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    Go Go Taiwan 結果共28筆

  • Energy announces first concerts at Taipei, Kaohsiung arenas

    Discover the iconic boy band Energy’s electrifying comeback with their first-ever concerts in Taipei and Kaohsiung, inspired by a Mayday concert. Tickets go on sale June 2.
    2024/05/24 13:51
  • 女星泡湯香豔照外流! 合體洋男「幹大事」

    段慧琳(Windy)主持《Go Go Taiwan》,日前邀請一樣是運動咖的好友吉雷米擔任節目佳賓,一同造訪台南,探索西拉雅文化。段慧琳僅圍著毛巾的泡湯照流出,令人臉紅心跳。
    2024/05/11 20:22
  • Taiwan’s schools go co-ed to combat declining birthrates

    Discover how Taiwan’s private girls’ high schools are transitioning to co-ed institutions to address the country’s declining birthrate and prepare a new generation for future demographic challenges.
    2024/04/25 17:44
  • Yannick cake chain to shut 6 stores amid market shake-up

    Yannick, the pioneer of Taiwan’s cream roll cake, is set to close six stores nationwide as part of its 2024 strategy adjustment due to labor shortages and high raw material costs. Despite this, Yannick Chairman Wu Tsung-en remains optimistic about the company’s operations and plans to launch 30 additional Yannick To Go Machine (YTM) cake vending machines. Founded in 2000, Yannick is known for being the first cake shop to specialize in slice cakes and later introduce the cream roll cake.
    2024/02/27 13:48
  • LiSA sets stage for electrifying Taiwan concert in June

    Japanese singer LiSA is set to hold a concert in Taiwan on June 1, marking her return after six years. Known for her hit theme songs for "Demon Slayer", LiSA will perform at the National Taiwan Sport University Sports Center. Tickets go on sale on Feb. 24. LiSA expressed excitement for the event, promising a new setlist for her Taiwanese fans, including popular tracks "Gurenge" and "Homura". She also mentioned her love for Taiwan’s pearl milk tea.
    2024/02/19 16:11
  • Eric Chu accuses DPP of smear tactics in Taiwan elections

    Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Eric Chu accuses the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of smearing and attacking the presidential election through nationwide advertising campaigns. The KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong are losing swing voters, according to a public opinion poll published by the United Daily News. Chu criticizes the DPP for targeting Hou by drawing attention to the dormitory at Taipei’s Chinese Culture University (CCU), owned by Hou’s wife. He warns that if such smear tactics go unchecked, Taiwan risks becoming a society dominated by smear campaigns. Internal party polls show that the KMT’s support rates are within the margin of error compared to the DPP’s, leading by one percentage point in landline-based surveys. Taiwan’s 2024 presidential and legislative elections are due to take place next Saturday, and Chu emphasizes that the KMT will work harder despite alleged underhanded tactics and continuous smearing efforts by the DPP.
    2024/01/02 09:55
  • Defense Ministry to boost security ahead of Taiwan elections

    The Ministry of National Defense in Taiwan is preparing for the upcoming presidential and legislative elections on Jan. 13, 2024, by upgrading its security readiness for 40 hours. This will take place from 5 p.m. on Jan. 12 until 8 a.m. on Jan. 14. Around 5,000 military personnel may not be able to cast their votes, similar to the 2020 general elections. However, the number of naval and air force personnel, 24-hour on-call missile units, and air force operations management on standby is expected to exceed that of 2020. The ministry has ordered its forces to compile rosters for Election Day and implement rotation measures for combat readiness to ensure the voting rights of military personnel. Due to tense military situations caused by periodic crossings of the median line of the strait by People’s Liberation Army vessels and aircraft since August last year, there may be more naval and air force personnel on standby compared to the 2020 presidential election. Typically, soldiers stationed far from their registered residences vote in the morning and then return to their camps before noon to switch with standby soldiers who then go out to vote.
    2023/12/25 17:43
  • THSR adds 8 extra services for New Year

    Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) will add eight additional train services from Dec. 29 to Jan. 2 and 12 additional train services from Jan. 5 to Jan. 7 to accommodate the anticipated surge in travelers during the New Year holiday. THSR will operate a total of 113 extra services, with 53 heading south and 60 going north. Passengers without reserved seats can access real-time updates on station crowd control indicators on THSR’s official website. The availability of non-reserved seats at each station will also be provided. THSR has urged travelers to make way for those disembarking and to be cautious of the gap between the train doors and the platform. Additional staff will be deployed to ensure smooth operations throughout the holiday period. Tickets for the additional services will go on sale on Saturday (Dec. 16) midnight.
    2023/12/16 12:27
  • 美女主持人不藏了!泡湯「僅圍一條布」放送雪白腿 真實身材秒現形

    民視行腳節目《Go Go Taiwan》日前到金山、萬里享受泡湯,從日本總督御用溫泉、森林溫泉、海底溫泉泡到汽車旅館,一行下來,總共泡了7間溫泉旅店,讓主持人段慧琳笑喊:「難得我的外景,是不需要上山下海賣體力,只要坐著泡澡就好的。」除了自己享受湯泉洗禮,她也揪好友楊淨宇同行,共享美人湯,兩人同時放送美肌,讓畫面賞心悅目。
    2023/11/18 12:25
  • 日本電視1舉動感動她! 段慧琳赴北海道狂吃:談數字傷感情

    民視《Go Go Taiwan 》主持人段慧琳(Windy)長年在台灣走透透,近幾年她多次與日本札幌電視台STV合作,到北海道拍攝旅遊專題,除了觀光大城之外,她還特別喜歡發掘人煙罕至的絕景。最近段慧琳再訪北海道,特別安排了一段「極南點」之旅,體驗秘境觀光船,也嘗鮮鮑魚咖哩、極品黑鮪魚,更抵達極南之地「白神岬」,開心打卡留影。
    2023/10/29 18:06
  • 阿嬤都比妳快!女主持人拚三鐵6小時衝終點 老公見滿身傷重新愛上

    民視《Go Go Taiwan》外景主持人段慧琳 (Windy) 日前前往義大利莫爾維諾,參加XTERRA 越野鐵人世界錦標賽,歷經低溫游泳、林道越野車、越野跑3個項目,堅持6個多小時,不負眾望順利闖進終點,成為越野鐵人世錦賽第一位完賽藝人,她拉起中華民國國旗和自己節目的旗子,表達對台灣的愛,也把節目宣揚到國外,讓朋友笑稱是「最忙的選手」。
    2023/09/27 17:53
  • DPP’s Enoch Wu struggles in latest TVBS poll

    With 11 days to go before legislative by-elections on Jan. 8, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislator Enoch Wu can be seen building his grassroots support in Taipei City.
    2022/12/29 19:29
  • Christmas gift exchange games go next level in Taiwan

    Taiwanese got into the Christmas spirit by preparing gifts and joining gift exchange parties last weekend. But some people received gifts that were quite out of the blue. 
    2022/12/26 18:33
  • Taiwan: All police scooters to go electric by 2028

    Taiwan’s police departments have joined in the fight to go green as it recently announced plans to have all police scooters go electric by 2028.
    2022/12/22 17:43
  • 三鐵女神段慧琳睽違10年飆重機跑山 「路線硬派險雷殘」揭驚險過程

    主持人段慧琳(Windy)為了民視節目《Go Go Taiwan》接下「重機越野」新任務,得在2週內完成重機課程,結訓後就直接挑戰 off-road(越野林道),在山林中野營一晚後,更加碼攀登百岳,拍攝行程超硬派。她分享照片時,網友都大讚她「帥炸」、「全能型主持人」。
    2022/12/18 14:34
  • Thousands of Taiwan citizens apply to renew passports

    Many in Taiwan have plans to go abroad during the Chinese New Year, and the number of citizens reissuing their expired passports has skyrocketed. On weekdays, more than 2,000 numbers were issued for the waiting list. 
    2022/12/16 12:11
  • Taiwan people hesitant to take off face masks

    Taiwan partially lifted its mask mandates on Thursday (Dec. 1), allowing the public to go mask-free while outdoors or in open areas. 
    2022/12/05 14:09
  • Taiwan local elections unlikely to affect cross-strait ties

    There’s just one day to go before Taiwan’s local, 9-in-1 elections, held every 4 years.
    2022/11/25 20:55
  • Academic provides insight into Taiwan’s local elections

    There are less than two days to go before the 9-in-1 local elections in Taiwan.
    2022/11/24 18:17
  • Giveaways, billboards part of Taiwan unique election culture

    It’s less than two weeks to go before the 9-in-1 elections. Candidates from all around the country are doing their best in the hope of attracting voters attention. 
    2022/11/14 18:46
  • Why Taiwan wants a referendum on lowering the voting age

    The “nine-in-one elections” are scheduled for November 26. With less than one month to go, all of the candidates in Taiwan are campaigning hard.  In addition to the elections of county magistrates and city mayors, there will also be a referendum on the same day.  It will decide if young adults aged between 18 and 19 should also have the right to vote. 
    2022/11/03 17:51
  • Taiwan to reopen borders despite rising Omicron BA.5 cases

    Taiwan is gearing up to reopen borders on Oct. 13, even though the recent rise of Omicron subvariant BA.5 infection cases has many fearing it won’t go as planned.
    2022/10/05 20:00
  • 段慧琳揹20公斤攻百岳「遇高山症超緊繃」 揪魏華萱累到斷片

    民視招牌行腳節目《Go Go Taiwan》近日迎來500集,推出特別企劃,製作團隊要求主持人段慧琳在兩個月內完成「台灣人必做三件事」的挑戰。8月初,段慧琳攜家帶眷搭火車環島,還大膽地擲骰子決定目的地,心臟相當大顆,所幸最後還是完成了「鐵道大富翁」之旅。
    2022/09/03 18:19
  • 參賽太猛被虧「會生小孩的男人」 段慧琳再報名:退伍被教召

    民視《Go Go Taiwan》主持人段慧琳 (Windy)受邀擔任「東引軍事越野障礙賽」代言大使,她日前出席為活動站台。段慧琳曾至東引參賽還一邊主持節目,挑戰爬竿、過高牆、匍匐前進等五百障礙,拿下勇士組女子第六名,朋友形容她是「會生小孩的男人」,還被調侃「根本入伍過」、「妳到底哪一梯的」。
    2022/07/06 18:25
  • 不用治療只要去台灣!美「哈台」馬克杯狂賣到缺貨

    全球新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情尚未趨緩,反有升溫趨勢,嚴峻情勢下,台灣防疫有成獲得許多國家讚許羨慕,美國一間創意公司更推出一款寫有「我不需要治療,我只需要去台灣(i don’t need THERARY i just need to go to TAIWAN)」字樣馬克杯,引爆搶購熱潮甚至缺貨。
    2021/01/14 15:29
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