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    Mirage 2000 結果共7筆

  • 法國增援烏克蘭!馬克宏宣布:將提供幻象2000戰鬥機

    法國總統馬克宏(Emmanuel Macron)今天告訴法國電視台,法國計劃提供幻象2000戰鬥機(Mirage 2000)給烏克蘭。
    2024/06/07 08:29
  • Taiwan’s Air Force resumes overnight flight training

    In response to escalating tensions and a changing geopolitical landscape, Taiwan’s Air Force has resumed overnight training to enhance pilots’ night operation skills, signaling a strategic shift in military preparedness.
    2024/03/14 18:25
  • Sky Dragon military drills show joint operational skills

    Taiwan’s annual Air Force Tien Lung military drills, also known as "Sky Dragon," have commenced and will run from October 30 to November 3. The exercise involves key fighter aircraft such as the F-16V, Mirage 2000, and IDF, collaborating with other units to evaluate joint operational effectiveness. The drills encompass various airborne force-on-force scenarios, including air-to-air, air-to-sea, and air-to-ground warfare competitions. In addition, the exercise involves the participation of Air Force infantry and special forces units, engaging in activities like small arms firing, ammunition loading, and mobile defense operations. Outstanding pilots, including champions in air combat, target shooting, and bombardment, will be selected by the Air Force. This significant military exercise follows the "Chang Ching17 Exercise" conducted by the army from October 23 to 27, marking its first occurrence in six years.
    2023/10/30 16:36
  • Taiwan mulls extending Dassault Mirage fighter jets’ service

    Taiwan’s Air Force weighs the possibility of extending the service life of Mirage 2000 fighter jets by 20 years. Experts debate the need for longevity vs. modernization as the nation navigates cross-strait tensions. Learn more about the Mirage 2000 extension debate.
    2023/08/14 17:23
  • 印度蘇愷30與幻象戰機墜毀 飛官生死未卜

    綜合印度當地媒體報導,中央邦(Madhya Pradesh)一處空軍基地,28日稍早發生兩架戰機墜毀的事故,分別是蘇愷30型(Sukhoi Su-30)與幻象2000戰機(Mirage 2000),目前官方尚未公佈最新搜查結果,但根據媒體掌握的消息,兩架戰機上共有3名飛行員,其中蘇愷30的兩人已經平安獲救,唯獨幻象2000上的一名飛官,至今仍是生死未卜,地面單位持續在附近區域擴大搜救。
    2023/01/28 15:34
  • 為買幻象與疾風新戰機 印尼不惜商借千億外債

    對多數國家來說,想要強化自身防衛系統,如無法自主研發生產,就必須花費昂貴代價,向其他國家購買。綜合外媒報導,印尼財政部日前批准,允許該國政府向三個不同方案,商借39億美元(約新台幣1214億元)的外債,好讓印尼軍方有足夠資金,向法國與阿聯購買幻象2000(Mirage 2000-5)與疾風戰機(Dassault Rafale)。
    2022/11/20 14:33
  • 法國幻象2000戰機墜山區 2飛行員命運還不明

    法國空軍一架幻象2000型(Mirage 2000)戰鬥機今天在東部山區墜毀,搜救人員已發現殘骸,但兩名飛行員的命運還不明。
    2019/01/10 09:13
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