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    House 結果共219筆

  • Taiwan and US address delays in US$19 billion arms sales

    Explore the concerns over delayed U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, highlighting the establishment of a "Tiger team" to address delivery issues, discussions in the U.S. House Armed Services Committee, and the involvement of Taiwan’s National Security Council Secretary-General Wellington Koo in military matters.
    2024/05/06 17:34
  • Fatal food poisoning at Polam Kopitiam claims fourth victim

    Deputy Minister of Health Wang Pi-Sheng confirms a 40-year-old woman’s death due to food poisoning at Polam Kopitiam, marking the fourth fatality linked to the tea house in Taipei’s Xinyi A13 branch. The outbreak has resulted in 35 cases, with two patients still hospitalized.
    2024/04/29 14:29
  • 挺巴團體白宮記者晚宴會場外抗議 拜登「走後門躲避」遭轟無恥

    一年一度的白宮記者晚宴(White House Correspondents’ Dinner)27日在華盛頓希爾頓(Hilton)酒店登場,雖然美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)、各政商界知名人物、好萊塢巨星史嘉蕾‧喬韓森(Scarlett Johansson)等大咖雲集,但活動卻被場外的挺巴勒斯坦示威者搶走版面,抗議人群高喊「你們太可恥」等口號,譴責拜登對以哈衝突的處理方式,及西方媒體的報導不足和扭曲。
    2024/04/28 17:36
  • 白宮「草坪燒焦」難題多年無解 拜登千億直升機無用武之地

    美國白宮(White House)近期再次遭遇難題,耗資50億美元(約新台幣1628.5億元)打造的新總統直升機機隊,如今卻因為降落時、會讓白宮南端草坪燒焦,導致華府至今仍無法全面改用這款新直升機。外媒報導稱,直升機早在2018年就發現類似問題,但5年多時間過去,至今此一難題卻讓製造商洛克希德馬丁(Lockheed Martin)持續傷腦筋。
    2024/04/24 16:03
  • House passes $95.3B foreign aid bill for Indo-Pacific region

    U.S. House passes $95.3B foreign aid bill, providing security assistance to Taiwan, Ukraine, Israel, and other Indo-Pacific countries to counter China and Russia.
    2024/04/22 10:06
  • 宋芸樺進軍韓國!合體《驅魔麵館》男神大談驚悚虐心戀

    台韓合製電影《無人知曉的家》(The Secret House)近日在台取景拍攝,女星宋芸樺首度進軍韓國影視圈,將搭檔《驅魔麵館》、《The King:永遠的君主》性格男星李洪耐演出驚悚片。今(12)日也首度曝光兩張劇照,其中一張宋芸樺獨自站在大房子裡,望向前方表情驚恐;另一張則是坐在腳踏車後座,略帶深情看著李洪耐,充滿溫暖氛圍,令人好奇兩人關係。
    2024/04/12 14:41
  • 唱紅《排球少年》!SPYAIR新主唱5月首登台 「場地升級」太寵粉

    日本動畫電影《排球少年!!垃圾場的決戰》明(12)起全台正式上映,為該系列演唱多首主題曲的日本超人氣樂團「SPYAIR」,睽違4年再度來台演出!來台多次的他們2月宣布舉辦亞洲巡演後,便有許多歌迷敲碗期待5月17日的台北站。在樂迷引頸期盼下,宣布場地將原本的The Wall Live House換到更寬敞的「花漾Hana展演空間」,門票13日中午12點正式開賣!
    2024/04/11 19:38
  • Iowa House reaffirms support for Taiwan Relations Act

    Iowa House reaffirms support for Taiwan Relations Act, bilateral trade agreement, and Taiwan’s international participation on 45th anniversary of TRA, deepening 35-year sister-state ties.
    2024/04/11 18:21
  • US, Japan establish joint command, deepen military ties

    Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and U.S. President Joe Biden reaffirmed the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, pledged to uphold international order, and signed approximately 70 cooperation agreements spanning defense, space, economic security, AI, nuclear fusion energy, and disaster relief during a bilateral summit at the White House.
    2024/04/11 17:52
  • 柯有倫脫了!當眾裸身嗨露猛肌 高唱〈哭笑不得〉掀回憶殺

    柯有倫主持的實境節目《可可樹下的奇幻小店》正在熱播,歌手出身的他,3月31日現身台北知名的LIVE HOUSE「隱世餐酒館」,首度舉辦個人專場演出,活動前座位就早已售罄,一票難求。期間柯有倫帶來經典成名作〈零〉、〈哭笑不得〉等膾炙人口的夯歌,引來粉絲們熱烈迴響,現場更掀起一陣回憶殺。
    2024/04/02 20:09
  • High-level U.S. delegation to meet Taiwan leaders

    A bipartisan U.S. House delegation led by Bergman visits Taiwan to meet with top officials, reaffirming support and discussing key issues like Taiwan-U.S. relations and regional security.
    2024/03/28 11:24
  • Taiwan strengthens global ties through NGO partnerships

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu hosts a tea party for NGOs at Taipei Guest House, highlighting Taiwan’s achievements in international cooperation and citizen diplomacy. Over 160 representatives from various fields attend the event themed "Necessary, Growing, Outstanding." Wu praises NGO partners for their role in making Taiwan a hub for freedom, democracy, and humanitarian care, as well as attracting globally recognized NGOs to the country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs pledges to support NGOs in promoting international participation and citizen diplomacy.
    2024/03/27 17:42
  • 冏!安平樹屋翻譯成「tree mouse」 南市府爆元凶是他

    台南市知名觀光景點安平樹屋的英譯路標,被民眾發現樹屋「Tree House」竟寫成樹鼠「Tree Mouse」,市議員李啟維建議市府相關單位應盡速改正避免「貽笑大方」,而南市府發現錯誤後也立即卸下修正並裝回。
    2024/03/18 14:45
  • Tainan tourist gem marred by "Tree Mouse" sign blunder

    Discover the story of a spelling mishap at the Anping Tree House in Tainan, Taiwan. Unveil how a signpost error turned "tree house" into "tree mouse," causing confusion among visitors. Explore Councilor Lee Chi-wei’s call for improved English proficiency to enhance international interactions and preserve Taiwan’s unique heritage.
    2024/03/18 10:52
  • 台南新景點?路標出現「安平樹鼠」 遊客調侃:很會行銷喔

    台南知名的安平樹屋,最近改名字了嗎,原來有人發現馬路上的路標,安平樹屋英譯,把樹屋「Tree House」寫成了「Tree Mouse」,變成安平樹鼠,有人覺得有趣,開玩笑說,說不定會吸引遊客好奇,但也有人說英譯是給外國人看的,恐怕丟臉丟大了。
    2024/03/17 19:31
  • Taiwan’s strategic role highlighted in U.S. aid proposal

    U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson plans to expedite the passing of a foreign aid bill to assist Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, key partners in the Indo-Pacific region. The bill, totaling US$95.34 billion, aims to address Ukraine’s ammunition shortage and strengthen ties with strategic allies. Johnson’s procedural strategy and bipartisan approach signal progress in advancing the bill through the House, underscoring Taiwan’s significance in U.S. foreign policy.
    2024/03/15 19:07
  • U.S. allocates historic US$100M in military aid for Taiwan

    The White House announces a historic US$100 million military assistance allocation for Taiwan in the fiscal year 2025 budget, marking the first dedicated funding by the U.S. Department of State for the island. This move aims to enhance Taiwan’s deterrence capabilities and maintain peace in the Taiwan Strait. Additionally, President Joe Biden authorizes the sale of F-16 Infrared Search and Track systems to Taiwan, further reinforcing security cooperation.
    2024/03/13 13:00
  • VP-elect Hsiao Bi-khim’s US trip: Personal, not political

    Learn about the clarification made by the DPP regarding Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim’s upcoming personal trip to the U.S., emphasizing it is not for diplomatic purposes but for personal matters such as house moving and visiting friends. Speculations suggesting involvement in diplomatic affairs ahead of the inauguration on May 20 are refuted. Compare the trip to President-Elect Lai Ching-te’s visit to the U.S. before his inauguration four years ago, highlighting the differences in purpose and official engagements.
    2024/03/11 18:14
  • U.S. delegation to attend Taiwan presidential inauguration

    The U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair, Michael McCaul, plans to lead a delegation to Taiwan for President-elect Lai Ching-te’s inauguration on May 20. The event, expected to be on a scale similar to President Tsai Ing-wen’s 2016 inauguration, will see representatives from Taiwan’s diplomatic allies, including the United States and Japan, in attendance. Plans for the ceremony are still being finalized, according to Presidential Office spokesperson Olivia Lin.
    2024/03/08 11:19
  • 金馬奇幻影展片單再曝光 13部影壇奇片「腦洞大開」!

    2024金馬奇幻影展驚今(6)日再公布13部橫跨浪漫奇想、癲狂喜劇、B級血腥、恐怖驚悚的奇幻新作,打開觀眾的想像界限。精彩片單還有三部令人大呼過癮的喜劇,包括美國導演邁克切斯利克令怪傑名導蓋馬汀都稱奇的《狸太怨》、英國喜劇演員尼克佛羅斯特化身虔誠教徒卻大開殺戒的《歡肖一籮筐》(Krazy House),以及國新銳導演巴奇李畢福、庫柏羅伯特的《拍血少年》(All You Need Is Blood)。
    2024/03/06 18:30
  • Taiwan youth grapples with high house prices and low wages

    Discover how Taiwan’s young population is navigating the challenging landscape of high house prices and stagnant wages, despite the country’s strong purchasing power, and the call for government action to address these issues.
    2024/03/06 08:00
  • US reviews Chinese car imports citing security risks

    China criticizes US restrictions on car exports, citing national security concerns. US subjects Chinese internet-connected cars to security risk review, sparking backlash from China’s Ministry of Commerce. White House alleges data collection on US citizens, prompting investigation. President Biden calls potential influx of Chinese cars a national security risk. US considers import restrictions on Chinese vehicles, impacting connected and autonomous cars and parts. U.S. Secretary of Commerce warns of data collection by Chinese smart connected cars, likening them to "iPhones on wheels."
    2024/03/05 17:12
  • 趙詠華知道嗎?林俊逸勇敢示愛「我不浪漫」 告白對象突曝光

    「7-ELEVEN 高雄櫻花季」3月22日起一連3天,在高雄夢時代正對面廣場舉辦,除了主舞台之外,也特別規劃live house演出,林俊逸將在24日場次登場演出。身為高雄人的他笑說回家表演心情很輕鬆,但自認不是太浪漫的人,認為勇敢堅定且心無旁騖追夢,就是一種浪漫,同時也向粉絲感性告白:「我向來不是什麼大紅大紫的咖,但是看到每場演出總是有逸米的身影,滿浪漫的。」
    2024/03/01 11:23
  • Taiwan secures 2nd place in Asian freedom rankings

    Taiwan ranks second in Asia for freedom according to the Freedom House’s Freedom in the World 2024 report, scoring 94 just behind Japan’s 96. The report highlights global decline in freedom for the 18th consecutive year, affecting a fifth of the world’s population. Taiwan maintains its "Free" nation status with high scores in Political Rights and Civil Liberties, while China is labeled as "Not Free" with significantly lower scores.
    2024/02/29 17:46
  • U.S. delegation visits Taiwan’s legislature

    U.S. Congressman Mike Gallagher, chairman of the House of Representatives select committee on China, visits Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan and is warmly received by Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu and Deputy Speaker Johnny Chiang. Han welcomes the delegation with traditional Spring Couplets and invites Gallagher for a photo, praising his youthful appearance. The group then moves on to a closed-door meeting.
    2024/02/22 18:17
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