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    negotiations 結果共65筆

  • Taiwan’s legislature: tackle food safety in special session

    Read about the latest developments in Taiwan’s legislative session regarding food safety reports. Stay informed on the ongoing cross-party talks proposed by the DPP caucus and the upcoming negotiations scheduled for Feb. 23.
    2024/02/20 11:53
  • What’s next for Lai Ching-te, the minority president?

    Explore the challenges facing Lai Ching-te’s administration with a minority in Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan. Experts weigh in on strategies for effective governance, drawing lessons from past leaders and considering the coalition government as a pathway to overcoming legislative gridlock.
    2024/02/13 08:00
  • New legislative term sparks cross-party negotiations

    Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu will preside over a multi-partisan negotiation to determine the date for the inaugural meeting of the new legislative term. The Taiwan People’s Party suggests reconvening on Feb. 16, after the Lunar New Year, instead of waiting until the end of February. The Kuomintang is ready to convene at any time, as long as it doesn’t disrupt the holiday period. The Democratic Progressive Party suggests sticking to tradition and reconvening on Feb. 23, considering the need for preparatory time for newly elected legislators. This negotiation follows the election of Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang as the new Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the 11th Legislative Yuan on Feb. 1.
    2024/02/05 10:44
  • Raytheon to supply Taiwan with advanced AGM-154 missiles

    The United States Department of Defense has awarded a contract to Raytheon Company to produce and deliver 50 AGM-154 Block III C Joint Standoff Weapons (JSOW) to Taiwan. The contract, valued at US$68.4 million, requires completion by March 2028. The AGM-154 Block III C is an air-launched glide cruise missile with a range of 22 kilometers at low altitude and up to 130 kilometers when launched at a higher altitude. It is compatible with Taiwan’s F-16V fighter jets and will enhance Taiwan’s aerial capabilities for land-based attacks. Negotiations for another weapons procurement contract involving AGM-84H/K (SLAM-ER) extended-range standoff land attack missiles are ongoing.
    2024/02/05 10:42
  • Outgoing Tuvalu PM confident in continued Taiwan ties

    Outgoing Prime Minister of Tuvalu, Kausea Natano, expressed confidence that the majority of newly elected parliament members will support diplomatic relations between Tuvalu and Taiwan. Despite failing to regain his position in the recent elections, Natano emphasized his continued support for the relationship between the two countries. He stated that both novice and seasoned politicians, as well as senior MPs, share this sentiment and will likely continue to support the ties with Taiwan. After the elections, the 16 newly-elected members of Parliament will engage in complex negotiations to form different factions, with the faction holding the most members ultimately forming the new government and electing a prime minister.
    2024/02/01 12:27
  • EVA Air to resolve Lunar New Year flight cancellations

    Taiwan’s Minister of Transportation and Communications, Wang Kwo-tsai, has confirmed that EVA Air will address the issue of Lunar New Year flight cancellations independently. The airline had initially reduced the number of air tickets from 38,000 to 33,000 per day, resulting in a daily cancellation of 5,000 tickets. After weeks of negotiations, EVA Air and its pilots’ labor dispute reached a settlement with the coordination of Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan. The pilots’ union initially demanded a 20% pay raise, but EVA Air agreed to an increase in addition to the previously announced wage adjustment. The new arrangement includes additional monthly payments for pilots, senior deputy pilots, and deputy pilots. The airline has also agreed to revise the annual salary increase limit.
    2024/01/29 17:34
  • EVA Air pilot strike could affect 105K passengers

    The Minister of Transportation and Communications stated that a potential strike by EVA Air pilots during the Lunar New Year holiday could affect at least 15,000 people per day, with an estimated impact of at least 105,000 people over the seven-day holiday. Negotiations between the airline and its pilots are ongoing, but significant gaps remain, particularly regarding salary. Achieving consensus has proven difficult, as both sides have resolute attitudes. The Minister hopes for continued communication between workers and management to bridge the gap. During the Lunar New Year holiday, approximately 151,000 people are expected to enter and exit the country daily, with around 38,000 per day traveling on EVA Air. It is estimated that around 40% of EVA Air pilots have voted in favor of a strike. The pilot’s union has announced a possible strike warning zone from Feb. 7 to 18 and March 30 to April 7, with plans to initiate the strike if negotiations fail.
    2024/01/26 17:26
  • Taoyuan Pilots Union announces potential strike dates

    The Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP) has announced plans for two strikes, scheduled from February 7 to February 18 and March 30 to April 7. These strikes will affect travel during the Lunar New Year holidays and Tomb-Sweeping Day. The TUP has authorized pilots at EVA Air to strike due to unresolved disputes with the company. The strikes will proceed unless a negotiation agreement is reached. The union has emphasized its commitment to negotiations and is seeking a resolution. TUP will notify members 24 hours in advance of a strike through their official website. The union also plans to conduct strike drills to ensure a quick response from EVA Air division members. A negotiation meeting was initially planned for January 31, but the union will only attend if EVA Air provides clear counterproposals by January 30.
    2024/01/25 16:17
  • Taiwan travel agents urge for earlier pre-strike notices

    The Travel Agent Association of R.O.C., Taiwan, has urged aviation unions to give a one-month notice before going on strike to mitigate social repercussions. They warned that another strike could have a devastating impact on the aviation industry. This call comes as EVA Air pilots, in collaboration with the Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP), have secured the right to strike. The planned strike is set for the Lunar New Year period, which is a peak travel period. The pilots aim to safeguard their rights, but the Travel Agent Association emphasized that such action would significantly affect consumers and travel agencies. They criticized past unplanned strikes by China Airlines’ cabin crew, pilots, and EVA Air’s cabin crew for disregarding consumer rights. The association emphasized the adoption of international pre-strike notice processes to allow sufficient time for negotiations and consensus-building, benefiting both consumers and labor.
    2024/01/23 17:33
  • EVA Air pilots win right to strike, could disrupt flights

    EVA Air pilots, represented by the Taoyuan Union of Pilots, have voted overwhelmingly in favor of a strike. The union demands include a 20 percent salary increase, higher international allowances, and a ban on illegal foreign pilot hiring. The strike, set around the Lunar New Year Holidays, threatens major international flight disruptions.
    2024/01/23 15:59
  • EVA Air urges customer-centric approach amid strike vote

    EVA Air urges Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP) to prioritize customer rights and commits to continuing labor negotiations. TUP wins strike vote, with 37% of EVA Air pilots in favor. Union requests salary adjustment, increased flight allowances, and cessation of foreign pilot employment. EVA Air responds by increasing pilots’ salaries by over 20% and flight allowances, but union claims lack of progress in negotiations. EVA Air appeals penalties for illegal recruitment and employment of foreign pilots.
    2024/01/23 10:21
  • DPP win may prompt escalated activities from Beijing

    Following the victory of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in Taiwan’s presidential election, a report by the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) suggests that Beijing might escalate activities in gray zone areas. The report highlights Taiwan’s increased geopolitical prominence and its pivotal role in semiconductor manufacturing, making the stability of the Taiwan Strait a key concern for the U.S. and other Western nations. The report also notes that Vice President Lai Ching-te won the election by over 40% of votes, breaking the trend of switching ruling parties every eight years since direct presidential elections were implemented in 1996. The victorious DPP aims to strengthen Taiwan’s defenses and relations with like-minded nations while resisting negotiations with Beijing. Additionally, the party seeks to reduce Taiwan’s trade dependency on China and strengthen ties with significant partners such as Australia, Europe, and Japan. With no party securing a majority in the legislative assembly, the DPP faces a "minority government and majority opposition" scenario, which could hinder the government’s legislative and budgeting process and impact Taiwan-U.S. ties. Despite the election, cross-strait relations and regional tensions are unlikely to undergo fundamental changes. Taiwan’s vital position in semiconductor manufacturing and geopolitics ensures its continued rise in importance, with the U.S. and Western nations playing a crucial role in maintaining stability in the Taiwan Strait. The upcoming U.S. presidential election in November is expected to significantly impact the U.S.-China-Taiwan triangle, and a potential return of former President Trump to the White House might please Beijing, according to the report.
    2024/01/18 10:27
  • China sets 1992 Consensus as prerequisite for Taiwan talks

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesperson, Chen Binhua, insists that cross-strait communication can only proceed based on the 1992 Consensus, which upholds the principle of one China. President-elect Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has called for dialogue instead of confrontation, emphasizing that cross-strait exchanges can minimize risks and achieve peace. However, TAO argues that the DPP’s insistence on Taiwanese independence hinders interactions with China. Professor Kuo Yu-jen of National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) criticizes the KMT candidate’s acceptance of the 1992 Consensus but rejection of "one country, two systems" as naive and dangerous. Kuo highlights that the One China principle places Taiwan at a disadvantage in negotiations.
    2024/01/17 16:42
  • Premier Chen defends Medigen vaccine confidentiality deal

    Premier Chen Chien-jen discusses the pricing process and confidentiality agreements surrounding Medigen vaccines, stating that negotiations with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are ongoing. As a publicly listed company, any decisions about publicizing the government contract require shareholders’ approval. Chen emphasizes the government’s belief in vaccination as the best measure against the pandemic. Medigen had positive results from phase one trials and clinical experiments, leading to phase two development. The World Health Organization (WHO) conducted unity trials with four other countries after being unable to proceed with phase three trials due to Taiwan’s low COVID-19 case statistics. Chen disputes rumors about a 30-year embargo on clinical results, calling it fake news and clarifying that all official documents have a preservation period. He also refutes accusations that over a thousand Medigen shareholders are members of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), calling them "imaginary numerical figures." Chen hopes to disclose the information as soon as possible to maintain public trust, but it can only happen after negotiations and respecting existing confidentiality agreements.
    2024/01/03 17:07
  • Taipei Mayor revives hopes for Taylor Swift concert

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an discusses efforts to bring Taylor Swift to Taipei for a concert, following last year’s failed plans due to geopolitical tensions. Negotiations are underway for a possible concert at Taipei Dome as part of Taylor Swift’s Asian Tour this year. Chiang emphasizes the city government’s commitment to making this happen and promises to announce further developments. He also criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and highlights the need for a peaceful and prosperous environment. Despite challenges, Chiang’s team prioritizes the interests and rights of the public and welcomes the economic benefits of hosting the concert.
    2024/01/02 15:56
  • KMT’s Jaw reasserts anti-communist stance amid criticism

    Jaw Shaw-kong, the vice presidential candidate for the Kuomintang (KMT) party, reaffirmed his party’s anti-communist stance in response to criticism from Lai Ching-te, the presidential candidate for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). Jaw highlighted his past support for the Tiananmen Square protests and the Hong Kong democracy movement to counter Lai’s accusations. During a policy presentation event, the presidential candidates from the KMT, DPP, and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) debated their platforms, with Lai accusing the KMT of leaning towards communism. Jaw refuted this claim, emphasizing his party’s opposition to communism. He emphasized that Taiwan’s defensive strength lies in its democratic system rather than military might. If elected, Jaw and KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih would not push for reunification negotiations with China, as the current conditions do not meet the prerequisites for such discussions. Instead, Jaw expressed a focus on creating a future where both sides of the Taiwan Strait can develop independently under their respective systems.
    2023/12/27 09:40
  • KMT’s Hou slams DPP’s ECFA ’poison pill’ claims

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential contender Hou Yu-ih criticizes the ruling Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP’s) past claims about the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) and cross-strait communication. He questions the DPP candidate’s analogy of "three links" and direct flights to a "Trojan horse leading to a massacre" and challenges the Agriculture Minister’s role in Chinese approvals for Taiwan’s grouper fish export. Hou argues that unresolved quarantine issues could harm Taiwanese farmers and suggests direct negotiations with China. He also criticizes Lai’s "Taiwan independence" stance, claiming it lacks practical understanding of cross-strait relations. If elected, Hou promises to continue ECFA negotiations to reduce China’s tariffs on Taiwan’s industries. He believes that adhering to the Constitution and the Act Governing Relations between Taiwan and China will maintain peace between the straits.
    2023/12/26 16:44
  • Taiwan calls for WTO to resolve disputes with China

    Deputy Trade Representative Yang Jen-ni of Taiwan’s Office of Trade Negotiations (OTN) criticized China’s recent trade barriers against Taiwan, highlighting four major concerns. Yang pointed out that China’s investigation process is biased, unfair, nontransparent, and not in line with international norms. Documents such as applications, comments, respondent summaries, and non-confidential data were undisclosed or restricted to foreigners. Additionally, Yang condemned China for bypassing the Taiwan government during the investigation, prioritizing political objectives over economic ones. She also accused China of misinterpreting trade policies and creating a false narrative that Taiwan is unwilling to address disputes. Lastly, Yang criticized China for producing inflated and unverifiable data in its impact assessment, without solid evidence to support its claims. Yang urged China to abandon its one-sided political manipulation and suggested initiating consultations through the World Trade Organization (WTO) mechanism to resolve trade disputes.
    2023/12/21 21:34
  • CHEX board to discuss worker bonuses amid union tensions

    Tensions between management and unionized workers at Chunghwa Express (CHEX) continue as the company’s chairman announces a board meeting to address the issue of performance bonuses. The employees’ union, which has organized industrial actions over wages and bonuses, has been engaged in negotiations for over a year with no consensus reached. The union claims that negotiations have made no progress and is preparing for a strike vote. The union is urging the government to take the issues seriously and address the grievances of grassroots workers.
    2023/12/20 19:30
  • KMT’s Jaw answers students’ ’1992 Consensus’ questions

    KMT vice presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong challenges the narrative of the "1992 Consensus," stating it was not used during cross-strait negotiations. He explains that the parties involved articulated their positions orally with no unified expression, and it was later that Su Chi introduced the term. Jaw also addresses the DPP’s stance on the "One China" policy, stating that the DPP urges Beijing to acknowledge "One China" as the Republic of China, a recognition unlikely from Beijing. He critiques the DPP’s performance over their 8-year tenure and suggests that the electorate could express dissatisfaction by transferring power to the KMT. Jaw acknowledges the contributions of Taiwanese businesses to China’s economic development and asserts that Taiwan could demand economic concessions from China. He questions the need for increased defense spending and extended conscription in Taiwan in the absence of an immediate threat, stating that conflict between the two sides should and must not occur.
    2023/12/20 11:05
  • Legislative Yuan okays ’House Hoarding Tax 2.0’

    Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan has passed an amendment to the House Tax Act, known as the "House Hoarding Tax 2.0," raising the tax rate for non-owner-occupied housing to a range of 2 to 4.8 percent, up from the current range of 1.5 to 3.6 percent. The tax rates will apply nationally to all properties owned by individuals and will be implemented by July 2025. Local governments will set their tax rate discrepancies based on the total number of residential properties owned nationwide. The amendment was approved in the Legislative Yuan session following negotiations among the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), the Kuomintang (KMT), and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), with dissent from the New Power Party (NPP).
    2023/12/19 22:13
  • EVA pilots union prepare for strike vote amid labor dispute

    The Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP) has taken their concerns to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC), demanding increased oversight of EVA Air due to dissatisfaction over wages and annual bonuses despite rising revenues. The union has threatened to limit the airline’s rights if conditions are not improved by a specified deadline and plans to hold a strike vote on December 22. EVA Air has faced scrutiny for various issues, including understaffing that has led to several safety incidents. Pilots accuse the airline of excessive cost-cutting measures, such as hiring foreign pilots through illegal brokers, resulting in a workforce where foreign pilots outnumber national pilots. Over the past year, EVA Air has experienced a significant decline in national pilots, with approximately 10% of the total pilot workforce leaving. The union also claims that EVA Air’s response to the manpower shortage, including mandatory overtime and inadequate training, has resulted in frequent safety incidents. The union is calling for a comprehensive labor inspection and continuous penalties for workplace safety incidents. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has received a petition from the union and emphasizes the priority of flight safety and public well-being, urging EVA Air to engage in dialogue. The Ministry of Labor is also involved in labor-capital negotiations. The strike vote result, due on January 5, will determine whether a strike will be launched, contingent on EVA Air’s willingness to negotiate improvement measures sincerely.
    2023/12/18 16:40
  • Vice Premier upbeat on U.S.-Taiwan trade talks progress

    Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan expresses optimism about trade talks with the United States, citing U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai’s positive stance on advancing Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with key trading partners. The discussions between Taiwan and the United States have made significant progress, with the US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade already reaching five agreements. Second-phase talks, including agriculture, are currently underway. The possibility of addressing tariffs in the negotiations is not ruled out. Additionally, the U.S. House of Representatives has proposed mutual tax exemption to alleviate taxation burdens, a development that could spare corporations and individuals from double taxation issues. Cheng emphasizes the need for diligent and concerted effort in deepening economic ties between Taiwan and the United States.
    2023/12/12 18:15
  • DPP decries false media claims on presidential debates

    The spokesperson for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign office expressed regret over inaccurate and malicious media reports about the upcoming presidential debates. The spokesperson demanded corrections from outlets that claimed certain media were favored during the debates and alleged a coalition aiming to gang up on fellow candidates Hou Yu-ih and Ko Wen-je. It was emphasized that the decision for 11 media organizations to jointly host the debates is a longstanding practice resulting from two rounds of negotiations without interference from any campaign offices. The spokesperson also highlighted misinformation circulated by China Times, one of the debate co-hosts, despite its involvement in the meetings. The 2024 presidential election debates are scheduled to be held at Public Television Service (PTS) on December 30 at 2 p.m., with the vice presidential debates tentatively scheduled for January 1, 2024, also at 2 p.m. The 11 media entities collaboratively organizing the debates include Central News Agency (CNA), China Times, Liberty Times, United Daily News, SET News, Taiwan Television, Formosa Television, Chinese Television System (CTS), Mirror Media, TVBS News, and Public Television Service. PTS will produce and broadcast the debates, including comprehensive sign language services for the hearing impaired.
    2023/12/09 15:34
  • KMT’s Chu cites humiliation in failed TPP alliance talks

    Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Eric Chu and presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih expressed feeling humiliated by the lack of genuine cooperation with the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP). Despite failed negotiations for an alliance, Hou and his vice-presidential running mate, Jaw Shaw-kong, registered as candidates with the Central Election Commission. Hou attempted to collaborate with TPP candidate Ko Wen-je, but Ko did not answer the call. Ko later apologized for criticizing a public meeting and expressed efforts to bridge cooperation between the KMT and TPP, but cited political philosophy differences. Hou reported that the KMT approached the TPP with sincerity but felt disrespected when former President Ma Ying-jeou was made to wait five hours. Despite challenges, Hou and his party maintained strong conviction and sincerity in cooperating with Ko, but a partnership could not be realized. Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te suggested that the breakdown indicated that the alliance was more about partisan and power-sharing concerns rather than the interests of the nation and its people.
    2023/11/25 10:57
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