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    LINE 結果共3,776筆

  • 鐵票動搖了?台大醫曝「醫師LINE群內幕」 一面倒轉投藍

    2024/01/08 10:25
  • Jaw Shaw-kong urges China for peace ahead of elections

    Kuomintang (KMT) vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong has called on China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to demonstrate goodwill ahead of Taiwan’s elections. He urged them to refrain from sending military aircraft across the median line of the Taiwan Strait, advocating for peace in the region. Jaw’s plea comes after a Newsweek report revealed that 1,709 Chinese military aircraft entered Taiwan’s air defense identification zone in 2023, representing a 76% increase from the previous year. Although the number decreased to 80 in December, military aircraft continued to intrude in 2024. Jaw specifically named the TAO in his message, asking them to relay it to the PLA. The persistent disruptions by China with military aircraft, ships, and floating balloons have heightened tensions as Taiwan’s final presidential election of 2024 approaches, affecting both the electorate and candidates and reflecting the complex dynamics of cross-strait relations and the election.
    2024/01/07 15:59
  • Taiwan detects CCP military presence ahead of 2024 election

    The Taiwanese Ministry of National Defense (MND) has reported the detection of eight military aircraft and six naval vessels of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the past 24 hours. Additionally, an unidentified balloon crossed the Taiwan Strait median line. The MND denounced China’s activities, which consistently undermine regional stability, and expressed its commitment to maintaining peace and national security. The Republic of China Armed Forces will monitor and respond to CCP military and naval activities to safeguard Taiwan’s sovereignty. Despite interference from the Chinese PLA, the MND remains determined to uphold Taiwan’s state security and regional stability.
    2024/01/07 12:14
  • 膽子真大!賭場接駁車 路邊攔警「一起玩」

    2024/01/06 20:00
  • 賭場貼心專車接送賭客 嫌犯太熱情約到警察:上車一起玩

    2024/01/06 15:56
  • 又假冒股市憲哥!銀行業退休男也挨詐 3600萬積蓄飛了

    2024/01/06 12:12
  • 玩這24處還有獎拿!拍照傳LINE「抽5萬元」活動到3/8

    2024/01/06 10:49
  • U.S. backs Taiwan amid Chinese balloons incursion

    U.S. National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications, John Kirby, affirms American support for Taiwan’s democracy and urges parties outside Taiwan not to interfere with its democratic process. This comes after Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense reported detecting three balloons from the Chinese Communist Party crossing the median line of the Taiwan Strait. Following the incident, there were multiple incursions by Chinese aircraft and vessels observed in the area. The Taiwanese military will take appropriate measures based on the nature and potential hazard of the balloons. Although Kirby couldn’t verify the balloon reports, he reiterates U.S. support for Taiwan’s democracy and looks forward to free, fair, and transparent elections. He also warns against any external force attempting to interfere with the Taiwanese elections and urges parties outside Taiwan not to meddle with its democratic process.
    2024/01/05 17:44
  • 開甜點店壓力大!大霈、黃湘婷突爆口角 驚喜嘉賓竟是他

    柯有倫、李霈瑜(大霈)、江宏傑、黃湘婷等人一起參與的綜藝實境節目《可可樹下的奇幻小店》,由「客家電視」和「LINE TV」共同製作,4人合夥開設一家甜點店。僅兩週的播出時間,該節目就在客家電視收視不斐,更獲LINE TV的熱播冠軍。
    2024/01/05 07:58
  • 「媽我換Line」!假兒哭窮要錢 8旬婦遭詐38萬

    2024/01/03 19:41
  • 報郵輪6日行 提問旅社全不知 旅客:7萬白花

    2024/01/03 18:57
  • 太久沒看到兒子 北投婦接詐騙電話堅認「是本人」想匯款

    2024/01/03 17:13
  • 2024國定假日怎麼玩?「排假攻略+旅遊規劃」一次看

    迎接2024年,LINE旅遊展開「2024開春搶頭香」優惠活動。活動持續至1月31日,凡訂購海外機票、住宿和團體行程,最高可享LINE POINTS 8%回饋。數據顯示,旅遊成本仍高於疫情前水平,如機票價格比疫情前高出超過30%,消費者也傾向於提早規劃旅遊,平均提前74天購買機票、住宿則提前44天訂購。
    2024/01/03 16:54
  • 開工爆離職潮!同事狂退LINE群 過來人揭內幕:寧可放棄年終

    2024/01/03 14:03
  • LINE祭「龍年紅包」爽拿錢瘋傳 專家急闢謠:是詐騙 

    元旦假期剛過,緊接而來的就是新年假期,而元旦起LINE官方開始流傳「搶紅包」的訊息,吸引不少民眾爭相點擊領取。日前事實查核中心證實,該訊息為「詐騙」,且該連結並非LINE Store官方網站,呼籲民眾切勿點擊。
    2024/01/03 14:02
  • 竹科30歲工程師電愛女網友「裸聊」全被側錄 慘遭索財

    2024/01/03 11:34
  • Taiwan monitors Chinese military activity ahead of elections

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) detected four Chinese military aircraft and three naval vessels operating near the Taiwan Strait, days before the presidential election. Two Chinese balloons were also tracked, with one entering Taiwan’s western airspace northwest of Chiayi, and another spotted northwest of Keelung. The balloons disappeared from radar after crossing the median line. The MND’s flight track map shows that one balloon floated over Taiwan from west to east before disappearing over the Pacific Ocean. The other balloon, named "Air Police 500," flew into Taiwan’s southwestern air defense identification zone (ADIZ) from China’s coastal airspace. These balloons were likely used for collecting meteorological data and were different from the Chinese spy balloons that flew over the U.S. last year. It is inferred that these floating balloons might have been released by an unknown Chinese entity, as Taiwan has previously found balloons released by China for weather research. Promptly disclosing the movements of Chinese balloons is emphasized to raise public awareness regarding safety measures and counter potential preemptive messaging from China. The national military is currently monitoring the situation and has developed a responsive plan, according to the MND.
    2024/01/03 11:07
  • 「囂張的代價」!單手騎車+翹孤輪+放鞭炮 最高可罰近10萬元並吊銷駕照

    2024/01/02 15:00
  • 台中耶誕嘉年華近尾聲 把握連假一睹LINE FRIENDS明星魅力

    台中耶誕嘉年華「2023台中好甜,LINE FRIENDS好友來樂」一開幕就引爆熱潮,每天都吸引上萬民眾朝聖,把站前火車站及綠柳川擠得水洩不通,即便遇到寒流,仍不畏寒冷化身小小網紅,就是要到台中參加耶誕嘉年華與LINE FRIENDS好友們拍照打卡。台中市政府新聞局提醒,台中耶誕嘉年華已進入尾聲,將於明年1月1日熄燈,尚未至台中與LINE FRIENDS好友們拍照打卡的民眾,趕緊趁跨年連假來衝一波! 
    2023/12/31 10:00
  • 連假衝了!台中耶誕嘉年華將熄燈 LINE明星陪跨年萌爆

    台中耶誕嘉年華「2023台中好甜,LINE FRIENDS好友來樂」一開幕就引爆熱潮,每天都吸引上萬民眾朝聖,把站前火車站及綠柳川擠得水洩不通,即便遇到寒流,仍不畏寒冷化身小小網紅,就是要到台中參加耶誕嘉年華與LINE FRIENDS好友們拍照打卡。台中市政府新聞局提醒,台中耶誕嘉年華已進入尾聲,將於明年1月1日熄燈,尚未至台中與LINE FRIENDS好友們拍照打卡的民眾,趕緊趁跨年連假來衝一波!
    2023/12/31 09:43
  • 王識賢再現阿叔熱潮!扛百斤大陀螺 與李李仁組「陣頭雙帥」

    曾榮登LINE TV 2021「十大人氣戲劇」榜首的《神之鄉》即將接續《阿叔》熱潮,由王識賢領軍,在2024開春再登華視8點與粉絲見面,劇中分別飾演宮廟廟主的「陣頭雙帥」王識賢與李李仁,在有著大溪第二個過年之稱的「六二四慶典」中互別苗頭,首集的陣頭大戲即毫無冷場,身為人氣榜首果然非浪得虛名。
    2023/12/30 16:56
  • 范范登跨年台南!人氣王Ozone連趕3場最威 時間地點全公開

    從選秀節目《原子少年》出道的AcQUA源少年、U:NUS、Ozone、FEniX、VERA、OPENsi、Saturnday,成為全台各地跨年晚會爭相邀約的新浪潮。其中Ozone跨年夜連趕3場,將在「2024幸福龍來─台中跨年夜」、「2024高雄跨年晚會」、「2024 LINE FRIENDS TOWN 麗寶跨年演唱會」陪伴歌迷,另外同樣自節目發跡的「范范」范庭瑜將在台南新營的「2024南瀛跨年晚會」開唱。
    2023/12/30 16:27
  • Taipei Mayor continues campaign work on birthday

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an celebrated his birthday by supporting legislative candidate Lai Shyh-bao in a campaign in Wenshan District, emphasizing the significance of the upcoming elections. Attendees and the public sang the Happy Birthday song for the mayor, creating a festive atmosphere. Surprisingly, Chiang’s birthday wish was unrelated to politics; he simply wanted to share a bowl of instant noodles with his family and fall asleep with his two youngest children. Balancing political duties and familial obligations is a challenge for Chiang, and he admits struggling to find enough time for his family. In line with his political mission, Chiang also expressed a hopeful desire for a strong electoral victory for himself and his team, as well as a successful election outcome for all Kuomintang (KMT) legislative candidates in Taipei City.
    2023/12/27 13:21
  • PLA aircraft, vessels, balloon operate near Taiwan: MND

    The Ministry of National Defense detected eight People’s Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft and five PLA vessels operating around the Taiwan Strait from Dec. 25 to Dec. 26. Three aircraft, including a Y-8 anti-submarine warfare aircraft, a Y-8 tactical reconnaissance aircraft, and a KJ-500 airborne early warning & control aircraft, entered Taiwan’s southwestern air defense identification zone. Additionally, a PLA balloon was detected crossing the strait median line and reaching northwest of Keelung before vanishing. The ministry utilized CAP Aircraft, navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to monitor and respond to these activities.
    2023/12/26 20:38
  • 女兒借我錢! 詐團假冒「曹興誠」騙7旬翁

    2023/12/26 20:29
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