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    Taekwondo 結果共4筆

  • Taipei Fashion Week 2024: ready to launch with Olympic flair

    Get ready for the 2024 Taipei Fashion Week Autumn/Winter! This year’s event, starting April 25, features a ’Ready to Launch’ theme inspired by the Paris Olympics. Highlights include fashion-sport fusion designs by Justin Chou and the Cultural Olympics Fashion Exhibition.
    2024/04/15 17:35
  • Team Taiwan flag-bearers reflect high hopes for Asian Games

    Get ready for the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou as Team Chinese Taipei’s Olympic flag will be carried by swimmer Wang Kuan-hung and taekwondo athlete Lo Chia-ling during the opening ceremony.
    2023/09/23 17:53
  • 有片/疫情閉關3年 北韓首派跆拳道選手出國比世錦賽

    打從新冠疫情肆虐之初,北韓就成為最嚴格執行「閉關嚴守」的代表之一,幾乎完全切斷海外交流管道,包含各種國際體育賽事。隨著傳出平壤有意解禁管制,《英國廣播公司》(BBC)報導,外媒在中朝邊境目擊,兩輛綠色巴士越過鴨綠江,入境中國大陸丹東,搭載約50人,被認為就是北韓跆拳道代表團,準備從大陸北京中轉前往哈薩克阿斯塔納,參加2023年跆拳道世錦賽(Taekwondo world championships),這也將是睽違3年後,首度有北韓選手在國際大賽亮相。
    2023/08/18 11:29
  • WTF太難聽! 世界跆拳道聯盟更名

    世界跆拳道聯盟(World Taekwondo Federation)的英文縮寫為WTF,與英文粗話WTF相同,為了避免負面聯想,因此更名為世界跆拳道(World Taekwondo),連同LOGO也一併更新。
    2017/06/26 16:12
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