
Iowa House reaffirms support for Taiwan Relations Act

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/11 18:21
Last update time:2024/04/11 18:21
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Iowa House reaffirms support for Taiwan Relations Act (TVBS News) Iowa House reaffirms support for Taiwan Relations Act
Iowa House reaffirms support for Taiwan Relations Act (TVBS News)

IOWA (TVBS News) — The House of Representatives in Iowa, United States, on Wednesday (April 10) reaffirmed its support for the Taiwan Relations Act and the negotiation of a bilateral trade agreement (BTA) between Taiwan and the U.S., as well as Taiwan's participation in international organizations. The affirmation came through the passage of the Taiwan Friendship Caucus No. 115.

Dennis Lei, director general of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Chicago, said the resolution's passage on the 45th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act was particularly meaningful.


The resolution promises to deepen the sister-state relationship with Taiwan, which has been established for 35 years. The proposal was put forward by Iowa House of Representatives State Representative Eddie Andrews, and signed by Iowa House Speaker Pat Grassley.

Lei said the Iowa House of Representatives' resolution reaffirms support for the Taiwan Relations Act and supports Iowa businesses in correctly referring to Taiwan. This not only respects the people of Taiwan but also aligns with the consistent position of U.S.-Taiwan relations.

In the past month, similar Taiwan-friendly resolutions have also been passed by the legislatures in Wisconsin and Minnesota.

Taiwan Affairs

#Iowa House# Taiwan Relations Act# Bilateral Trade Agreement# Taiwan Participation# International Organizations# Sister-State Relationship# Taiwan Friendship Caucus# Iowa House Supports Taiwan Relations Act# Iowa Backs Taiwan-US Bilateral Trade Agreement#
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