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    Double-double 結果共99筆

  • KMT legislators question Taiwan’s tourism promotion in China

    Explore the controversy surrounding a social media bid by the Taiwan Strait Tourism Association Shanghai Branch, involving KMT legislators questioning the eligibility of mainland Chinese companies and raising concerns over potential double standards by the DPP in promoting Taiwan’s tourism on platforms deemed as cognitive warfare fronts.
    2024/05/06 16:26
  • Taipei launches second double-decker dining bus

    Discover Taipei’s latest attraction, the second double-decker dining bus, launched by the City’s Department of Information and Tourism. With Deputy Mayor Lin Yi-hua’s optimistic view on boosting tourism, this unique dining experience offers a gourmet journey through the city. Following the success of the first bus amidst the pandemic, this addition aims to allure more visitors with its exclusive menus and scenic routes, promising an unforgettable 1.5-hour culinary adventure.
    2024/04/10 15:01
  • 加州調高打工時薪 漢堡也飆漲10%「雙層華堡破500元」

    為了改善速食業員工長年低新的困境,美國加州新制定的最低時薪法案,正式在4月1日生效,一口將最低工資從原先16美元(約新台幣512元),調高至20美元(約新台幣641元),雖然對打工族來說是項德政,但許多業者卻面臨營運成本爆增,不少速食連鎖品牌,紛紛調高菜單價格來反映。其中最明顯的一家,就是漢堡王(Burger King),招牌商品「雙層華堡」餐(Double Whopper),隨著工資調高、售價也隨之調漲1.8美元(約新台幣57.7元),漲幅高達12%。
    2024/04/04 16:23
  • Goldman Sachs forecasts massive expansion for TSMC

    Goldman Sachs predicts that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) will double its CoWoS production capacity by 2025, leading to a raised target price of NT$975. The forecast includes plans for advanced CoWoS packaging plants in Chiayi and potential expansion to Japan. Customer demand for advanced packaging, especially CoWoS, is expected to rise with the adoption of 2-nanometer process technology. Goldman Sachs also revised TSMC’s capital expenditure forecast and profit outlook for major AI companies, reflecting a positive growth trend in the industry.
    2024/03/25 12:49
  • NBA/再轟35分大三元!唐西奇穩居得分王 連4場達陣史上首位

    儘管當家王牌唐西奇(Luka Doncic)持續繳出火燙表現,防守效率慘淡的獨行俠近期卻相當掙扎、苦吞三連敗讓球迷相當沮喪;台灣時間8日坐鎮主場,迎戰以二連勝之姿來勢洶洶的南灘大軍,於下半場找回狀態、克服落後頹勢扭轉戰局,終場以114比108奪下久違的勝利;唐西奇也靠著35分大三元的表現,寫下聯盟罕見的紀錄、同時穩居得分王寶座。
    2024/03/08 13:14
  • 得「雙重仇恨者」得天下?美19%選民「川拜都不愛」恐撼選戰

    美國兩大黨總統初選重頭戲「超級星期二」(Super Tuesday)6日落幕,81歲現任總統拜登(Joe Biden)和77歲前總統川普(Donald Trump)都大獲全勝,幾乎確定11月大選將重演四年前的「川拜對決。」不過最新民調顯示,有19%選民表示自己「2人都不贊同」,這些選民稱為「雙重仇恨者」(double haters),可能左右選戰結局。
    2024/03/07 10:25
  • Taoyuan Airport completes runway fix ahead of schedule

    Taoyuan International Airport completes southern runway maintenance ahead of schedule, allowing both airport runways to resume operations. President Fan Hsiao-lun emphasizes continued monitoring and focus on inspections. First flight post-maintenance was EVA Air’s BR18 to San Francisco. Passengers relieved as airport resumes double runway operations, confident in travel plans.
    2024/03/05 10:49
  • VP-elect Hsiao Bi-khim diagnosed with COVID-19 again

    DPP Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim has tested positive for COVID-19 for the second time. She underwent rapid testing in Miaoli due to congestion symptoms, which confirmed her infection. Despite her diagnosis, Hsiao diligently followed the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s guidelines, wearing a double mask and avoiding contact with others. She completed two events in Miaoli under these conditions but had to cancel subsequent activities to protect the public. Hsiao expressed regret to her supporters for not being able to interact with them and informed President-elect Lai Ching-te about her diagnosis.
    2024/01/29 17:14
  • 卡森斯來台表現亮眼 幫助桃園雲豹成聯盟第一

    「表弟」卡森斯(DeMarcus Cousins)和桃園台啤永豐雲豹簽下一個月短約,在結束4場T1聯盟賽事後,30日將前往新竹參加和PLG攻城獅舉辦的大獅風雲賽,預計31日返回美國,對於卡森斯在台的表現,今(29)日邀請到緯來體育台主播張暘於《FOCUS世界新聞》中,接受主持人李潔線上訪問說明,「卡森斯在台灣的4場比賽表現相當出色,平均得分來到22分、11.8個籃板,這是一個雙十Double Double的成績,每場比賽更能夠送出5.5射助攻,可以看得出來除了得分和籃板之外,卡森斯的傳球助攻也特別厲害,數據更是相當全面的。」
    2024/01/29 16:04
  • 來高雄看黃色小鴨怎麼拍最萌?「5大觀賞點攻略」必收藏

    2024/01/27 13:18
  • Lai Ching-te commits to democracy and Indo-Pacific stability

    Vice President and President-elect Lai Ching-te reaffirms commitment to democracy and peace in Taiwan Strait and Indo-Pacific region during meeting with U.S.-Taiwan Business Council. Lai highlights alignment of Taiwan-U.S. economic cooperation with Indo-Pacific Economic Framework. Expresses gratitude for U.S. support following election, acknowledges solidarity against Chinese authoritarianism. Thanks U.S. for commitment to Taiwan’s security and efforts to address double taxation issue. Anticipates strengthened supply chain partnerships between Taiwan and U.S. through enacted double-tax relief act.
    2024/01/24 16:17
  • Global Times warns Lai of Taiwan’s diplomatic isolation

    Taipei (TVBS News) reports that Taiwan’s diplomatic allies are gradually decreasing, as stated by a Chinese official media outlet. Nauru recently announced its decision to sever ties with the Republic of China and Taiwan, bringing the number of diplomatic allies down to 12. This marks the tenth nation to break ties during President Tsai Ing-wen’s term. The Global Times report highlights the more restrained approach of Taiwan’s President-elect Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim towards cross-strait policies, urging them to fully understand the reality and trend of the Taiwan Strait and completely abandon any path towards Taiwan independence. Lai, elected as a "double minority," faces the challenge that 60 percent of the Taiwanese population does not recognize the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). In response to Taiwan’s elections, the U.S. clarified its stance by stating that they do not support Taiwan’s independence, aiming to dissuade Lai from becoming a disruptive force like former President Chen Shui-bian, which could affect the U.S.’s strategic plans.
    2024/01/24 12:38
  • Taiwan secures prime lodging for Paris 2024 Olympics

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education Sports Administration inspects the athletes’ village at the Paris 2024 Olympics, noting that Taiwan’s delegation has been allocated 39 single rooms for a comfortable rest environment. The Taiwan team has been granted an independent seven-story apartment in the village, which is located in Saint-Denis and features green construction designs. The village uses 100% renewable energy and will transform into a residential community and public activity area after the Olympics. The floors assigned to the Taiwan team are near completion, including 39 single rooms, 33 double rooms, and a two-story sky garden. The beds in the athletes’ dorms use thick cardboard frames and mattresses made from a special fishing net material. The athlete’s village won’t have air conditioning but will use a "floor cooling system" with cold water pipes installed under wooden floors. Portable air conditioners may be rented to ensure athletes get the best rest at night. Each country’s athletes’ village exterior can be self-designed, and Taiwan plans to discuss with the National Sports Training Center how to decorate and design the exterior to promote recognition of Taiwan and its athletes.
    2024/01/17 10:18
  • NBA/文班亞馬首次「大三元」 讓活塞吞下6連敗

    聖安東尼奧馬刺(San Antonio Spurs)11日頂著五連敗的壓力,由隊中法國新秀文班亞馬(Victor Wembanyama)攜手其他球員,以130-108擊潰底特律活塞(Detroit Pistons)。此役文班亞馬僅用21分鐘,就繳出16分、12個籃板和10次助攻,NBA生涯首度達成「大三元」(triple-double )成就,盡顯其出色的球術組織能力,尤其在快攻和低位進攻部分。
    2024/01/11 11:03
  • Convenience chain launches Sichuan peppercorn ice cream

    Discover a new winter ice cream flavor in Taipei, featuring vanilla and a Sichuan peppercorn oil infusion. This collaboration between a convenience chain and a spicy hotpot restaurant offers a sweet and numbing taste without intense spiciness. With winter ice cream sales reaching over a million units, this co-branding strategy could result in double growth. Primarily popular among customers over 40 years old, winter ice cream flavors tend to be richer compared to refreshing summer varieties. Explore the unique business opportunities and challenged consumer perceptions created by promoting ice cream during the winter season.
    2024/01/03 19:48
  • Ministry of Labor: Election day recognized as a holiday

    Taiwan is preparing for its national elections on January 13, which has been declared a "holiday" under the Labor Standards Act. Employers are required to give workers with voting rights a day off and maintain their regular pay. If employers insist on having employees work on election day, they must provide double pay for attendance hours and cannot prevent workers from voting. The elections will determine the 16th President and Vice President of Taiwan, as well as the 11th Legislative Yuan. No additional leave is granted if the voting day falls on a worker’s regular day off. Violations of these regulations may result in fines ranging from NT$20,000 to NT$1 million, in addition to wage compensation. Workers whose rights are compromised can file complaints with the local labor administrative authority.
    2024/01/03 19:44
  • KMT candidate slams foreign influence in Taiwan election

    In this story, Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih expresses disapproval of foreign influence in Taiwan’s elections during a presidential debate. Hou criticizes the Anti-Infiltration Act and the potential politicization of the judiciary. He accuses Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislator Chao Tien-lin of pro-China bias without legal consequences and hints at undisclosed reception from Chinese authorities during Lai Ching-te’s visit to mainland China in 2017. Hou questions the DPP’s double standards and openly scrutinizes Lai, demanding their stance on U.S. disapproval of Taiwan’s independence. He labels Lai as a "pragmatic worker of Taiwan independence."
    2023/12/30 16:40
  • Vietnamese beautician illegally earns NT$1M in Taichung

    A Vietnamese woman in Taichung, Taiwan, was discovered by the National Immigration Agency to have operated an illegal aesthetic studio for six years, earning NT$1 million. The woman, known as Ms. Pei, learned the craft from a compatriot after departing from her employer seven years ago. She performed unlicensed procedures such as double eyelid surgery, breast augmentation, and rhinoplasty. Ms. Pei imported unverified cosmetic injections from Vietnam and advertised her services on social media platforms, attracting Vietnamese and Indonesian customers seeking affordable beauty treatments. She was sentenced to one year and two months in prison by the Taichung District Court, but has the right to appeal the verdict.
    2023/12/20 19:27
  • Taiwan boosts pediatrician subsidies to NT$1,000 in 2024

    Taiwan’s Minister of Health and Welfare, Hsueh Jui-yuan, has announced significant increases in subsidies for dedicated pediatricians starting in 2024. The "2023 Plan to Optimize Pediatric Medical Care" aims to improve the quality of pediatric care and attract more young practitioners to the field. The subsidy for physicians specializing in the care of each young child will double from NT$500 to NT$1,000. The optimization plan, with a total budget of NT$2.8 billion, will run from 2021 to 2024, with NT$2 billion allocated for 2024 alone. The implementation of the dedicated pediatrician system across the nation underscores the investment made in this critical healthcare sector. Currently, 22 counties and municipalities have implemented the dedicated pediatrician system for children aged 0 to 3, and since November, it has expanded to include newborns. There are currently 1,882 dedicated pediatricians serving over 184,000 young children across 1,048 medical institutions, bringing the national coverage rate to 40.5%.
    2023/12/19 16:51
  • Taiwan to U.S. travel nears pre-COVID levels, up 84%: MOTC

    Discover America Committee in Taiwan President Brenda Tang revealed that the U.S. travel market from Taiwan has rebounded to 84% of pre-pandemic levels, according to data from the Tourism Administration. Taiwanese travelers heading to the United States surged by 185% from January to October this year, reaching 396,913, as reported by the National Travel and Tourism Office. Flights to the U.S. during the peak summer season had load factors of over 90%, while the off-peak months of September and October maintained load factors of at least 85%. China Airlines and EVA Airways have nearly returned to pre-pandemic flight levels, and Starlux Airlines is set to launch its San Francisco route. United Airlines plans to double its Taipei to San Francisco flights, and Delta Air Lines is preparing to commence a Taipei to Seattle route. Tour package prices to the U.S. for the first quarter of next year and the Lunar New Year peak season are expected to increase by no more than 25%, offering travelers some price assurance amid growing demand.
    2023/12/12 19:26
  • Vice Premier upbeat on U.S.-Taiwan trade talks progress

    Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan expresses optimism about trade talks with the United States, citing U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai’s positive stance on advancing Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with key trading partners. The discussions between Taiwan and the United States have made significant progress, with the US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade already reaching five agreements. Second-phase talks, including agriculture, are currently underway. The possibility of addressing tariffs in the negotiations is not ruled out. Additionally, the U.S. House of Representatives has proposed mutual tax exemption to alleviate taxation burdens, a development that could spare corporations and individuals from double taxation issues. Cheng emphasizes the need for diligent and concerted effort in deepening economic ties between Taiwan and the United States.
    2023/12/12 18:15
  • Hou Yu-ih pledges free after-school care for Taiwan’s youth

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih has announced an extension of childcare policies, promising free after-school care services for elementary students aged 6 to 12. This initiative aims to double the current capacity of after-school care in public elementary schools from 180,000 to 360,000 children, with a focus on providing specialized care to children in rural areas and from disadvantaged backgrounds. Hou’s plan includes establishing after-school programs in public elementary schools to meet 100% of the demand, increasing student coverage from 15% to 30% and meeting the standard set by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The policy, guided by the "Three Safeties" principle, aims to ensure parental peace of mind, child safety, and stability for the disadvantaged. Extended care until 7 p.m. will be available during the school term and vacations. Additionally, the initiative seeks to expand private-sector participation in after-school care services by creating a matching platform to add over 20,000 new classes and increasing the proportion of outsourced after-school care to over 20%. The anticipated benefits of this policy include providing services to approximately 300,000 families, including 80,000 disadvantaged families, creating around 30,000 job opportunities, and strengthening the service capacity of private institutions.
    2023/12/12 13:56
  • TSMC to expand globally, retain roots in Taiwan: Hsiao

    DPP vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim visited the TSMC Museum of Innovation and stated that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) would remain based in Taiwan while expanding into trusted partner countries. Concerns about brain drain and technology outflow have arisen as TSMC expands globally. Hsiao emphasized that the first "T" in TSMC stands for Taiwan and highlighted the importance of strategic placement in partner countries. Drawing on her experience in the United States, Hsiao mentioned her efforts to prevent double taxation agreements, which benefit Taiwan’s talent and industries. Her visit and comments coincide with TSMC’s international strategies being closely scrutinized as it seeks to maintain its competitive edge in a complex geopolitical landscape.
    2023/12/12 13:31
  • Hsiao Bi-khim advocates for DPP majority in legislature

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim emphasized the importance of the DPP holding a majority in the legislature to ensure continuous progress for Taiwan. Speaking at a women’s support group event in Tucheng District, Hsiao highlighted her past achievements, including signing the inaugural agreements of the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade. She also mentioned that talks to prevent double taxation with the U.S. are nearing completion, which will enhance bilateral trade relations. Hsiao stressed the DPP government’s commitment to establishing friendly and commercial ties with the international community, urging a broader perspective beyond the focus on the 1992 Consensus. She expressed confidence in the foreign policy direction under President Tsai Ing-wen’s administration and the potential for a Lai-Hsiao team to continue this diplomatic route. Hsiao emphasized the symbolic significance of drawing number two in the election draw, representing integrity and steady advancement, and portraying the elections as a testament to Taiwan’s democratic strength. She reiterated the importance of a legislative majority for the DPP to implement stable and progressive policies, reducing resource drain from cross-party conflicts.
    2023/12/12 13:26
  • Taiwan stores debut smart carts with high-tech checkout

    Stores in Taiwan are introducing intelligent shopping carts equipped with either a Barcode Reader (BCR) or Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) system for a modern shopping experience. The BCR option requires shoppers to scan items individually for a self-checkout experience, while carts with RFID systems display item information and total amount due on a chip embedded in the item tags, allowing for faster checkouts. However, the RFID system is ten times more expensive than BCR technology. Retailers rely on an Internet of Things (IoT) system to resolve discrepancies if customers forget to scan or intentionally conceal items. Some patrons find the self-checkout process cumbersome, especially when item scans are inaccurate. Shoppers are advised to double-check their post-checkout details to avoid overpaying due to machine errors.
    2023/12/07 21:22
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