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    City 結果共962筆

  • Cold snap in Taiwan tied to surge in cardiac arrests

    During a cold snap in Taiwan from Dec. 15 to 17, there was an increase in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA), with 165 cases reported. However, the National Fire Agency clarified that not all incidents were directly caused by the cold temperatures. In the Taipei and New Taipei metropolitan areas, there were 18 cases of OHCA due to internal medical conditions, resulting in 13 deaths and 5 successful resuscitations. The New Taipei City Fire Department has issued a warning about the increased risk of cardiovascular diseases during the temperature drop, urging individuals with chronic illnesses to take extra care. The department also advises the public to be vigilant for symptoms and to call emergency assistance immediately if needed.
    2023/12/18 16:24
  • Dengue spreads like needle-shared diseases: study

    A pivotal study reveals that dengue fever can rapidly spread through a transmission method similar to needle-sharing in infectious diseases like HBV, HCB, and HIV. The study, conducted by Taiwan’s National Health Research Institutes in collaboration with the Department of Health and Kaohsiung City Government, analyzed the timing of infections during the 2015 outbreak. They found that in 85% of household cases, symptoms occurred within three days of each other, contradicting the previously believed incubation period for virus transmission. Using animal models, researchers confirmed that when mosquitoes bite an infected animal and then promptly bite another, the virus can transfer via the mosquito’s proboscis, bypassing the once-considered essential eight-day extrinsic incubation period. This finding explains the rapid spread of the 2015 dengue epidemic in Taiwan and raises concerns for the recent spike in cases. The study, published in the esteemed journal eBiomedicine, a Lancet subsidiary, in August 2023, also involved international researchers from the University of California, Nagoya University, Tsinghua University, and National Taiwan University.
    2023/12/18 15:25
  • TOYOTA 閃亮進駐2023新北歡樂耶誕城 敬邀民眾賞車同樂

    為了讓民眾更了解 TOYOTA 全球電動化戰略以及實現碳中和目標的使命,自 12/15 (五) 起,至 2024 年 1/1 (一) 止,TOYOTA總代理和泰汽車將進駐 2023 新北歡樂耶誕城,以「Better City Better Life」為設計主軸,展出純電車 bZ4X 以及油電複合動力車 COROLLA CROSS GR SPORT 兩款車。敬邀民眾親臨現場體驗 TOYOTA 新能源車款的迷人魅力。
    2023/12/18 12:55
  • Festive German Market warms New Taipei spirits

    Discover the festive cheer of the German Christmas Market in New Taipei City. Experience culinary delights, unique decorations, and cultural exchange between Taiwan and Germany. Join in the holiday spirit as 2023 comes to a close.
    2023/12/17 17:17
  • President Tsai confident in DPP successors at temple visit

    President Tsai Ing-wen reflects on her tenure and expresses confidence in Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate Lai Ching-te and his running mate Hsiao Bi-khim to effectively continue unfinished tasks. During a visit to Kaohsiung City’s Sanfeng Temple, President Tsai jokes about the initial sparse applause and reiterates her confidence in Lai and Hsiao’s capabilities. She outlines her achievements, including labor insurance reforms, and emphasizes her commitment to resolving financial issues related to labor insurance before her term concludes.
    2023/12/16 15:34
  • Tainan police bust NT$6.55M election betting ring

    Tainan police have arrested six individuals involved in a gambling ring on a Facebook group, which was taking bets on the 2024 General Election outcomes totaling over NT$6.55 million. The case has been handed over to the Tainan District Prosecutors Office for investigation under several acts, including the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act, the Money Laundering Control Act, and the Anti-Infiltration Act. The ring recruited bettors on Facebook to place wagers on various outcomes related to the forthcoming elections, including potential collaborations between political parties and candidates such as Lai Ching-te, Ko Wen-je, Hou Yu-ih, and Terry Gou. The Tainan City Police Department Criminal Investigation Corps initiated the investigation after spotting the illicit activity online and tracked down suspects across multiple locations. The investigation has revealed that the gambling funds were being converted into Tether (USDT), a popular cryptocurrency stablecoin, by unidentified individuals abroad, and transferred to other gambling organizations, potentially violating election-related gambling laws.
    2023/12/15 18:16
  • New Taipei City boosts sanitation workforce and bonuses

    The New Taipei City Environmental Protection Bureau plans to add 197 sanitation workers to its workforce in response to the heavy workload caused by the city’s vast jurisdiction. Currently, the sanitation team in New Taipei City consists of 5,298 staff members. City council member Huang Shu-chun emphasizes the need for increased staffing and highlights the improved work efficiency achieved through the use of GORE-TEX breathable raincoats in 2019. Director-General Cheng Ta-wei confirms plans to update the raincoats and increase staff numbers. The Ministry of Environment has also announced an increase in cleanliness and safety bonuses for sanitation workers employed by local governments. The cleanliness bonus cap will be raised from NT$8,000 to NT$10,000, and the safety bonus maximum will increase from NT$600 to NT$1,500, funded by local government budgets. These measures aim to improve the wellbeing of sanitation workers and maintain the cleanliness of the city.
    2023/12/12 21:25
  • Chiang Wan-an lauds TFG for 120 years of women’s education

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an expresses gratitude to Taipei First Girls High School (TFG) for nurturing generations of remarkable women on the occasion of the school’s 120th anniversary. Chiang attends the unveiling ceremony of the newly restored Kuang Fu Building, a historic landmark on the TFG campus. The Taipei City Government contributes over NT$100 million to support the restoration project. Chiang recalls his previous visit to TFG, where he interacted with the TFG Honor Guard and Marching Band. He humorously mentions that as a student at Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School, he admired TFG from outside its gates, but now as mayor, he can visit and engage with the school. Chiang also highlights a collaboration between TFG and EasyCard Corporation, resulting in a commemorative ’TFG 120th Green Uniform EasyCard’ that plays the school’s anthem upon use. EasyCard Corporation will donate 10% of the cards’ revenue to charity. TFG’s anniversary activities attract a diverse group of alumnae, including those from 70 years ago and mother-daughter pairs, as well as alumnae from Chiang’s own graduation year.
    2023/12/12 19:54
  • Taipei mayor unveils restored TGH heritage building

    Taipei First Girls High School’s Guangfu Building, a municipal heritage site, has reopened after a two-year renovation. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an attended the unveiling ceremony and expressed gratitude to alumni for their donations. The Guangfu Building, constructed in 1933, is the most iconic structure of the high school. The Taipei City Government allocated over NT$100 million to support the restoration project, with additional contributions from alumni worldwide. Mayor Chiang reminisced about his school days and expressed the hope that all students would share the memory of this significant landmark.
    2023/12/12 19:41
  • Taipei urges YouBike riders to opt for injury insurance

    The Taipei City Government is urging YouBike users to sign up for coverage to obtain additional protection, following a report stating that 812 YouBike accidents have occurred from last year to the end of November this year. Transportation Management Division Chief Chu Chen-tso indicated that most accidents involved riders cycling too fast or being unable to brake in time while going downhill, leading to falls and injuries. With injury insurance, compensation for fractures or serious accidents can reach up to NT$1 million, and hospitalization claims amount to NT$1,000 per day. However, minor scrapes and bruises are generally not covered. Since the initiation of a free public bicycle injury insurance policy in 2018, the insurance rate has risen from 49.4% to 63.5%. Despite this improvement, surveys reveal that 37% of individuals are unaware of public bicycle injury insurance, 30% believe they do not need the insurance, and 20% are reluctant to go through the insurance application process. Additionally, about 60% of users do not understand that each YouBike card requires separate insurance coverage. Taipei boasts 1,325 YouBike 2.0 stations and 15,047 bicycles.
    2023/12/12 19:33
  • Tainan’s Garden Night Market earns five-star recognition

    Tainan’s Garden Night Market has been recognized as the only five-star night market in southern Taiwan, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che praised the city’s street food, which has contributed to its reputation as a food capital and attracted admiration from consumers both domestically and internationally. With the support of the Tainan City Government Economic Development Bureau and the efforts of market vendors, Tainan has received the highest rating of 1465 stars in the MOEA ratings, surpassing all other cities in Taiwan. The Flowers Night Market in Tainan’s north district is one of only two new entries in the prestigious five-star market category across the island. The Economic Development Bureau mentioned that the record number of five-star awards this year indicates the effectiveness of the incentive system in motivating markets and vendors. In anticipation of Tainan’s 400th anniversary, the local Bureau plans to expand the awards to include four-star markets and notable vendors next year, inviting entrepreneurs to join in celebrating the city’s rich history.
    2023/12/12 18:45
  • Taoyuan City Council cuts funds for garbage bag plan

    The Taoyuan City Council has passed the fiscal year 2024 budget, but has cut NT$117 million for the promotion and production of designated garbage bags. This decision puts the original pay-as-you-throw garbage fee system, set to start in July 2025, at risk. The city’s Department of Environmental Protection had allocated the funds for awareness campaigns and manufacturing the necessary garbage bags. City council members argue for a more cautious approach, considering resident feedback to determine the best time to implement the initiative. In response, Taoyuan Mayor Simon Chang announced an extension of the pay-as-you-throw policy timeline, with no fixed schedule in place.
    2023/12/12 18:43
  • Orange Devils band returns to enthrall Taiwan fans

    The renowned Orange Devils, Kyoto Tachibana Senior High School’s marching band, have returned to Taiwan, performing at the National Concert Hall on Dec. 14. They also performed at Taipei First Girls High School and surprised guests with a flash performance at a hotel in Xizhi District, New Taipei City. The band previously entertained crowds in Kaohsiung. The visiting students and staff were impressed by the warmth and support they received from the local Taiwanese community and Japanese residents. Their presence highlights the cultural exchange between Taiwan and Japan, celebrating shared passions and friendships across borders.
    2023/12/12 18:01
  • Chiang Wan-an key to winning youth vote: KMT councilor

    Taipei City Councilor and legislative candidate Yu Shu-hui highlights the crucial role Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plays in attracting young voters with only 32 days remaining until the 2024 elections. Chiang’s popularity is evident as he rallies for Kuomintang (KMT) candidates in Taichung and Kaohsiung, receiving warm greetings from enthusiastic supporters. Yu advises Chiang to increase interaction with younger voters, possibly collaborating with KMT vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong. The KMT needs to diversify its approach to connect with the electorate, as Chiang’s rising popularity adds pressure to the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). Chiang’s strategic positioning in this election indicates the KMT’s focus on courting the youth vote and leveraging his appeal to challenge the DPP’s stronghold. As political tensions rise, all eyes will be on Chiang as he continues to campaign across Taiwan leading up to the January election.
    2023/12/12 18:00
  • Kaohsiung, Japan deepen bond in trade, education, tourism

    Chairman Mitsuo Ohashi of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association visited the Kaohsiung City government to discuss enhancing industry, education, and tourism cooperation exchanges with Mayor Chen Chi-Mai. Ohashi emphasized the significance of Kaohsiung in Japan’s relations with Taiwan. Mayor Chen expressed enthusiasm for deeper interactions between Taiwan and Japan, highlighting the crucial role of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry in global supply chain security. He cited the collaboration between Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) in Kaohsiung and Kumamoto, Japan, as an example of potential economic cooperation. Chen described the Taiwan-Japan relationship as a deepening bond, referencing their long-standing friendship and mutual support during crises. Ohashi, who visited Kaohsiung 40 years ago and has maintained connections with past Mayor Chen Chu and Taiwan’s representative to Japan, Frank Hsieh, expressed admiration for Kaohsiung’s recent development. He believes that Japan-Kaohsiung cooperation should extend to the private enterprise level and is hopeful for the future of Japanese-Taiwanese relations. Ohashi frequently speaks at the annual National Day reception at the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan, advocating for promoting friendly Japan-Taiwan relations as an example for the international community.
    2023/12/12 17:58
  • New Taipei police intercept NT$147M in fraud

    The New Taipei City Police Bureau announced that NT$147.19 million was intercepted from potential fraud in October and November 2023, bringing the total amount of prevented fraud in New Taipei to NT$700 million. Deputy Mayor Chu Ti-chih urged local law enforcement to continue cracking down on illegal activities and emphasized the significant decrease in traffic fatalities in 2023. From January to September, there were 188 vehicle accident-related deaths, a 20% reduction compared to the same period last year. Notably, the number of elderly traffic fatalities dropped by 36%, the highest reduction nationwide.
    2023/12/12 17:58
  • President Tsai cites Taiwan’s key role

    President Tsai Ing-wen urges international support for Taiwan, citing its democratic values, importance in the global supply chain, and strategic geographical location. Reflecting on the Democratic Progressive Party’s success in Taoyuan City, Tsai highlights the party’s growing vote shares and her achievements in the area. As the electoral campaign continues, Tsai emphasizes the completion of the first phase of her political blueprint and the need for her party’s candidates to remain in power to implement future plans.
    2023/12/12 17:56
  • Taichung Mayor backs moral education, traditional virtues

    Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen expresses support for enhancing the morals of Taiwanese nationals and promoting traditional virtues of propriety, righteousness, integrity, and a sense of shame. This goal is seen as beneficial for the nation’s development and transcends political leadership and time. City Councilor Lin Pi-hsiu highlights the removal of an essay on ’integrity and shame’ by Gu Yanwu from the 108 Curriculum Guidelines, sparking widespread discussion. Lin endorses the adoption of the school motto ’propriety, righteousness, integrity, and shame’ and expresses concern about the distortion of moral values among many people. Mayor Lu emphasizes the importance of character and integrity in children, stating that schools should impart character education alongside regular subjects. Promoting the common school motto is seen as pivotal in elevating the quality of citizens.
    2023/12/12 17:34
  • Taipei to offer free HPV vaccines to junior high boys

    Starting September 2024, Taipei’s male junior high school students will receive the 9-valent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for free, as announced by the Taipei City Department of Health. The aim of this initiative is to enhance herd immunity, reduce HPV infections, and lower the incidence of related cancers by vaccinating both male and female students. With a vaccination rate of 91% among junior high school girls in 2021, the Health Commissioner decided to extend the program to boys. Consent from students and parents will be required, and a health assessment will be conducted by a physician. Vaccination sites will be set up in 93 schools, and there are also 115 contracted medical institutions available for students who cannot receive the vaccine at school. The vaccine’s effectiveness in preventing infections and reducing the risk of related cancers is supported by medical studies. The World Health Organization recommends that 90% of girls under 15 receive the HPV vaccine, with boys included as a secondary priority group. The Health Promotion Administration has been providing the vaccine to female junior high students at public expense since 2018, establishing a strong foundation for safeguarding boys against HPV as well.
    2023/12/12 13:19
  • Taipei’s chilly spell to break with warmth on horizon

    The story discusses the weather conditions in Taipei, Taiwan. Currently, the city is experiencing cool and wet weather due to a passing weather front and the northeast monsoon. Rainfall is expected to decrease, but temperatures will continue to drop. However, a shift in winds is expected to bring some sunshine and warmer temperatures to western Taipei. From Thursday to Friday, a southerly wind will bring warmer air, though morning fog and low clouds are likely. A new cold front arriving on Saturday will cause temperatures to plummet in the north. On Sunday, temperatures in the central and southern parts of Taiwan will dip. There will be a brief respite on Monday and Tuesday with reduced rainfall and slightly higher temperatures. However, another front approaching from the north will bring more rain and colder temperatures. By next Wednesday, conditions will be drier, but nighttime temperatures could drop to around 10 degrees.
    2023/12/12 09:57
  • Sam Lee, NICKTHEREAL shine at New Taipei Christmas concert

    The Superstar Christmas Concert in New Taipei concluded with captivating performances by Taiwanese singer Sam Lee and actor-singer Nick Chou (NICKTHEREAL). The event featured an impressive lineup of renowned singers and bands, delighting fans who filled the venue. Chou’s rendition of his hit song "Handsome to Break Up" ignited the crowd, while Sam Lee, known as the "Taiwanese Prince of Love Songs," mesmerized the audience with his performances of "The Night Sky Under Your Eye" and "Absolute Infatuation." The atmosphere was enhanced by the audience, who created a starry night effect using their cellphone flashlights. Another standout moment was singer and rapper OSN’s rendition of his classic song "Without You," which prompted a massive sing-along among fans. The two-day concert at New Taipei Fun Christmas City set a festive tone for the upcoming Christmas season, with fans eagerly cheering for their favorite artists.
    2023/12/11 21:05
  • TVBS Charity draws over 100 to spread love and support

    The TVBS Charity Foundation hosted its fifth fundraising party in Fengshan, Kaohsiung, in collaboration with the Chinese Christian Relief Association (CCRA). Over a hundred participants gathered to review the spread of love in Kaohsiung and Pingtung, with the theme of "Sharing Endless Love" at the heart of the event. The party aimed to express gratitude to churches, social welfare workers, and beneficiaries for their collaboration throughout the year. Kaohsiung City Government Deputy Secretary-General Chang Chiah-sing thanked the TVBS Foundation and the city government’s Social Affairs Bureau for their continuous support, which has aided local social charities and cared for about 12,000 middle and low-income households. Pastor Wang Chung-wu of The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan shared that the "Endless Love" project helped approximately 100 households, thanks to the enthusiastic participation of brothers and sisters. President Chen Wen-ch’i of the TVBS Foundation expressed gratitude to Jesus for allowing everyone to understand the meaning of love and the essence of Christmas, while acknowledging the event’s role in expanding the power of love.
    2023/12/11 21:04
  • KMT targets five Taipei seats as 2024 elections loom

    The Kuomintang’s (KMT) legislative head of the Taipei City branch, Huang Lu Chin-ju, confidently stated that the KMT is poised to win five out of the eight constituencies in the upcoming legislative elections in Taipei City. Huang believes that the KMT’s strong standing in the elections could boost support for KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih. Huang also discussed the competitive race in the Shilin-Beitou constituency, highlighting the close contest between KMT candidate Chang Szu-kang and Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Rosalia Wu. Huang noted that the inclusion of Taipei City Councillor Hou Han-ting in the race could create a two-strong and one-weak scenario. Huang also mentioned the situation in the Datong-Shilin district, where KMT candidate Yu Shu-hui has made a remarkable comeback in polling. While Huang expressed confidence in securing five seats, the ultimate goal is to win all eight seats in Taipei City.
    2023/12/11 20:52
  • Elderly man’s lost backpack with NT$1M found by clerk

    A 70-year-old man named Liu reported his backpack lost after a trip to Nantou, Taiwan. The backpack contained nearly NT$1 million in various currencies, as Liu was preparing for a business trip to Japan. Fortunately, a convenience store clerk found the backpack and, after no claimant came forward, discovered the significant amount of money inside, including Japanese Yen, U.S. dollars, and Chinese Yuan. The First Precinct Taichung City Police Department, who was already assisting Liu in locating his lost item, was alerted about the discovery. Deputy Head Hsiung Tien-hsin confirmed that the recovered property belonged to Liu and contained all the foreign currencies he needed for his upcoming business trip to Japan.
    2023/12/11 20:47
  • University in Taoyuan ramps up security after attack

    A security incident at a university in Taoyuan City has raised concerns about campus safety measures. Following the attack on four students, it was discovered that surveillance cameras were absent in the school’s administrative building corridors. In response, the university administration plans to increase patrols, install additional surveillance cameras, and identify 14 potentially dangerous areas on campus. The school has also installed panic buttons in restrooms and emergency phones next to elevators to enhance emergency response measures. Students are advised to avoid roaming alone or leaving the campus late and to be aware of potential safety risks. The incident occurred when a man unlawfully entered the campus and assaulted a clerk before attacking four students. Wang, the assailant, was subdued by students and campus security personnel until police arrived and took him into custody.
    2023/12/11 20:10
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