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    guidance 結果共24筆

  • Taiwan debates raising school counselor salaries

    Explore the push for better pay for school counselors in Taiwan as legislators discuss amending the Student Guidance and Counseling Act to address high turnover rates and ensure students receive consistent support.
    2024/07/11 14:11
  • New Taipei launches program to curb domestic violence

    New Taipei City launched the family support program in response to the increase in child protection notifications. The program will serve about 2,000 cases annually, helping parents relieve their emotional stress.
    2024/07/01 16:24
  • Taiwan warns citizens of increased risks in Hong Kong travel

    Discover the latest travel advisory for Taiwanese citizens visiting Hong Kong, including risks and safety tips due to new security laws. Learn about the Mainland Affairs Council’s guidance and emergency services.
    2024/06/12 10:43
  • Audrey Tang champions trustworthy AI at international expo

    Explore how Taiwan, under the guidance of Digital Affairs Minister Audrey Tang, is leading the way in creating a trustworthy AI environment. At the "AI Expo for National Competitiveness," Tang shares insights on balancing AI innovation with privacy, the role of data as AI’s foundation, and initiatives like the Collective Intelligence Project and the AI evaluation center to foster public engagement and enhance government services through AI. Discover Taiwan’s commitment to digital transparency with the launch of the Public Code Platform.
    2024/05/08 13:11
  • Taipower debunks myths about skyrocketing electricity bills

    Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) clarifies that specific household appliances do not lead to a monthly electricity bill increase of NT$10,000. Learn about time-of-use rates, energy-saving subsidies, and progressive billing for residential and business electricity consumption.
    2024/03/25 13:45
  • MOTC responds to citizen petition on traffic reform

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has responded to a citizen-led initiative calling for changes in traffic practices. The ministry announced that the regulation allowing two-stage left turns will not be abolished entirely but should be evaluated based on site-specific characteristics. The initiative also called for the prohibition of motorbikes on inner lanes of general roads and reform of the driver’s license test system. The MOTC stated that local governments should assess and plan motorbike lanes and two-stage left turn control measures according to their specific road traffic conditions. The ministry emphasized that motorbike riders should follow road sign guidance, and universal rules should only be followed in the absence of signs. In terms of the licensing system, the ministry has implemented a motorbike training program since 2019 to enhance driving quality and response capabilities. The program has been successful, resulting in a 56% decrease in traffic violations and a 35% decrease in accidents by 2022. The Highway Bureau of MOTC plans to continue promoting the program and implementing road training measures in 2024, periodically reviewing and adjusting the test content to optimize the training system for motorbike operators.
    2024/01/24 17:01
  • KMT Hou Yu-ih advocates for enhanced school safety

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih emphasizes the need for greater school safety and government attention to adolescent crime. Responding to his running mate Jaw Shaw-kong’s comments on a talk show, Hou proposes amendments to the juvenile incident handling law, taking inspiration from Japanese laws. He vows to prevent gang incursion into schools and increase criminal responsibility for those involved in crimes. Hou also advocates for supporting teachers and implementing guidance mechanisms. His zero-tolerance policy towards school safety issues reflects his commitment to preventing similar events in the future.
    2024/01/03 18:34
  • Cynthia Wu reveals lack of initial support in VP role

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice presidential candidate Cynthia Wu discusses her initial struggles in her new role, revealing that she was not provided much guidance by the party. It took her several days to figure out certain techniques and standard operating procedures (SOPs). Wu also acknowledges that the party’s resources and focus were primarily on Chairman Ko Wen-je. She addresses recent polls indicating a surge in her unpopularity, attributing it to her low media profile in her political career. Wu emphasizes her commitment to aligning with Ko Wen-je’s campaign schedule and engaging in activities like canvassing, policy announcements, and appearances on programs to better communicate with the public.
    2023/12/27 17:46
  • Education Dept. confirms death of stabbed student

    A junior high school student in New Taipei City has tragically died after being stabbed by another student. The victim suffered five knife wounds to his neck and lungs, despite receiving emergency treatment at the hospital. The incident occurred after a female student, who felt rebuked by the victim, recruited a male student to retaliate. The victim was stabbed twice in the lungs and neck, resulting in significant blood loss. Speculation of his death was confirmed by the Education Department. Following this incident, the department has pledged to strengthen measures to ensure student safety, including dispatching counselors and social workers for follow-up guidance and collaboration with police agencies. The Education Department is also providing support to the victim’s family through legal consultation and coordination with relevant departments. Additionally, efforts will be made to enhance teachers’ campus security capabilities.
    2023/12/27 10:45
  • Ko Wen-je vows to bring 2038 Asian Games, Olympics to Taiwan

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je vows to promote international sports events, including the 2038 Asian Games and the Olympics, if elected. He recognizes the connection between sports and national power and highlights Taiwan’s top athletes. Ko also proposes career planning guidance and specific examinations for sports personnel, as well as the establishment of a National Sports Development Fund and revision of the Sports Industry Development Act. He plans to increase the budget for the national training center, improve support teams, and promote physical fitness nationwide. Ko aims to develop e-sports and align it with global standards, while advocating for education reforms and cultivating high-tech talents.
    2023/12/26 16:46
  • DPP’s Hsiao promises review amidst KMT’s corruption claims

    Vice Presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vows to review and reflect on corruption allegations within the DPP government. This comes after her opponent, Kuomintang’s (KMT) Jaw Shaw-kong, accused the DPP of corruption during a policy presentation. Jaw raised concerns about the DPP obstructing Terry Gou’s acquisition of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines and questioned the increase in the market value of Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp. He advocated for the reinstatement of the Special Investigation Division to tackle corruption. Hsiao acknowledges mistakes within the party and emphasizes the need for self-review. She highlights the DPP’s commitment to reform and progressive policies, citing examples of marriage equality and energy transformation. Hsiao compares the government to a team in an international competition, emphasizing the importance of guidance and support for a unified nation.
    2023/12/23 09:55
  • China’s TAO announces resumption of Taiwan grouper imports

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesperson, Zhu Fenglian, announced that the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China will resume imports of Taiwan groupers from certified and registered fish farms. This comes after China halted imports of the fish on June 13, 2022, due to the detection of banned substances. Zhu praised the Taiwanese grouper industry for taking effective measures to improve the safety of groupers during this period. She specifically highlighted the guidance provided by Su Ching-chuan, the policy committee vice chair of the Kuomintang (KMT), and Huang Yi-cheng, head of the Taiwan Cross-Strait Agricultural and Fishery Exchange Development Investment Association. The TAO emphasized that as long as Taiwan adheres to the 1992 Consensus and opposes independence, mainland China and Taiwan will be considered one family.
    2023/12/22 16:15
  • NTNU to halt industrial education enrollments from 2025

    The National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) has decided to stop accepting students into its Industrial Education department starting from the 2025 academic term, but will retain its master’s and doctoral programs. The Office of Academic Affairs at NTNU has proposed three solutions to protect students’ educational rights, including offering guidance for transfers, continuing to offer courses, and extending the limit on student enrollments. The department will also continue to offer three specialized courses to cultivate future educators. The rights of the department’s teachers and assistants will not be affected, and existing teachers can continue teaching in the master’s and doctoral programs. Administrative Deputy Minister Lin Teng-chiao of Taiwan’s Ministry of Education (MOE) hopes that the department can collaborate with other departments to cultivate industrial education teachers in the future, despite the department’s transformation into research-oriented programs.
    2023/12/21 14:58
  • 97% of Hong Kong residency bids approved: MAC

    The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) announced that over 97% of Hong Kong residents applying for residence permits in Taiwan have been approved, with nearly 75% of them obtaining permanent residency permits. From 2018 to October 2023, around 46,564 Hong Kong residents and 6,196 Macau residents have acquired residence permits in Taiwan. MAC official Lu Chang-shui stated that the government welcomes and values those who aspire to settle in Taiwan, emphasizing that the rigorous review of applications aims to protect Taiwan’s systems and environment rooted in freedom, democracy, and openness. Lu also mentioned that the government provides assistance and guidance to applicants whose settlement applications are still under observation.
    2023/12/20 18:29
  • Chiayi City to boost taxi subsidies for pregnant women

    The Chiayi City Government has announced a subsidy program for pregnant women using taxi services, in an effort to create a more pregnancy-friendly environment and counteract the city’s declining birthrate. Starting from New Year’s Day, the subsidies for expectant mothers’ taxi rides will increase from NT$2,800 to NT$4,500, with a maximum subsidy per ride rising from NT$100 to NT$150. The program now includes travel for any medical visits, as long as the rides are with designated fleets to and from medical institutions. The validity of the transportation tickets has also been extended to include the first three months following the infant’s birth. The policy is targeted at Chiayi locals and former immigrant mothers whose spouses are registered residents of Chiayi. Additionally, Chiayi has introduced plans to provide emotional support, parenting guidance, legal counseling, and financial aid to pregnant women under 20.
    2023/12/20 16:08
  • MOE: 1,345 students to transfer amid school closures

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) has announced that 1,345 students from six schools in Taiwan will be required to transfer to other institutions due to the act Governing the Closure of Private Educational Institutions at Senior Secondary or Higher Level. The act, passed last year, gives schools a two-year period to improve, and if they fail to meet the standards, they face orders to stop recruiting students and cease operations. Chung Chou University of Science and Technology and Taiwan Shoufu University have already closed this July, with 310 students transferred to other institutions. Mingdao University, Tatung Institute of Commerce and Technology, Tung Fang Design Institute, and TransWorld University are scheduled to close in July 2024. The MOE plans to conduct briefings on student distribution and placement a semester before the termination of these institutions to ensure a smooth transition. The affected students will be given priority to continue their studies at schools in the same or neighboring counties, and the MOE will assist affected faculty members and staff in finding new employment opportunities. Currently, there are no other private universities or colleges listed for specialized guidance by the MOE.
    2023/12/15 17:21
  • Changhua chief questions Taiwan’s self-trust amid rumors

    The story discusses the response of Changhua County Chief Wang Hui-mei to rumors that village chiefs from Changhua County were treated to trips to China. Wang questioned the nation’s confidence in itself and challenged the notion that hospitality could sway one’s allegiance. Reports of possible Chinese intervention in the electoral process, including invitations to village chiefs for travel to the mainland, have emerged ahead of the 2024 presidential and vice-presidential elections. The Changhua District Prosecutors Office has detained a suspect allegedly organizing these trips and has summoned 22 individuals for questioning. Wang interpreted the scrutiny her county is under as a "swing county" and expressed trust in the wisdom of the village chiefs to handle the situation.
    2023/12/12 21:39
  • Taipei Metro to refund teen’s NT$1,000 EasyCard fine

    Taipei Metro agrees to refund a fine imposed on a teenage girl who mistakenly used her brother’s EasyCard. The 14-year-old student used a child’s EasyCard instead of a student card, resulting in a fine of NT$1,000. The girl’s father argued that the punishment was excessive, and after reviewing the situation, Taipei Metro decided to refund the penalty as a gesture of goodwill. The incident occurred at Ximen MRT Station, and Taipei Metro emphasized the importance of using the correct card type to avoid fare differences.
    2023/12/09 15:06
  • Taiwan’s MJIB adds deputy director for cybercrime fight

    Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan has passed a bill appointing an additional deputy director to the Ministry of Justice’s Investigation Bureau (MJIB) to enhance its capacity in handling surveillance technology and combating cybercrime. The new position will focus on managing technological development, detecting computer and internet-related crimes, ensuring information security, conducting forensic science, and overseeing communication surveillance. The move comes in response to the increasing demand for expertise in these specialized areas. Currently, the MJIB operates under the guidance of two deputy directors, but the rise in sophisticated crime has led to a significant workload increase in judicial forensic investigations. By expanding the number of deputy director positions from two to three, the MJIB aims to improve the professional handling of surveillance technology and strengthen national defense mechanisms. This legislative revision demonstrates Taiwan’s commitment to staying ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing security landscape and elevating the nation’s defense against cyber threats.
    2023/12/05 21:46
  • 北證50指數月漲46% 傳北交所對大股東祭「禁賣令」

    北證50指數今(27)日一度沖高漲超12%,創年內新高,本月已飆升46%,北京證交所232檔個股也全線飄紅;知情人士指出,北交所擔心行情高漲引發大股東出手賣股,引發資金集體出逃,澆熄這波漲勢,決定「窗口指導」(window guidance,以口頭方式作出指示)祭出「限賣令」,禁止上市公司大股東出售持股。
    2023/11/27 16:57
  • Lai and Hsiao promise to guide Taiwan towards unity

    Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate, officially launched his campaign alongside running mate Hsiao Bi-khim, emphasizing their shared mission to lead Taiwan towards a prosperous future. Lai praised Hsiao’s previous performances in Taipei and Hualien, particularly her handling of Taiwan-U.S. relations during her term as representative to the U.S. With global attention on Taiwan’s election, Lai emphasized the need for an experienced and steady leader to guide the country towards democracy, peace, and prosperity. Lai and Hsiao appealed to voters by promising steadfast guidance and uniting Taiwan on the right path. Hsiao’s return to politics is driven by her deep love for Taiwan and joint efforts towards national prosperity.
    2023/11/22 19:39
  • KMT, TPP forge alliance for Taiwan’s 2024 presidential race

    The Kuomintang (KMT) and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) have formed a historic alliance for the 2024 presidential election, under the guidance of former President Ma Ying-jeou. This coalition, a first in Taiwan’s political history, aims to reshape the future of Taiwanese politics.
    2023/11/15 17:57
  • THSR apologizes for massive crowds at Taichung station

    The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) issued an apology for the overcrowding experienced at its Taichung station on Sunday, with some passengers waiting for three hours without boarding. In preparation for the upcoming National Day holiday, the THSR promised to improve passenger guidance, divert passengers accordingly, and enhance crowd control measures.
    2023/10/02 16:09
  • Taiwan elementary students invent automatic shrimp peeler

    A group of elementary students in Hsinchu, Taiwan, have recently made headlines for inventing an automatic shrimp peeler under the guidance of their teacher. 
    2023/03/20 19:12
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