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    Africa 結果共20筆

  • 非洲之角吉布地外海再傳移民船翻覆!至少16死、28失蹤

    聯合國(UN)轄下國際移民組織(IOM)今天表示,非洲之角(Horn of Africa)國家吉布地(Djibouti)外海再度發生移民船翻覆災難,至少有16人死亡、28人失蹤。
    2024/04/24 09:30
  • 有片/女球迷入場遭保全「摸胸搜身」?非洲國家盃驚人畫面惹議

    非洲國家盃(Africa Cup of Nations)於本月14日登場,有24個國家競爭非洲足球霸主的寶座,不過場外同樣有吸引關注的爭議,女迷入場時需先接受搜身,沒想到安保人員直接伸手掐揉女球迷的胸部、且全程持續5秒,雖然遭搜身的女性看似習以為常、甚至笑了出來,但畫面曝光後仍引發熱議。
    2024/01/26 14:40
  • 非洲國家盃鬧驚魂 甘比亞國家隊「機上缺氧」險全員喪命

    非洲國家盃(Africa Cup of Nations)將於本月14日登場,不過比賽還沒開踢就傳出恐怖插曲,西非國家甘比亞的代表隊本周搭機要前往主辦國象牙海岸參賽時,竟然遇上「機艙缺氧」的突發狀況,事發當下除了有人出現頭痛等不適症狀外,甚至有人幾乎昏迷,所幸機組人員意識到不對勁後立刻返航,這才讓甘比亞國家免於「全隊覆沒」。
    2024/01/12 17:34
  • TCX initiates first global carbon credit trades

    The Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange (TCX) has launched its first international carbon credit transactions, offering credits sourced from various regions in Asia, Africa, and South America. Notable companies such as TSMC, Foxconn, China Steel Corporation, and Taiwan Financial Holding have expressed interest in participating in the inaugural trade event. The initial batch of credits available on the Taiwan Carbon Exchange is estimated to range from 50,000 to 100,000 tons and has been certified by the Gold Standard. Once procured, these credits cannot be resold on the carbon exchange platform, and their use will be determined by each company’s individual needs. It is important to note that these credits have international "voluntary" carbon rights and do not fall under "mandatory" carbon pricing, meaning they cannot be used to offset Europe’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).
    2023/12/22 16:49
  • Taiwan foreign affairs official investigated for harassment

    Former Taiwan foreign affairs official in New York, Lu Chih-chien, is being investigated for allegations of improper behavior and sexual harassment. Lu was previously reprimanded for an inappropriate relationship during his assignment in New York and was later posted to the Taipei Liaison Office in South Africa. However, in July 2023, an allegation of sexual harassment emerged, leading to his recall to Taiwan. The Control Yuan members, Wang Mei-yu and Yeh I-chin, have stated that an investigation is underway to determine if Lu abused his power to sexually harass female subordinates and if there are other victims. They have also sought clarification from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding measures to protect the rights and services of staff members.
    2023/11/07 17:56
  • President Tsai to visit last African ally Eswatini

    Taiwan’s presidential office confirmed on Friday (Aug. 25) that President Tsai Ing-wen will visit the nation’s last African ally, Eswatini, from Sept. 5 to 8.
    2023/08/25 15:58
  • President Tsai likely to visit Eswatini in September

    President Tsai Ing-wen is reportedly visiting Taiwan’s only ally in Africa, Eswatini, in late September, marking her second voyage to the African ally during her tenure.
    2023/08/23 15:05
  • 南非盜採黃金釀毒氣外洩 16死者最小僅一歲

    座落於重要礦藏蘊藏區、南非博克斯堡(Boksburg, South Africa)5日發生嚴重毒氣瓦斯外洩事故,外媒引述當地緊急救災部門聲明,報案民眾緊急通報後,搜救人員前往現場探查後發現,毒氣從一個圓柱體容器外溢,造成16人死亡。目前尚不確定事故發生原因,但救災部門的內部消息透露,很可能與當地氾濫的非法盜採礦產有關,不合乎安全規定的礦坑、造成毒氣外洩而釀成悲劇。
    2023/07/06 09:38
  • South African woman fined for riding tiny YouBike on highway

    A South African woman unintentionally entered the northbound section of Taiwan’s National Highway No. 1 while riding a YouBike to reach Linkou District in New Taipei City.
    2023/07/03 13:05
  • 饒舌歌手面朝地狠摔!表演一半「離奇斷魂」 恐怖30秒瘋傳

    南非饒舌歌手科斯塔蒂奇(Costa Titch)日前在音樂節表演時,不幸從舞台上摔倒,緊急送醫搶救數小時後,傳出離世、死因不明的消息,給樂壇和歌迷拋下震撼彈。對此,音樂節主辦方回應,「這位年輕饒舌歌手的離開令人悲痛欲絕」,值得關注的是,他在舞台上短短幾秒鐘摔倒2次的畫面,短時間內已累積超過150萬的觀看。
    2023/03/13 15:08
  • 「冷血獵人」殘殺動物、炫耀戰利品!遭行刑爆頭謀殺慘死

    55歲的納德(Riaan Naude)建立一個「非洲專業狩獵(Pro Hunt Africa)」集團,他被稱為是「最冷血的獵人」,過去曾大量射殺獅子、大象等野生動物,並將這些「戰利品」一一分享在網路上展示,引發諸多爭議。然而納德近日被發現死在自己的卡車內,兇手手段相當殘忍,他被近距離射擊爆頭慘死,就像是「行刑式謀殺」。
    2022/07/04 14:31
  • 猴痘擴散非洲多國!累計66例死亡 世衛將召開緊急會議

    非洲疾病管制暨預防中心(Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention)代理主任歐瑪(Ahmed Ogwell Ouma)今天表示,2022年初以來,非洲已通報1597起疑似猴痘病例,其中66起死亡病例。
    2022/06/17 08:23
  • 索馬利亞大選結果出爐 前總統穆罕默德勝選

    索馬利亞15日舉行延宕多時的總統大選,選民再度選出曾執政的穆罕默德(Hassan Sheikh Mohamud)為總統。被稱為「非洲之角」(Horn of Africa)的東非國家索馬利亞,正面臨伊斯蘭分子叛亂和饑荒的威脅,由於政治動盪使得這場大選要比原先的計畫晚了1年多。
    2022/05/16 12:01
  • 南非公布Omicron數據 重症較Delta少70%

    非洲疾病管制中心(Africa Centers for Disease Control)今天表示,南非的數據顯示COVID-19(2019冠狀病毒疾病)Omicron變異株的重症,比Delta變異株少70至80%。
    2021/12/23 22:41
  • Honda新年式Africa Twin車系預售起跑 雙車型2022年1月正式到港

    2021/09/17 19:23
  • 非洲新冠肺炎疫情延燒 累計確診數突破300萬大關

    非洲疾病管制暨預防中心(Africa Centers for Disease Controland Prevention)數據顯示,非洲的2019冠狀病毒疾病累計確診數今天突破300萬例,其中逾7萬2000人病亡。
    2021/01/11 10:06
  • 異於英國及南非 奈及利亞再發現另一新變種病毒

    非洲疾病管制暨預防中心(Africa CDC)主任恩肯加松今天表示,另一種2019冠狀病毒疾病(COVID-19)新變種病毒似乎已在奈及利亞出現,但他也警告,需要進行更多調查。
    2020/12/25 01:09
  • Honda公升級美式重機亮相 Rebel 1100引進機會大?

    美式機車擁有豪放粗獷的外型,低重心的設計不僅在長途直線行駛中,讓駕駛感到格外輕鬆,同時豪邁的騎乘姿勢也威風凜凜,因此該類型車款向來都有許多死忠支持者。Honda先前曾推出入門美式機車Rebel 500,以較為平易近人的價格與容易操縱的設定,對於新手騎士而言可說是相當友善。
    2020/12/09 18:21
  • 非洲國家防疫檢測差距大 當局計畫發100萬份試劑

    非洲疾病管制暨預防中心(Africa CDC)主任恩肯加松表示,計畫從下週起發送100萬份武漢肺炎檢驗試劑組,協助非洲大陸解決明顯檢測不足問題。
    2020/04/17 09:46
  • 【商周】深入百年車廠 對抗矽谷的神秘基地

    2018/10/05 03:22
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