
Lord Goudie: U.K. likely to be helpful to Taiwan

Reporter Jennifer J.
Release time:2022/09/23 13:58
Last update time:2022/12/31 10:49
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The U.K. has seen many changes. In addition to Queen Elisabeth's passing, a new Prime Minister, Liz Truss, was recently appointed. TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu spoke with Baroness Mary Goudie, a current member of the U.K. House of Lords, who shared her take on these changes, and how Taiwan and the U.K. relationship might be moving forward in the future.

"Our relationship with China has been difficult for some time," remarked Baroness Marie Goudie, a current member of the UK House of Lords. "And then our relationship with Taiwan has always been good." Yet, she stressed that the relationship between Taiwan and China has not come to the force as in America. "And my view is, we will probably go down the road of being helpful to Taiwan, I mean, we have very strong Taiwan relationships in Parliament, the old party, Taiwan group, and others are very good," she continued.

"I think that we would come to give support to the Taiwanese people in the present time, you know, you can't but that's how I read it, in the same way, is that we're giving support to Ukraine, with Europe," she said. "And we're not going to change that, and that we've already committed today to more funding next year, with Europe, to Ukraine if it's necessary," she added.


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