
NBA Star declares love for Taiwan and night market delights

Reporter Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2023/05/28 08:02
Last update time:2023/05/28 08:02
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TAIPEI, Taiwan (TVBS News) — U.S. basketball icon Dwight Howard expressed his profound admiration for life in Taiwan and the vibrant night markets during an exclusive interview with TVBS on Friday (May 19). 

The former NBA star said he had found solace and tranquility every day in Taiwan and held immense gratitude for the warm reception from fans.


Among the various aspects that captivated the basketball player, the night markets left an indelible impression. 

Howard was fond of the popular local dish known as "chicken butt" or "chicken ass." 

"The night markets are simply incredible," Howard exclaimed. 

The opportunity to immerse himself in the lively atmosphere, witnessing people reveling, relishing delicious food, and savoring the local specialties of different cities, was an extraordinary experience for the American athlete.

However, Howard admitted that the most challenging aspect of his time in Taiwan was being distanced from his beloved family. 

He acknowledged the challenge of coping with the time difference, which made it more difficult to stay connected while playing for the Taoyuan Leopards' team. 

As the basketball season draws to a close, the former NBA star eagerly anticipates returning home for the summer to relish precious moments with his family and friends.

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#Taiwan#Dwight Howard#night markets#delicious food#basketball


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