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    CHIP 結果共85筆

  • SEMICON Taiwan to spotlight AI role in semiconductor future

    SEMICON Taiwan 2024 to focus on AI era Over 1,000 exhibitors across 3,600 booths 16 themes, including new AI Zone 13 country pavilions for global cooperation
    2024/06/24 11:10
  • TSMC, ESMC to boost Europe’s chip industry in Germany

    Discover how TSMC and ESMC’s collaboration in Dresden, Germany, aims to boost Europe’s semiconductor manufacturing capabilities, creating nearly 2,000 jobs and enhancing the industry’s ecosystem by 2027.
    2024/06/11 14:17
  • NVIDIA AI supercomputer to be in Kaohsiung, R&D near Taipei

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang announced plans to build an AI supercomputer in Kaohsiung with an R&D site near Taipei, highlighting the strong partnership with Quanta and their collective efforts on Blackwell.
    2024/06/06 17:41
  • TSMC rules out relocation amid Taiwan Strait tensions

    Discover how TSMC’s Chairman, C.C. Wei, addresses the impossibility of relocating operations amid geopolitical tensions and how NVIDIA’s CEO, Jensen Huang, values Taiwan’s manufacturing prowess.
    2024/06/06 15:21
  • Intel CEO urges balance in U.S. chip ban against China

    Explore how Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger addresses the U.S. chip ban against China at COMPUTEX Taipei, emphasizing the need for balance to avoid pushing China towards self-reliance in semiconductor technology.
    2024/06/05 11:15
  • Jensen Huang’s Taiwan visit sparks China’s speculation

    Discover how NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s recent statement on Taiwan’s global significance during his visit stirs debate amid U.S.-China tech tensions and export restrictions.
    2024/06/03 17:55
  • Taiwan’s role crucial in global AI supply chain, expert says

    Discover how Taiwan is addressing the global AI supply crisis and advancing AI technology, as highlighted at the COMPUTEX event in Taipei, featuring industry leaders and innovative solutions.
    2024/06/03 17:13
  • 玉米片加1調味「吃出人命」!美少年慘死 腹絞痛心肺驟停亡

    短影音平台抖音(TikTok)充斥大量挑戰,然而其背後隱藏的危險卻非所有人都清楚;美國一名14歲少年沃羅巴(Harris Wolobah),因為在一次挑戰中吃下了「世界最辣玉米片」最終導致心臟驟停不治,引起各界高度關注,如今驗屍報告也出爐,確認沃羅巴是因「攝入高辣椒素含量食物」造成不適,在劇烈腹痛後被送醫,最終搶救無效身亡。
    2024/05/18 10:43
  • 全球最辣!美國少年挑戰薯片「被辣死」 累積10人不適送醫

    曾在抖音(TikTok海外版)等社交平台曾流行的「一片薯片挑戰」(One Chip Challenge),去年造成馬薩諸塞州(Massachusetts,又譯麻省、麻州)一名14歲少年死亡。最新曝光的驗屍報告確定,他「因攝入高濃度辣椒素的食品」,導致心肺功能停止。報告指出,少年患有先天性心臟病。
    2024/05/17 10:42
  • Japan’s Kumamoto to woo TSMC for semiconductor hub

    Discover how Kumamoto Prefecture in Japan plans to become a semiconductor hub by courting TSMC for a new chip factory, aiming to replicate Taiwan’s Hsinchu Science Park success.
    2024/05/13 12:40
  • Apple joins forces with TSMC to develop AI chips: WSJ

    Apple Inc. collaborates with TSMC on AI chips for data centers, as reported by The Wall Street Journal. The project, years in development, aims to enhance server capabilities for AI model execution. With speculation around the iPad Pro featuring the M4 chip for AI tasks, Apple’s AI advancements are anticipated to be highlighted at the upcoming iPhone launch and possibly at the Worldwide Developers Conference.
    2024/05/07 15:59
  • John Neuffer highlights CHIPS Act’s positive impact on U.S.

    The U.S. CHIPS and Science Act seeks to boost domestic semiconductor manufacturing. John Neuffer, CEO of the Semiconductor Industry Association, is optimistic about the act, highlighting early private sector commitments and the critical need to rebalance global chip manufacturing.
    2024/05/06 17:07
  • Huawei overcomes U.S. restrictions with new smartphone chip

    Discover how Huawei’s new Pura 70 series, featuring the advanced Kirin 9010 processor, marks a significant technological leap and defies U.S. restrictions, selling out quickly after launch.
    2024/04/29 14:10
  • Taiwan nears completion of chip center with Czechia

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) is nearing the completion of a five-year agreement with Czechia to establish an advanced chip design center, enhancing semiconductor capabilities. Amidst controversy over funding and accusations from the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), MOFA clarifies the project’s goals and budgeting, emphasizing the initiative’s focus on leveraging Taiwanese technology to bolster Czechia’s semiconductor industry and expand European business opportunities for Taiwanese companies.
    2024/04/24 17:11
  • NSF launches program to support Taiwan’s tech industry

    The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) has launched a groundbreaking program in Taiwan to support the country’s semiconductor and AI industries, marking the first time the NSF has sponsored seminars abroad to discover and fund deep tech companies. The initiative aims to strengthen Taiwan’s role in global technology supply chains and drive economic growth for both countries.
    2024/04/09 18:12
  • TSMC to build third chip fab in Arizona, US

    TSMC announces plans for a third chip fab in Arizona while maintaining Taiwan as its primary production hub, with 80-90% of capacity remaining in Taiwan. TSMC’s advanced semiconductor technology is distributed across Hsinchu, Taichung, and Tainan, with new 2nm factories in Baoshan and Kaohsiung. TSMC is also planning a 1nm site in Chiayi or Yunlin, pending government assistance.
    2024/04/09 11:26
  • US offers $11.6B in aid for TSMC’s Arizona fabs

    Discover how TSMC’s groundbreaking $65 billion investment in Arizona, supported by the U.S. Department of Commerce with subsidies and loans, aims to revolutionize the semiconductor industry with the world’s most advanced 2-nanometer chips, creating thousands of jobs and bolstering AI technology.
    2024/04/08 18:33
  • Taiwan’s semiconductor college bridges talent gap: report

    Discover how Taiwan’s Semiconductor College in Hsinchu is attracting students from Vietnam to address the talent shortage in the semiconductor industry. Learn how Taiwan is leveraging Southeast Asian students to secure its position as a global leader in chip manufacturing.
    2024/03/26 13:59
  • Ferrari’s sales soar in Taiwan amid chip boom

    Ferrari’s sales in Taiwan have surged in recent years, driven by the chip boom and global supply chain shifts. The luxury carmaker’s profits hit a record high, with Taiwan outpacing mainland China and Hong Kong in supercar sales growth. Despite Europe and the US being primary markets, Taiwan saw a significant rise in Ferrari sales, capturing 40% of the local two-door supercar market.
    2024/03/25 15:10
  • MediaTek unveils AI-enhanced automotive cockpit platform

    MediaTek is targeting the automotive market with the launch of the Dimensity Auto Cockpit SoC (system-on-chip) platform at Nvidia GTC.
    2024/03/19 20:16
  • TSMC to build 2 advanced chip facilities in Chiayi

    Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan announces TSMC’s plan to build two cutting-edge chip packaging CoWoS facilities in Chiayi Science Park, with construction set to begin in May 2024. The project is expected to create around 3,000 job opportunities and boost the local economy.
    2024/03/18 15:17
  • 不再台灣獨家?路透 : 台積電考慮將「CoWoS」技術帶到日本

    《路透社》報導,兩名知情人士透露,晶片大廠台積電(TSMC)擬在日本建立先進封裝產能。其中一個選項是將獨家的CoWoS(Chip on Wafer on Substrate)封裝技術導入日本,目前台積電的CoWoS產能都在台灣。據報導,隨著AI晶片需求急遽增加,台積電先進封裝產能吃緊,因此將聚集製造裝備與材料製造商的日本列為候選地點。
    2024/03/18 10:07
  • TSMC’s cutting-edge chip tech to stay in Taiwan: NDC

    Stay updated on the latest developments in Taiwan’s semiconductor industry with this story on the National Development Council Minister Kung Ming-hsin’s affirmation that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company’s cutting-edge processing techniques will continue to be based in Taiwan. Learn about TSMC’s global expansion plans and Taiwan’s strategies to maintain its industrial competitiveness in the face of growing demand for advanced chipsets.
    2024/03/06 17:29
  • TSMC inaugurates first fabrication plant in Japan

    TSMC, the leading semiconductor manufacturer, has inaugurated its first fabrication plant in Kumamoto, Japan, marking a pivotal step in its global expansion. This strategic move aims to enhance Japan’s chip industry and TSMC’s manufacturing capabilities, with plans for a second fab and a commitment to sustainability.
    2024/03/03 18:31
  • Commerce secretary highlights TSMC’s role in U.S. chip goals

    U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo aims for the U.S. to produce 20% of the world’s cutting-edge semiconductors by 2030. Companies like Intel, TSMC, and Samsung are seeking over US$70 billion in subsidies under the 2022 CHIPS and Science Act. Raimondo highlights TSMC’s Arizona project and expresses gratitude for their contributions. The government plans to fund more projects to achieve the 20% global semiconductor production target by 2030. The U.S. Department of Commerce is expected to announce new subsidies, with TSMC likely to receive funding.
    2024/02/27 17:45
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