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    Taiwan China 結果共740筆

  • TPP official challenges legality of China tour ban

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) caucus convener Huang Kuo-chang questions the legal grounds of Taiwan’s ban on group tours to China, suspecting it was a hasty response to the pandemic. The government’s sudden change just before the Lunar New Year holiday raised doubts about the ban’s legal basis, with Huang accusing the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of using vague legal concepts for punishment. Huang warns against resorting to lies and absurd methods, cautioning about the consequences of broken promises and half-truths.
    2024/02/19 17:13
  • China ramps up patrols in contested waters near Kinmen

    The China Coast Guard increases patrols in waters between Xiamen and Kinmen after a fatal incident involving a Chinese vessel in Taiwan’s restricted waters. Tensions rise as Taiwan and China clash over fishing rights, challenging established boundaries. Taiwan enforces laws to protect its fishermen’s rights while seeking cross-strait cooperation.
    2024/02/19 11:40
  • MND tracks 7 PLA planes, 7 naval ships near Taiwan Strait

    Stay informed about the latest developments in the Taiwan Strait as Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense reports seven Chinese military planes and naval vessels detected in the region. Learn more about the heightened tensions between China and Taiwan.
    2024/02/19 11:05
  • Fmr. Taiwan President urges resolution for maritime tensions

    Former Taiwanese president Ma Ying-jeou addresses recent maritime incidents involving Chinese vessels in Taiwanese waters, emphasizing the importance of handling such situations legally and fairly. Tensions rise as mainland Chinese speedboats trespass into Kinmen waters, leading to a fatal accident. Ma urges dialogue between Taiwan and mainland China to resolve contentious issues and ensure safe navigation in shared maritime areas.
    2024/02/17 16:51
  • Wang Yi urges US action against Taiwan independence

    China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi urges the U.S. to take concrete action against Taiwan’s independence during a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the Munich Security Conference. Wang emphasizes that Taiwan is an inseparable part of Chinese territory and attributes any attempt to alter this status quo to Taiwan separatist activities and external forces. He calls for the U.S. to lift unilateral sanctions on Chinese companies and individuals and cease baseless harassment of Chinese citizens. Both parties agree to retain dialogue and communication and explore further exchanges between the two nations. Discussions also cover geopolitical flashpoints such as the Ukraine crisis, the Israel-Hamas conflict, and issues on the Korean Peninsula.
    2024/02/17 12:01
  • Tsai Ing-wen touts Taiwan’s NT$2.17T investment success

    President Tsai Ing-wen highlights the success of Taiwan’s investment incentives projects, which have attracted over NT$2.17 trillion in investments and created over 140,000 jobs. Speaking at a Lunar New Year event, Tsai emphasizes the importance of Taiwanese businesses in driving economic development and emphasizes Taiwan’s global reach and reliability as an international partner. She also discusses Taiwan’s efforts to improve infrastructure and expand external relations, including trade cooperation with the U.S. and U.K. Tsai calls for the preservation of the peaceful and stable status quo in the Taiwan Strait and expresses a commitment to upholding democracy and seeking cross-strait dialogues. The event was attended by government officials and over 300 Taiwanese businessmen living and working in China.
    2024/02/16 16:38
  • Solomon Islands opposition head proposes ‘dual recognition’

    Solomon Islands gears up for elections, reigniting discussions on diplomatic ties with Taiwan and China. Peter Kenilorea Jr. advocates for reevaluating the security agreement with China, proposing a "dual recognition" policy.
    2024/02/16 16:13
  • Honduras’ unsettled US$440 million debt to Taiwan

    Honduras owes Taiwan approximately US$440 million (NT$13.8 billion) in debt, which has accumulated over several years and remains unpaid even after severing diplomatic ties with Taiwan in favor of China. The decision to end over eight decades of relations with Taiwan and establish diplomatic ties with China was made on March 25, 2023. The current president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, did not borrow any additional funds from Taiwan, with the last loan of US$300 million being acquired by her predecessor, Juan Orlando Hernández, in 2019. These funds were primarily used for housing reconstruction, school facilities, and nutritional lunches. Honduras hoped that establishing diplomatic relations with Beijing would result in greater economic support and loans from the Chinese government. However, the country’s white shrimp exports were affected following the diplomatic break with Taiwan. As a result, Honduras has turned to China for similar tariff preferences.
    2024/02/16 14:33
  • Hou Yu-ih calls for peace after fatal speedboat chase

    New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih calls for appropriate resolution of issues between Taiwan and China following a tragic incident where a Chinese speedboat capsized, resulting in two fatalities. Hou acknowledges the efforts of the Coast Guard Administration (CGA) and expresses regret over the incident. The Chinese speedboat trespassed into Kinmen waters and evaded the CGA before capsizing, leading to condemnation from China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO). Hou emphasizes the need to address minor incidents to prevent larger disputes and conflicts. He suggests treating each other equitably and proactively confronting potential catalysts for confrontation, seeking appropriate solutions to avoid future disputes.
    2024/02/16 14:31
  • Palau president unveils China’s bid to buy diplomatic change

    Palau President Surangel Whipps Jr. revealed in a letter to U.S. senators that China had tried to convince Palau to sever diplomatic ties with Taiwan in exchange for hotel bookings. The letter, made public by Cleo Paskal of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, detailed China’s proposal to fill Palau’s hotels and operate a call center at an annual cost of US$20 million. Whipps Jr. warned that without immediate approval for COFA aid, pro-China factions in Palau could threaten its diplomatic relationship with Taiwan.
    2024/02/16 11:11
  • Taiwan vows swift probe in Chinese fishing boat incident

    A recent fishing boat incident involving a Chinese fishing boat illegally crossing boundaries and subsequently capsizing due to the Taiwanese coast guard’s expulsion efforts has caused tension between Taiwan and China. Two individuals tragically drowned in the incident. Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council has assured prompt communication of investigation results with Chinese authorities, aiming to maintain solid cross-strait ties. China has accused Taiwan of precipitating such events, blaming aggressive boat seizures and assertive treatment of mainland fishermen. The Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) has strongly condemned the incident, laying blame on the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration. Former Global Times Editor-in-Chief Hu Xijin has criticized Taiwan’s law enforcement, suggesting it may constitute involuntary manslaughter. In 2023 alone, there were 1,191 registered cases of Chinese fishing boats crossing the maritime boundary, consistently surpassing a thousand annually. Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration, in accordance with the "Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area," retains the right to expel, detain, hold in custody, fine, confiscate fishing equipment, and seize hauls and boats.
    2024/02/15 17:17
  • China blames Taiwan for fishermen deaths from boat crash

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) strongly condemns Taiwan for its treatment of Chinese fishermen after a speedboat capsized in Kinmen waters, resulting in two deaths. The mainland speedboat had breached the Kinmen maritime boundary and was pursued by Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration. After refusing inspection, the boat capsized and two crew members died. The TAO expresses condolences to the victims’ families and demands Taiwan to investigate the incident and assist the families. They also warn Taiwan to respect the historical fishing operations in the Taiwan Strait and ensure the safety of mainland fishermen.
    2024/02/15 10:51
  • Taiwan’s exports hit top-three record despite 2023 dip

    Taiwan’s export performance reached a historic high from 2021 to 2023, but experienced a 9.8% decline in 2023 compared to the previous year, according to the Ministry of Finance. Despite this setback, exports to the U.S. continued to soar with a 49.7% year-on-year increase, while exports to countries covered by Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy also saw significant growth. However, exports to mainland China decreased to 35.2%. Taiwan’s total export tally for 2023 amounted to US$432.48 billion, ranking behind only 2022 and 2021. The demand for communications and electronic products during the pandemic-induced work-from-home trend boosted Taiwan’s exports. The Taiwan Institute of Economic Research predicted significant international trade growth in 2024, which would benefit export-oriented economies like Taiwan. In December 2023, Taiwan’s exports to the U.S. reached $8.49 billion, and exports to southern countries surged by over 50%. However, due to the limited coverage of free trade agreements (FTAs), many traditional Taiwanese industries chose to restructure risks and production in Southeast and South Asia. The return of Taiwanese businesses and the expansion of local factories after the U.S.-China trade war, as well as global economic circumstances, significantly impacted the decline in 2023 exports. The Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) estimated the first-quarter export volume for 2024 to be around US$106.1 billion, which is an improvement compared to the same period in 2023, but a 10% decrease from 2022.
    2024/02/15 10:49
  • Taiwan halts tour solicitations to China amid tensions

    The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has abruptly halted the solicitation of tours to China, reversing its previous policy. Originally scheduled to open on March 1, tours from Taiwan to China were limited to a daily reference cap of 2,000 people, with the possibility of adjustments based on the travel industry’s ability to attract customers. The decision to halt the tours immediately was made in response to China’s failure to organize tours to Taiwan and its unilateral change of the M503 flight route without goodwill, which poses a threat to flight safety. The Tourism Administration, a part of the MOTC, believes that given the current circumstances, it is not in the best interest of Taiwanese nationals to travel to China. They continue to appeal to China to demonstrate goodwill and promote cross-strait tourism exchange. Tours that have already been solicited and are due to depart between March 1 and May 31, 2024, will proceed as planned to protect passenger rights, but tours after June 1 are not permitted to depart. Travel companies are urged to refrain from soliciting customers to avoid potential disputes.
    2024/02/07 17:06
  • President Tsai unlikely to visit Taiping Island: official

    Former Taiwan National Security Council secretary-general Su Chi believes there is a low likelihood of President Tsai Ing-wen visiting Taiping Island in the South China Sea. Su cites concerns over U.S. objections and the potential risk to Tsai’s safety as reasons for this prediction. He points out that the U.S. opposes Taiwan’s involvement in South China Sea issues and that Tsai would have to contend with Chinese fighter jets, aerial escorts, and security threats if she were to visit the island. Su also notes that the U.S. would not support such a trip as it could emphasize Taiwan’s political stance in the ongoing tension between the Philippines and China.
    2024/02/07 14:59
  • Taiwan’s diplomatic dilemma: Guatemala eyes China for trade

    Taiwan’s ally Guatemala is considering establishing formal trade ties with China, according to the country’s Foreign Minister Carlos Ramiro Martinez. He proposed the creation of a ’trade representative office’ to assist Guatemalan products in finding a market in China. While many Central American countries have switched recognition to China, Guatemala remains one of the twelve countries that maintain diplomatic relations with Taiwan.
    2024/02/07 14:38
  • S. Leo Chiang on Oscar-nominated ’Island in Between’

    Filmmaker S. Leo Chiang discusses his Oscar-nominated documentary "Island in Between," offering a unique perspective on Taiwan’s complex geopolitics. His goal: sparking curiosity about Taiwan among international audiences.
    2024/02/06 17:47
  • Trump vows to reinstate tariffs on China if reelected

    Former U.S. President Donald Trump pledges to reapply tariffs on Chinese goods, potentially exceeding 60%, if he wins the November presidential election. He offers no clear answer on whether he would assist Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack. Trump plans on imposing a 60% tariff on Chinese goods, a number that may increase. He is leading in the Republican primary and is expected to face incumbent President Joe Biden in November. Trump imposed tariffs amounting to US$250 billion on Chinese imported goods during his term, sparking a trade war. Biden retained Trump’s tariff policy and banned the export of advanced semiconductors and semiconductor production equipment. Trump disputes rumors of another trade war with China, stating that he has handled all matters related to China well. He also criticizes Taiwan for taking semiconductor jobs from the U.S. and suggests imposing tariffs and trade barriers on Taiwan.
    2024/02/06 17:05
  • China’s M503 flight path change near Taiwan escalates region

    China’s unilateral shift of a flight path near Taiwan raises international tensions and concerns about air defense. Experts analyze the implications on sovereignty.
    2024/02/02 17:30
  • Brief showers expected in northern Taiwan

    Weather experts have warned that a weak northeast monsoon will briefly impact Taiwan, resulting in temporary showers in the northern and eastern regions. Coastal winds will increase and central and southern regions will experience slightly cooler temperatures, but the effects are not significant. The weekend weather will return to warm and stable conditions. As the Lunar New Year holiday approaches, scattered early showers may occur in the north and center regions. On Monday, there may be brief showers across Taiwan with a decrease in high temperatures as a front passes. Starting from Tuesday next week, the weather will transition to a northeast monsoon pattern, but the incoming cold air is not strong and will mainly affect daytime temperatures on the windward side. From Wednesday evening to New Year’s Eve on Thursday next week, the South China rain area will move eastward, resulting in widespread rain nationwide and significantly lower temperatures.
    2024/02/01 16:57
  • MOTC voices safety concerns over China’s flight path changes

    Taiwan’s Minister of Transportation and Communications, Wang Kuo-tsai, expresses regret after China unilaterally adjusts flight routes, raising aviation safety concerns. The decision to cancel the "offset measure" for the M503 flight route and start east to west operations near Taiwan without bilateral negotiation has led to potential conflicts between civilian and military aircraft. The proximity of Route M503 to the Taipei Flight Information Region poses a risk, with the nearest point just 4.2 nautical miles away. Take-off and landing in Matsu and Kinmen without prior consultation could also raise safety issues. The national security units are now handling the situation and consulting with the Civil Aviation Administration and the military to develop responsive measures.
    2024/02/01 12:18
  • M503 flight route opens today, raising safety concerns

    Tensions rise in the Taiwan Strait as China unilaterally adjusts the M503 flight route, drawing criticism from Taiwan’s officials and concerns over regional stability and airspace management ahead of Taiwan’s elections.
    2024/02/01 11:08
  • Experts warn of potential Taiwan Strait crisis in 2024: CSIS

    Experts from the U.S. and Taiwan predict a high likelihood of a Taiwan Strait crisis in 2024, emphasizing the new government and U.S. presidential election as crucial factors. Military capabilities and international relations play key roles in shaping the future of the region.
    2024/01/30 18:03
  • DPP candidate champions disability rights amid talk show row

    Human rights lawyer Chen Chun-han, a legislative-at-large candidate for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), responds to a controversy involving the online talk show "The Night Night Show with Hello." Chen appreciates the show’s apology for allowing mainland China media personality Wang Zhian to mimic disabled individuals, which was seen as a dig at the DPP and indirectly at Chen. Despite thinking the apology came late, Chen commends Hello and his production team for planning a special segment to discuss the issues faced by disabled and rare disease patients in Taiwan. Chen emphasizes that the core of the criticism lies in whether society can tolerate discrimination against the disabled and respect their right to political participation. He states that this is a human rights issue that transcends ideological and party lines. Chen also mentions that voters needn’t feel obligated to vote for the DPP in 2028, highlighting Taiwan’s democratic freedom and the importance of supporting any political party based on personal beliefs. However, he adds that if Hello and his team find the DPP under Lai Ching-te’s leadership satisfactory within the next four years and genuinely wish to support it, they would be welcomed.
    2024/01/30 17:51
  • Taiwan monitors Tuvalu elections amid diplomatic tensions

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) will closely monitor developments in Tuvalu post-election, as most elected officials have established frequent interactions and friendly stances with Taiwan, ensuring solid diplomatic ties. MOFA condemns China’s attempt to influence the election by buying off local media in Tuvalu. The loss of Tuvalu’s pro-Taiwan Prime Minister has sparked speculation about a potential shift in foreign policy and diplomatic alliance with Beijing. However, MOFA notes that the majority of elected Tuvalu officials maintain good relations with Taiwan and support upholding the amicable relations between the two countries. MOFA urges the international community to pay attention and counter autocratic dictatorial countries that manipulate elections in democratic states. This development reflects the ongoing competition between China and Taiwan for diplomatic allegiances in the Pacific region, with countries sometimes switching allegiances for economic or political support.
    2024/01/30 17:44
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