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    Taipei New Taipei 結果共498筆

  • Taipei mayor criticizes president-elect’s snub of opposition

    Discover how Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an criticizes President-elect Lai Ching-te for not meeting with opposition leaders, breaking a 24-year tradition, and the potential impact on Taiwan’s governance.
    2024/05/15 11:16
  • Taiwanese cities struggle with building maintenance laws

    Discover how Taipei and New Taipei are addressing safety concerns with building renovations. With the rise of incidents involving falling tiles, experts demand regulatory updates for a safer environment.
    2024/05/14 15:40
  • Rust forces closure of iconic Cat Bridge in New Taipei

    Discover the latest on New Taipei’s Cat Bridge closure for repairs. Starting Tuesday, the bridge connecting Houtong train station to Cat Village will undergo maintenance until the end of October, including structural and aesthetic enhancements. Learn about the temporary bridge ensuring continued access.
    2024/05/13 15:59
  • 戴愛玲開唱倒數!12億電商女王霸氣力挺 包百張搖滾區門票

    鐵肺天后戴愛玲5月17日將在ZEPP NEW TAIPEI舉辦「FOREVER 21」限定演唱會,日前她再度作客年收12億的電商女王Mavis瑪菲司的直播活動,瑪菲司為了好姐妹,包下100張演唱會搖滾區門票,送給參與直播粉絲,讓戴愛玲與粉絲驚喜不已。
    2024/05/11 13:26
  • China Airlines to hire 120 pilots, 100+ cabin crew this year

    China Airlines is set to expand its team with over 100 new cabin crew members and 120 pilots as it enhances flight operations across Asia and boosts tourism recovery efforts.
    2024/05/10 15:57
  • Expanding childcare aid: Taiwan’s to ease parental burdens

    Explore Taiwan’s new approach to supporting families: Premier Chen Chien-jen announces plans for more flexible unpaid parental leave, expanded childcare services, and increased subsidies to ease the childcare burden. With a focus on diverse family roles and improved work-life balance, these measures aim to reduce childcare costs and encourage shared parental responsibilities.
    2024/05/09 16:42
  • Challenges remain for New Taipei metro post-earthquake

    Explore how New Taipei’s expansive new metro lines aim to transform the cityscape, support urban renewal, and enhance local tourism, despite facing reconstruction challenges post-earthquake.
    2024/05/09 16:40
  • Suspected food poisoning hits students, teachers on trip

    Discover the details of a suspected food poisoning incident at Yuteh Private International School in New Taipei City, affecting over 250 students and teachers after a field trip. Learn about the ongoing investigation and the community’s response.
    2024/05/09 10:42
  • Taiwan faces underground tourism risk amid China travel ban

    Explore the impact of a potential ban on Taiwanese travel groups to China starting June 1, as discussed by Chen Yi-hsuan. With 80% of Taiwan’s travel agencies involved with China, the industry faces the risk of unregulated tourism. Efforts to negotiate with China have begun, highlighting the economic significance of Chinese tourists to Taiwan and urging the new government to prioritize cross-strait exchanges. Concerns over legal, safety, and transportation issues are also raised by industry leaders.
    2024/05/07 14:42
  • Circular Line recovery efforts surge past NT$400M

    Discover the efforts to restore New Taipei’s Circular Line after an earthquake: Over NT$400 million allocated for repairs, innovative engineering solutions in progress, and interim shuttle bus services ensuring commuter welfare.
    2024/05/06 17:45
  • New Taipei City unveils Cat Public Office in Houtong

    The New Taipei City Government inaugurates the Houtong Cat Public Office in an effort to promote animal protection and increase adoption rates. The office, situated in a renovated old dormitory near the Houtong railway station, aims to enhance the adoption environment and highlight the cat village with its first director, an orange tabby named Dorayaki. Offering sterilization, medical, and adoption services, the initiative seeks to raise awareness and encourage the public to adopt cats responsibly, fostering an animal-friendly reputation for New Taipei City.
    2024/04/30 13:27
  • Google expands in Taiwan with new R&D building

    Google opens its second hardware R&D building in Banqiao, New Taipei City, establishing Taiwan as its largest hardware research base outside the U.S. The facility features over 50 labs and aims to foster hardware and AI innovations with global tech talent. The event was attended by prominent Taiwanese and American officials, highlighting Taiwan’s growing tech industry and Google’s commitment to investing in the region despite geopolitical concerns.
    2024/04/26 13:15
  • Study reveals higher disordered eating in immigrant children

    Research by Chen Tuan-jung from National Taiwan University suggests children of recent immigrants in New Taipei City are more prone to disordered eating behaviors compared to their peers, with factors such as social identity, cultural pressures, and health literacy influencing this trend. The study highlights the psychological distress and potential for serious mental health issues among these children, underscoring the need for awareness and intervention.
    2024/04/26 13:14
  • Commuters face delays as heavy rainfall hits Taipei

    Heavy rainfall in northern Taiwan slows traffic as drainage systems struggle to keep up with the unexpected downpour, affecting commutes in Taipei, New Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Yilan, with authorities investigating potential solutions.
    2024/04/18 11:01
  • Taipei auto shows spotlight green automotive strategies

    The 2024 Taipei AMPA and Autotronics shows highlight the automotive industry’s efforts toward achieving net-zero emissions, with global partnerships and market growth opportunities taking center stage.
    2024/04/17 17:52
  • Jacky Cheung adds 3 more concerts to Taipei shows

    Jacky Cheung, the "God of Songs" from Hong Kong, adds three more concerts to his highly anticipated "60+ World Tour Taipei Station" due to overwhelming demand, with tickets going on sale April 21. The nine total shows at Taipei Arena from May 31 to June 16 mark a new personal record for the legendary singer, who will deliver captivating performances featuring his vast repertoire of classic songs spanning different styles and eras.
    2024/04/15 17:37
  • President Tsai inspects new military base, pledges support

    President Tsai Ing-wen inspected the newly renovated Chien Shih Camp, a key Military Police base in New Taipei, pledging continued support for the "Hsing An Project" and distributing bonus payments. The visit hinted at potential leadership transitions in the Taiwanese military.
    2024/04/15 16:49
  • 5月開唱再升級!韓團ADOY挑戰樂團聖地 搶先劇透「神祕嘉賓」

    曾獲得2019年首爾音樂大賞評審特別獎的韓國矚目樂團「ADOY」,6月8日將於Zepp New Taipei舉辦專場演出「PLEASURES」,門票將於4月27日中午12點開賣。ADOY去(2023)年7月曾在Legacy Taipei首度舉辦專場,門票秒殺完售,更在8月發行了全新創作專輯《PLEASURES》,2024年趁勢再度舉辦專場演出,演唱會規格也隨之升級,挑戰在可容納逾2千人的場館演出!此次是ADOY第5度來台,除了專場演出外,也多次參與貴人散步系列演出,ADOY搶先預告這次演唱會已經敲定演出嘉賓,將於近日公布!
    2024/04/14 06:50
  • Taipei Dome to host first professional basketball games

    Discover the historic basketball event as the New Taipei CTBC DEA and Taipei Taishin Mars gear up to play at the Taipei Dome, marking a first for professional teams in the T1 League on April 13 and 14. With over 16,000 tickets sold and expectations to break attendance records, the anticipation builds for a monumental showdown.
    2024/04/12 17:58
  • Shilin District Court judge falls to death from residence

    Taipei Shilin District Court Judge Li found dead after falling from 6th floor residence on Minquan East Road. Police rule out foul play; cause under investigation. Judicial Yuan President Hsu expresses regret. Li handled civil, financial, sexual assault cases and promoted new civil judges system.
    2024/04/12 11:41
  • Taiwan-born Terry Tang takes helm of LA Times newsroom

    Terry T’ang, born in T’aipei, Taiwan, has been named the first female editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Times in its 142-year history. T’ang immigrated to Los Angeles at age six, graduated from Yale University and New York University Law School, and previously worked at the ACLU and The New York Times before joining the Los Angeles Times in 2019.
    2024/04/09 17:34
  • 香港男歌手來台開唱遇7.2強震 唱一半淚崩吐真心話

    香港歌手黃耀明自去年初起,從台北展開舉辦「邊走邊唱」演唱會,足跡遍布歐洲、澳洲雪梨、墨爾本等多個城市。睽違一年多,5日再度回到台灣開唱,於新北ZEPP NEW TAIPEI登場,當他演唱到〈今天世上所有地方〉時,想到很多香港朋友離鄉背井在台灣生活,不能常常和朋友相聚,看到大家齊聚一堂來看他的演唱會,讓黃耀明一時忍不住感性落淚。而黃耀明的好友如杜汶澤夫婦、媒體人林日曦、填詞人潘源良、周耀輝、何秀萍等人也都特地來到演唱會捧場。
    2024/04/07 16:43
  • Emergency teams rescue trapped worker after Taiwan quake

    Following a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan, a warehouse in New Taipei City’s Zhonghe District collapsed, leading to an urgent rescue operation. Employees share harrowing accounts of the moment disaster struck.
    2024/04/03 16:53
  • Tsai Ing-wen heads to Hualien after 7.2 magnitude earthquake

    In response to a 7.2 magnitude earthquake, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen and officials convened an emergency briefing, stressing the need for vigilance and accurate information. Rescue operations and MRT disruptions follow in the quake’s wake.
    2024/04/03 16:28
  • Taichung Mayor Lu sets eyes on Singapore in strategic visit

    Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen announces her first overseas trip to Singapore since re-election, positioning herself as a potential Kuomintang candidate in the 2028 presidential election. Learn how visiting Singapore is a strategic move for Taiwan’s political figures.
    2024/04/02 10:54
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