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    Foundation 結果共118筆

  • Taiwan MND lowers 2024 voluntary service quota by 5,187

    The Ministry of National Defense in Taiwan has announced a decrease in the planned 2024 voluntary service "personnel quota" by 5,187 from the previous year.
    2023/09/11 14:02
  • Taipei City gov’t: Grouting would take 3 days to complete

    Taipei City Government Construction Management Office official Yu Chi-hsueh estimated on Friday (Sept. 8) that it would take around three days to grout the construction site of Kee Tai Properties Co. Ltd. and neighboring areas following their collapse.
    2023/09/08 11:33
  • Taiwanese in China face tougher business environment

    Taiwanese seeking opportunities in China face growing challenges, leading some to repatriate while others opt to stay. These challenges stemmed from the U.S.-China trade war, the COVID-19 pandemic, and China’s economic downturn.
    2023/09/07 17:22
  • Agriculture minister reveals contract over egg dispute

    Agriculture Minister Chen Chi-chung disclosed the egg importation contract between the National Animal Industry Foundation and Ultra Source on Sept. 6.
    2023/09/06 16:59
  • Cheng Li-chun confirms no plans for election

    Cheng Li-chun, DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign convener and chairperson of the Foundation for Future Generations, stated on Sept. 6 that she has no intention to run for the election.
    2023/09/06 16:58
  • MND: 700 conscripts set for stationing on offshore islands

    The Ministry of National Defense (MND) recently revealed that around 700 conscripts will be dispatched to Taiwan’s offshore islands next year.
    2023/09/04 22:18
  • 俄羅斯受邀「重返諾貝爾獎」!歐洲議員斥:殺兒童的流氓國

    俄羅斯、白俄羅斯和伊朗3國去年被禁止參加「諾貝爾獎宴會」(Nobel Prize Banquet),不過「諾貝爾基金會」(Nobel Foundation)今年重新邀請這3國參加在瑞典斯德哥爾摩(Stockholm)舉辦的宴會,理由是「需要不同價值觀」,極具爭議的決定也引來歐洲議員的批評。
    2023/09/01 15:20
  • Taoyuan police helps sick child achieve dream ’career’

    A 10-year-old Taoyuan boy with bone cancer had his dream of becoming a police officer fulfilled by the Taoyuan City Police Bureau and The Chou Ta-Kuan Cultural and Educational Foundation.
    2023/08/31 16:40
  • Rumors swirl: Lin Fei-fan’s new role at Taiwan foundation

    Former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) deputy secretary-general Lin Fei-fan was reportedly given a position to become the deputy executive director of the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy (TFD), according to Huang Yang-ming, an Internet celebrity.
    2023/08/23 15:01
  • Lai Ching-te leads with 43.4% in Taiwanese presidential poll

    With less than five months remaining until the 2024 presidential elections, a new poll published by the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation on Monday shows Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te leading with 43.4% of the vote. 
    2023/08/23 11:20
  • Lai Ching-te leads Taiwan presidential poll at 43.4%

    The Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation (TPOF) released a pre-election public opinion poll on Monday (Aug. 21) revealing that 43.4% of voters prefer Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to be elected, while 26.6% supported Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate Ko Wen-je, and 13.6% favoring Hou Yu-ih of the Kuomintang (KMT) Party.
    2023/08/21 14:08
  • Gov’t uses taxpayer money for high-profile visits: KMT

    Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss’ visit to Taiwan in May for a speaking engagement has ignited controversy, with the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) party criticizing President Tsai Ing-wen’s administration for using Taiwanese taxpayers’ money for domestic propaganda.
    2023/07/03 15:10
  • 美智庫最新民調 過半美國人支持擴大對台軍售防中共

    美國保守派智庫「雷根基金會」(Ronald Reagan Foundation and Institute)最新民調顯示,隨著兩岸局勢不明、中國大陸又不斷威脅台灣,約56%受訪的美國民眾支持,美軍要增加相關行動,嚇阻不讓北京有攻擊台灣的舉動。《福斯新聞》(Fox News)報導也提到,另外有52%的美國民眾贊成,華府應該擴大對台軍售,讓台灣有能力可以對抗來自中國的威脅。
    2023/06/26 14:06
  • Ko calls for legal foundation in cross-strait interactions

    Presidential candidate Ko Wen-je called on Tuesday (June 20) for the resumption of cross-strait exchanges and the reopening of negotiations on the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA). 
    2023/06/20 17:31
  • 「嗑藥黑歷史」燒到自己 哈利被質疑申請美簽沒說實話

    雖然放棄英國王室頭銜,哈利王子(Prince Harry)身邊各種大小風波,卻依然不斷上演中。繼先前在紐約遇狗仔跟蹤,《天空新聞網》報導,美國保守派智庫「傳統基金會」(The Heritage Foundation)近日發起官司,提告該國國土安全部(DHS),質疑政府沒有盡查核職責,忽視哈利在自傳與紀錄片中爆料,他過往曾經使用古柯鹼、大麻(marijuana)等管制藥物的黑歷史,依法這些歷史足夠讓他無法獲得簽證;同時認為哈利在申請簽證時,並未如實回答表格的提問,要求政府不能雙重標準,要求公開哈利的申請文件給大眾檢視。
    2023/06/06 15:04
  • Norman Chen on finding identity as Asian Americans

    The Asian American Foundation (TAAF) CEO, Norman Chen, shares his Asian American experience with TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu at an episode of TVBS Meeting Room. 
    2023/05/25 17:08
  • Asian Americans celebrate rise in mainstream media: TAAF

    With the United States celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, TVBS Meeting Room’s Wenchi Yu held an interview with the CEO of The Asian American Foundation (TAAF), Norman Chen, where he shares his view on the historical moment of Asian American representation.
    2023/05/25 10:40
  • Former UK PM Liz Truss’ visit paid by Prospect Foundation

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said Wednesday (May 17) that the visit of former British Prime Minister Liz Truss was made possible at the invitation of the Prospect Foundation which also sponsored the event.
    2023/05/18 17:18
  • Latest poll sheds light on 2024 election hopefuls in Taiwan

    The Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation unveiled its latest poll results on Tuesday (Feb. 21), shedding light on the presidential hopefuls for the upcoming 2024 election.
    2023/02/22 19:51
  • 「籃球之神」慶60歲生日送大禮!豪捐3億為孩子圓夢

    「籃球之神」麥可喬丹(Michael Jordan)將在2月17日度過60歲生日,而他在生日前夕也送給自己一份大禮,那就是捐款1千萬美元(約新台幣3億元)給慈善組織「喜願基金會(Make-A-Wish Foundation)」,是該組織成立43年來金額最高的單筆善款。
    2023/02/16 17:27
  • Tzu Chi Foundation sends 5.6 tons of blankets to Turkey

    The Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation is shipping blankets to those affected by the Turkey-Syria earthquake
    2023/02/12 11:14
  • Poll: Taiwan president’s approval rate lowest in 44 months

    A survey by the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation released Tuesday (Dec. 21) shows Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) approval rate has dropped to its lowest level in 44 months.
    2022/12/21 17:01
  • Elementary school creates digital library to promote reading

    Taipei Private Tsai Hsing Elementary School unveiled a new Digital Philanthropic Library on Monday (Dec. 12) established with the support of the Taiwan Reading and Culture Foundation.
    2022/12/14 16:07
  • Taiwan can help 台灣輔具進軍土耳其、歐盟市場

    全球殘疾者基金會(Global Disability Foundation, GEV)為土耳其首個受聯合國支持的基金會,300個會員機構遍布全球110個國家,創辦人Mr. Necdet Öztürk本身為長期輪椅人士,秉持希望為全球超過10億身障者提供更好的輔具設備的信念下,熟知台灣醫材及輔具品質技術優良,此行特別專程自土耳其搭機來台,指定外貿協會作為合作夥伴,協助此行洽談及參訪安排。
    2022/12/13 17:50
  • 梅根、哈利出席紐約晚宴 遭嗆「摧毀王室感覺怎樣」

    選擇退出英國王室的哈利王子(Prince Harry)與其妻子梅根(Meghan Markle),在日前發布的網飛(Netflix)紀錄片預告中,揭露他們在王室經歷的一切是「骯髒遊戲」(dirty game),引發軒然大波;兩人7日出席紐約甘迺迪人權基金會(Robert. F. Kennedy Human Rights Foundation)頒獎典禮晚宴時,梅根遭到一名抗議者大喊「摧毀王室的感覺怎樣」,場面十分尷尬。
    2022/12/08 14:03
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