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    恐怖威脅罪阿西 就業勝騏食品副總私闖民宅11點熱吵店狄鶯 年薪阿乃
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    Mai 結果共41筆

  • Kaohsiung mayor demands Taipower reform after outages

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai expressed dissatisfaction with Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) during an interpellation at the City Council. Three power failures occurred in Kaohsiung within three days. Chen assigned a consumer ombudsman to assess damage and investigate losses. He demanded Taipower conduct an examination, upgrade the grid, enhance safety measures, and implement thorough management.
    2023/11/22 20:30
  • Kaohsiung head praises Hsiao Bi-khim’s expertise

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai commended Hsiao Bi-khim for her extensive knowledge of the United States and Japan, as well as her expertise in Taiwan’s foreign affairs. Chen expressed admiration for the "Lai-Hsiao team" and acknowledged Hsiao’s diplomatic skills, particularly her connections with political figures in the U.S. and Japan. He emphasized Hsiao’s familiarity with Taiwan’s foreign affairs but stressed the importance of respecting the yet-to-be-announced vice presidential candidate. Chen and Hsiao have collaborated for several years in Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan.
    2023/11/20 17:45
  • Coldplay concert in Kaohsiung breaks attendance records

    Coldplay’s two-day concert at the Kaohsiung National Stadium has broken the audience record previously held by South Korean girl group BLACKPINK, drawing a record-breaking crowd. However, nearby residents complained on Facebook that their homes were shaking as if an earthquake was taking place due to the gig, sparking discussions online. The Sunday concert saw an attendance of 86,505 people, setting a new high for the stadium. Data from Kaohsiung Metro revealed that 32,000 people traveled to and from the concert at the R17 World Games station, while 11,800 people utilized shuttles to and from the Zuoying HSR Station, representing a 40% increase from the day before. Despite the large crowd, the city successfully evacuated the crowd in 88 minutes on Sunday. Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai personally oversaw the response center at the stadium and closely monitored the dispersal. To accommodate the increased demand, the Kaohsiung Metro increased service frequency. The Coldplay concert also proved successful in tourism, generating over NT$330 million in revenue.
    2023/11/13 18:19
  • Coldplay breaks attendance record with 85K fans in Kaohsiung

    Coldplay’s concert in Kaohsiung attracted a record-breaking attendance of nearly 85,000 people, surpassing the previous record set by BLACKPINK in March 2023. Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai announced the unprecedented high of 84,858 individuals in the stadium’s vicinity. After the concert, transportation authorities reduced the Metro frequency to three minutes to disperse the large crowd, taking a total of 82 minutes to completely clear the stadium. The Transportation Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government reported that around 30,000 concertgoers took the city’s metro to the venue, out of a total daily transportation volume of approximately 266,000. The bureau encouraged the use of public transportation due to traffic control near the concert venue.
    2023/11/12 16:14
  • Kaohsiung school meals rely on domestic eggs only: Mayor

    The story discusses how Kaohsiung school meals will now only use domestically produced eggs, addressing concerns about imported egg use. Two egg producers, Tai Nong Egg Products and Sin Sing Eggs, faced fines and legal scrutiny from the city government for their refusal to provide import and export documents, creating uncertainty around the distribution of 4.25 million eggs. This issue prompted a special inquiry report on egg imports in Kaohsiung, which Mayor Chen Chi-mai and officials from the Department of Health and the Agriculture Bureau attended. Mayor Chen revealed that both companies have been heavily penalized, accumulating fines of NT$11.3 million.
    2023/11/07 17:36
  • 不只給陸客5個月免簽!泰國清邁機場11月起24小時無休

    泰國東北部大城清邁(Chiang Mai),一直歐美、中國大陸和台灣遊客喜愛的觀光勝地,根據《Thaiger》報導,新上任的賽塔(Srettha Thavisin)政府在宣佈,要給陸客為期5個月的免簽入境優惠後,19日再次表示從11月1日起,清邁國際機場將延長營業時間,變成24小時全天無休,藉此因應可能爆增的陸客人潮。
    2023/09/19 14:38
  • President Tsai pledges ‘African Plan’ revision in Eswatini

    President Tsai Ing-wen pledged to revise the "African Plan" during an expatriate banquet in Eswatini after overseeing the signing of three agreements on Monday (Sept. 5).
    2023/09/06 18:58
  • TSMC plans to upgrade Kaohsiung new fab to produce 2nm chips

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai revealed on Monday (July 17) that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSMC) planned to build a 2nm chip factory in the city.
    2023/07/17 17:52
  • 【今晚熱搜】貝里斯/千賀滉大/富邦悍將/統一獅/汪小菲

    今(3日)熱搜關鍵字為「貝里斯」,總統蔡英文率團出訪,展開為期十天九夜的「民主夥伴共榮之旅」,於當地時間2日下午抵達中南美洲友邦貝里斯菲利普戈爾德森國際機場之後,由我國駐貝里斯大使徐儷文、外貿暨移民部次長Amalia Mai登機迎接,貝里斯總督察芙拉(Froyla Tzalam)則於機梯前親迎。以下為最受網友歡迎、點閱率最高的5則新聞。
    2023/04/03 21:31
  • Kaohsiung mayor promotes Taiwan produce in fluent Japanese

    The mayor of Kaohsiung City, Chen Chi-mai, made an appearance at the opening of the highly anticipated FOODEX JAPAN 2023 event on Tuesday (March 7) to champion Taiwanese produce. 
    2023/03/10 18:58
  • 空汙警戒飆升至危險等級 泰國清邁「擬普發N95口罩」

    泰國東北部大城、也知名觀光景點之一的清邁(Chiang Mai),當地目前正陷入嚴重空氣汙染威脅,《衛報》(The Guardian)報導,疑似因為郊區農民為了整理田地,採用火燒除草的方式,外加部份林區發生小規模火災,讓清邁被厚厚一層霧霾與懸浮微粒覆蓋,空汙警戒飆升到危險級別,迫使當地政府普發N95口罩給民眾,並要求大家非必要別外出。
    2023/03/09 11:53
  • 俄頂尖航太科學家離奇死亡 疑威脅普欽大權「被消失」

    自俄烏戰爭開打後,俄羅斯便發生一連串富商與高官的死亡事件,莫斯科航空學院(MAI)前院長格拉申科(Anatoly Gerashchenko),也於21日傳出自樓梯上失足摔落不幸身亡;他生前負責主導俄國航空技術發展,與國防部互動密切,離奇死亡消息引發外界關注,被認為是威脅到俄羅斯總統普欽(Vladimir Putin)的權力,因而「被消失。」
    2022/09/22 15:14
  • 孫麥傑MV細磨1200小時「像談戀愛」 網讚:超質感

    2021/09/18 11:47
  • 「台版朴寶劍」孫麥傑跨界樂壇 音樂教父讚:有無限可能

    2021/09/09 11:53
  • 中國有嘻哈編曲製作人 疑似抄襲韓歌曲

    饒舌音樂節目《中國有嘻哈》比賽內容越來越激烈,不過現在卻傳出表演曲目是抄襲韓國饒舌節目《show me the money》裡面的編曲,雙方粉絲在網路上爭論不休。
    2017/08/30 12:44
  • Mai-A-Hi搭電影宣傳 在台爆紅

    2005/12/13 10:40
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