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    Power 結果共332筆

  • Former President Ma questions US support amid divisions

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou questions U.S. support for Taiwan amid cross-strait tensions, highlighting internal U.S. divisions over Israel-Palestine conflict. Advocates for Taiwan’s defense preparedness, peace talks, and cross-strait dialogue to avoid war and rejects Taiwan’s involvement in global power politics, emphasizing shared Chinese heritage for peaceful resolution.
    2024/04/24 14:54
  • 陶喆爆開唱出意外!遭絆倒跌在舞台 「傷勢」曝光

    教父陶喆啟動全新世界巡迴演唱會「Soul Power II」,21日佛山站演出,則迎來超大驚喜彩蛋寵粉,當他從升降舞台升起時,竟然出現了金曲歌后A-Lin金曲也同時現身,引來了全場粉絲不停地高分尖叫,兩人展現唱功先是飆唱了陶喆經典歌〈找自己〉,精彩絕倫的Live演出震撼,幾乎快把現場舞台給炸翻。
    2024/04/23 15:19
  • Taipower president refutes claims of energy policy failure

    Discover the reasons behind the recent power outages in Taoyuan, Taiwan, as Taipower’s President, Wang Yao-ting, clarifies the situation. Learn about the complexities of Taiwan’s power system, the comparison with Tokyo Electric Power Company, and the ongoing efforts towards green energy development.
    2024/04/22 17:59
  • Taipower president stays amid power outage controversy

    Premier Chen Chien-jen defends Taipower President Wang Yao-ting’s decision to stay on despite power supply issue accusations, highlighting Taiwan’s robust energy policy and the country’s praised power resilience, particularly after the April 3 earthquake. Chen cites significant improvements in reducing power outages, emphasizing the government’s commitment to renewable energy and power system enhancements.
    2024/04/22 17:53
  • Taipower president reverses resignation decision

    Explore the story of Wang Yao-ting, President of Taiwan Power Co (Taipower), who retracted his resignation to continue leading the company amidst recent power outages and supply challenges in Taoyuan. Discover his commitment to Taipower, supported by the Minister of Economic Affairs and Taipower’s acting chairman, and learn about the company’s efforts to manage power supply through demand response mechanisms and the call for societal support in power plant construction for a stable power system.
    2024/04/22 12:20
  • 動力火車高雄開唱「驚見選秀冠軍當和聲」 他揭邀約內幕認了擔憂

    2024/04/21 21:51
  • Taipei’s estern district hit by unexpected blackout

    A power outage in Taipei’s Eastern District, including the Daan District, affected 722 households and disrupted businesses on the evening of April 18. Taipower is investigating the cause, linked to a tripped circuit breaker, and aims to restore power by early April 19. The incident underscores the critical need for reliable electricity in the city’s vibrant areas.
    2024/04/19 18:33
  • Taoyuan City grapples with frequent power outages

    Taoyuan City’s Deputy Mayor Wang Ming-Jiuh addresses multiple power outages, attributing them to increased usage and maintenance issues, while also discussing the broader energy strategy for Taiwan, including considerations around nuclear power and the Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant.
    2024/04/19 18:23
  • Taoyuan faces power crisis: aging infrastructure to blame

    Explore the challenges Taoyuan City faces with power outages, as Deputy Mayor Wang Ming-chu addresses equipment failure, aging infrastructure, and the indirect role of power shortages. Amidst public dissatisfaction and the impact on industries and healthcare, Taoyuan confronts the realities of climate change and growing demands on its electricity supply.
    2024/04/19 18:07
  • Investments in SE Asia soar as market potential grows

    Taiwanese companies are increasing their investments in Southeast Asian countries, capitalizing on the region’s rising consumer purchasing power and strategic economic opportunities. Investments under the New Southbound Policy have seen a dramatic increase in 2024, with significant contributions from key players like Foxconn.
    2024/04/19 16:55
  • How Taiwan’s High Speed Rail handled the April 3 earthquake

    Explore how the Taiwan High Speed Rail’s operations control center played a critical role in managing and quickly recovering from a powerful earthquake that struck Hualien, ensuring safety and minimal disruption.
    2024/04/18 17:36
  • Thunderstorms cause power outages in Taoyuan

    Thunderstorms cause power outages affecting nearly 10,000 households in Taoyuan; Taiwan Power Company works to restore electricity, citing bamboo brushing against high-voltage switches and feeder lines jumping off as causes.
    2024/04/18 15:01
  • J.W. Kuo tackles Taiwan’s power trials ahead of MOEA role

    J.W. Kuo, incoming Minister of Economic Affairs and chairman at Topco Scientific Co Ltd., focuses on assessing Taiwan’s power needs through industry visits, aiming for a comprehensive report on electricity demands and the potential extension of nuclear plants, prioritizing safety and public consensus.
    2024/04/18 13:24
  • Taiwan minister apologizes for Taoyuan blackout

    Minister Wang Mei-hua apologizes for a significant power outage in Taoyuan City, explaining it was due to a cable fault and earthquake damage, with repairs aimed for completion by the summer peak.
    2024/04/17 15:32
  • Blackouts hit thousands in Taoyuan: Faulty cables to blame

    Discover the cause behind the sudden blackouts in Taoyuan and Qingpu, as Taipower investigates faulty cables and fallen high-voltage lines affecting thousands. Learn about the impact on local households and the response from Taoyuan City officials.
    2024/04/17 10:15
  • No power rationing in Taipei and Keelung, Taipower confirms

    Discover how Taiwan Power Co. (Taipower) successfully prevented a power rationing crisis in Taipei and Keelung, maintaining a stable supply despite a generator malfunction at the Datan Power Plant and increased electricity demand.
    2024/04/16 11:55
  • Food vendors absorb electricity costs, fearing price hikes

    Lukang Old Street Business District chairperson Huang Shih-chieh expresses concern over rising electricity costs and their impact on food vendors, who may absorb cost increases to avoid raising prices due to declining consumer purchasing power, potentially leading to a vicious inflation cycle.
    2024/04/15 17:25
  • Taiwan announces 665 job openings in state-owned enterprises

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs announces recruitment for 665 positions across Taiwan Power Company, CPC Corporation, Taiwan Sugar Corporation, and Taiwan Water Corporation, with starting salaries of NT$41,000 to NT$42,000. Examination details for roles in 23 categories, including electrical engineering and business management, to be released online, offering a path to salary growth for top performers.
    2024/04/12 11:02
  • Taipei offers subsidies to mitigate rising electricity costs

    Explore how Taiwan’s significant electricity rate hike affects businesses and consumers, and the Taipei City Government’s efforts to mitigate these impacts through subsidies and energy-efficient technology upgrades.
    2024/04/10 17:31
  • Taipower struggles with losses amid calls for reform

    National Audit Office Auditor-General Chen Jui-min calls on Taiwan Power Co. (Taipower) to enhance management and boost revenue amid consecutive losses. Chen emphasizes the need for electricity price adjustments and debt interest reduction. Kuomintang Legislator Lin Ssu-ming questions Taipower’s deficits and government subsidies, urging a review of energy policy. Chen confirms NT$100 billion subsidy and stresses the importance of green energy for profit sustainability.
    2024/04/02 18:13
  • Taiwan’s political parties clash over power costs

    DPP Legislator Rosalia Wu questions Legislative Yuan’s responsibility in case of Taipower collapse, prioritizing people’s livelihoods. KMT and TPP propose freezing electricity price hikes amidst Ministry of Economic Affairs’ decision to increase prices by 11% on April 1. DPP counters with cross-party negotiation pullback to address unreasonable proposals.
    2024/03/29 12:13
  • 李千娜時隔20年再懷孕 不知有喜「連跳5天陣頭」吐震驚心聲

    39歲女星李千娜登上《媽媽寶寶》4月號封面,拍攝當日,給人柔美形象的李千娜,以一身酷帥的打扮,邁著輕快、率性的步伐進入我們的視野中。即使當時已懷著6個月的身孕,依然工作滿檔、同時緊鑼密鼓的宣傳新專輯,在採訪的過程中,未見一絲疲憊,而是游刃有餘的配合著攝影師的指令,不斷變換動作,也讓在場的每一位工作人員見識到了強大的Mom power。
    2024/03/28 16:20
  • 日本經濟變好了?公示地價漲2.3% 33年新高

    2024/03/27 20:08
  • 水原如何私自挪用大谷資產? 日媒點靠「這2招」能做到

    美國大聯盟(MLB)日籍球星大谷翔平近日身陷翻譯水原一平涉賭的風波,不過水原究竟是如何私自挪用大谷帳戶始終是個謎,有日本媒體披露可能的2種辦法,包含「POA」(Power of Attorney,意即委託書)和「轉讓授權」,皆可以讓水原在大谷不知情之下移動資金。
    2024/03/27 17:24
  • Lai champions AI, green tech in Taiwan’s ICT push

    Vice President Lai Ching-te engages in discussions with ICT industry leaders at Hwa Ya Technology Park in Taoyuan, emphasizing Taiwan’s pivotal role in the global AI revolution amidst the U.S.-China tech war. NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang highlights Taiwan’s significance in the new AI era, urging collective efforts to solidify Taiwan’s global standing. Lai’s visits and dialogues with industry players signal a collaborative approach to strategic industry planning.
    2024/03/26 16:55
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