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  • 5大社群高層赴美國會「挨罵」 祖克柏親向受害父母道歉

    臉書執行長祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg與X公司首席執行官雅卡里諾(Linda Yaccarino)、Snap首席執行官斯皮格爾(Evan Spiegel)和其他主要社交媒體高管一起出席周三的參院聽證會,面對參議員質疑各平台沒有保護好兒童的嚴厲質問。祖克柏向那些認為他們的孩子因臉書平台上的內容,受苦甚至死亡的父母道歉。祖克柏轉向觀眾,遠離麥克風,然後說道,「對於你們所有人所經歷的一切,我感到抱歉。這很可怕,沒有人應該經歷你們家庭所遭受的事情。」
    2024/02/01 16:34
  • 美參議員控社群媒體「兒童性剝削」現象增長!祖克伯道歉了

    美國參議院司法委員會1月31日召開聽證會,就網路兒童性剝削問題,邀請TikTok、Discord、X及Snap等科技巨頭負責人作證。Facebook及Instagram母公司Meta的行政總裁祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg),於聽證會上被敦促向在場家庭道歉。
    2024/02/01 12:23
  • 社群媒體對孩童不當影響 美參議員控祖克柏「手上沾滿鮮血」

    2024/02/01 09:57
  • GOT7榮宰1年322行程登頂最忙藝人 2月抽空來台「散播正能量」

    韓國男團GOT7目前各自單飛活動中,不過每位成員都沒有忘記台灣的「鳥寶寶」(粉絲名),接力去(2023)年JAY B、珍榮、有謙、MARK陸續來台,有「Powerful Vocal」美譽的榮宰也確定2月18日要來台灣舉辦演唱會!
    2024/02/01 08:04
  • 曾被譽為臉書「二把手」 桑伯格宣布5月離開Meta董事會

    曾擔任社群平台臉書(Facebook)營運長14年的桑伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)過去被視為僅次於創辦人祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg)的「二把手」,她在2022年卸下職位後仍以董事會成員留在Meta公司,不過她18日宣布自己計劃在今年5月離開董事會。
    2024/01/18 12:21
  • Nauru cuts diplomatic ties with Taiwan, allies dwindle to 12

    Taiwan’s diplomatic ties with Nauru, its South Pacific ally, have been severed, reducing Taiwan’s diplomatic partners to 12. Taiwan and Nauru first established diplomatic relationships on May 4, 1980, with a brief interruption from 2002 to 2005 when Nauru switched allegiance to Beijing. Efforts by the then-Taiwanese Foreign Minister Mark Chen and Nauruan President Ludwig Scotty revived the ties. The current Nauruan president, David Adeang, received congratulations from the Taiwanese ambassador stationed in Nauru. Taiwan and Nauru have collaborated in various areas, including infrastructure construction, public health, clean energy, education, climate change, information technology, agriculture and fishing, and naval patrol. Taiwan’s remaining diplomatic allies include the Marshall Islands, Palau, Tuvalu, Eswatini, the Holy See, Belize, Guatemala, Haiti, Paraguay, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent.
    2024/01/15 14:12
  • 臉書創辦人祖克柏夏威夷「啤酒養和牛」 他轟:億萬富豪耍猴戲

    Meta執行長祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg)近日透過IG分享照片,聲稱他開始在夏威夷牧場,用夏威夷果粉和啤酒養牛,受到外界關注。他的行為也引發部分專家與民眾不滿,怒批是「億萬富翁在耍猴戲」
    2024/01/11 10:08
  • TPP, KMT candidates display rare civility in election season

    Taiwan’s election season sees a rare moment of civility as Taiwan People’s Party’s Ko Wen-je and Kuomintang’s Lee Min-hsuan exchange well-wishes in Kaohsiung. Mixed public reactions and political challenges mark Ko’s campaign journey in this DPP stronghold.
    2024/01/07 17:18
  • MOE: 19 Taiwan’s universities below 60% registration rate

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) has released the registration rates for first-year students at various tertiary institutions for the academic year 112. Out of the 29 universities, 10 have achieved a 100% registration rate, while 19 have fallen short of the 60% mark. Surprisingly, as of 2023, 112 universities had at least one department with zero registered new students, including prestigious institutions like National Taiwan University (NTU). NTU alone had five departments without any registered doctoral students, namely the Department of Drama and Theater, Department of Geography, Institute of Oceanography, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, and the Doctoral Program in Microbiology. Other academic institutions with departments lacking registered students include National Tsing Hua University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Cheng Kung University, and National Chengchi University. Kao Yuan University had the lowest new student registration rate at just 15.7% for the 112 academic year. The only national institution that did not meet the registration standards was the National Taitung Junior College, with a rate below 60%.
    2023/12/28 17:58
  • Mark Ho hits campaign trail with candidate Rosalia Wu

    DPP legislator Mark Ho campaigned for DPP legislator candidate Rosalia Wu, expressing his commitment to working hard where needed. Ho praised Wu’s local connections and Taiwan-oriented approach. He is also assisting candidates across Taiwan, with upcoming trips to Matsu, Taitung, Taichung, and Nantou. Wu believes in being proactive and actively seizing opportunities. Wang Shih-chien narrowly defeated Ho in the DPP primary, but Ho remains loyal to the party and vows to support Wang.
    2023/12/27 14:11
  • T閱讀/ TVBS《一觸即發》 直擊川普時代白宮決策現場

    美國前國防部長馬克.艾斯培(Mark T. Esper) 出版了回憶錄《A Sacred Oath》,中文譯本《一觸即發》也在今年7月上市。在這本厚達五百多頁的巨著中,艾斯培直言無諱的說出他在川普總統內任擔任國防部長18個月的點點滴滴,以及他在總統大選後被川普不留情面開除的過程。坦白說,政治人物的回憶錄我看過不少,但像艾斯培《一觸即發》書裡寫得這麼深入而不留情面的,還真少見。
    2023/12/22 17:17
  • November export orders mark 1% YoY growth after decline

    Taiwan’s export orders in November reached US$50.6 billion, showing a 1% year-on-year growth after 14 consecutive months of decline, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ Department of Statistics. However, export orders decreased by US$2.24 billion, or 4.2%, from October, with a seasonal-adjusted decrease of 5.4%. Notably, information and communication equipment orders increased by 10% annually to reach US$16.2 billion, ending nine months of negative growth. Electronic product orders also saw a 3.5% annual increase, amounting to US$17.8 billion and ending a 12-month downturn. Despite these positive developments, the overall export orders from January to November showed a decrease of US$97.38 billion, or 15.8%, compared to the previous year.
    2023/12/21 15:00
  • 蘋果傳加快Vision Pro生產進度 外媒:明年2月開賣

    外媒《彭博社》記者Mark Gurman近期在「Power On」時事通訊中揭露,蘋果公司正加快生產腳步,計劃在2024年2月開賣首款頭戴式裝置Vision Pro。
    2023/12/21 13:20
  • C.C. Wei to maintain course after Liu’s 2024 exit: analyst

    TSMC chairman Mark Liu’s upcoming retirement in 2024 has led investment experts to suggest that the semiconductor giant should slow down the progress of its new manufacturing facility in the United States. Industry analyst Jonah Cheng believes that TSMC’s policy direction will remain unchanged under the leadership of chief executive C.C. Wei, who is expected to succeed Liu as chairman. Cheng also proposes maintaining a dual leadership structure to cultivate successors from various backgrounds. Speculation suggests that Liu’s retirement may be linked to potential investment challenges in the company’s U.S. expansion. In response to these challenges, Cheng recommends a deceleration in the construction of TSMC’s second U.S. plant. He also highlights the need to assess the current downturn in the car market and economic outlook before proceeding with the German plant focused on automotive applications. Cheng suggests that the Japanese facility could be an optimal choice due to labor and power shortages in Taiwan, as well as cultural similarities and strong government support from Japan. TSMC’s primary obstacle, according to Cheng, is maintaining its leadership position in the semiconductor industry, especially after surpassing Intel. Additionally, the cyclical nature of the industry and the potential opportunities presented by the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) applications pose further challenges for the company.
    2023/12/20 18:45
  • TSMC CEO C.C. Wei nominated as next chair

    The Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has announced that its current CEO, C.C. Wei, is set to be nominated as the next chairman in the June 2024 board election. This comes after the current chairman, Mark Liu, revealed that he will not seek re-nomination and plans to retire after next year’s shareholder meeting. Liu, who joined TSMC in 1993, became chairman in June 2018 following the retirement of company founder Morris Chang. He expressed his desire to continue making a difference in the semiconductor industry using his decades of experience while also spending more time with his family. Despite varied opinions on Liu’s retirement, there is a consensus that TSMC’s stable corporate governance is unlikely to be affected in terms of operations and stock performance.
    2023/12/20 10:45
  • TSMC Chairman Mark Liu to step down after shareholder meet

    Mark Liu, Chairman of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), will step down after the next shareholders’ meeting. C.C. Wei, currently the vice chairman, has been recommended to succeed Liu as the new chairman. Liu, who took over in 2018, focused on solidifying corporate governance and competitiveness during his tenure. He plans to continue contributing his semiconductor expertise in different capacities after retirement. Liu expresses gratitude for his collaboration with TSMC and intends to spend more time with his family. He remains confident in TSMC’s future performance and is committed to bolstering corporate governance until his term’s end.
    2023/12/19 22:03
  • AirPods Pro 3有望迎來大改版 外媒曝光5大升級亮點預測

    蘋果在iPhone 15全系列首度改用USB-C接孔,而官方也同步為無線藍牙耳機AirPods Pro 2推出USB-C版本,近期外媒揭露有關下一代AirPods Pro 3的5大亮點,讓果迷能搶先一窺其可能的升級亮點。 根據外媒《MacRumors》報導,蘋果內部已開始進行AirPods Pro 3的開發,不過最快預計要到2025年才會推出,儘管距離發表還有超過1年的時間,但近期已有不少相關爆料出現,因此《MacRumors》也整理出AirPods Pro 3最可能出現的5大升級亮點。 1. 煥然一新的外觀設計: 由於AirPods Pro 3傳出將有新功能加入,而為了因應這些新功能,官方預計將會針對耳塞、耳機外殼等進行重新設計,不過具體的相關細節仍是未知數。 2. 更好的音質效果: 有消息指出AirPods Pro 3將進一步提升音質效果,並改善現有的主動降噪功能,由於蘋果首款頭戴式裝置Vision Pro將在明年上市,AirPods Pro 3的音質效果將會是官方強化的重點之一,搭配Vision Pro以提供更沉浸式的聆聽體驗。 3. 升級晶片: 目前AirPods Pro 2搭載的是H2晶片,而下一代的AirPods Pro 3預計將升級為H3晶片,可望帶來更優異的運算處理效能,以對應可能增加的健康相關功能。 4. 聽力健康改善 健康一直是蘋果相當重視的領域,目前官方正為AirPods系列開發多項聽力健康功能,而AirPods Pro 3可望透過其搭載的感測器與相關技術,帶來更多的「聽力健康」應用;《彭博社》記者Mark Gurman指出,蘋果正在研究讓AirPods進一步增強聽力的功能,目的或許是為了讓AirPods能夠取代助聽器。 5. 體溫監測: 蘋果近年頻頻取得與體溫監測相關的專利,傳出官方已經開始測試將AirPods嵌入溫度偵測器,讓AirPods能夠偵測耳溫,畢竟從耳內量測體溫會比手腕溫度(Apple Watch)更加準確,甚至未來AirPods系列還有望搭載生物識別感知器,以實現監測心律、出汗量等更多功能。
    2023/12/18 08:42
  • ’Orange Devils’ return to Taiwan for premiere concert

    The renowned Kyoto Tachibana Senior High School Band, also known as the "Orange Devils," has returned to Taiwan in December after gaining a fervent fan base. Known for their vibrant and smile-filled performance style, the band made a memorable mark during last year’s National Day celebrations. The ’Orange Devils’ have planned flash mob events and are scheduled to hold their premiere concert at the National Concert Hall in Taipei. The band expressed their happiness about visiting Taiwan and their anticipation of meeting with the Taiwanese audience again. The visit aims to fortify cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Japan, as expressed by Huang Chun-chieh, the General Manager of a Taiwanese food brand. To enhance the band members’ experience in Taiwan, arrangements have been made for them to tour distinctive local scenic spots. Upon their arrival on the evening of December 9, the Kyoto Tachibana High School Band immediately showcased their signature enthusiasm and energy. The visit is expected to entertain their Taiwanese fans and continue strengthening the cultural bridges between the two nations.
    2023/12/12 13:09
  • Taiwan’s TAIEX hits year high, crosses 17,500 mark

    Taiwan’s stock market opened strong on Tuesday, reaching a new high for the year of 17,528 points, surpassing the 17,500 mark. This increase came after a rise in U.S. stocks on Monday. The Taiwan Stock Exchange Weighted Index (TAIEX) climbed by 78.65 points to 17,496.99 points, with a trading volume of NT$36.387 billion as of 9:06 a.m. Leading the gainers in early trading were Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), Largan Precision, and Foxconn. This week, as the market enters a central bank super week, banks in the U.S. and Europe are expected to announce their final rate decisions for the year. Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) chairman Huang Tien-mu expressed the government’s commitment to stabilizing the capital market and highlighted the resilience of Taiwan’s stock market. Huang assured that the FSC is prepared to manage the impact of the Federal Reserve’s decisions on the market.
    2023/12/12 10:24
  • Cities end school liquid egg ban, set strict standards

    Multiple municipalities in Taiwan, including Taipei, New Taipei, Keelung, Taoyuan, and Taichung, have announced the lifting of the ban on imported liquid eggs in school lunches, following a controversy over their use. The ban will be lifted starting from December 11, with the condition that only liquid eggs produced in December and carrying the Certified Agricultural Standards (CAS) mark can be used. CAS-certified liquid eggs, priced at approximately NT$125 per kilogram, are 1.5 times more expensive than regular shell eggs but guarantee higher quality. Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-Yen cited the resolution of the "egg shortage crisis" and strengthened regulation on liquid egg production as reasons for lifting the ban. School meal providers can now gradually reintroduce egg dishes that were previously removed from students’ menus. Former Agriculture Minister Chen Chi-chung expressed his view on the ban lift, emphasizing the importance of food safety in a Facebook post.
    2023/12/09 15:37
  • Taiwan’s instant noodle sales boil over NT$14 billion mark

    Taiwan’s instant noodle industry has achieved impressive sales, reaching an annual output value of NT$14 billion. This year alone, consumers in Taiwan have consumed around 900 million packets of instant noodles. Market research conducted by noodle manufacturers reveals that beef and seafood flavors are the preferred choices among Taiwanese consumers. In order to stay competitive, noodle companies continuously innovate their marketing tactics, introducing new flavors, prize draws, and strategic partnerships. The iconic "Hong Shao Beef Noodle Soup" and "Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup" from a well-established Taiwanese instant noodle brand have experienced a significant increase in sales, surpassing the million-packet mark. This success can be attributed to a collaboration with a popular food television series. To celebrate this achievement, the brand has joined forces with a lifestyle app to launch a lottery with a guaranteed 100% winning rate, providing customers with an additional incentive to enjoy the comforting warmth of a bowl of instant noodles.
    2023/12/09 13:58
  • Gao Yuanyuan’s graceful correction to ’auntie’ goes viral

    Chinese actress Gao Yuanyuan gracefully corrects an event attendee who mistakenly referred to her as ’Auntie Yuanyuan,’ prompting them to revise it to ’Sister Yuanyuan.’ The video of this playful exchange has gone viral, garnering attention and praise for Gao’s gracious response. Gao’s relationship to Taiwanese actor Mark Chao, made public in 2012, has been a steady fixture in the entertainment industry. Despite their high-profile status, the couple maintains a sweet and under-the-radar relationship. Online fans have also commented on Gao’s continued youthful and elegant charm in her life post-marriage.
    2023/12/07 21:36
  • 輝達高層欲賣股套現1.8億美元 祖克柏也拋售Meta持股

    美國股市在今年11月展現出百年罕見的強勁表現,尤其科技股大放異彩。在這波行情中,Meta Platforms(臉書的母公司)執行長馬克·祖克伯(Mark Zuckerberg)自2021年以來首次出售個人持股,而根據Washington Service的數據,AI晶片製造巨頭輝達(NVIDIA)的高層管理人員亦於同月售出37萬股股票,市值高達1.8億美元(約新台幣56.4億元),創下近6年最大量的賣出紀錄。
    2023/12/05 13:05
  • 經多次心臟病發!資深男星「4次起死回生」 驚吐:存活率零

    曾出演知名電視劇《超自然檔案(Supernatural)》反派角色而爆紅的英國資深男演員馬克(Mark Sheppard),近期在社群傳出驚人消息,稱自己在多次心臟病發後,四次起死回生,更認為自己「活下去的機率是零」。消息一出引起不少粉絲擔心,同時也有不少知名人士紛紛留言打氣,所幸目前馬克稱自己感覺好很多,已準備返家休養。  
    2023/12/05 08:35
  • Taiwan’s 2023 exports on track to hit US$400B milestone

    Taiwan’s Finance Minister, Chuang Tsui-yun, projects that Taiwan’s total export value for this year will exceed US$400 billion, marking the third-highest record in Taiwan’s history. The nation’s exports for the first ten months of the year have already reached US$355.1 billion. Despite a slight decline in October, Taiwan’s export sector has shown signs of resilience, with positive growth in September. Chuang advises industry leaders and government departments to closely monitor global economic factors, such as inflation and the interest rate hike cycle, which may impact exports. Cautious optimism is emphasized for exports in the fourth quarter and beyond.
    2023/12/04 14:03
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