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    MADE 結果共384筆

  • Lai Ching-te, Terry Gou promote cross-strait peace in Kinmen

    In a significant display of unity, Vice President Lai Ching-te and Foxconn founder Terry Gou made a joint appearance at the Cheng Huang Festival, a religious and cultural event in Kinmen. This marks their first public appearance together, as they expressed their shared desire for peace in the region.
    2023/05/30 17:27
  • 不用再買原廠充電盤?iPhone 15傳將開放15W快充

    蘋果自iPhone 8導入Qi無線充電,支援充電功率7.5W,之後在iPhone 12、13、14則將充電功率升級至15W,並採用MagSafe磁吸的方式進行無線充電,然而想要獲得15W的充電功率,必須使用蘋果原廠或通過官方MFM(Made for MagSafe)認證的配件,不過最近有傳聞指出蘋果將在iPhone 15取消這項限制。
    2023/05/25 09:13
  • Former UK PM Liz Truss’ visit paid by Prospect Foundation

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said Wednesday (May 17) that the visit of former British Prime Minister Liz Truss was made possible at the invitation of the Prospect Foundation which also sponsored the event.
    2023/05/18 17:18
  • Taiwan FDA considers lifting ban on Japanese strawberries

    The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is considering easing a ban on two types of pesticides — chlorfenapyr and flonicamid — used on strawberries imported from Japan, in response to a frequent request made by Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association.
    2023/05/04 17:46
  • Taiwan cuts waiting time for migrant worker replacements

    Employers in Taiwan who seek to replace migrant workers that have left their jobs without notice will now face a shorter waiting period of 1 to 3 months, according to an amendment made to Article 58 of the Employment Service Act on April 21.
    2023/04/28 17:17
  • 人口開倒車.競爭力新低 日本深陷「消失危機」

    2023/04/13 19:56
  • Ma Ying-jeou visits Fudan University to boost youth exchange

    Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou made a visit to the venerable Fudan University, which has a history of 118 years, on the eleventh day of his sojourn in China. 
    2023/04/06 18:57
  • TVBS《FOCUS世界新聞》x《天下雜誌》探討台灣AI軍火團

    人工智慧AI熱潮席捲全球,台灣科技廠成為AI伺服器大軍,有其他國家做不到的獨家技術。今(5)日邀請到天下雜誌主編黃亦筠於《FOCUS世界新聞》中,接受主持人李潔線上訪問說明,「在AI伺服器生態系上,台廠掌握的機會有四大塊:系統代工、電源供應器、散熱和載板,舉例來說,今年三月Nvidia年度GTC大會上,Nvidia執行長黃仁勳展示當今速度最快的AI超級電腦,內建是由8顆GPU組成,支援像是ChatGPT這類大型語言模型的運算,而這台超級電腦背後有著『台灣AI軍火團』,是個龐大的AI伺服器生態系,其中伺服器系統代工有鴻海、廣達、英業達、緯穎等工廠,控制AI伺服器電源的高功效電源供應器則是光寶負責,其他關鍵零件像是搭配的載板、散熱模組也都是『Made by Taiwan』。」
    2023/04/05 14:54
  • President Tsai visits Taiwanese-run store in New York

    President Tsai Ing-wen made the most of the last day of  her stopover in New York by visiting a Taiwanese-run general store and meeting with Masterchef Junior champion Liya Chu on Thursday (March 30).
    2023/04/01 08:58
  • Czechs to back Taiwan ’under any circumstances’

    Czech Republic’s Parliament Speaker, Marketa Pekarova Adamova, declared on Tuesday that her country would support Taiwan without fail in a statement made during her address to the Legislative Yuan (parliament).
    2023/03/29 16:44
  • Taiwan elementary students invent automatic shrimp peeler

    A group of elementary students in Hsinchu, Taiwan, have recently made headlines for inventing an automatic shrimp peeler under the guidance of their teacher. 
    2023/03/20 19:12
  • 台灣綠色版米其林指南 永續餐飲評鑑接軌國際

    國內的綠色餐飲指南(GDG)今天與英國永續餐廳協會(SRA)簽署備忘錄,獲GDG評鑑一到三葉級餐廳,將等同於SRA推出的全球永續餐飲指標Food Made Good的一到三星級餐廳。
    2023/03/14 22:55
  • iPhone 15將限制充電速度?外媒:恐違反歐盟規定

    蘋果將在今年下半季推出iPhone 15,為了因應歐盟規範,iPhone 15全系列將會換上USB-C充電孔,先前有傳聞指出官方不想放棄MFi (Made For i-Product)商機,未來若使用非MFi認證的USB-C傳輸線,其充電速度可能會受到限制,然而近期有外媒卻表示蘋果這項計畫恐違反歐盟規定。
    2023/03/14 16:05
  • Foreign Ministry welcomes joint statement by UK and France

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) welcomed on Monday (March 13) a joint declaration made three days earlier by the leaders of France and the United Kingdom on the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
    2023/03/13 17:13
  • 白色情人節開喝!萬波預告推4大春飲 滿滿柚子果肉太誘人

    萬波島嶼紅茶日前攜手日本潮流品牌「HUMAN MADE」,推出了一系列聯名商品,甚至還在台中PARK2草悟廣場開設快閃店,一開賣就造成搶購風潮,第2波周邊也即將開賣,快先設好鬧鐘;而3/14白色情人節還有新飲品登場,新原茶「麗雅烏龍」加上柚子果肉、蜜蜂工坊獨家蜂蜜等等,4大春日飲料準備開喝!
    2023/03/10 20:02
  • Kaohsiung mayor promotes Taiwan produce in fluent Japanese

    The mayor of Kaohsiung City, Chen Chi-mai, made an appearance at the opening of the highly anticipated FOODEX JAPAN 2023 event on Tuesday (March 7) to champion Taiwanese produce. 
    2023/03/10 18:58
  • iPhone 15改用USB-C 傳蘋果已量產2配件

    蘋果iPhone 15將在今年正式現身,而其中最大的改變就是充電孔改為USB-C,不過有傳聞表示蘋果尚未放棄MFi (Made For i-Product)商機,未來USB-C傳輸線仍須經過蘋果認證,才能在iPhone 15使用,近期則有爆料指出蘋果已經開始量產相關配件。
    2023/03/01 08:21
  • Tony Leung at ’A City of Sadness’ 4K restoration premiere

    Tony Leung made an appearance at the premiere of the 4K restoration of "A City of Sadness" in Taiwan on Tuesday (Feb. 14). 
    2023/02/15 22:00
  • Transitional justice underway in Taiwan at CKS Memorial Hall

    Since taking office, Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen has made transitional justice a top priority. 
    2023/02/15 19:03
  • Jeremy Lin scores 21 points in first P. League game  

    Jeremy Lin made his debut with the Kaohsiung Steelers in the P. League on Sunday
    2023/02/13 19:40
  • Rediscover Taipei during Taiwan Lantern Festival

    The Taiwan Lantern Festival has made its long-awaited return to Taipei after a 23-year absence. T
    2023/02/13 17:24
  • iPhone 15改USB-C仍無法通用?傳蘋果將設門檻限制

    蘋果將在今年推出iPhone 15,其中最大的改變是因應歐盟新規定,將充電孔規格從Lightning改為USB-C,不過近日外媒表示,蘋果尚未放棄MFi (Made For i-Product)商機,未來USB-C傳輸線仍須經過蘋果認證,才能在iPhone 15使用。
    2023/02/11 12:21
  • Taiwan military to boost defensive strategies in case of war

    Taiwan’s defense forces recently made a strategic shift from focusing solely on air and sea protection to bolstering its land-based military.
    2023/01/19 18:38
  • Taiwan lowers majority age to 18 starting in January 2023

    Taiwan made an important move in January 2023 — allowing millions of college students to step into adulthood before they reach their twentieth birthday.
    2023/01/11 12:01
  • Julian Kuo: Taiwan must show commitment to self-defense

    Taiwan will extend mandatory military service from four months to one year starting 2024. TVBS spoke exclusively to Julian Kuo, a former legislator where he shared his take on the announcement made by Tsai Ing-wen.
    2022/12/29 19:00
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