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    車手余苑綺 逮捕陳鑒詐騙余祥銓三立董事長郭晉安余天南投
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    NCC) 結果共1,528筆

  • 南門中繼市場民眾黨批白拆 數發部:沒要搶地

    2024/03/08 19:17
  • NCC任命難度高?許智傑:NCC委員提名考驗蔡賴智慧

    2024/03/02 15:47
  • 台灣廣電產業陷困境!衛星公會向朝野喊話3大訴求

    2024/03/01 19:04
  • NCC通過中廣董事變更案 陳聖一擔任新董事長兼總經理

    2024/02/21 16:25
  • 不綠油油! 蔡賴年後上工先溝通NCC新委員

    2024/02/14 19:39
  • NCC公布「機上盒廢止名單」 這91款違規品別買

    2024/02/14 16:06
  • 最想「砍唐鳳數發部預算」 徐巧芯:拿200億到底做了什麼

    2024/02/13 11:55
  • 年後好戲上場!備戰總質詢 藍委鎖定瘦肉精風波、NCC人事

    2024/02/09 13:51
  • Fu Kun-chi vows to end NCC’s ’oppression’ of media

    KMT Legislator Fu Kun-chi pledges to protect the media from the NCC’s "oppression" and promises that if chosen as KMT caucus coordinator, NCC members must have opposition party consent before taking up their posts. Fu vows to allow the media to report freely and objectively without restrictions. He expresses readiness to confront the DPP caucus coordinator and intends to expose the DPP’s wrongdoings, including issues related to vaccines, face masks, and submarines. Fu emphasizes the need for opposition party solidarity against the ruling party and indicates open communication channels with Ko Wen-je.
    2024/01/25 13:46
  • 違媒體壟斷未罰三立 NCC重罰中嘉1440萬

    2024/01/25 13:45
  • 登記參選黨團總召 傅崐萁喊「我來了」:NCC不能再欺負媒體

    2024/01/25 10:39
  • 三立入股中嘉!NCC重罰1440萬、限期出清股權

    2024/01/24 15:28
  • 任職最後半年!NCC主委陳耀祥宣布不續任 將返大學任教

    2024/01/23 15:26
  • 台糖招考攜NCC出招 電信警站崗抓異常訊號防舞弊集團

    2024/01/10 16:01
  • 控政治勢力滲媒體 館長、黃國昌NCC前抗議

    2024/01/09 23:10
  • 網傳「棄侯保柯」言論 趙少康批假民調流竄:NCC快去抓

    2024/01/08 14:11
  • Hou Yu-ih lists DPP’s ’top ten’ policy failures in 8 years

    The Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate, Hou Yu-ih, listed the ten major policy failures of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) during a livestream presidential debate. These failures include ineffective energy policies, food safety violations, deteriorated public security, debt burdening future generations, critical issues in people’s livelihoods, housing injustice, rising cross-strait military threats, plummeting wages, skyrocketing house prices, and ineffective pandemic responses. Hou elaborated on specific examples such as solar power corruption, tainted food black market dealings, overspending on "forward-looking" infrastructures, a lack of electricity and water, regulatory failure in the National Communications Commission (NCC), failed social housing policies, the threatening potential of military conflict, income inequality at a ten-year high, and around 20,000 deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hou expressed regret over his opponent, DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign methods, accusing him of slander and displaying incompetence and unscrupulousness. Hou confirmed his opposition to Taiwanese independence while claiming that Lai advocated for it. He also criticized former Taipei Mayor and current Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je for not responding to this issue. Hou emphasized his lifelong pledge to remain loyal to the Republic of China’s flag and safeguard Taiwan’s democratic freedom.
    2023/12/30 15:47
  • 迪士尼替補頻道未定案!NCC「限期3個月」要求業者提更好頻道

    2023/12/25 21:51
  • 柯文哲政見畫面被剪? 民視:YT技術問題非人為、中選會也發聲了

    2023/12/21 12:39
  • 政見發表柯文哲慘遭廣告插播 NCC收8檢舉、三立最多

    2023/12/21 12:22
  • 黨政軍退媒體假的!柯營不分區拋媒體改革

    2023/12/13 14:41
  • KMT’s Hou Yu-ih pledges major fraud crackdown in Taiwan

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and his running mate, Jaw Shaw-kong, have pledged to crack down on Taiwan’s rampant fraud industry. If elected, they plan to conduct a sweeping operation against fraud groups in their first year, aiming to reduce fraud cases to a third of the current number in the second year and cutting them by half in the third year. Hou, drawing on his past anti-fraud experience, criticizes the current government for its investment in a national anti-fraud team that has seen an increase in fraud cases and arrests. He advocates for stronger surveillance by the National Communications Commission (NCC) in telecom facilities and emphasizes the need for cooperation with mainland China. Hou aims to leverage the Organized Crime Prevention Act to produce tangible results in the fight against fraud by the fourth year of his presidency.
    2023/12/07 16:56
  • BCC says news coverage unbiased, despite KMT ties

    Taipei-based Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC) has assured the National Communications Commission (NCC) that its news coverage remains unaffected by upper management, despite concerns raised about potential media bias. BCC’s chairman and general manager, Jaw Shaw-kong, who is also the Kuomintang (KMT) vice-presidential candidate, has taken a leave of absence. Chen Sheng-i has assumed Jaw’s duties, and Jaw has refused to resign, stating that no laws have been breached. The NCC has also instructed BCC, Public Television Service (PTS), and Chinese Television System (CTS) to adhere to regulations related to election reporting, ensuring objectivity and fairness. Hsu Jui-hsi, nominated by the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), has faced similar challenges due to her positions on the PTS and CTS boards. After her resignation, both PTS and CTS have promised to comply with legal standards and guarantee impartial election coverage. The NCC plans to review the companies’ responses and present its findings soon.
    2023/12/07 16:40
  • 迪士尼頻道年底全下!衛視電影台替補首選是「這頻道」

    迪士尼集團旗下11頻道今年底退出台灣,外界關注5個基本頻道替補進度。NCC表示,目前凱擘、中嘉、大豐等37家系統業者送出頻道異動申請,35家以CATCHPLAY電影台替補衛視電影台,金門縣系統台罕見以台視新聞台替補衛視電影台、寰宇新聞台替補STAR World。
    2023/12/04 21:50
  • 釣魚簡訊又來!安卓用戶首當其衝 NCC籲「這功能」快關

    2023/12/02 13:13
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