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    EMAIL 結果共122筆

  • 攜手Chat GPT 蘋果開發者大會秀AI生力軍

    蘋果開發者大會最大亮點,就是Apple Intelligence,蘋果的AI軍團。蘋果宣布正式與Chat GPT合作,未來用戶在手機上寫訊息、email,查資料或利用SIRI,都更加人性化,光靠文字,AI就能幫你生成圖像,手機功能升級,變身超級助理。 
    2024/06/11 10:16
  • 黃仁勳寫email有黃金原則 前輝達員工:不超過6行

    2024/05/30 16:43
  • LINE提醒帳號設定4大重點 不用再怕忘記密碼或丟手機

    2024/05/30 11:38
  • 「好愛你!」女病患騷擾半年 蘇一峰:情緒勒索

    2024/05/21 19:00
  • 挨告洩密!徐巧芯預告備詢吳釗燮「想看都看得到」

    2024/05/10 13:55
  • 快訊/高醫接恐嚇信被撂話「放危險物品」 警方急到場搜索

    2024/05/09 14:06
  • 逾50個群組「妹子離職退到崩潰」!內行改用它:免加LINE

    2024/05/08 15:31
  • 「@」怎麼唸才對?他脫口1爆笑讀音 全場看鍵盤秒懂:有料

    2024/03/25 13:24
  • Taiwanese legislator Huang Jie receives bullet-threat email

    Democratic Progressive Party legislator Huang Jie and Kuomintang legislator Lo Chih-chiang faced threats, including a bullet photo and bomb threat, prompting police reports and safety measures.
    2024/03/05 13:09
  • 陸介選吐瓦魯!花450美元「買風向」 金錢利誘內容曝光

    我國在南太平洋友邦吐瓦魯週五(1/26)舉行國會大選,親台的現任總理拿塔諾(Kausea Natano)落選,外界關切與我國邦交生變,涉外人士指出,中國介入黑手也伸向吐國大選,並透過重金利誘當地媒體發文帶風向,本刊取得一封email,是中國環球電視24日寄給當地媒體人士,明確表達希望尋求一位吐瓦魯國家廣播公司高層,只要撰文800字評論,聚焦在吐瓦魯國會將跟台灣斷交的不實訊息上,就可獲得450元美金,但吐國媒體並未接受。
    2024/01/27 22:07
  • 上班族注意!職場信件「6大NG行為」 發錯郵件這樣做

    《Social Lab社群實驗室》本次透過《OpView社群口碑資料庫》追蹤近一年內「職場信件NG行為」話題的網路聲量表現,帶您了解網友熱議的六大職場信件NG行為。
    2024/01/10 18:21
  • 影音/陳冠叡「赴韓徵選」祕辛曝 收合格錄取Email房內大哭

    2024/01/07 10:29
  • 哈孝遠怒爆空姐妻惡習!「性事不合」恐婚姻觸礁 他自豪:要到妳想逃

    2023/12/25 11:25
  • Survey: near 60% in Taiwan expect 1-3 months’ year-end bonus

    A new survey conducted by Cathay Financial Holding reveals that 59.3% of respondents expect their year-end bonuses for 2023 to be between one to three months’ worth of salary. Additionally, 45.9% of those polled anticipate a salary increase in 2024, with 9.2% expecting the raise to exceed 3%. However, only 8.3% foresee year-end bonuses topping three months’ salary, while 32.4% predict bonuses will fall below one month. In terms of regular monthly earnings in 2024, 47.6% of participants project stability. The survey also indicates that the average growth expectation for Taiwan’s economy in 2024 stands at 2.52%, with 70% of those surveyed predicting a growth rate above 2%. Respondents expect the inflation rate in 2024 to be 2.21%, with 55% believing it will remain above 2%. These figures differ from the projections by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, which forecasts a 3.35% growth rate and a 1.64% inflation rate for Taiwan in 2024. In December, the optimism index for Taiwan’s stock market rose sharply to 16.1 from -0.4 in November, and the risk appetite index increased from 10.3 to 13.9, indicating market anticipation of potential rate cuts by major central banks next year. The survey, conducted from Dec. 1 to 7, gathered 13,379 valid questionnaires via email from members of Cathay Life Insurance’s official website and customers of Cathay United Bank.
    2023/12/20 20:00
  • Nearly half in Taiwan expect pay hikes in 2024, survey shows

    Nearly 46% of Taiwanese people expect a salary increase next year, according to a survey by Cathay Financial Holding Co. The survey also found that about 60% of respondents anticipate year-end bonuses ranging from one to three months’ salary, while 8.3% expect bonuses to exceed three months. However, 47.6% of those surveyed expect monthly wages to remain constant. The survey also revealed a conservative estimate for Taiwan’s 2024 economic growth, with an average expectation of 2.52%, contrasting with the more bullish 3.35% forecast by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics. Respondents predict an average inflation rate of 2.21%, with 55% believing it will exceed 2%, higher than the directorate’s projection of 1.64% for 2024. The survey was conducted from Dec. 1-7 and gathered 13,379 valid responses through email questionnaires.
    2023/12/20 19:13
  • Taiwan probes LY Corp. over 440K users’ data leak

    Taiwan’s Minister of Digital Affairs, Audrey Tang, has announced that the cyber security breach at LY Corporation, the parent company of popular messaging app LINE, is currently under investigation by the National Development Council (NDC). The breach potentially exposed the personal data of approximately 440,000 users, including information from 100 Taiwanese accounts. The incident, which follows a hack on South Korean IT giant Naver, a major shareholder in LY Corporation, has prompted the ongoing investigation in Taiwan. The leaked data primarily includes names, affiliated institutions, and email addresses of LY Corporation’s employees and business partners, as well as potentially leaked ages, genders, and purchase histories for stickers. However, no users’ messages, bank account numbers, or credit card information were compromised. Taiwan’s Digital Ministry has requested relevant entities to provide information and report the breach in accordance with the law. The affected user data includes hashed mobile phone numbers, email addresses, and LINE account details. Whether sanctions will be imposed under Taiwan’s new Personal Data Protection Act will depend on the outcome of the NDC’s investigation. Minister Tang assured the public that messages sent between LINE users are end-to-end encrypted and the server does not store message content, indicating that no message content was compromised in this breach. She emphasized the importance of having servers located in Taiwan for apps like LINE, particularly for maintaining communications during disasters. Discussions are underway with various international messaging providers, including LINE and the Signal Foundation, regarding the potential establishment of servers in Taiwan.
    2023/11/29 16:09
  • 陸企圖成世界主導力!布林肯警:台海危機危及全球

    2023/09/29 14:53
  • Presidential Office investigating bomb threat: spokesperson

    The Presidential Office in Taipei received a bomb threat via email with the sender using the president’s name and a random email account. The matter was reported to the police, and an investigation is underway to trace the origin of the threatening email.
    2023/09/27 11:42
  • 一點就慘!冒「官方」稱支付被鎖 拐APPLEID

    又有最新的詐騙手法了嗎?現在在網路上瘋傳,很多民眾收到「很像蘋果官方」寄的信件,要你點進去驗證,否則APPLE PAY會被禁用。但其實點進去,APPLE ID就會整個消失,不只可能要重新申請,照片、聯絡人等等資料,也可能全不見。專家提醒,收到信件可以觀察EMAIL或內文,辨認是不是官方寄出的。
    2023/08/30 19:31
  • Email信件1開頭沒禮貌!妹子傻喊「莫名其妙」 前輩全搖頭

    2023/06/19 05:25
  • YouBike繳費、儲值「先別信」 2.1萬筆資料外流

    2023/05/20 13:03
  • 虛驚一場!班機確認無爆裂物 乘客:配合檢查

    2023/04/26 19:16
  • 小心!連假首日入帳6000 若收簡訊通知是詐騙

    2023/04/01 11:25
  • 普發6千線上登記簡訊通知是陷阱 正確官網6000.gov.tw

    2023/03/21 18:57
  • 網購收電郵「補稅才寄貨」 女遭詐騙刷卡逾10萬

    2022/12/22 19:00
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