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    COP28 結果共113筆

  • Taiwan’s environment minister highlights net-zero challenges

    Explore how Taiwan’s Minister of Environment, Peng Chi-ming, addresses the challenges of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 and the role of nuclear energy and conservation in this effort.
    2024/06/06 16:02
  • 盤點COP28決議 對臺灣的潛在影響(下)

    COP28 在歷經 2 週的討論與協商後,締約方各國達成了一系列重要的永續發展決議與自願性倡議。本文將聚焦於這些決議對臺灣可能產生的影響,分析臺灣政府可能制定的相應法規與政策,提供給讀者參考,下篇將探討全球冷卻需求、氣候與健康、糧食系統等議題。
    2024/02/20 15:00
  • 盤點COP28決議 對臺灣的潛在影響(上)

    「聯合國氣候變遷第28次締約方大會」(COP28)於2023年11月30日至12月12日於杜拜舉行。此次的討論重點除了《巴黎協定》(Paris Agreement)與首次「全球盤點」(Global Stocktake, GST)之外,還包含:損失與損害基金(Loss and Damage)、化石燃料、再生能源、氣候與健康、糧食系統、城市參與、自然以及公正轉型等重要議題。
    2024/02/20 10:51
  • 柯文哲稱不批評外交困境 綠委傻眼:就是你副手罵「斷交部」

    2023/12/28 21:49
  • Ko Wen-je criticizes Lai for avoiding nuclear energy debate

    Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidate Ko Wen-je criticized his Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) competitor Lai Ching-te for avoiding the nuclear energy debate and lacking long-term planning. Ko argued that Lai’s commitment to a nuclear-free homeland by 2025 would cost him votes, particularly from the business sector. He questioned the feasibility of turning nuclear power on and off at will. Ko also criticized his Kuomintang rival, Hou Yu-ih, for impeding the operation of dry storage facilities at nuclear plants one and two, resulting in a stalemate where spent fuel rods cannot be removed. Ko expressed support for extending the service lives of nuclear plants two and three and called for a thorough check-up of plant four before making any decisions. He emphasized the need for a pragmatic approach to nuclear power rather than treating the idea of a nuclear-free homeland as an ideology. Ko highlighted the goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and mentioned that 22 nations proposed tripling nuclear power by then at COP28.
    2023/12/26 18:29
  • 觀察/一改嗆辣作風!吳欣盈「變讀稿機猛吃螺絲」 全中文也難加分

    2023/12/22 21:27
  • 館長專訪!吳欣盈吐「應對媒體」心境 臨時當副手秘辛曝光

    2024大選倒數,各陣營開始勤跑選戰,民眾黨副總統候選人吳欣盈今(21)日晚間,接受健身房業者、網路名嘴「館長」陳之漢專訪。吳欣盈提到,有關於自己當時登記參選時,「臨危受命」的心情;至於近期赴杜拜參與氣候峰會「COP28」,吳欣盈批評外交部像「旅行社」,她也再解釋,此行她只能和戴著「Party overflow」牌子的國外議員喝咖啡,而吳欣盈還以為對方是來「開party」的,只能喝咖啡、無法進場發言,仍令她非常錯愕。
    2023/12/21 21:27
  • Cynthia Wu slams MOFA over COP28 diplomacy

    Taiwan People’s Party vice presidential candidate Cynthia Wu expresses disappointment with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) over its handling of diplomatic challenges during COP28. Wu emphasizes the need for the government to reconsider its approach to enhance the economy and diplomacy simultaneously. She highlights the recent consensus in the European Union (EU), where over 700 members of the EU Parliament passed a motion to negotiate bilateral free trade agreements with Taiwan. Wu credits MOFA, the Legislative Yuan, and herself for raising Taiwan’s international profile.
    2023/12/20 21:13
  • Cynthia Wu likens campaign to surfing amid election race

    Taipei People’s Party (TPP) Vice Presidential candidate Cynthia Wu demonstrates her resilience on the campaign trail, drawing an analogy between her strategy and a surfer preparing for a big wave. Wu emphasizes her commitment to environmental efforts after attending a COP28 seminar. When asked about competing with Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Hsiao Bi-khim, Wu compares herself to a "standing cat," highlighting her agility and readiness to face challenges head-on. She likens her entry into politics to surfing, stating that she chooses to bravely confront the big wave rather than run away, symbolizing her confrontational approach to the election campaign.
    2023/12/20 21:09
  • Greenpeace protests at Taiwan parties’ HQs for green energy

    Greenpeace stages dramatic protests at the national campaign headquarters of the Democratic Progressive Party, Kuomintang, and Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidates, symbolizing Taiwan’s "lack of green electricity." Activists construct towering billboards to voice concerns about Taiwan’s environmental and economic crises due to inadequate green energy development. Greenpeace urges all candidates to commit to enhancing green energy targets for 2030. Lai Ching-te, the DPP candidate, references COP28’s decision and President Tsai Ing-wen’s efforts to complete the first phase of the energy transition. Taiwan’s green electricity supply now exceeds 10 percent, surpassing nuclear power generation.
    2023/12/20 19:03
  • Kaohsiung mayor urges talent focus for net-zero goals

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai emphasized the importance of talent in driving the net-zero transition at a post-COP28 event at National Sun Yat-sen University. Chen shared his experiences from COP28 and called on businesses to display greater ambition in adopting sustainable energy practices. He urged local governments to stay informed about global trends and COP28 outcomes to develop appropriate policies and collaborate with industries. COP28 recently conducted its first global stocktake since the Paris Climate Agreement, establishing new carbon reduction goals for the post-2030 period. The Kaohsiung City Government’s Environmental Protection Bureau played a leading role in participating in COP28, engaging in discussions on renewable energy and energy efficiency. Chen encouraged businesses to explore alternative solutions such as hydrogen energy and consider a broader range of clean energy applications, including Taiwan’s carbon solution exchange projects.
    2023/12/20 18:59
  • MOFA expresses regret over Wu’s UNFCCC comments, cites risks

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) expressed "confusion and regret" five times in a statement regarding comments made by Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice presidential candidate Cynthia Wu. The MOFA highlighted that Wu’s proactive analysis and attendance at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conferences could jeopardize Taiwan’s interests. Following her participation in the 28th United Nations Climate Change conference (COP28) in Dubai, Wu criticized the event’s low standards, stating it was a disservice to taxpayers. MOFA responded to Wu’s criticism, indicating that her conspicuous announcement to attend COP28 provided China with an opportunity to repress Taiwan’s participation, hindering the entire delegation and damaging Taiwan’s future international engagement, as well as the nation’s dignity. Wu’s office released a statement asserting that MOFA had not informed her of the risks of Chinese suppression. When asked about MOFA’s response, Wu declined to comment further. The MOFA expressed regret over the limitations imposed on Wu’s candidacy due to Chinese pressure, directly countering her doubts. MOFA emphasized that condemnation should be directed at China for obstructing Taiwan’s participation. The MOFA expressed bewilderment and regret that Wu criticized domestic institutions but failed to condemn China, the true suppressor of Taiwan’s international voice.
    2023/12/18 19:45
  • Taiwan grapples with extreme weather amid climate change

    2023 emerges as the hottest year on record, with Taiwan experiencing rapid climate changes. Experts discuss the local and global factors contributing to warmer winters and longer summers, emphasizing the need for proactive measures against these environmental shifts.
    2023/12/17 11:42
  • 吳欣盈斷交部惹風波 柯文哲:有通令內部不要再責怪外交部

    2023/12/16 13:12
  • MOFA criticizes TPP’s Wu for COP28 conduct, cites risks

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) criticized Taiwan’s People Party (TPP) vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu for disregarding the ministry’s risk assessment and participating in the COP28 climate conference. MOFA expressed "puzzlement" and "regret" over her failure to publicly denounce China while questioning MOFA’s tactics internally. The ministry clarified that the constraints faced by the Legislative Yuan’s supervisory delegation at COP28 were primarily due to Wu’s status as a "vice-presidential candidate" and explained the potential increased risk of suppression to her. They pointed out that Wu’s controversial participation provided an opportunity for China to exert pressure, potentially hindering the delegation’s attendance and damaging Taiwan’s future chances of participating in such events. The ministry emphasized that no instructions were given to legislators to keep a low profile and remain silent, arguing that maintaining a low profile is conducive to Taiwan’s interests when participating in international activities.
    2023/12/16 12:29
  • 稱外交部斷交部後再槓!吳欣盈:失能、不當責「就是有問題」

    2023/12/16 12:12
  • 吳欣盈為COP28諷外交部斷交部 同行立委洪申翰:不要像媽寶

    2023/12/16 12:06
  • 被批「斷交部」 外交部反擊:吳欣盈執意去COP28才遭打壓

    2023/12/16 11:13
  • 環保少女批COP28協議 稱捅刀氣候變遷影響最深國家

    2023/12/16 06:08
  • 槓上外交部?吳欣盈挨批太高調 政大演講二度脫口「斷交部」

    2023/12/15 21:56
  • 為COP28再槓! 吳欣盈嗆外交部說謊卸責

    2023/12/15 21:29
  • 為COP28再槓! 吳欣盈嗆外交部說謊卸責

    2023/12/15 17:42
  • TVBSx聯合報x願景工程 COP28達成歷史性成果

    2023/12/14 16:21
  • COP28峰會 中美同意合作更新長期氣候戰略

    2023/12/14 14:24
  • 拯救副手民調? 吳欣盈轟外交部COP28碰壁

    2023/12/14 13:42
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