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    K Taiwan 結果共15筆

  • K-pop迷集合!韓國機票在手「爽抽Golden Wave門票」

    由韓國最大有線電視台 JTBC 旗下娛樂公司 Studio JAMM與超級圓頂共同主辦的演唱會「Golden Wave in Taiwan」K-pop音樂盛事,華麗陣容有 &TEAM、(G)I-DLE、BOYNEXTDOOR 、BSS、ENHYPEN 、JD1、NMIXX、STAYC 、ZEROBASEONE 以及CHOOYOUNGWOO等當紅韓國藝人,將於4月13日掀翻高雄世運主場館。想一睹多組偶像同台登場的魅力演出嗎?除了在官方售票網站上進行購票,韓國觀光公社也特別舉辧「Ticket在手 K-POP入口」線上活動,凡於4月7日以前,憑2024年3月21日至2024年9月30日之間自台灣出發韓國的機票,至「Ticket在手 K-POP入口」活動官網上登錄參加抽獎,就有機會抽中由韓國觀光公社贊助的演唱會門票,免費進場欣賞最愛的偶像們。
    2024/04/05 10:00
  • K-pop star Hyewon charms fans at Taipei meet-and-greet

    South Korean actress and singer Kang Hye-won, known as Hyewon, delights fans in Taipei with a fan meet-and-greet event at Clapper Studio. Enjoy her serenading fans with popular K-pop songs and her humorous interactions, as she shares her love for food and local delicacies during her first personal visit to Taiwan. Experience the charm of this rising star as she crafts a memorable connection with her Taiwanese fans.
    2024/02/19 14:38
  • Raytheon to supply Taiwan with advanced AGM-154 missiles

    The United States Department of Defense has awarded a contract to Raytheon Company to produce and deliver 50 AGM-154 Block III C Joint Standoff Weapons (JSOW) to Taiwan. The contract, valued at US$68.4 million, requires completion by March 2028. The AGM-154 Block III C is an air-launched glide cruise missile with a range of 22 kilometers at low altitude and up to 130 kilometers when launched at a higher altitude. It is compatible with Taiwan’s F-16V fighter jets and will enhance Taiwan’s aerial capabilities for land-based attacks. Negotiations for another weapons procurement contract involving AGM-84H/K (SLAM-ER) extended-range standoff land attack missiles are ongoing.
    2024/02/05 10:42
  • K-Pop Icon IU set to perform at Taipei Arena in April 2024

    South Korean star IU, known as the "Nation’s Little Sister," has surprised fans by revealing her 2024 world tour schedule on Instagram. The acclaimed singer-songwriter, composer, and actress will be performing at the Taipei Arena on April 6 and 7. This marks IU’s return to Taiwan after four years and her debut performance at the renowned venue. IU is highly popular in Taiwan, thanks to her past visits and engaging activities for her fans. The "2024 IU H.E.R. World Tour Concert" will take her to various global cities, including Seoul, Yokohama, Singapore, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, London, Berlin, Bangkok, Osaka, Newark, Atlanta, Washington D.C., Rosemont, Oakland, and Los Angeles. IU is not only known for her powerful singing ability but also for her top-notch acting skills, showcased in hit Korean dramas such as "My Mister" and "Hotel del Luna." With the announcement of her Taiwan concerts, a ticket sales frenzy is expected.
    2024/01/17 16:39
  • Taiwan’s top 10 concerts of 2023 revealed by big data

    In 2023, Taiwan’s concert scene witnessed a multitude of chart-topping performances, captivating fans with spectacles from renowned artists. The KeyPo big-data engine used by DailyView analyzed online discussions to rank the top 10 concerts of the year. At number 10, rock band Power Station, featuring guests JJ Lin and Accusefive, received positive reviews for their world tour concert "Because of Love." Accusefive, the ninth most discussed band, also garnered favorable reviews for their world tour concerts in Taiwan. Veteran singer Rainie Yang, ranked eighth, touched the hearts of concertgoers at the Taipei Arena. Hebe Tien, in seventh place, returned to the Taipei Arena after three years, inviting guest artists Waa Wei, Deserts Chang, and actor Greg Hsu. Hong Kong superstar Eason Chan, placed at number six, conveyed deep philosophical messages in his concert "Fear and Dreams." Korean soloist Taeyeon, at number five, held a solo concert at the Taipei Arena, performing 24 songs consecutively. Taiwanese star A-Mei, in fourth place, performed in Kaohsiung for 10 consecutive days, earning applause from dedicated fans. British band Coldplay secured third place for their eco-friendly concert in Kaohsiung. Taiwanese band Mayday celebrated their 25th anniversary with surprises and engagement with fans, landing them in second place. However, the top concert of 2023 in Taiwan belonged to K-pop girl group BLACKPINK, whose "Born Pink" tour tickets sold out instantly in Kaohsiung, attracting nearly 90,000 fans. The analysis collected data from various digital platforms from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023, including Facebook, YouTube, news media, discussion boards, and blogs.
    2024/01/07 11:06
  • 高雄最美店花揭曉!85歲嬤狂掃3.5萬讚、打趴一票年輕妹

    高雄在地人創立的臉書粉專「K Taiwan」近日舉行店花、店草比賽,只要讚數最多的一名即可獲得一座「黃金獎牌」,經過一周的激烈廝殺,昨(10)日結果揭曉,店花由85歲阿嬤「王宮鍋物阿娥」以3.5萬讚數奪下,消息曝光紛紛讓網友大讚「薑還是老得辣!」。
    2023/12/11 14:12
  • 薑是老的辣!「85歲嬤」成高雄最美店花 3.5萬票拔得頭籌

    高雄日前一名手搖店女店員因外型亮眼瞬間爆紅,隨後在地粉專K Taiwan也在11月30日順勢舉辦了「K Taiwan之花之草第一屆」,邀請各路帥哥美女、不分老少,前來參與活動,讚數最多的之花與之草可獲得冠軍黃金獎牌。而經過重重投票,粉專也在(10日)公布最終結果,冠軍由高齡85歲「王宮鍋物 阿娥」拔得頭籌,讓民眾驚喜刷一排恭喜。
    2023/12/11 10:05
  • Bettii pauses studies for music, showcases strong skills

    Discover the story of 18-year-old rookie singer Bettii, who captivated audiences with her heartfelt rendition of "Seven" at a press conference. Inspired by her idol Jungkook from BTS, Bettii aims to evoke the same emotions in her music. After covering Jungkook’s song, she gained recognition from the K-pop star himself. Putting her education in Canada on hold, Bettii’s parents are supportive of her decision to pursue a singing career in Taiwan. The press conference showcased her multi-instrumental talents as she played the acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and piano. While her company doesn’t impose a dating ban, finding time to socialize remains a challenge. Standing at 168 centimeters tall, Bettii hopes to find a taller and conceptually compatible partner. She also admires the members of the K-pop group TOMORROW X TOGETHER (TXT).
    2023/12/07 20:18
  • 高雄職業之花「85歲頭家嬤」參戰!無美肌修圖吸2萬讚

    火鍋頭家嬤vs.手搖飲正妹,你會選誰!高雄在地臉書粉專「K Taiwan」舉辦「職業之花之草」比賽,眾多高雄飲料店、餐飲業的帥哥美女踴躍投稿,一名85歲的火鍋店「頭家嬤」也來參賽,在一片正妹當中,目前暫居第一,粉專也宣布,按讚數最多的冠軍,可以得到0.5錢的真金獎牌。
    2023/12/01 15:48
  • 高雄地方粉專辦「餐飲之花」比賽 上百粉絲投稿「頭家嬤」也參戰

    外型亮眼的人就是會忍不住多看幾眼!日前有網紅在粉專上PO出高雄市鹽埕區一間飲料店的女店員,雖然戴著口罩,但亮麗的外型還是掀起一陣轟動。而高雄在地的臉書「K Taiwan」也順勢舉辦起了「之花之草」比賽,引來近百位粉絲投稿。
    2023/11/30 17:05
  • 不比手搖杯正妹差!高雄「水果攤之花」又辣又甜 全場暴動求IG

    粉專「K Taiwan」近日頻頻分享來自各行各業的帥哥美女,其中一名在高雄某手搖店工作的正妹,更是因其亮麗外貌而吸引超過2萬人按讚。不過,除了這位「手搖杯正妹」外,近期讚數排名第二的同樣來自高雄,這名「水果攤之花」除了有迷人大眼外,更有姣好有致的身材,讓廣大網友們瞬間戀愛,直呼「好想吃水果」。
    2023/11/29 15:42
  • 威盛電子再獲HolonIQ教育科技大獎 AI助攻提升師生教學效率

    積極導入最新科技技術,引領台灣數位學習的威盛電子,本屆首度於「台灣科技教育展」中展出,帶來最新科技融入教育應用。威盛電子教育事業旗下包括線上學習領導平臺「學習吧LearnMode」、K-12進階學習平臺「加分吧」,以及集結AI視覺辨識應用與創意自造教育品牌「創造栗」,都導入最新科技技術,共同為台灣教育打造美好的學習體驗。威盛電子全方位導入科技教育應用,今年更再度獲得業界肯定,於今(10)日科技教育展中獲頒全球最大教育科技調研機構龍頭HolonIQ,本屆2023 Taiwan EdTech教育科技大獎,這更是威盛電子第二度蟬聯全台50大教育科技企業殊榮。
    2023/11/10 15:00
  • 獨家/新年式Superb動力升級 2.0 TSI四驅車型上看280匹

    272匹馬力2.0 TSI引擎,搭配7速DSG雙離合器變速箱與全時四輪驅動系統,這是Superb車系中最強悍的動力組合,同時出現在Superb Combi SportPlus與Superb L&K兩款車型當中。現在,有意入主Superb Combi SportPlus與Superb L&K買家可能會覺得更加「超值」。由於原廠針對這具動力心臟進行升級的關係,新年式Superb Combi SportPlus與Superb L&K將動力輸出提升至280匹馬力、40.8公斤米扭力,而且不用加價,免費升級。
    2021/04/24 00:00
  • 【試駕】Ignis小傢伙真來電 巷弄穿梭箇中高手

    Taiwan Suzuki於今年10月底在台推出小改款Ignis,這款先背車具備靈巧的車身尺碼,以及年輕化外型,特別受到年輕族群與首購族關注。而在小改款之後也首度搭載了12V輕油電系統,帶來更為優異的節能表現。由Taiwan Suzuki所導入的全新小改款Ignis,採單一車型銷售方式,建議售價為68萬元新台幣,Two-Tone雙色版車型則需另外加價1萬元。
    2020/12/18 14:25
  • 原價122.9萬起小改Superb上市 年底前免費升級矩陣頭燈

    距離首次在臺灣亮相接近一年,小改款Superb車系今日 (11/19) 正式發表上市,除外觀細節修飾、燈組升級,還有9.2吋觸控螢幕與繁體中文衛星導航、新一代ADAS先進駕駛輔助系統等升級。Škoda Taiwan更將Superb車系選擇單純化,分別為Superb Limo房車與Superb Combi旅行車提供3款動力組合,各自搭配3種配備等級,共提供6款車型選擇,分別為Superb Limo 1.5 TSI、Superb Limo 2.0 TSI SportLine與Superb Limo 2.0 TSI L&K,Superb Combi 1.5 TSI、Superb Combi 2.0 TSI SportLine與Superb Combi 2.0 TSI SportPlus,分別開出122.9萬元、149.9萬元、169.9萬元,以及132.9萬元、156.9萬元、169.9萬元建議售價,與小改款前相比,入門車型與L&K車型略有調漲Limo與Combi兩款1.5 TSI車型較1.4 TSI車型漲價3萬元,L&K車型則是漲價2.1萬元。
    2020/11/19 18:20
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