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    After Party 結果共94筆

  • Ko Wen-je agrees to party negotiations with KMT

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has agreed to engage in party negotiations with the main opposition Kuomintang (KMT) in an effort to collaborate. This comes after KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih suggested that a democratic primary or public polls may not be sufficient and proposed party negotiations instead. Ko emphasized the importance of winning the election and stated that he sees no problem with party negotiations if Hou insists.
    2023/10/26 14:58
  • Ko Wen-je’s campaign director announces resignation from DPP

    The campaign office director for Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je, Chou Yu-hsiu, has officially resigned from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) after being a member for 20 years. Chou joined Ko’s team in 2017 and was influenced by their spirit, leading to his decision to stay. Despite leaving the DPP, Chou remains committed to Taiwan and plans to join the TPP soon.
    2023/10/19 15:41
  • Ko’s lost phone delays communication with Hou

    Kuomintang candidate, Hou Yu-ih, expresses eagerness for "blue and white cooperation" but receives no response from Ko Wen-je after multiple attempts to reach out. Ko’s campaign office explains that he lost his cell phone in the United States and has since obtained a replacement. Hou emphasizes the importance of proper communication to foster mutual ideologies and core values, suggesting a meeting format involving representatives from his campaign office, the Kuomintang, and the People’s Party to promote "blue and white cooperation."
    2023/10/09 15:14
  • KMT Chairman emphasizes urgency of’ Blue-White’ alliance

    The Chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT), Eric Chu, emphasized the importance of a "Blue-White" alliance in response to public expectations rather than as a political strategy. This comes after the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Chairman, Ko Wen-je, proposed a poll contest with the KMT’s presidential candidate, Hou Yu-ih, with the loser agreeing to withdraw from the election.
    2023/10/04 18:41
  • Lai Ching-te faces setback amid DPP’s harassment scandals

    Vice President Lai Ching-te, one of the leading candidates for the 2024 presidential election, has seen his popularity wane after a series of sexual harassment scandals within the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) surfaced in June. Although Lai started strong in the polls after declaring his candidacy for the presidency, his campaign has suffered setbacks due to recent controversies.
    2023/06/26 20:36
  • Ko Wen-je: Japan concerned about Taiwan’s safety

    Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je told reporters that Japan is concerned about Taiwan’s safety after meeting with experts from the Japan Institute for National Fundamentals Wednesday (June 7).
    2023/06/07 17:49
  • 要生第二胎?林志玲親曝進度 露燦笑堅決吐「4字回應」

    林志玲今(2)日出席醫美品牌記者會,穿上結婚時After party時的性感小禮服現身,展現超逆天身材,身為第一名模的她坦言這幾年太放縱、放鬆,有時候抱孩子身體會不自覺往前凸,照鏡子就會發現自己身材走樣了、腰間囤積一些肉肉,還要安慰自己是幸福肥,但因為接觸該醫美儀器瘦了不少,連老公AKIRA都有發現,讓她非常開心。
    2023/05/02 16:29
  • AKIRA爆婚禮「襯衫被小S撕爆」超失控!公開娶林志玲關鍵主因

    「台灣第一名模」林志玲於2019年和日本天團放浪兄弟(EXILE)的成員AKIRA結婚,去年順利生下寶貝兒子,一家3口過著相當幸福的生活。近日AKIRA擔任小S節目《小姐不熙娣》的大來賓,聊到對小S的第一印象就是「善良、人很好」,讓他印象深刻地是,小S竟在當時婚禮的after party上,將他的襯衫一把撕開,失控舉動讓他嚇翻。
    2023/02/28 20:12
  • 傻子與白痴開趴狂歡「白安驚喜現身」 蔡維澤被拱脫衣大方露肌

    過年開工跟著「傻子與白痴」繼續開趴狂歡!新銳人氣樂團傻子與白痴28日大年初七在CORNER MAX來場「After After Party」演唱會,一開賣就獲得完售的好成績,相隔「Year of Fate」北中南巡迴演唱會近1年的時間,這次他們以最近的距離和歌迷開派對,除了是場音樂派對,同時也是主唱蔡維澤的生日派對,嘉賓白安驚喜送上生日蛋糕,與全場歌迷一起為他慶生,蔡維澤則許下身體健康的生日願望,還應歌迷要求大方露肌。
    2023/01/29 16:33
  • Ruling DPP begins soul-searching after election setback

    The local elections results in Taiwan on Saturday saw the opposition KMT winning in a landslide, and here at the ruling party’s DPP headquarters, supporters are very disappointed; no doubt the DPP has a lot of soul-searching to do.
    2022/11/27 17:22
  • President Tsai resigns as party chair after election setback

    President Tsai Ing-wen resigned as the party chairperson after the ruling party suffered a crushing defeat in the local elections on Saturday (Nov. 26).
    2022/11/27 01:15
  • 小S成最美女星!喊話林志玲快退圈:演藝圈不是很重要

    林志玲與日本籍老公AKIRA於17日在台南美術館一館舉辦婚禮,她在演藝圈闖蕩多年交際甚廣,除了收到來自各地粉絲們的祝福,婚禮當天也邀請到大咖明星蔡康永擔任主持人,小S(徐熙娣)也帶著老公Mike出席,超級放得開的她還在After Party上與林志玲上演熊抱戲碼,直接躺進對方的胸懷,破除多年來的不合傳聞,隨後還在臉書發文獻上祝福。
    2019/11/19 16:07
  • 林志玲喝茫45秒「親嘴私密片」外流!她爆嗆姐夫這句

    女神林志玲17日和日本「放浪兄弟」成員AKIRA在台南完婚,儀式和婚宴結束後,又舉辦了After Party。和林志玲交情超過15年的女星海裕芬,昨天(18日)在IG上曬出當晚和志玲姐姐「親嘴」的45秒私密片,姐妹倆也難得吐露了對彼此的真心話。
    2019/11/19 11:56
  • 林志玲渡假風洋裝 緊牽Akira搭高鐵北返

    藝人林志玲跟Akira辦完婚宴,17日晚間在After Party玩超high,她換上超辣流蘇裝,Akira送上99朵玫瑰,還跟林志玲浪漫共舞,而下午他們搭乘高鐵回台北,林志玲換上渡假風洋裝,戴著帽子和墨鏡,親切向所有人說謝謝。
    2019/11/18 17:57
  • 林志玲嫁AKIRA 喊「我們一起不會孤單」

    44歲的藝人林志玲終於把自己嫁出去,昨晚(17日)辦婚禮超感人,其中小S跟林志玲也在婚禮上秀三連拍,另外After Party上,林志玲更是換上超辣流蘇裝,跟老公熱舞high翻全場。
    2019/11/18 12:21
  • 姐夫好會!志玲脫衣他上下不停扭動 小S凍未條急扒光

    林志玲和AKIRA(黑澤良平)昨(17日)在台南舉行世紀婚禮,在美術館婚宴結束後,又到晶英酒店舉辦After Party。疑似喝了不少的志玲姐姐難得放開身段,不僅穿著火辣流蘇短裙和丈夫熱舞,跳嗨了甚至當場幫AKIRA解扣脫衣,沒想到小S不改本性,殺出來幫忙「扒光對方」,結果反被AKIRA一把抱在懷裡!
    2019/11/18 08:41
  • 小虎隊三合一!蘇有朋陳志朋現身四爺婚禮

    四爺吳奇隆和劉詩詩戲裡愛火延伸到戲外,今天(20日)在巴里島舉行婚宴,上午先舉行迎親儀式,晚上則有After party,而今天早上昔日小虎隊成員陳志朋、蘇有朋帥氣現身現場擔任伴郎,一左一右陪伴吳奇隆迎娶美嬌娘。
    2016/03/20 10:15
  • 6月結婚季 全天式「Party婚宴」正夯

    5、6月是婚宴旺季,不少新人為了替自己留下完美回憶,除了在主題及風格上搞創意,現在也有不少人會選擇一整天的PARTY婚宴,從一早的迎娶,證婚到晚宴,結束後還有AFTER PARTY,花費依照賓客人數及新人需求,從40萬到上百萬不等,除了創新外,親友們只需要空出一天時間,就可以參與到所有行程,時間規劃上也比較方便。
    2013/05/01 18:59
  • ELLA幸福花嫁/Ella婚星光閃閃 900萬珠寶禮服增輝

    藝人ELLA大婚之日,早上9點還沒到,就抵達飯店準備梳化,而因為婚禮會場不開放入內拍攝,唱片公司特別在外面設置了採訪區,就怕有媒體亂跑影響典禮進行,而Ella的禮服和珠寶飾品,包括鑽戒和皇冠,就要價將近9百萬,晚上還要舉辦After Party,從早上10點到晚上10點這長達12小時的馬拉松婚,慶祝人生大事。
    2012/05/05 09:30
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