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    Marshall Islands 結果共9筆

  • Taiwan’s WHA bid blocked amid China’s opposition

    Discover how Taiwan’s bid to join the World Health Assembly was blocked, sparking criticism from MOFA towards China’s "one-China principle" and highlighting global support for Taiwan’s inclusion in global health security efforts.
    2024/05/28 14:03
  • Marshall Islands pledges strong support for Taiwan

    Discover how the Marshall Islands reaffirmed its support for Taiwan during President Hilda C. Heine’s visit, marking 26 years of diplomatic ties and future collaboration on key issues.
    2024/05/22 15:46
  • US reinforces Taiwan’s ally ties amid China’s expansion

    U.S. Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel J. Kritenbrink highlights cooperation between the U.S. and Taiwan, alongside allies Tuvalu, Palau, and the Marshall Islands, to counter China’s expansion. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee discusses U.S. strategies for the Pacific islands, focusing on American and Chinese influence in the region, with references to Taiwan’s diplomatic status and China’s economic incentives to influence Nauru. The U.S. warns Nauru and Taiwan’s allies against China’s unfulfilled promises, with efforts like the Taiwan International Solidarity Act to counter China’s manipulation of Taiwan’s international role.
    2024/03/15 16:54
  • Lai Ching-te celebrates democracy with Marshall Islands

    President-elect Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) had a virtual call with Marshall Islands President Hilda Heine, celebrating their successful elections and shared values of democracy, freedom, and human rights. President Heine praised Taiwan as a beacon of democracy and expressed hope to attend Lai’s inauguration ceremony. Both leaders highlighted the 26-year diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the Marshall Islands, emphasizing successful cooperation in various sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, renewable energy, education, climate change adaptation, and information technology. Lai expressed his intention to collaborate with the Marshall Islands in addressing climate change.
    2024/01/24 18:33
  • Nauru cuts diplomatic ties with Taiwan, allies dwindle to 12

    Taiwan’s diplomatic ties with Nauru, its South Pacific ally, have been severed, reducing Taiwan’s diplomatic partners to 12. Taiwan and Nauru first established diplomatic relationships on May 4, 1980, with a brief interruption from 2002 to 2005 when Nauru switched allegiance to Beijing. Efforts by the then-Taiwanese Foreign Minister Mark Chen and Nauruan President Ludwig Scotty revived the ties. The current Nauruan president, David Adeang, received congratulations from the Taiwanese ambassador stationed in Nauru. Taiwan and Nauru have collaborated in various areas, including infrastructure construction, public health, clean energy, education, climate change, information technology, agriculture and fishing, and naval patrol. Taiwan’s remaining diplomatic allies include the Marshall Islands, Palau, Tuvalu, Eswatini, the Holy See, Belize, Guatemala, Haiti, Paraguay, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent.
    2024/01/15 14:12
  • Taiwan thanks allies for support at COP28 side event

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses gratitude to ministers from five diplomatic allies for advocating for Taiwan at COP28. Leaders from Paraguay, Palau, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Tuvalu, and Eswatini voiced support for Taiwan at the World Climate Summit, marking another step forward for Taiwan’s international backing. Haiti’s Minister of Environment acknowledged Taiwan’s dedication to addressing climate change, while the Marshall Islands’ Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade affirmed Taiwan’s deserving of observer status in such forums. Guatemala’s Minister of Environment and Natural Resources showcased Taiwan’s contributions to climate change efforts, and Nauru’s Deputy Minister of Climate Change & National Resilience appreciated Taiwan’s support for the Just Transition fund in the Pacific. Taiwan emphasizes its eagerness to work with allies and urges the global community to support its meaningful participation in the UNFCCC.
    2023/12/11 20:19
  • 劃破夜空!美試射洲際飛彈橫跨太平洋 成功命中馬紹爾環礁

    美國空軍全球打擊司令部(Air Force Global Strike Command)昨(11)日在官方網站上發出新聞稿,表示美國空軍於太平洋時間11日上午12點53分(台灣下午4點53分)從加州范登堡空軍基地(Vandenberg Air Force Base)發射一枚無武裝的義勇兵三型(Minuteman III)洲際彈道飛彈,光線劃破太平洋,飛行長達6760公里後,成功擊中馬紹爾群島共和國(Marshall Islands)的瓜加林環礁(Kwajalein Atoll)。
    2021/08/12 12:37
  • 防武漢肺炎入侵 台灣邦交國馬紹爾祭旅行禁令

    台灣太平洋邦交國馬紹爾群島(The Marshall Islands)已採取激進措施,禁止所有航空旅客入境兩週,以防止武漢肺炎入侵。
    2020/03/09 11:04
  • 挺過67次核爆將滅國 馬紹爾自救僅剩一個方法

    位於北太平洋的島國馬紹爾(Republic of the Marshall Islands),從1946年起,美國連續在該地進行多達67次核子試爆,造成當地環境嚴重傷害,多個島嶼被摧毀。如今該國又因海平面上升速度超過預期,全國都面臨「滅頂」,該國總統表示,唯一的方式就是「把陸地墊高」。
    2019/02/24 23:39
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