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    peace across the Taiwan Strait 結果共25筆

  • Taiwan’s DPP urges China to halt military threats

    Explore the latest on Taiwan-China relations: DPP spokesperson Cho Kuan-ting urges China to halt military threats and engage in dialogue, emphasizing peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.
    2024/06/03 14:53
  • President Lai champions peace, tourism growth at Taipei expo

    Discover how President Lai Ching-te is promoting peace across the Taiwan Strait and advancing Taiwan’s tourism sector, including digital initiatives and global AI development, at the Taipei Tourism Exposition.
    2024/05/31 14:10
  • Taichung mayor calls for peace amid Taiwan Strait tensions

    Discover the latest on Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen’s call for peace amid escalating tensions and military exercises around Taiwan and the Kinmen islands. Read insights on the plea for harmony across the Taiwan Strait.
    2024/05/23 18:17
  • Lai urges China for dialogue with Taiwan’s elected gov’t

    President-elect Lai Ching-te calls for dialogue with China to enhance peace across the Taiwan Strait, emphasizing mutual respect and criticizing Beijing’s selective engagement with the opposition. Lai pledges to continue President Tsai’s policies, focusing on defense, economic security, partnerships, and stable cross-strait relations to promote regional stability and prosperity.
    2024/04/26 10:08
  • Taiwan urges China to cease threats after Ma-Xi Meeting

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs urges Beijing to cease threats against Taiwan, respect public opinion, and restart cross-strait dialogue following Ma-Xi meeting, while emphasizing the importance of the U.S. "Taiwan Relations Act" in maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait on its 45th anniversary.
    2024/04/11 15:03
  • Taiwan’s president-elect vows to strengthen ties with US

    On the 45th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act, Taiwan’s President-elect Lai Ching-te commits to strengthening ties with the United States, emphasizing the importance of U.S. support for a free and democratic Taiwan. During a Democratic Progressive Party meeting, Lai highlights the act’s role in fostering a stable and robust bilateral relationship, and expresses hope for ongoing U.S. backing to maintain peace and prosperity across the Taiwan Strait.
    2024/04/10 18:00
  • US reaffirms support for Taiwan ahead of Lai’s inauguration

    Vice President Lai Ching-te meets with AIT Chair Laura Rosenberger to discuss deepening U.S.-Taiwan relations. Rosenberger congratulates Lai on his election victory and highlights the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. She emphasizes the mutually beneficial economic ties between the two nations and reaffirms the U.S.’s commitment to Taiwan’s defense. Rosenberger expresses confidence in Lai’s leadership in strengthening U.S.-Taiwan relations and Taiwan’s role in global security and prosperity.
    2024/04/01 18:29
  • Taiwan premier vows to boost dialogue for Strait stability

    Taiwan’s Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasizes the importance of communication with China to uphold peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait amid rising tensions, highlighting the necessity of robust defense measures and cooperation for global peace and development.
    2024/03/08 16:37
  • KMT reaffirms cross-strait dialogue commitment amid tensions

    Andrew Hsia, vice chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT) party, emphasizes promoting cross-strait exchanges and dialogue to prevent misunderstandings during a meeting with Song Tao, head of China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO). The discussion at the Fairmont Peace Hotel in Shanghai addresses recent tensions, highlighting the KMT’s stance on the "1992 Consensus" and opposition to "Taiwan Independence." Both parties stress the importance of restraint to maintain peace and mutual trust in cross-strait relations.
    2024/03/01 10:51
  • KMT vows to uphold legislative integrity

    The Kuomintang (KMT) responds to proposals from the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) regarding future operations in the new legislature, promising to respect the opinions of the Legislative Yuan party groups. As the majority in parliament, the KMT pledges to provide vigorous oversight and advance the issues agreed upon in the cross-party meeting with the TPP on October 30th last year. Agreed matters include peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, resumption of cross-strait dialogue, environmental sustainability, national security, public health, and strengthening the legislature’s function under the existing constitutional system. The KMT emphasizes its unchanged vision for Taiwan’s future development. Additionally, they plan to scrutinize issues such as the controversy over the purchase contracts of the Medigen COVID-19 vaccine by the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government. The KMT welcomes those with similar political ideals to join in preventing authoritarian one-party rule and ensuring democracy aligns with the public’s wishes.
    2024/01/16 15:10
  • Taiwan’s president-elect Lai Ching-te meets U.S. delegation

    President-elect Lai Ching-te met with a U.S. delegation, expressing Taiwan’s commitment to peace in the Taiwan Strait. He thanked the U.S. for their congratulations and support, and pledged to work with the U.S. and like-minded allies to maintain stability. The delegation included Stephen Hadley and James Steinberg, who emphasized the consistent U.S. policy towards Taiwan. They also met with other Taiwanese politicians, including New Taipei’s mayor and representatives from the Taiwan People’s Party and Kuomintang.
    2024/01/16 11:26
  • Jaw Shaw-kong urges China for peace ahead of elections

    Kuomintang (KMT) vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong has called on China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to demonstrate goodwill ahead of Taiwan’s elections. He urged them to refrain from sending military aircraft across the median line of the Taiwan Strait, advocating for peace in the region. Jaw’s plea comes after a Newsweek report revealed that 1,709 Chinese military aircraft entered Taiwan’s air defense identification zone in 2023, representing a 76% increase from the previous year. Although the number decreased to 80 in December, military aircraft continued to intrude in 2024. Jaw specifically named the TAO in his message, asking them to relay it to the PLA. The persistent disruptions by China with military aircraft, ships, and floating balloons have heightened tensions as Taiwan’s final presidential election of 2024 approaches, affecting both the electorate and candidates and reflecting the complex dynamics of cross-strait relations and the election.
    2024/01/07 15:59
  • Taiwan’s allies voice support as China ramps up intimidation

    China’s military intimidation of Taiwan ahead of the presidential election has been warned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). A joint statement by the US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Daniel Kritenbrink, Japanese Deputy Minister and Director-General, Kobe Yasuhiro, and Republic of Korea Deputy Minister, Chung Byung-won, expressed support for Taiwan during a three-way dialogue in Washington. China’s recent military threats towards Taiwan, including deploying balloons across the Taiwan strait, violating airspace, and suspending parts of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), have raised concerns among the international community. MOFA has raised suspicions of attempts to influence the election and emphasized Taiwan’s commitment to cooperation with the US, Japan, and South Korea to promote peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.
    2024/01/07 14:56
  • Tsai Ing-wen upholds status quo across Taiwan Strait: MOFA

    Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, emphasized in an exclusive interview with CNN that Taiwan is a democratic nation and that the majority of its people wish to maintain the status quo across the Taiwan Strait. Wu discussed various topics, including the significance of Taiwan’s presidential elections for its democratic growth, national defense, Indo-Pacific conditions, and Taiwan-India relations. He highlighted President Tsai Ing-wen’s commitment to upholding the political status quo, which has gained international recognition. Wu also emphasized the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, as Taiwan produces 90% of the world’s semiconductor chips. He addressed the military threats from mainland China, stating that Taiwan is striving to enhance its defense capacities to deter aggression. Additionally, Wu expressed hopes to strengthen the connection between Taiwan and India in integrating their semiconductor supply chains through talent cultivation.
    2024/01/05 16:14
  • Foreign Minister Wu slams China’s aggression in Le Monde

    Taiwan’s Foreign Minister, Joseph Wu, has condemned China’s violation of the military status quo across the Taiwan Strait in an interview with Le Monde. He accuses China of attempting to obscure Taiwan’s sovereignty and initiating a ’choose between peace or war’ cognition war. Wu emphasizes that China’s interference efforts are increasingly difficult to discern and contradict Taiwan’s attempts to maintain the status quo. He reiterates President Tsai Ing-wen’s cautious and responsible stance ahead of the presidential election and commits to strengthening defense forces to show that invading Taiwan would not be easy for China. Wu also criticizes China’s hybrid warfare, alleging that it seeks to convince the public that the upcoming election is a choice between conflict and economic slowdown or peace and prosperity. Le Monde notes that Wu has been actively raising global awareness of the risks of conflict in the Taiwan Strait through visits to Eastern Europe and Scandinavia.
    2024/01/03 11:08
  • TAO urges Taiwan to uphold peace, reject independence

    The Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesperson, Chen Binhua, emphasized the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait during a press conference. Chen suggested that if Taiwan adhered to the 1992 Consensus and opposed independence, cross-strait relations could return to a peaceful track. He called for both sides of the Strait to work together to uphold peace and stability for cross-strait prosperity. Chen’s statement aligns with recent remarks by Kuomintang’s (KMT) presidential candidate, Hou Yu-ih, who pledged to improve cross-strait relations through discussions and collaborations. Chen also criticized the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for promoting Taiwan’s independence, refusing to acknowledge the 1992 Consensus, and colluding with foreign forces. He argued that these actions have caused tension and made Taiwan a source of instability in the region.
    2023/12/27 14:31
  • Hou and Chao: Taiwan must prepare, not provoke against China

    Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and running mate Chao Shao-kang reaffirmed that Beijing has not renounced the use of force against Taiwan, emphasizing the importance of Taiwan’s democracy in countering Chinese pressure. In an interview with NBC, Hou stated that Taiwan’s future should be determined by its 23 million inhabitants, asserting that Taiwan is an independent sovereign country. Hou advocated for preparedness without provocation and maintaining a deterrence capability amid growing tensions. Chao stressed the necessity of peace for cross-strait development, with strength as a crucial support. He emphasized the importance of U.S. support for Taiwan’s defense measures. Hou also highlighted the critical role of the U.S. in Taiwan’s self-defense efforts and expressed confidence in the deepening of the Taiwan-U.S. relationship. Chao argued that Taiwan’s democracy will inevitably influence mainland China, challenging the Chinese government to explain why democracy cannot thrive in a place with a shared heritage and culture across the Strait.
    2023/12/11 20:30
  • MOFA thanks G7 for backing peace across Taiwan Strait

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of Taiwan welcomes and expresses gratitude for the joint statement made by G7 member countries, emphasizing the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. The G7 urged the peaceful resolution of cross-strait issues and opposed any attempts to change the status quo through force or coercion. MOFA highlighted China’s military expansion in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, which poses a significant threat to security in the Indo-Pacific region. Throughout the year, various international statements have reiterated the centrality of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. MOFA emphasizes Taiwan’s key role in the Indo-Pacific and commits to continuing cooperation with the G7 to strengthen global democratic alliances against authoritarianism.
    2023/12/07 20:59
  • Hsiao Bi-khim hopes for genuine peace pledge by Xi Jinping

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim expresses hope for genuine peaceful intentions from Chinese President Xi Jinping regarding his remarks that there is no plan to attack Taiwan by 2027 or 2035. Hsiao emphasizes the importance of maintaining the status quo of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and highlights President Biden’s support for stability in the region. Taiwan is willing to pursue peace with goodwill while also strengthening its own capabilities. Hsiao, who served as Taiwan’s representative to the U.S., describes herself as a "cat warrior" in navigating the delicate balance between the two superpowers.
    2023/11/23 15:26
  • Xi denies China’s invasion plans against Taiwan in 2027

    Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden met in San Francisco, where Xi denied plans for military action against Taiwan in 2027 or 2035. The leaders discussed the significance of Taiwan in U.S.-China relations, with Biden emphasizing the U.S.’s commitment to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. Xi stated the importance of seeking broader solutions while dispelling speculations of military action, asserting that there is no such plan.
    2023/11/16 15:22
  • U.K., Japan urge peaceful solutions in Taiwan Strait

    The "2+2" meeting in Tokyo between the U.K. and Japan focused on maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. Both parties expressed opposition to any attempt to alter the status quo by force or coercion and called for peaceful solutions to the long-running dispute between Taiwan and China. They also expressed concerns over tensions in the South China Sea and East China Sea. The ministers urged China to act responsibly and cease aiding Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine. The political situations in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong were also discussed, with a commitment to establishing stable and constructive relations through dialogue. The joint statement supported Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations, advocating for official membership where statehood is not required and observer status where it is. The U.K. and Japan reaffirmed their strong position and called for international support as the situation with Taiwan and China appears to worsen.
    2023/11/10 21:48
  • Hou Yu-ih taking account of Taiwan’s best interests

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih visited the Shihlin Hulu Temple and emphasized that regardless of who becomes president, they must act in Taiwan’s best interest. Independent candidate Terry Gou and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) nominee Ko Wen-je also attended the event. Hou highlighted his 43-year career in the police force, defending the Republic of China and all citizens of Taiwan. Gou emphasized peace across the Taiwan Strait and facilitating Taiwan’s economic prosperity. Ko thanked Gou for his assistance during his tenure as mayor and visited the temple to pray for national peace.
    2023/11/03 20:28
  • U.S. Congressmen reiterate support, peace for Taiwan

    U.S. House Speaker and several congressional members took to the stage on Wednesday (April 5) to reiterate the United States support for Taiwan while urging for peace across the Taiwan Strait.
    2023/04/06 17:50
  • Ma Ying-jeou calls for peace across Taiwan Strait

    Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou called for peace across the Taiwan Strait during a media briefing after visiting the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall on Wednesday (March 29).
    2023/03/29 19:48
  • Ma Ying-jeou calls for peace across Taiwan Strait

    Taiwan’s former President Ma Ying-jeou called on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to “seek peace and avoid war” during his speech in front of the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing, China on Tuesday (March 28).
    2023/03/29 16:39
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