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    ONCE 結果共55筆

  • Taiwan’s healthcare outweighs U.S. citizenship: Commentator

    Taipei City Hospital’s Chiang Kuan-yu commented on Lai Pei-hsia’s decision to give up her U.S. citizenship, stating that Taiwan’s lighter healthcare and tax burdens outweigh the benefits of U.S. citizenship. Lai, an entertainer, relinquished her U.S. citizenship in order to qualify as the running mate for Foxconn founder Terry Gou in Taiwan’s vice-presidential election. However, the Gou-Lai ticket failed to register for the race, leading many online users in Taiwan to describe Lai as the biggest loser in the electoral contest. Chiang highlighted that many elderly Americans choose to return to Taiwan for superior elderly care and more familial support, as incapacitated seniors in the U.S. often do not survive beyond three years. He characterized Taiwan as "a paradise for the elderly, a promised land for retirement," promoting the country as an ideal place for a comfortable and supported aging experience. Chiang questioned the significance of retaining U.S. citizenship once one’s children are independent, suggesting that Lai may not have lost much by forfeiting her American nationality.
    2023/11/26 18:29
  • Survey reveals changing views on mobile device flagship chip

    According to a recent poll conducted by GSMArena, nearly 70% of online users believe that flagship chips, which were once a crucial factor in their choice of smartphone, are no longer vital. In the past, users prioritized new-generation flagship chips to ensure smooth performance and longevity. However, the survey found that only 21.3% still consider this necessary. Only 10.1% of respondents deemed flagship chips in Esports phones critically essential for superior performance. The shift in users’ attitudes is apparent, with 42.5% acknowledging the performance of flagship chips but feeling that their predecessor versions were still satisfactory. Additionally, 23.5% of netizens believed that mid-range mobile phones were sufficient for their needs. Users cited positive experiences with older chips, like the four-year-old Helio P70, which they argued delivered adequate performance. Some netizens also emphasized the importance of a stable product providing good value for money over having the latest flagship chip. The study gathered views from 5,499 participants.
    2023/11/20 19:32
  • JPEX Taiwan chief partner detained for alleged fraud

    The Taipei District Prosecutors Office has requested detention for Chang Tung-ying, the chief partner of cryptocurrency platform JPEX’s Taiwan Office, over alleged fraud. Celebrity Nine Chen, once the spokesperson for JPEX, was called to testify as a witness but later treated as a defendant due to complaints by victims. The Taipei prosecutors directed the Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau to carry out searches in nine locations and summoned Chang and three others. Chang and JPEX lecturer Shih Yu-sheng are suspected of violating the Banking Act and the Money Laundering Control Act. Other defendants include salesperson Liu Chien-fu, released on bail of NT$50,000, and Niu Keng-sheng, the registered person in charge of JPEX Taiwan, who was allowed to return home. Investigations have revealed that Chang and others are suspected of persuading the public to invest in financial products such as the virtual currency JTC, attracting investments with disproportionately high returns.
    2023/11/09 11:21
  • 獨/不菸不酒!《全明星》曾奕翔女友爆罹患肺腺癌 嘆:生命脆弱

    男團出身,因參加《全明星運動會》受到關注的曾奕翔,有著壯碩的身材,加上帥氣的臉龐,深受大批粉絲喜愛,日前他推出大尺度的寫真書跟單曲,名稱都叫《YOLO》,他向《TVBS新聞網》透露,背後意思是「You Only Live Once」,會有這樣的涵義,主因是他跟女友去做身體健康檢查,沒想到女友卻檢查出罹癌,令他相當震驚。
    2023/11/05 17:10
  • THSR early bird tickets require real-name registration

    The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) will implement an early bird discount program with passenger registration starting from December 1st, with advance purchases available from November 3rd. Passengers who do not present a valid ID will be considered ticketless travelers and charged an additional 50% of the traveled section fare. The early bird discount tickets require the passenger’s national identity card or passport number and can only be used by the person named on the ticket. Changes to the ID number will not be accepted once the early bird reservation is complete.
    2023/10/31 16:03
  • Controversial frog cake sends shockwaves through Taiwan

    A Taiwanese chef from Yunlin County has once again pushed the boundaries of the culinary field with his latest experiment, which involves a frog, complete with its skin. 
    2023/07/07 18:47
  • Japan-Taiwan bond: Japanese runner traces ’O’ on Taiwan map

    Japanese runner Naoki Shimizu returned to Taiwan once again to convey a profound message through his remarkable feat by running, emphasizing the enduring bond between Japan and Taiwan. 
    2023/06/08 18:01
  • 圖輯/楊紫瓊、潔美李寇蒂斯躲貓貓 奧斯卡後台的「搞怪時刻」

    第95屆奧斯卡金像獎12日於洛杉磯杜比劇院舉行,科幻電影《媽的多重宇宙(Everything Everywhere All at Once)》成為本屆奧斯卡最大贏家,總共奪得7項大獎,楊紫瓊更成為奧斯卡史上首位華人影后。拿到最佳影片、最佳女主角、最佳男配角、最佳女配角、最佳原創劇本等大獎的背後,靠的是幕前、幕後人員的共同努力,而當鎂光燈下的演員、銀光幕後的工作人員走下奧斯卡頒獎台,他們仍然不忘為世人帶來驚奇與歡笑。
    2023/03/14 18:07
  • 奧斯卡得主楊紫瓊、關繼威再合作!合體吳彥祖出演《西遊ABC》

    第95屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮,電影《媽的多重宇宙》(Everything Everywhere All at Once)連奪7獎成大贏家,而戲中演員楊紫瓊及關繼威,更分別奪得最佳女主角及最佳男配角。原來這對最佳拍檔,一早已拍下最新作品,Disney+的原創劇集《西遊ABC》(American Born Chinese),讓這股風潮得以延續,並且與吳彥祖合體,一起玩轉《西遊記》。
    2023/03/14 16:12
  • 《媽的多重宇宙》遭轟難理解 鄉民剖析主因「人生平順不肯用腦」

    電影《媽的多重宇宙》(Everything Everywhere All at Once)在台灣時間昨(13)日揭獎的第95屆奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮上,奪下7項大獎改寫多項歷史。不過該片在當初上映時完全不被看好,甚至是出現「一路睡到底」及「難以理解」的聲音,而電影YouTuber「超粒方」就發文質疑:「到底為什麼會有人說這部不好看?」
    2023/03/14 15:03
  • 圖輯/楊紫瓊、布蘭登費雪奪小金人 《媽的》橫掃7大獎

    第95屆奧斯卡金像獎12日於洛杉磯杜比劇院舉行,科幻電影《媽的多重宇宙(Everything Everywhere All at Once)》可說是本屆奧斯卡最大贏家,總共奪得7項大獎,橫掃最佳影片、最佳女主角、最佳男配角、最佳女配角、最佳原創劇本等獎項,在片中飾演女主角的楊紫瓊更成為奧斯卡史上首位華人影后。另一方面,出道超過30年、54歲的布蘭登費雪(Brendan Fraser)則以《我的鯨魚老爸》奪下最佳男主角,首次入圍奧斯卡就封影帝。
    2023/03/13 13:40
  • 不甩豪門婚!楊紫瓊認愛差17歲CEO 相戀19年仍甜蜜

    第95屆奧斯卡金像獎,香港時間今早(13日)揭曉,楊紫瓊(Michelle)憑《媽的多重宇宙》(Everything Everywhere All at Once),大熱奪得最佳女主角,成為首位華人演員獲得最佳女主角獎,改寫影壇歷史。而Miichelle已憑該角色,先後奪得第94屆國家評論協會最佳女主角獎、第80屆金球獎音樂喜劇類最佳女主角、美國演員工會獎最佳女主角、獨立精神獎最佳主角演出等影后寶座。
    2023/03/13 13:31
  • Taiwan’s thirst for rain grows stronger amid climate change

    Once again, the water supply in southern Taiwan has hit an all-time low due to record low rainfall in the area, the lowest in the past 30 years. 
    2023/03/07 11:50
  • 媽的多重宇宙稱霸美演員工會獎 亞裔演員樂翻天

    怪誕科幻喜劇片「媽的多重宇宙」(Everything Everywhere All At Once)持續主宰今年好萊塢頒獎季,今天幾乎橫掃美國演員工會獎(Screen Actors Guild)電影類獎項。
    2023/02/27 15:36
  • Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival draws big crowds

    TAINAN (TVBS News) — The Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival drew crowds once again on Sunday (Feb. 5), as it has done annually on the 15th day of the Lunar Calendar. 
    2023/02/06 22:00
  • 奧斯卡入圍名單揭曉 媽的多重宇宙11項提名最亮眼

    第95屆奧斯卡金像獎入圍名單今天揭曉,超現實科幻電影「媽的多重宇宙」(Everything Everywhere All At Once)囊括11項提名,成績最為亮眼。
    2023/01/25 06:12
  • Taiwan’s old streets keep up with times to attract visitors

    Taiwan’s old streets are a popular attraction among tourists from far and near, but after two years of the pandemic, many business owners are trying to find back the spark to attract visitors once more.
    2023/01/21 08:00
  • 稱楊紫瓊為「香港演員」祝獲獎 香港官員惹怒大馬網友

    知名影星楊紫瓊在第80屆金球獎(Golden Globe Awards),憑藉著電影《媽的多重宇宙》(Everything Everywhere All at Once)獲得兩座獎項,不少人都向她表達祝賀和恭喜。但卻有一則祝賀發言,意外引起兩地網友論戰,現任香港文化體育及旅遊局長楊潤雄,公開楊紫瓊歸類為香港演員,表示她取得電影界極高殊榮,「香港演員繼續在國際大放異彩,我們感到非常鼓舞」。沒想到這段發言,隨即引起馬來西亞媒體和社群不滿。
    2023/01/12 11:03
  • Taiwan’s per capita income on track to surpass Japan in 2022

    As the pandemic situation stabilizes in Taiwan, restaurants and department stores are once again filled with shoppers and gourmets on weekends.
    2022/12/21 17:05
  • Andrew Yang shares take on Forward Party goals for 2024

    As the U.S. midterm elections come to a conclusion, the nation once again sees a deep divide between the two major political parties: the Democrats and the Republicans. 
    2022/12/09 18:15
  • 出道7年!子瑜認有低潮「罕曝心聲」:想抱抱當時的自己

    2022/10/24 10:41
  • COVID-19 infections exceed 30,000 cases per day again

    The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases is on the rise again, and patients are in line to get vaccinated once again.  
    2022/09/23 14:16
  • Lord Goudie: U.K. likely to be helpful to Taiwan

    The U.K. has seen many changes all at once. In addition to Queen Elisabeth’s passing, a new Prime Minister Liz Truss was recently appointed. TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu spoke with Baroness Mary Goudie, a current member of the U.K. House of Lords, who shared her take on these changes, and how Taiwan and the U.K. relationship might be moving forward in the future.
    2022/09/23 13:58
  • 《原子》總決賽/天王星吳昱廷橘髮彈琴 人氣王小孩炫炸全場起立

    TVBS播出的男團選秀《原子少年》總決賽今晚8點開播,冠軍呼聲最高的天王星迎戰總決賽的歌曲為〈YOLO〉,顧名思義就是「You Only Live Once」,人生只有一次,必須把握當下在舞台上盡情釋放自己。一開場由擁有英國皇家鋼琴檢定八級的吳昱廷打頭陣,身為作詞人之一的他寫出天王星的心路歷程,頂著一頭亮橘色髮型自彈自唱,瞬間吸引全場目光。
    2022/07/17 21:37
  • 金馬奇幻影展開、閉幕片揭曉 楊紫瓊化身最強老媽 

    2022金馬奇幻影展在今(15)公布開、閉幕片,開幕片由《屍控奇幻旅程》丹尼爾關、丹尼爾舒奈特雙導最新力作《媽的多重宇宙》(Everything Everywhere All at Once)榮膺,女星楊紫瓊化身神力歐巴桑,與《七寶奇謀》關繼威一起拯救世界。閉幕片則邀來侯孝賢監製、黃熙執導,集結金馬得主李康生、謝欣穎、瑞瑪席丹、陳姸霏,以及影后張艾嘉友情演出的矚目奇幻新劇《良辰吉時》(Twisted Strings)。
    2022/02/15 13:48
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