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    political will 結果共43筆

  • China pressures DPP to drop Taiwan independence for talks

    Explore the latest on Taiwan-China relations: China states Taiwanese parties accepting the "One China" principle will face no barriers in dialogue, amid rising tensions and discussions on Taiwan’s political future. This stance highlights the ongoing debate over Taiwan’s independence and the complexities of cross-strait relations.
    2024/05/15 16:13
  • Taiwan mayors split on attending Lai Ching te’s inauguration

    Scheduled for May 20, Taiwan’s Presidential Inauguration will see notable figures from various parties. The event highlights the importance of political unity and democratic values.
    2024/05/13 15:56
  • Taiwan People’s Party to open volunteer-run cafes: Ko Wen-je

    TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je clarifies that the planned Taiwan People’s Party cafes will operate on a volunteer basis, addressing concerns over potential violations of the Political Parties Act and emphasizing the importance of legal compliance.
    2024/03/01 17:32
  • TPP Chairman shares plans to launch ’Grassroot Cafes’

    Taipei (TVBS News) — Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) chairman Ko Wen-je announces plans to open "Grassroot Cafes" in three locations across Taiwan. The cafes will feature vending machines for beverages and hot food, with monthly "Chairman Ko’s Forums" to be held. The move has drawn scrutiny over potential violations of the Political Parties Act, though TPP asserts the cafes will be managed indirectly. Ko Wen-je also outlines his 2026 election strategy, including expanding council seats and preparing for legislative turnover.
    2024/03/01 10:52
  • Han leads first inter-party talks, sets session for Feb 20

    Newly elected Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu has announced that the parliamentary session will begin on February 20th, taking into account the Lunar New Year holiday and allowing time for staff preparation. Han plans to invite Premier Chen Chien-jen and department heads to deliver policy reports and answer questions. He emphasized his commitment to sincerity and enthusiasm in his role as Speaker, urging all members to consider the future and fostering mutual trust and cooperation between political parties. Han made the decision after the first cross-party consultation, where proposals were made for either February 16th or 20th. Han and Johnny Chiang were elected as Speaker and Deputy Speaker, respectively, on February 1st.
    2024/02/05 16:29
  • Former speaker You Si-kun resigns, sparks political shuffle

    Former Legislative Speaker You Si-kun has resigned from his at-large legislator position, citing personal plans. This decision was reported to President-elect Lai Ching-te on January 19. Former Democratic Progressive Party legislator Julian Kuo disclosed that Lai had selected two departing Taiwan People’s Party legislators for his cabinet and arranged for You to assume another high-level position. The vacant at-large legislator position will be filled by Dr. Wang Cheng-hsu, Chairman of HOPE Foundation for Cancer Care. Additionally, DPP policy head Wang Yi-chuan may potentially take on the at-large legislator role if more vacancies arise. DPP legislator Chuang Jui-hsiung, who is rumored to be appointed as the Minister of Agriculture, has not yet received any official appointment.
    2024/02/02 10:33
  • Dr. Wang Cheng-hsu to join Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan

    Dr. Wang Cheng-hsu, a leading hematologist oncologist, is set to join the Legislative Yuan following the resignation of You Si-kun from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). You stepped down from his legislative duties citing personal reasons after failing to secure re-election as a legislative speaker, with the Kuomintang’s (KMT) Han Kuo-yu winning the seat. Wang’s induction will make him the only representative of the medical sector among the DPP legislators, bringing a new perspective to discussions on health issues. Han’s victory in the speakership election signifies a shift in Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2024/02/01 17:49
  • Taiwan monitors Tuvalu elections amid diplomatic tensions

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) will closely monitor developments in Tuvalu post-election, as most elected officials have established frequent interactions and friendly stances with Taiwan, ensuring solid diplomatic ties. MOFA condemns China’s attempt to influence the election by buying off local media in Tuvalu. The loss of Tuvalu’s pro-Taiwan Prime Minister has sparked speculation about a potential shift in foreign policy and diplomatic alliance with Beijing. However, MOFA notes that the majority of elected Tuvalu officials maintain good relations with Taiwan and support upholding the amicable relations between the two countries. MOFA urges the international community to pay attention and counter autocratic dictatorial countries that manipulate elections in democratic states. This development reflects the ongoing competition between China and Taiwan for diplomatic allegiances in the Pacific region, with countries sometimes switching allegiances for economic or political support.
    2024/01/30 17:44
  • Legislative Speaker You Si-kun seeks cross-party support

    The Democratic Progressive Party’s Speaker You Si-kun plans to meet with speaker and deputy speaker nominees from all political party caucuses in the legislature to seek advice and votes. The DPP nominated current Speaker You and Deputy Speaker Tsai Chi-chang for the positions in the next legislative term. The Kuomintang (KMT) has put forth Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang as their candidates for Speaker and Deputy Speaker. Han and Chiang have already visited the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) caucus. The TPP respects the decisions of the speaker and deputy speaker candidates who wish to conduct visits. The KMT will hold its caucus leadership election on Feb. 1, after which You and Tsai will personally visit the KMT caucus to seek their support.
    2024/01/29 16:03
  • KMT legislative nominees to hold key talks with TPP

    Kuomintang (KMT) legislative speaker and deputy speaker candidates, Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang, are scheduled to meet with Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) caucus and eight lawmakers on January 29. The dialogue is expected to last approximately 35 minutes and will be followed by a media conference. The TPP has emerged as a key minority party after the legislative elections on January 13. However, the party has not declared its support for either the incumbent Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidates or the KMT for the legislative speaker race. The TPP has launched four demands for parliamentary reform, emphasizing transparency and openness in political values.
    2024/01/29 10:59
  • US congressional leaders show Taiwan bipartisan support

    The U.S. Congressional Taiwan Caucus co-chairs, Republican Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart and Democratic Representative Ami Bera, are visiting Taiwan from Jan. 24 to Jan. 26, 2024. This marks their first visit to Taiwan in recent years, symbolizing their bipartisan commitment to Taiwan’s democracy. Their visit comes after Taiwan’s presidential election, celebrating the victory of Taiwan’s democracy. Diaz-Balart and Bera will meet with President Tsai Ing-wen, Vice President and President-elect Lai Ching-te, and Foreign Minister Joseph Wu. Talks are scheduled with Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim and other Taiwanese political leaders. Both Diaz-Balart and Bera have been long-standing friends of Taiwan, often leading or proposing initiatives and bills supportive of Taiwan. The Congressional Taiwan Caucus is the largest secondary body in U.S. Congress relating to foreign affairs. Their visit reemphasizes the U.S. Congress’ support for Taiwan, following the 2024 presidential election and marking the 45th legislative anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act. Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to deepen Taiwan-U.S. relations based on shared values and the U.S. Congress’s support.
    2024/01/25 13:52
  • You Si-kun confident in Legislative President re-election

    Legislative Speaker You Si-kun, of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), expresses confidence in his re-election ahead of the legislative speaker vote on Feb. 1. Reports suggest a split vote by the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), with support for You from the DPP for Speaker and endorsement of Johnny Chiang from the Kuomintang (KMT) for Deputy Speaker. You emphasizes the need for constitutional amendments to address significant legislative reforms proposed by the TPP’s new legislators. He also recommends a review and reform of the entire constitutional system, advocating for adherence to the conventional separation of powers. The TPP will hold an internal meeting on Jan. 26 to discuss the matter further.
    2024/01/25 13:48
  • DPP leaders launch gratitude tour to connect with locals

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) president-elect, Lai Ching-te, and vice president-elect, Hsiao Bi-khim, have begun their nationwide bento box meeting tour to engage with local concerns and express gratitude to election staff and volunteers. The tour started in Kaohsiung and Pingtung in southern Taiwan and will continue for two weeks, covering the entire island and its outer islands. The bento box meetings aim to create a relaxed atmosphere for discussions on the post-election situation and the future of the new parliament. Despite the election results, the DPP remains committed to listening to local opinions in the new political landscape.
    2024/01/22 11:24
  • Chiang Wan-an calls for action to regain trust in KMT

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an emphasizes the need for the Kuomintang (KMT) to gain public recognition through tangible accomplishments. Chiang believes that political achievements are crucial in obtaining public endorsement and is willing to provide suggestions to build trust among young people in the KMT. Regarding the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and its presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s withdrawal from the New Tide faction, Chiang clarifies that it is an internal matter for the DPP. He expresses hope that the future central government will prioritize national affairs over politics.
    2024/01/18 16:07
  • Divided legislative outlook as Taiwan gears up for elections

    Taiwan braces for its January 13 elections, with no party poised for a legislative majority. The race will decide the president and all 113 parliamentary seats, setting the stage for potential cooperation challenges.
    2024/01/03 17:19
  • Lai, Hou, and Ko to face off in election debate today

    The 2024 presidential election in Taiwan will feature a live televised debate among the candidates, including Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party, Hou Yu-ih of the Kuomintang, and Ko Wen-je of Taiwan’s People Party. The debate will consist of four rounds, including candidate speeches, media inquiries, inter-candidate questioning, and conclusions. Lai has criticized the KMT-TPP joint ticket and urged viewers to support him, while Hou has been preparing intensively for the debate to communicate his election concepts and political views. Ko has expressed his intention to question Lai on promoting Taiwan’s independence without U.S. government support. The debate will be co-hosted by Liberty Times Net and other media outlets and will be aired on Public Television Service, with Hu Yuan-hui serving as the host.
    2023/12/30 16:06
  • China’s tariff move to hit Taiwan’s petrochemical exports

    The Customs Tariff Commission of China’s State Council has announced that starting from January 1 next year, it will suspend the application of preferential tariffs for 12 categories of chemically imported goods from Taiwan, including propylene and paraxylene. China claims that Taiwan violates ECFA regulations by imposing discriminatory trade measures for products exported from China, and a trade barrier investigation by China’s Ministry of Commerce confirmed these restrictions as a trade barrier. Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) accuses China of political manipulation and bypassing WTO dispute mechanisms. The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) states that the export value of ECFA’s early harvest list to China has been decreasing, projected to retract to pre-ECFA levels by year-end. The MOEA proposes managing cross-strait economic disputes under the WTO mechanism and encourages China to do the same.
    2023/12/21 21:42
  • Taiwan readies aid after Gansu Quake

    Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen and Premier Chen Chien-jen have been alerted and instructed to prepare for emergency relief efforts following a magnitude 5.9 earthquake in Gansu Province, mainland China. The earthquake resulted in the deaths of 105 people and damage to 4,782 homes. Taiwan’s Minister of Interior, Lin Yu-chang, announced that a 160-member search and rescue team, including a structural engineer, doctors, nurses, and search dogs certified in International Search and Rescue Dog Organisation (IRO) rubble search, is ready to provide assistance. Communication has been established with mainland China through the Mainland Affairs Council to coordinate rescue needs. If requested, Taiwan’s National Fire Agency will collaborate with the Disaster Relief Foundation to activate a special charter flight mechanism for humanitarian rescue missions. Additionally, an earthquake in Qinghai Province resulted in the deaths of 13 individuals, bringing the total earthquake death toll in mainland China to 118. Taiwan’s quick mobilization demonstrates its readiness to provide humanitarian assistance despite the complex political relationship with Beijing.
    2023/12/19 16:52
  • Chiang Wan-an key to winning youth vote: KMT councilor

    Taipei City Councilor and legislative candidate Yu Shu-hui highlights the crucial role Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plays in attracting young voters with only 32 days remaining until the 2024 elections. Chiang’s popularity is evident as he rallies for Kuomintang (KMT) candidates in Taichung and Kaohsiung, receiving warm greetings from enthusiastic supporters. Yu advises Chiang to increase interaction with younger voters, possibly collaborating with KMT vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong. The KMT needs to diversify its approach to connect with the electorate, as Chiang’s rising popularity adds pressure to the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). Chiang’s strategic positioning in this election indicates the KMT’s focus on courting the youth vote and leveraging his appeal to challenge the DPP’s stronghold. As political tensions rise, all eyes will be on Chiang as he continues to campaign across Taiwan leading up to the January election.
    2023/12/12 18:00
  • U.S. elections, not Taiwan’s, may shift policy: Academic

    The George Washington University Professor Robert Sutter argues that Taiwan’s elections have little impact on U.S. policy towards the island, but the upcoming U.S. presidential election in 2024 could be significant. Both political parties in the U.S. and Congress have prioritized defending American interests and countering China’s actions, with Taiwan playing an increasingly important role. Taiwan’s strategic position, high-tech development, democratic politics, and free market economy have influenced the international order and led to stronger U.S. support. Sutter predicts that if Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate, wins the election, U.S.-Taiwan cooperation will further deepen. However, Sutter also suggests that the 2024 U.S. election, particularly if a candidate with an "America First" stance like Donald Trump prevails, could bring a shift in U.S. policy consistency towards Taiwan and pose challenges in countering China’s provocations.
    2023/12/12 13:54
  • Hou slams Lai for neglecting academia in ’108 Curriculum’

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih criticizes Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Ching-te for disregarding the concerns of industry and academia amid controversies surrounding the 108 curriculum. Hou accuses Lai of prioritizing electoral politics over addressing the weakening of basic subjects in schools and the pressure of academic advancement, which he believes will harm Taiwan’s industries. Hou expresses concern over the decline in academic performance of basic subjects among university students and highlights the dissatisfaction of high school teachers regarding the removal of classical Chinese literature from the curriculum. Hou pledges to reconvene the National Education Conference to address the issues arising from the 108 curriculum if elected and calls on Lai to engage with the controversy rather than avoiding it or exploiting generational divides for political gain.
    2023/12/11 20:05
  • Michael Green: Taiwan’s defense commitment under scrutiny

    Former Senior Director for Asian Affairs at the National Security Council and CEO of the United States Studies Centre, Michael Jonathan Green, emphasizes that Taiwan’s recent extension of military service to one year is a significant indication of its commitment to defense. Green warns that any reversal of this decision would raise concerns in both the United States and Japan. As tensions rise across the Taiwan Strait, the main concern for the U.S. is Taiwan’s vulnerability to Chinese pressure or military action. By extending military conscription, Taiwan is demonstrating its political will to counter Beijing’s intimidation. The United States, Japan, and Australia believe that Taiwan’s efforts to stabilize the situation and prevent war are commendable. Green highlights that any threat posed by China to Taiwan could jeopardize security across the entire First Island Chain, impacting nations like the US, Canada, Japan, the Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand. Green, who has served in the Bush Administration and was part of the U.S. bipartisan delegation that visited Taiwan in March, stresses the critical importance of Taiwan’s resolve for self-defense.
    2023/12/11 12:05
  • Wang Jin-pyng to chair KMT’s national support for Hou Yu-ih

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih has announced that former Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng will serve as the chairman of the national support group for the KMT’s presidential candidate. This move aims to unite forces across the nation and boost Hou’s campaign. Wang, a seasoned figure within the KMT, reaffirmed his support for the party’s nominated presidential candidates and expressed confidence in Hou’s growth and understanding of national policy issues. He also praised Hou’s selection of Jaw Shau-kong as his vice-presidential candidate, dubbing them a strong combination. Wang’s endorsement highlights unity within the party and signifies a show of approval for a political alternation and the country’s future development.
    2023/12/07 18:04
  • Hsiao confident in U.S. trust, backs Tsai’s policies

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim expresses confidence in the trust the U.S. places in President Tsai Ing-wen and assures that her running mate, presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, will continue Tsai’s diplomatic policies if elected. Hsiao addresses concerns about the perception of the "Lai-Hsiao ticket" as strongly pro-Taiwan independence, emphasizing the focus should be on actions rather than political labels. She believes Taiwan’s consensus is to maintain the status quo and desires sustainable and healthy exchanges with China. Hsiao describes herself as a "cat warrior" and emphasizes the need for diplomacy to strike a balance that maximizes Taiwan’s international support and participation. She expresses a desire to speak with Chinese President Xi Jinping face-to-face, urging him to empathize with the aspirations of the Taiwanese people. Hsiao also mentions her intention to recommend Taiwan’s delicious agricultural products, such as Taiwanese mangoes, to Xi. This interview reaffirms the DPP’s commitment to Taiwan’s autonomy and the desire for friendly and reciprocal relations with neighboring countries, including China, based on compassion and mutual respect.
    2023/11/26 13:54
  • Politician replaces Ko image with Jaw’s sketch on billboard

    New Taipei City legislative candidate Yeh Yuan-chih commissioned a film poster illustrator to replace the image of Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) Ko Wen-je on a joint campaign billboard. The move was made after the anticipated KMT-TPP coalition fell through and each candidate registered independently. The illustrator began transforming the "Hou-Ko billboard" early in the morning, replacing Ko’s likeness with that of KMT vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong. Supporters had called for Ko’s removal from the billboard due to the failed coalition. Due to time constraints, the decision was made to hand-draw Jaw’s portrait. Yeh expressed regret over the missed opportunity for cooperation but emphasized the KMT’s nomination of Jaw maintained political vigor. The billboard, popular for photographs, will initially feature a sketched outline of Jaw before a full illustration is rendered. This unconventional approach to updating campaign material has been well-received online, highlighting the use of creativity amidst political strategy shifts.
    2023/11/25 14:33
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