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  • 瑪丹娜狂熱永不退燒! 第一任經紀人曝初見面場景:難以忘懷

    一窺「一個巨星的誕生」!Global Trekker探索世界頻道13日起將全台首播Global Trekker探索世界頻道《成名之旅》(Artist to Icon),透過瑪丹娜、妮可基嫚等影歌巨星的幕後推手和重要功臣的視角,帶領觀眾探索演藝圈不人為知的秘密。
    2024/03/12 13:54
  • K-pop icon IU kicks off H.E.R world tour to raving fans

    South Korean superstar IU kicks off her world tour, H.E.R, in Seoul with boyfriend Lee Jong-suk in attendance. The opening night draws over 10,000 fans and features a star-studded audience, including Yoo In-na, Lee Joon-gi, and members of Aespa and EXO. IU’s success in music and acting has solidified her position as "The Nation’s Sweetheart," captivating audiences with her girl-next-door image.
    2024/03/04 10:32
  • Taiwanese rock icon returns to North America after 9 years

    Don’t miss Taiwanese band Wubai and China Blue on their 2024 North American "Rock Star" tour, featuring hits like "Wanderer’s Love Song" and "Last Dance." Catch them in Las Vegas, Toronto, and Connecticut this April and May. Experience the magic of Wubai’s iconic performances that have captivated fans for over three decades.
    2024/02/26 14:19
  • LACOSTE龍年新春系列矚目亮相!楊晴合體卞慶華展現潮流風格

    2024/02/07 19:21
  • K-pop icon Yoona charms fans at Taipei fanmeet

    South Korean star Yoona from the popular K-pop group "Girls’ Generation" held a fan meet in Taipei, where she impressed the audience with her Mandarin-language performance. The event attracted 3,000 fans, and Yoona delighted them with her fluent Mandarin skills. She also sang the theme song from the popular Taiwanese drama "Someday or One Day," receiving enthusiastic applause. Lucky fans had the opportunity to interact with Yoona and take photos with her. During the fan meet, Yoona expressed her desire to try different roles, including playing a "beautiful villain." Additionally, she enjoyed trying Taiwanese delicacies such as sausage with sticky rice and sweet potato balls.
    2024/02/05 11:56
  • Jacky Cheung sets record with nine Taipei Arena concerts

    Famed Hong Kong singer Jacky Cheung announces a historic run of nine concerts at Taipei Arena starting May 31, sparking excitement among fans. Cheung, one of Hong Kong’s "Four Heavenly Kings" of Cantopop, last performed in Taiwan in 2018, making his return highly anticipated. The ambitious nine-show stint in Taipei surpasses his previous record of six shows at the same venue. Despite being over 60, Cheung, known for his marathon of 24 consecutive shows in Hong Kong, believes that with adequate preparation, practice, and passion, a demanding performance schedule is manageable. Cheung’s illustrious career dates back to 1992, and he has been named Asia’s most popular singer by Billboard.
    2024/02/01 15:13
  • 載近萬人、20層甲板!全球最大郵輪「海洋標誌號」啟航 驚人費用曝

    全球最大郵輪「海洋標誌號」(Icon of the Seas)27日在美國邁阿密(Miami)展開處女航,這艘船擁有20層甲板,可搭載最多9950人(含乘客及船員),將前往加勒比海(Caribbean Sea)展開7天的熱帶跳島旅程(island-hopping voyage);由於這艘船以液化天然氣(LNG)為動力,環保人士對甲烷排放深感擔憂。
    2024/01/28 10:06
  • Rhydian Vaughan kicks off winter tour with unplugged shows

    Taiwanese-Welsh actor and singer Rhydian Vaughan began his winter tour on January 19 to promote his first album, "Seven." The tour features Unplugged-style performances where Rhydian shares his songs and the stories behind them. During the tour, Rhydian is excited to perform two special songs, "Windmill" by Taiwanese rock icon Wu Bai and the English track "Soaking in Divine," which he dedicated to his wife. Rhydian revealed that he will be joined by "Thai prince" Phum Viphurit for a duet. Viphurit’s song "Lover Boy" has gained nearly 100 million views on YouTube, and he also performed at the Golden Melody Awards Ceremony last year. Rhydian expressed his delight in collaborating with Viphurit, praising his tall and handsome appearance and their harmonious singing. Rhydian emphasized the intimate connection with fans as the most memorable aspect of the winter tour, sharing his creative story up close. He also announced an upcoming solo concert titled "After the Show," which will be held at Legacy Taipei on March 9, the eve of his 36th birthday.
    2024/01/26 12:49
  • K-Pop Icon IU set to perform at Taipei Arena in April 2024

    South Korean star IU, known as the "Nation’s Little Sister," has surprised fans by revealing her 2024 world tour schedule on Instagram. The acclaimed singer-songwriter, composer, and actress will be performing at the Taipei Arena on April 6 and 7. This marks IU’s return to Taiwan after four years and her debut performance at the renowned venue. IU is highly popular in Taiwan, thanks to her past visits and engaging activities for her fans. The "2024 IU H.E.R. World Tour Concert" will take her to various global cities, including Seoul, Yokohama, Singapore, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, London, Berlin, Bangkok, Osaka, Newark, Atlanta, Washington D.C., Rosemont, Oakland, and Los Angeles. IU is not only known for her powerful singing ability but also for her top-notch acting skills, showcased in hit Korean dramas such as "My Mister" and "Hotel del Luna." With the announcement of her Taiwan concerts, a ticket sales frenzy is expected.
    2024/01/17 16:39
  • 最美名媛孫芸芸「出鏡率最高」5包款 這款式短期曝光2次

    2024/01/03 17:02
  • Farewell celebration marks end of an era for Eslite Xinyi

    Taipei’s Eslite Xinyi bookstore, a cultural and literary landmark, is closing its doors after 18 years, marking the end of an era. A grand farewell event celebrates its legacy, while the spirit of Eslite’s 24-hour bookstore continues at the Songyan store.
    2023/12/24 18:59
  • Jay Chou named global brand ambassador for Dior

    Taiwanese Mandopop icon Jay Chou has been appointed as a global brand ambassador for French luxury fashion house Dior, becoming the first Taiwanese to hold such a position. Dior praised Chou for embodying the brand’s style and bringing a modern touch to its timeless emblem. He joins the ranks of other Dior ambassadors, including British actor Robert Pattinson and BTS member Jimin. Chou’s appointment highlights Taiwan’s visibility on the international stage and serves as a source of pride for the country.
    2023/12/12 19:15
  • Fans voice for Wu Bai: Sing-along concerts stir viral buzz

    Taiwanese rock icon Wu Bai captivates fans with his ’silent mic’ technique, as fans enthusiastically sing the lead or backing vocals at his concerts. This unique collaborative atmosphere has turned into a viral joke, highlighting their affection for Wu Bai’s unorthodox approach to live shows. The deep connection between Wu Bai and his audience is reflected in incidents where the crowd spontaneously burst into song, showcasing their shared appreciation for his music and stage charisma.
    2023/12/08 17:31
  • 台中跨年壓軸曝光!驚見大咖天王 還有原子少年的他們

    2023/12/05 17:33
  • 台灣最美歐巴桑!陳美鳳搭上「美拉德」穿搭 1技巧造型秒升級

    2023/11/18 15:35
  • 周湯豪唱一半全身濕透被拱脫衣 突脫口「好消息」台下嗨翻

    「全能天王」周湯豪上週末受邀於新加坡One Love Asia Festival 音樂節演出,已經6年沒在新加坡演出的他,一連帶來11首經典歌曲,長達40分鐘演出誠意滿滿,有趣的是,以往他潮流icon的舞台魅力總是High到獲女粉脱「罩」致敬,來到新加坡,飆唱到濕身喊熱的他,反而被粉絲拱脫衣,周湯豪笑回:「你很色、很變態喔,叫我脫掉。不行啦!我吃太多海南雞飯了。」
    2023/10/30 13:38
  • Jay Chou’s concerts in Shanghai face mass ticket returns

    Taiwan pop icon Jay Chou is facing a wave of ticket returns from scalpers for his Shanghai performances due to a newly implemented real-name system. Previously, scalpers had been profiting by reselling tickets for exorbitant prices, but the introduction of the real-name system has curbed their activities.
    2023/10/12 12:50
  • 簡單好模仿!昆凌「女人味穿搭」5大重點 三寶媽依然時髦

    2023/08/24 13:26
  • 超模貝拉哈蒂德曝近況!消失全因患小賈、艾薇兒也得過的「萊姆病」

    美國26歲時尚超模貝拉哈蒂德(Bella Hadid)擁有火辣身材,敢穿敢秀作風獲得「時尚教科書」、「伸展台Icon」等稱號,不過近幾個月她大幅減少社群使用次數,且缺席各大時尚盛事,讓許多人相當擔心她的近況。她6日久違在IG貼文,和粉絲分享生活,也解釋了消失原因。
    2023/08/07 16:38
  • 叛逆潮男窪塚洋介要來了! 8月攜家人訪台「只為花博最潮活動」

    2023/06/28 17:30
  • NBA Star declares love for Taiwan and night market delights

    U.S. basketball icon Dwight Howard expressed his profound admiration for life in Taiwan and the vibrant night markets during an exclusive interview with TVBS on Friday (May 19). 
    2023/05/28 08:02
  • 美14歲少年玩自由落體!疑安全桿未壓緊 遭高空甩出慘死

    美國佛州奧蘭多西南部的「ICON PARK」主題樂園發生一起驚悚死亡意外,一名14歲少年開心搭乘自由落體,沒想到在時速120公里的快速下墜過程中,少年不幸從座椅上掉出設施,直接從2、3層樓高墜落地面身亡,導致這起意外的原因疑似是安全桿未壓緊。
    2022/03/26 14:32
  • 德國雜誌譏笑「亞洲人都長一樣」 朱智勛高EQ反諷獲讚

    曾演出電影《與神同行》、戲劇《宮 野蠻王妃》、《屍戰朝鮮》、《智異山》的南韓演員朱智勛,近期成為登上德國雜誌《MR ICON》封面的首位韓星,在雜誌釋出的專訪內容中,有南韓網友發現對方的問題帶有歧視意味,好在朱智勛的機智回應輕鬆化解歧視,也讓對方說不出話。
    2021/11/06 12:03
  • 賓士G-Car豔黃寬體套件招搖上身 網驚:J個是...校車嗎?

    作為一款稱霸陸地數十載的越野之王,Mercedes-Benz G-Class除了本質上仍是一輛車以外,某些程度上它其實更像是一個icon、一個傳奇。當初受軍方委託以軍規標準打造的G-Class原型車可能從沒想過會有這樣的一天!不論如何,當年的軍規G-Car在多年開放到民間後,以其Hard Core本格設定無阻礙地穿越各種極端地形,廣受各地消防部門、救援機構愛用,卓越越野能力也打響G-Class名號,甚而樹立王者地位。
    2021/09/10 12:46
  • 滴滴出行遭勒令下架!陸媒:赴美上市先斬後奏 令監管震怒

    2021/07/05 11:50
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