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    飲料死亡國家青鳥行動黑夜奇俠潮境公園 私立大專校院孫鵬NVIDIA降雨
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    COVID 19 結果共10,000筆

  • 健康是人權!駐芝加哥辦事處長投書美媒 籲支持台灣參與世衛

    2024/04/30 08:37
  • 拔管安寧善終!腦麻女臥床20年染新冠 父母忍痛盼愛女好走

    2024/04/26 17:26
  • Cross-Strait tourism: Taiwan ready, awaiting China’s reply

    Explore the ongoing discussions and developments in cross-strait tourism between Taiwan and China, highlighting the efforts and challenges faced by both sides in resuming travel exchanges amidst diplomatic tensions and the COVID-19 pandemic.
    2024/04/26 13:20
  • Joseph Wu: From top diplomat to national security chief

    Joseph Wu Jaushieh, with over six years as Taiwan’s foreign minister, is set to become the National Security Council’s secretary-general. Known for his "unconventional" approach and handling of crises like the China-US trade war and COVID-19, Wu significantly enhanced Taiwan-US relations and worked on expanding ties with Central and Eastern Europe. Despite losing eight diplomatic allies under China’s pressure, his extensive international experience is seen as a valuable asset in his new role.
    2024/04/25 17:34
  • Sinologist Dali Yang discusses new book on pandemic

    Dali Yang, an American sinologist, discusses his book "Wuhan" which analyzes China’s initial Covid-19 response. He highlights the need for transparency and the impact on international relations.
    2024/04/25 09:59
  • 泰國潑水節狂歡後 破千人「新冠中鏢」其中3人死亡

    泰國目前正處於俗稱「潑水節」的宋干節(Songkran festival)慶典期間,吸引大批遊客前往朝聖狂歡,但今年的慶典似乎問題重重,除了狂歡導致交通大打結、各種意外事故頻傳,如今當地媒體更傳出,當地醫院通報,過去一星期以來,在經歷潑水狂歡後,超過千人感染新冠肺炎(Covid-19)病毒;還有數十名兒童疑似在潑水過程,接觸不乾淨水源,出現腹瀉等症狀。
    2024/04/22 12:08
  • 腸病毒將大流行!急診數「10年最高」 恐併發心肺衰竭

    2024/04/21 15:39
  • 日本廢棄COVID-19疫苗2.4億劑 官員:不認為浪費

    2024/04/16 09:11
  • Taiwan’s rising rents: pandemic, war, and interest rates

    the year-over-year (YoY) rate in the rent index has been around 2% for the past two years, a relatively high level. The YoY growth rate in March was 2.24%, the highest increase in the past year. Over the past decade, the average annual increase in the rent index was 1.1%. However, since July 2022, the growth has exceeded 2% and has remained at this level. DGBAS officials pointed out three main factors that contributed to the rise in rent. First, the cost of maintaining houses has increased. In recent years, the increase in residential maintenance costs has been significant, with a sharp rise of 5.8% in 2022 and increases of over 3% in 2023 and 2024. 
    2024/04/12 18:00
  • 9m88驚爆「私下真實面」 一舉動工作人員臉色鐵青

    2024/04/03 16:21
  • 今年第2例百日咳!3個月大女嬰咳嗽、嘴唇發紫 還染新冠肺炎

    2024/04/02 17:42
  • 39歲婦人產後頻漏尿!1療法免住院 醫:2週症狀明顯改善

    2024/04/01 23:39
  • 北韓盼擴展外交!與中國官員北京會面 允進一步發展雙邊關係

    2024/03/24 15:41
  • 出國當心!「電子煙、加熱菸」禁止帶回台 最高罰500萬

    2024/03/18 21:32
  • 遊日當心!搭計程車刷信用卡「運將臭臉」 內行點頭洩3原因

    2024/03/18 18:37
  • Taiwan’s flu vaccine stocks to run out end of March

    Stay informed about the latest updates on flu and COVID-19 vaccination in Taiwan. With flu vaccine supplies running low, the Taiwan CDC urges residents to get vaccinated. Learn more about vaccination locations and second doses for high-risk individuals.
    2024/03/15 18:21
  • 新冠疫情高原期!再爆幼兒死亡 1歲童未打XBB染疫病逝

    2024/03/12 14:30
  • Wang Kwo-tsai addresses Taoyuan airport’s ranking plunge

    Taiwan’s Minister of Transportation and Communications Wang Kwo-tsai addresses the decline in Taoyuan International Airport’s global ranking, citing the closure of airport shops during the COVID-19 pandemic as a key factor. The airport’s drop from 13th to 82nd in passenger voting for the world’s best airports over the last four years has prompted calls for review by the Taoyuan International Airport Corporation Ltd. Wang emphasizes the impact of passenger perception on airport rankings, highlighting the challenges faced by the airport due to the closure of shops and recent delays caused by maintenance work on the South Runway.
    2024/03/06 11:45
  • "Let’s Duck" brand closure at 2 locations in Taipei

    Wowprime Corp. announces the closure of "Let’s Duck" restaurants in Taipei’s Beixing and Nanshijiao metro station, as part of a strategic adjustment to adapt to changing consumer patterns post-COVID-19. Employees’ rights and benefits remain intact as they transition to other brands within the group.
    2024/02/29 16:50
  • 高峰殺到!新冠病毒「上週增78死」 最年輕僅30多歲

    2024/02/27 18:21
  • Flu emergency visits decline amidst high vaccination rates

    This year’s flu season during the Lunar New Year has been relatively mild, potentially due to higher flu vaccination rates and continued mask-wearing, according to Philip Lo, the Deputy Director-General and spokesperson for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Typically, flu cases surge before and after the Lunar New Year, with the second day of the new year being the busiest for emergency rooms. Despite higher numbers in recent years, this year’s figures are considered mild compared to the pre-pandemic period. On the second day of the Lunar New Year, 6,787 individuals sought emergency care for flu-like symptoms. In previous years, the corresponding numbers were 4,313 in 2023, 1,564 in 2022, 2,458 in 2021, 9,240 in 2020, and 7,983 in 2019. Lo emphasized the need to monitor the potential impact of large gatherings as schools reopen and the travel season begins. In terms of vaccine stock, there are still 82,000 doses of the flu vaccine available, along with 226,000 doses of the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine and 4.38 million doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Lo urged eligible individuals to get vaccinated promptly to enhance their protection.
    2024/02/15 17:26
  • 戰備壓力又遭逢疫情 機敏「鳳展專案」如期如質交機來時路全揭密

    2024/02/08 22:25
  • 新冠高峰期到!單周增65死創新高 JN.1病毒株占6成 

    農曆年前迎來新冠疫情高峰!疾管署今天(6日)舉行例行記者會表示,上週新增567例COVID-19本土確定病例,死亡病例新增65例,創下五個月以來新高,且長者占90%,近四週變異株監測總計,還是以JN.1 (64%)為多。
    2024/02/06 15:07
  • 香港拚觀光!去年旅客達「3400萬人次」約疫情前一半

    2024/02/05 16:12
  • 台積電晉升全球市值前十大 劉德音憶6年董座「難忘疫苗採購」

    2024/02/03 08:14
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