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    security 結果共334筆

  • 緬甸軍政府宣布延長緊急狀態半年 8月選舉承諾將跳票

    緬甸國防與安全委員會(National Defence and Security Council)今天通過將國內緊急狀態延長6個月,顯示將延後軍政府承諾8月底前會舉行的選舉。
    2023/08/01 10:07
  • Lai’s NS team faces challenges in integrating with Tsai’s

    Lai Ching-te’s campaign spokesperson, Chen Shih-kai, addressed concerns on Thursday (July 27) about the national security team’s relationship with President Tsai Ing-wen’s staff. 
    2023/07/27 17:29
  • 陸駐美大使滔滔不絕稱重視兩岸和平 被問秦剛行蹤秒閃躲

    中國大陸現任駐美大使謝鋒,20日出席由阿斯本研究所舉辦的安全論壇(Aspen Security Forum),訪談中對台灣、兩岸關係、中美關係等議題表達強烈觀點。其中他吐槽台灣不僅拒絕承認九二共識,甚至還不認自己是中國人的身份;謝鋒同時還強調,沒有任何人或國家,「比北京更重視,台海兩岸的和平穩定局勢,更期盼能達成和平統一。」
    2023/07/20 17:22
  • 外長秦剛持續神隱 中國改派王毅出席南非金磚峰會

    中國大陸現任外長秦剛傳出緋聞,本人神隱多時不見其蹤跡,北京甚至接連取消多個出訪行程,包含即將在7月24、25兩天,於南非約翰尼斯堡(Johannesburg)登場的金磚高峰會(BRICS High Representatives for Security Issues),大陸外交部發言人毛寧19日證實,將改由中央外事工作委員會辦公室主任王毅出席,同時還將一併出訪奈及利亞、肯亞、南非與土耳其,讓外界更加好奇,秦剛究竟是真的生病無法對外示人,還是如傳聞般「踩到敏感紅線」。
    2023/07/19 17:26
  • 快訊/美國士兵穿越南北韓軍事分界線 可能遭北韓拘留

    《路透社》報導,聯合國軍司令部今天(18日)表示,一名美國人穿越了南北韓軍事分界線、進入北韓,可能已被朝鮮當局拘留。當時這名美國人正在參觀板門店附近的共同警備區(Joint Security Area),這是一個分隔兩韓的非軍事區邊境村莊,兩韓都有派士兵在此站崗。聯合國軍司令部在推特上表示,「我們相信他目前被北韓居留,我們目前正在與朝鮮人民軍合作解決這起事件。」韓國東亞日報引述韓國軍方消息指出,這名美國人應該是一名美國士兵。
    2023/07/18 18:47
  • Hou Yu-ih reacts to controversy on minimum-security prisons

    New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih lashed at the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on Tuesday (July 11) for their alleged slow response in amending laws regarding the transfer of criminals to minimum-security prisons.
    2023/07/11 17:12
  • Pressure mounts for Tsai gov’t to tighten open prison rules

    President Tsai Ing-wen has been under public pressure to tighten laws for criminal transfer to open prisons, after the Agency of Corrections of the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) agreed to transfer a police-killing criminal surnamed Yi, known as the son of a renowned female star in Taiwan, to a minimum-security facility. 
    2023/07/10 17:27
  • Experts delve into Taiwan’s security at forum

    Experts from various fields convened on Tuesday (July 4) at the Deep Water Geostrategy Forum, facilitating an insightful exchange about Taiwan’s security outlook and regional stability. The comprehensive discussions encompassed China’s global projection of power, critical technologies, geopolitical risk, and the enduring facets of Taiwan’s democracy and resilience.
    2023/07/06 17:16
  • TSMC Founder Morris Chang redefines globalization

    TSMC Founder Morris Chang gave a speech highlighting the paradigm shift in globalization strategies at the 26th second members meeting of the Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce, Taiwan (CNAIC) on Tuesday (July 4). 
    2023/07/05 10:31
  • 美智庫CNAS關心如何增強年輕世代支持 民進黨提這點

    前美國國務院主管全球事務次卿杜布蘭斯基大使(Amb. Paula J. Dobriansky)昨(29)日傍晚率領新美國安全中心 (Center for a New American Security, CNAS)「下一世代國安領袖計畫」(Next Gen)訪團拜會民進黨,就2024年總統大選國際夥伴及國內選民所關注的重要議題進行深度交流。針對訪賓詢問如何增強青年世代支持,民調中心主任陳博洲表示,民進黨針對不同年齡層的選民有不同的溝通策略。30到39歲的選民由於多數都已成家立業,疫情對生活影響更沉重。整體而言,仍肯定蔡總統的執政路線,會訴諸延續施政的安定感。
    2023/06/30 17:33
  • Hou Yu-ih announces first, all-male campaign team members

    New Taipei Hou Yu-ih unveiled on Wednesday (June 28) the first five campaign team leaders, including former National Security Council Secretary-General King Pu-tsung, who will serve as the campaign manager.
    2023/06/28 18:10
  • 談台灣問題!李尚福會晤星國防長 重申「3個絕不」立場

    中國國防部長李尚福6月1日在新加坡出席香格里拉對話會(Shangari-La Dialogue,SLD,簡稱:香會,又名亞洲安全峰會Asia Security Summit),期間與新加坡國防部長黃永宏會面,李尚福重申中方在台灣問題上的堅定立場,提出三個「絕不」。
    2023/06/02 11:15
  • MODA investigates alleged Eslite bookstore data leak

    The Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA) initiated an administrative investigation on Tuesday into the alleged customer data leak at Eslite bookstore amid concerns about its connection to suspected Chinese propagandists. The probe, conducted with the expertise of IT specialists, aims to shed light on an incident that has sparked national attention.
    2023/05/16 16:29
  • 全美2022年「菜市場名」出爐! Liam、Olivia霸榜

    美國社會安全局(Social Security Administration)近日公布2022年的新生兒「菜市場名」前10名,排名和2021年幾乎相同。最受歡迎的男、女生英文名字再度由Liam和Olivia奪下。這已經是Liam連續6年蟬聯冠軍寶座,Olivia也是連4年衛冕。
    2023/05/14 13:30
  • Ex-NSC official urges stronger missile arsenal for Taiwan

    WASHINGTON D.C. (TVBS News) — Former White House National Security Council official Ivan Kanapathy has shared his insights on how Taiwan can enhance its defense capabilities in a recent interview with Commentator Wenchi Yu on TVBS Meeting Room. 
    2023/04/22 16:42
  • 加拿大派軍機赴日本 支援聯合國安理會制裁北韓

    加拿大今天表示,將派遣一架軍機赴日本,以支援聯合國安全理事會(Security Council)對北韓的制裁任務。
    2023/04/07 09:39
  • 打歪主意!白宮:普欽欲向北韓討救兵 用「糧食換軍火」

    北韓正面臨金正恩執政11年來最嚴重的糧食危機,俄羅斯則在逾13個月的俄烏戰爭中折損大量軍備,在遭受國際制裁下積極尋找出路;美國國安會(National Security Council)發言人柯比(John Kirby)表示,俄羅斯正計畫派代表團前往北韓,以金氏政權最缺的「糧食」換取更多軍火。
    2023/03/31 14:34
  • 俄4月接聯合國安理會主席 烏克蘭酸:愚人節爛笑話

    身為聯合國安理會(UN Security Council)常任理事國的俄羅斯,即將在4月再次接任輪值主席,烏克蘭也把握這個「敏感時機點」,大力嘲諷莫斯科和聯合國,認為這時候讓俄羅斯擔任、捍衛國際和平與安全機構主席一事,如果愚人節(April Fools’ Day)笑話般荒謬,該國外長庫列巴(Dmytro Kuleba)更在推特上吐槽,俄羅斯在安全理事會,這個世界該怎麼變安全?
    2023/03/31 12:23
  • U.S. dismisses China’s concerns over Taiwan President visits

    White House National Security Council Spokesperson John Kirby assured on Tuesday that there was no cause for China to react to Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen’s upcoming transit visits to the United States. 
    2023/03/22 18:38
  • Former U.S. NSC official delves into origins of pandemic

    Following the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on March 8, former U.S. National Security Council (NSC) official Jamie Metzl sat down with TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu to talk about the possible origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how understanding its origins could determine global health and safety in the future.
    2023/03/16 19:50
  • 間諜氣球打亂中美關係 布林肯與王毅有望在德會面

    一枚被懷疑是中國大陸間諜氣球,在美國上空被戰機擊落,讓兩國關係陷入緊張和尷尬局面,同時打亂美國國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)原訂訪問北京的行程。《華爾街日報》(WSJ)報導,正在德國慕尼黑舉行的慕尼黑安全會議(Munich Security Conference),有望成為布林肯與大陸中央外事辦主任王毅會面的好時機,但截至今日(2/18)、無論是華府或北京對此都並未做出正式回應。
    2023/02/18 15:32
  • Former vice president Annette Lu wants cross-strait peace

    Former vice president Annette Lu spoke at Taiwan Strait Security Forum on Friday about her idea for "cross-strait integration" to maintain peace between Taiwan and China.
    2023/02/17 22:43
  • 關10年!伊朗網紅情侶街上跳舞 竟被控「公開賣淫」

    伊朗一對網紅情侶去年11月上傳一段在首都德黑蘭(Tehran)跳舞的影片到IG,使用濾鏡和特效後製,向粉絲們放閃,然而這段看似只是分享生活的短影音,卻被伊朗政府指控犯下「鼓勵腐敗、公開賣淫」(encouraging corruption and public prostitution)罪行,同時認定他們拍影片的目的是「破壞國家安全」(disrupting national security),兩人慘遭判10.5年有期徒刑。
    2023/02/01 10:02
  • 北韓試射洲際彈道飛彈 安理會將討論G7籲採重大措施

    七大工業國集團(G7)各國外長今天表示,聯合國安全理事會(United Nations Security Council)需要採取「重大措施」,以因應北韓最近試射洲際彈道飛彈。
    2022/11/21 06:07
  • Randall Schriver discusses changing U.S.-China dynamics

    Ahead of the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu invited the former U.S. assistant secretary for Indo-Pacific security affairs, Randall Schriver, to discuss the changing global dynamics between the U.S., China and Taiwan. 
    2022/10/13 18:40
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