their preference for cats or dogs.
    2023/12/11 12:18
  • DPP decries false media claims on presidential debates

    The spokesperson for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign office expressed regret over inaccurate and malicious media reports about the upcoming presidential debates. The spokesperson demanded corrections from outlets that claimed certain media were favored during the debates and alleged a coalition aiming to gang up on fellow candidates Hou Yu-ih and Ko Wen-je. It was emphasized that the decision for 11 media organizations to jointly host the debates is a longstanding practice resulting from two rounds of negotiations without interference from any campaign offices. The spokesperson also highlighted misinformation circulated by China Times, one of the debate co-hosts, despite its involvement in the meetings. The 2024 presidential election debates are scheduled to be held at Public Television Service (PTS) on December 30 at 2 p.m., with the vice presidential debates tentatively scheduled for January 1, 2024, also at 2 p.m. The 11 media entities collaboratively organizing the debates include Central News Agency (CNA), China Times, Liberty Times, United Daily News, SET News, Taiwan Television, Formosa Television, Chinese Television System (CTS), Mirror Media, TVBS News, and Public Television Service. PTS will produce and broadcast the debates, including comprehensive sign language services for the hearing impaired.
    2023/12/09 15:34
  • TPP’s Wu coordinates asset disclosure for foreign spouse

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice presidential candidate Cynthia Wu’s campaign office has announced that they are working with the Central Election Commission (CEC) to handle the declaration of her foreign spouse’s assets. This is the first time a vice presidential candidate in Taiwan has a non-Taiwanese spouse. The registration process has faced challenges due to deadlines and complexity, resulting in some assets not being managed promptly. However, the campaign office assures the public that all matters will be handled in accordance with the law. Wu’s husband is Belgian lawyer Reinout van der Elst, and they celebrated their wedding in Europe in September.
    2023/12/07 10:53
  • DPP refutes KMT’s pro-U.S. allegations against Hsiao

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) responded to allegations from the Kuomintang (KMT) that DPP vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim was excessively pro-American. Chen Shi-kai, spokesperson for DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign office, criticized the KMT for its lack of understanding of economic trade issues and Taiwan-U.S. relations. The KMT, led by legislator candidate Hsu Chiao-hsin, accused Hsiao of being subservient to the U.S. during her time in Washington, citing a classified communication log documenting a bilateral meeting discussing the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity proposed by U.S. President Joe Biden. Chen defended Hsiao by highlighting recent milestones in Taiwan-U.S. cooperation, such as the signing of the Taiwan-U.S. 21st Century Trade Initiative and efforts to resolve double taxation issues. Chen criticized the KMT candidate for illegally disclosing classified documents for political gain and called for an explanation of the motives and authenticity of the disclosure. This defense by the DPP spokesperson reflects the tensions leading up to Taiwan’s presidential elections, with U.S.-Taiwan relations remaining a significant political issue. The political drama highlights the intensity of Taiwan’s electioneering, where U.S. ties and Taiwan’s global economic positioning are crucial issues for voters. The impact of these debates on public opinion remains to be seen as Taiwan prepares for the polls.
    2023/12/06 20:33
  • Tsai Ing-wen hosts N. America Taiwan Centers in Taipei

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen and Vice President Lai Ching-te welcomed the 2023 Taiwan Centers from North America delegation at the Presidential Office. They expressed gratitude for the expatriates’ support of Taiwan, particularly in its efforts to join international organizations and promote Taiwanese culture abroad. The delegation has played a vital role in fostering exchanges between Taiwan and countries like the United States and Canada. Despite challenges from the pandemic and international tensions, Tsai remarked that Taiwan’s steady policies have fortified its strength, with the island ranking sixth in global competitiveness and third for its entrepreneurial environment. The government remains committed to propelling industrial transformation and pursuing a net-zero transition. The visiting group’s agenda includes tours in Taipei, Changhua, Tainan, and Kaohsiung, with hopes that they will share Taiwan’s progress and achievements with their communities overseas. Notable invitees include Simon Lin, President of the Taiwan Center Foundation/Greater Los Angeles, Su Chun-hwai, President of the Taiwan Center NY, and Huang Mei-hsing, chief of staff of the Taiwanese American Center of Northern California.
    2023/12/06 14:51
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