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    votes 結果共43筆

  • Heated debates in Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan delay key votes

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan: heated debates between KMT and DPP over parliamentary powers act amendments, leading to a session adjournment. Learn more about the conflict and its implications.
    2024/05/21 16:03
  • Taiwan’s legislature votes to halt electricity price hike

    Discover how Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan voted to halt a planned electricity price hike, a decision driven by public concern over rising living costs and the complexities of energy policy.
    2024/04/30 15:49
  • New Taipei mayor recall effort hits 20,000 signatures

    A civic group in New Taipei City has gathered over 20,000 signatures in the first stage of the recall campaign against Mayor Hou Yu-ih. The effort, aiming for 40,000 signatures, follows the Public Officials Election And Recall Act, with the second stage requiring 10% of electors to endorse the recall. Hou, who served as mayor and later ran for president, faces potential recall pending a vote.
    2024/02/20 18:13
  • Legislative speaker salary revealed as Han takes office

    Kuomintang (KMT) legislator Han Kuo-yu has been elected as the speaker of Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, with Johnny Chiang as his deputy. As speaker, Han is responsible for maintaining order in the legislative body and overseeing legislative matters. According to the "Act Governing the Discipline of Legislators," Han’s monthly salary is equivalent to that of central government department heads, amounting to NT$346,960, with an additional special remuneration of NT$79,100. Johnny Chiang, as deputy speaker, will earn a monthly salary of approximately NT$229,860. Legislators in Taiwan receive an average monthly salary of about NT$190,500, along with an annual bonus equivalent to 1.5 months’ salary. Han’s role grants him decisive power in the event of tied votes or disputes over legislation, giving him a significant role in shaping future policy.
    2024/02/02 13:57
  • Han Kuo-yu wins Taiwan speaker election, immune to recall

    Taiwan’s newly elected Legislative Yuan speaker, Han Kuo-yu of the Kuomintang (KMT), cannot be recalled despite public demands due to existing laws. Unlike district-based legislators, Han, as an at-large legislator, is immune to recall. The announcement of Han’s victory in the legislative speaker election on Feb. 1 triggered a surge of interest in the topic of recall. This is a significant turnaround for Han, who was previously recalled as Kaohsiung Mayor in 2019. His brief 528-day term set a record for the shortest in Taiwan’s municipal history, with an unprecedented 939,090 votes of approval. Han’s actions, including his rapid bid for the presidency after being elected mayor in 2018, and perceived ineffective governance, have garnered significant criticism.
    2024/02/02 09:10
  • You Si-kun resigns after defeat in Taiwan speaker election

    Following his defeat in the bid for the role of Legislative Yuan speaker, You Si-kun of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has announced his resignation from legislative duties. The Kuomintang’s (KMT) Han Kuo-yu won the 11th Legislative Yuan speaker election by a slim margin of 54 votes to 51. The election for the deputy speaker is set to be a heated competition between Johnny Chiang of the KMT and Tsai Chi-chang of the DPP. You Si-kun’s resignation poses an additional challenge for the DPP in their quest for the deputy speaker role.
    2024/02/01 14:41
  • Han Kuo-yu clinches victory in legislative speaker election

    Han Kuo-yu of the Kuomintang (KMT) emerged victorious over You Si-kun of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in the 11th Legislative Yuan Speaker election, securing 54 votes compared to You’s 51 votes. The KMT also nominated Johnny Chiang, while the DPP fielded incumbent speaker You and deputy speaker Tsai Chi-chang. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presented Huang Shan-shan as a candidate. After the first round of voting, no candidate had a majority, leading to a second round between Han and You. In the second round, all eight TPP legislators were absent, and the results mirrored the first round. Han’s win confirmed him as the 11th Legislative Yuan Speaker, with the deputy speaker election scheduled for later in the day.
    2024/02/01 14:38
  • Spoiled ballot drama unfolds in legislative speaker vote

    The Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) legislative speaker candidate, Huang Shan-shan, fell short by one vote in the first round of the election due to a spoiled ballot. TPP legislator-at-large Chen Chao-tzu admitted that her finger stained with ink resulted in her vote being ruled invalid. Chen apologized for the mistake and the TPP expressed regret at the chairman’s decision, emphasizing the need for consistent standards in invalidating votes.
    2024/02/01 13:20
  • Legislative speaker vote heads to second round in Taiwan

    The initial round of voting for the Legislative speaker in Taipei has concluded, with Han Kuo-yu from the Kuomintang (KMT) and You Si-kun from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) advancing to the second round with 54 and 51 votes respectively. The KMT nominated Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang, while the DPP put forward You Si-kun and Tsai Chi-chang. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) proposed Huang Shan-shan as their candidate. KMT lawmakers used open balloting to prevent defection, resulting in Han Kuo-yu receiving 54 votes, You Si-kun receiving 51 votes, and Huang Shan-shan receiving seven votes. One vote was invalidated due to ink stains. The KMT’s open ticket strategy proved successful. A second round of voting will take place in the afternoon, with the TPP not participating.
    2024/02/01 12:30
  • Legislative Yuan kicks off with oath-taking ceremony

    The 11th session of the Legislative Yuan commenced on February 1, with legislators taking their oaths of office under the supervision of Grand Justice Lu Tai-lang. Before the inauguration, the lawmakers gathered for group photos and exchanged congratulations. Following the oath-taking, each legislator signed their pledge, which was then sent to the Judicial Yuan for record-keeping. A group photo was taken to commemorate the occasion. The day’s events also included a vote for the speaker of the Legislative Yuan, with the counting of votes expected to begin at noon. These solemn ceremonies serve as a reminder to legislators of their responsibilities and commitments as representatives of the people.
    2024/02/01 10:49
  • Legislative Speaker You Si-kun seeks cross-party support

    The Democratic Progressive Party’s Speaker You Si-kun plans to meet with speaker and deputy speaker nominees from all political party caucuses in the legislature to seek advice and votes. The DPP nominated current Speaker You and Deputy Speaker Tsai Chi-chang for the positions in the next legislative term. The Kuomintang (KMT) has put forth Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang as their candidates for Speaker and Deputy Speaker. Han and Chiang have already visited the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) caucus. The TPP respects the decisions of the speaker and deputy speaker candidates who wish to conduct visits. The KMT will hold its caucus leadership election on Feb. 1, after which You and Tsai will personally visit the KMT caucus to seek their support.
    2024/01/29 16:03
  • DPP win may prompt escalated activities from Beijing

    Following the victory of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in Taiwan’s presidential election, a report by the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) suggests that Beijing might escalate activities in gray zone areas. The report highlights Taiwan’s increased geopolitical prominence and its pivotal role in semiconductor manufacturing, making the stability of the Taiwan Strait a key concern for the U.S. and other Western nations. The report also notes that Vice President Lai Ching-te won the election by over 40% of votes, breaking the trend of switching ruling parties every eight years since direct presidential elections were implemented in 1996. The victorious DPP aims to strengthen Taiwan’s defenses and relations with like-minded nations while resisting negotiations with Beijing. Additionally, the party seeks to reduce Taiwan’s trade dependency on China and strengthen ties with significant partners such as Australia, Europe, and Japan. With no party securing a majority in the legislative assembly, the DPP faces a "minority government and majority opposition" scenario, which could hinder the government’s legislative and budgeting process and impact Taiwan-U.S. ties. Despite the election, cross-strait relations and regional tensions are unlikely to undergo fundamental changes. Taiwan’s vital position in semiconductor manufacturing and geopolitics ensures its continued rise in importance, with the U.S. and Western nations playing a crucial role in maintaining stability in the Taiwan Strait. The upcoming U.S. presidential election in November is expected to significantly impact the U.S.-China-Taiwan triangle, and a potential return of former President Trump to the White House might please Beijing, according to the report.
    2024/01/18 10:27
  • Hou Yu-ih vows to create economic cabinet if elected

    Kuomintang’s (KMT) presidential candidate, Hou Yu-ih, vows to create an economic cabinet to address people’s livelihood concerns if elected. During a visit to Taipei’s First Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market, accompanied by Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an, Hou emphasized his commitment to market reforms, modernizing facilities, and improving cooperation between central and local authorities for the preservation and sale of fruits and vegetables. He received a warm reception from stall owners, who took selfies with him and presented him with fruits such as pineapples and cherries. With the presidential election approaching, candidates are making a final push to secure votes.
    2024/01/04 14:45
  • China’s tactics to sway Taiwan votes exposed by envoy

    China’s alleged interference in Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election has been highlighted by Taiwan’s Representative to Australia, Douglas Hsu. In an article published in the Australian Financial Review (AFR), Hsu cited instances where China’s Central Propaganda Department ordered Taiwanese band Mayday and South Korean singer Tzuyu to publicly endorse Beijing’s view on Taiwan’s status. The AFR report emphasizes that China has been interfering in Taiwan’s elections since 1996, using tactics such as military exercises, economic threats, and disinformation campaigns. Hsu noted that Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent New Year’s address, asserting the "inevitable historical trend" of reunification, only strengthens Taiwanese people’s desire for self-determination. Hsu expressed confidence in the Taiwanese people’s ability to discern harmful influences and make their own choices. The AFR, a prominent Australian newspaper specializing in international economics, finance, and politics, published the article.
    2024/01/04 14:39
  • Lai Ching-te kicks off campaign with 15K rally in Tucheng

    Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate, held his first nation-wide campaign rally in Tucheng, New Taipei, drawing a crowd of 15,000. Lai urged support for himself and the DPP in the upcoming election, warning of the potential consequences if the DPP fails to secure a majority in the legislature. Tucheng, a stronghold for KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih, enthusiastically hosted the rally where Lai and incumbent President Tsai Ing-wen expressed gratitude for public support. Lai emphasized that the candidate with the most votes, not the highest approval rating, ultimately wins an election. Vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim pledged to boost Taiwan’s global standing. Lai called for voter support for DPP’s legislative candidates in New Taipei and criticized the KMT, while President Tsai affirmed the DPP’s commitment to the right path.
    2024/01/04 14:37
  • Lai Ching-te urges Taiwan to vote despite Chinese meddling

    Taiwanese presidential candidate Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has called on the Taiwanese people to use their votes as a defense against what he considers the most serious Chinese interference in the upcoming elections. Lai emphasized that while China has interfered in Taiwan’s elections before, the current situation is the worst. He believes that the best way to counter this interference is to ensure that the candidate supported by China does not win. Lai urged citizens to stand up against this interference by using their ballots to continue Taiwan’s progress and guarantee societal stability, economic growth, and the well-being of its people. He positioned the DPP’s battle not only against opposition parties but also against the Chinese Communist Party, underscoring the importance of maintaining a majority in the legislative yuan to prevent potential government functioning disputes. Lai kicked off his election campaign across 22 counties and cities, stating that this election is crucial for Taiwan’s future and Indo-Pacific peace stability. He encouraged the people to maintain the spirit of the past, choose the right person, and follow the right path.
    2024/01/03 15:45
  • DPP candidate Lai Ching-te rallies voters in Taipei

    DPP candidate Lai Ching-te campaigned at a traffic intersection in Taipei, echoing President Tsai Ing-wen’s previous bid in the same location. The DPP has launched a nationwide campaign to solicit votes at over 1,000 intersections across Taiwan. Lai has called on citizens to vote for the DPP at 22 municipalities and 817 traffic intersections. He emphasized the importance of having a majority in the legislative yuan to ensure the smooth advancement of Taiwan. Lai and his vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim are positioned as candidates who can continue Tsai Ing-wen’s political course and guide Taiwan forward.
    2024/01/03 14:21
  • President Tsai stresses Taiwan’s economic significance

    President Tsai Ing-wen asserts that Taiwan is globally significant economically and does not rely on China as a conduit to the world. Tsai emphasizes the importance of Taichung in the upcoming elections, stating that over 50 percent of presidential and vice presidential votes will come from the city. She acknowledges that inadequate infrastructure has hindered economic growth during her presidency, leading to an investment of NT$4 trillion in public infrastructure. Tsai also highlights her significant investments in social welfare, including elderly care aids, subsidies for children, and income tax exemptions for 47 percent of the Taiwanese population. She urges support for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te in the 2024 election to continue her approach of incorporating economics, defense, and democracy to protect Taiwan.
    2023/12/30 20:50
  • DPP launches viral ’2 Steps in 6 Strides’ challenge

    Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party’s presidential candidate, and his running mate Hsiao Bi-khim have launched a social media campaign urging supporters to film themselves taking ’2 steps in 6 strides.’ The campaign aims to rally support and votes for the DPP ticket (represented by the number 2) and for the DPP (represented by the number 6) in the upcoming elections. Lai incorporated the lyrics from his new campaign ad in a promotional video, encouraging supporters to respond by recording and posting their own ’2 steps in 6 strides’ walk on social media. Supporters are to tag the official accounts of Lai and Hsiao on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, using the hashtag "#113StandUpTaiwan" for a chance to be re-posted, thus aligning themselves with other supporters. This social media event, titled ’Walking the Right Path,’ aims to attract more supporters in the final stage of their campaign and drive voter turnout.
    2023/12/30 16:10
  • China allegedly pressures Mayday before Taiwan vote

    Chinese authorities are allegedly pressuring Taiwanese rock band Mayday to make pro-China statements ahead of Taiwan’s major election in January 2024, according to foreign media reports. China’s National Radio and Television Administration has reportedly asked Mayday to endorse Beijing’s claim that "Taiwan is part of China" and align with China’s media propaganda on Taiwan. The aim is believed to be influencing the votes of young people in Taiwan. Mayday’s management company, B’in Music, has not responded to inquiries, and higher authorities from the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council have also not commented on the matter.
    2023/12/28 16:48
  • Ko Wen-je criticizes Lai for avoiding nuclear energy debate

    Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidate Ko Wen-je criticized his Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) competitor Lai Ching-te for avoiding the nuclear energy debate and lacking long-term planning. Ko argued that Lai’s commitment to a nuclear-free homeland by 2025 would cost him votes, particularly from the business sector. He questioned the feasibility of turning nuclear power on and off at will. Ko also criticized his Kuomintang rival, Hou Yu-ih, for impeding the operation of dry storage facilities at nuclear plants one and two, resulting in a stalemate where spent fuel rods cannot be removed. Ko expressed support for extending the service lives of nuclear plants two and three and called for a thorough check-up of plant four before making any decisions. He emphasized the need for a pragmatic approach to nuclear power rather than treating the idea of a nuclear-free homeland as an ideology. Ko highlighted the goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and mentioned that 22 nations proposed tripling nuclear power by then at COP28.
    2023/12/26 18:29
  • Ko accuses DPP, KMT of exploiting China relations for votes

    Taiwan’s People Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je warns that both the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the Kuomintang (KMT) are using China to their advantage in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. While the DPP incites anti-China sentiments for votes, the KMT strengthens ties with China. Ko suggests that if the KMT comes to power, Taiwan could be "bought by China," leading to intense debates. He emphasizes the importance of Taiwan’s autonomy and cross-strait peace, but asserts that autonomy is a prerequisite. Ko advocates for increased defense spending and strategic thinking to ensure Taiwan’s security. He concludes that choosing him as president would guarantee peace and safeguard Taiwan’s sovereignty.
    2023/12/26 11:21
  • Defense Ministry to boost security ahead of Taiwan elections

    The Ministry of National Defense in Taiwan is preparing for the upcoming presidential and legislative elections on Jan. 13, 2024, by upgrading its security readiness for 40 hours. This will take place from 5 p.m. on Jan. 12 until 8 a.m. on Jan. 14. Around 5,000 military personnel may not be able to cast their votes, similar to the 2020 general elections. However, the number of naval and air force personnel, 24-hour on-call missile units, and air force operations management on standby is expected to exceed that of 2020. The ministry has ordered its forces to compile rosters for Election Day and implement rotation measures for combat readiness to ensure the voting rights of military personnel. Due to tense military situations caused by periodic crossings of the median line of the strait by People’s Liberation Army vessels and aircraft since August last year, there may be more naval and air force personnel on standby compared to the 2020 presidential election. Typically, soldiers stationed far from their registered residences vote in the morning and then return to their camps before noon to switch with standby soldiers who then go out to vote.
    2023/12/25 17:43
  • KMT’s Hou returns to hometown, shares poverty struggles

    KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih returns to his hometown of Chiayi’s Puzi City to pay respects to his late parents and campaign for votes. He shares his family’s struggles in poverty, highlighting his rise from a grassroots police officer to Director-General of the National Police Agency. Hou emphasizes the importance of unity among citizens, regardless of political affiliation, to enhance the nation’s well-being. He recounts his parents’ generation navigating tough conditions after World War II, with his father working as a butcher to make a living. Hou’s experiences drive him to run for president, aiming for a unified Taiwan that transcends party lines and improves the national welfare of the Republic of China.
    2023/12/22 18:25
  • Tsai backs Lai-Hsiao duo for Taiwan’s steady future

    President Tsai Ing-wen emphasizes the need for a stable government in the face of future challenges in Taiwan. She expresses her hopes to entrust the nation to reliable individuals during her visit to Hsien Heng Temple. Tsai highlights the experience and comprehensive backgrounds of the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential and vice-presidential candidates, Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim. Reflecting on her own tenure, Tsai acknowledges the public support that has strengthened Taiwan’s economy. She discusses global events such as the pandemic, the Ukraine-Russia war, and Taiwan’s drought, noting Taiwan’s resilience and growing international support. Tsai emphasizes the importance of maintaining a parliamentary majority and urges the public to support the Lai-Hsiao ticket and cast their party votes for the DPP for a brighter future for Taiwan.
    2023/12/20 18:43
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