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    Family 結果共180筆

  • Taiwan’s female labor force faces challenges post-motherhood

    In 2022, 330,000 Taiwanese women withdrew from the labor market to care for their families, highlighting the challenges women face in balancing work and family life. This trend, coupled with workplace stress and inflexibility, is impacting Taiwan’s birth rate and female labor force participation.
    2023/11/30 10:28
  • Turkish influencer pixelates daughter’s face for privacy

    Turkish social media influencer Rifat shared a photo of his daughter practicing gymnastics, with her face pixelated at her request, emphasizing the importance of internet privacy and consent. Wu, a famous actor in Taiwan, explained that he respected his 8-year-old daughter’s privacy and choice by mosaic-ing her face. He highlighted the need for obtaining a child’s consent before sharing their images online and hoped that his actions would set a positive example for society. Social media users praised Rifat’s approach, considering him a role model for respecting family and children’s privacy in the age of social media. His commitment to his daughters’ rights and his visibility as a public figure could potentially influence widespread social attitudes towards online sharing and privacy, especially for young children. This act of shielding his daughter’s identity while sharing a family moment reflects the ongoing conversation about privacy in the digital era, particularly regarding young children and the implications of internet exposure.
    2023/11/29 14:22
  • Cynthia Wu’s global insight to bolster TPP’s 2024 campaign

    Cynthia Wu, the newly appointed vice presidential candidate for Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), brings a global perspective and financial expertise to the party’s election campaign. As the granddaughter of Shin Kong Group founder Wu Ho-su, Wu is known for her efficient time management skills. Growing up in a family with diplomatic ties, including her father’s role as ambassador-at-large, Wu has had substantial international exposure, even meeting former U.S. President Bill Clinton. With her family’s involvement in promoting the Taiwan Relations Act and her uncle’s relationship with former U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, Wu has a strong network. As a legislator, she worked closely with TPP leader Ko Wen-je on international diplomatic issues and proposed the inclusion of Taiwan in the "Santiago Principles" through the "Taiwan Sovereign Wealth Fund," garnering interest from U.S. officials.
    2023/11/25 11:01
  • MOL pledges plan to help 330K women reentering the workforce

    Taiwan’s Minister of Labor, Hsu Ming-chun, has pledged to propose a plan within the next three months to support the 330,000 women in Taiwan who have left the workforce to care for their families. During a legislative interpellation, a Democratic Progressive Party legislator pointed out the government’s oversight of this potential source of manpower, considering the country’s need for more workers. Hsu acknowledged the relatively high number of women who have quit their jobs due to family care duties and stated that the Ministry of Labor is actively promoting measures to help women balance their work and family responsibilities. Suggestions were made to make the parental leave system more flexible and introduce family care leave. Hsu admitted that finding a solution is challenging but expressed her eagerness to address the issue. The Ministry of Labor has commissioned studies to inform their improvement plan, which will be developed in the next three months.
    2023/11/16 17:15
  • Ko Wen-je hits back at Lai’s criticisms toward alliance

    Taipei was filled with political debate as Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je criticized Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te over his family home’s illegal construction. Ko questioned why Lai’s illegal buildings were not demolished like his mother’s and former legislator Huang Kuo-chang’s. This controversy emerged after the formation of the TPP-KMT alliance, which Lai publicly criticized as a blatant power grab. Lai argued that the alliance does not represent Taiwan’s mainstream public opinion and accused the candidates of lacking national security protection and comprehensive national plans. Ko retaliated by claiming that the DPP’s election strategy relies solely on rallying the Chinese Communist Party. This ongoing dispute between the two parties intensifies as they compete for control of Taiwan’s political future. In response to Lai’s criticisms, Ko admitted that they cannot guarantee being the best choice for Taiwan but questioned why Lai considers himself the better option. As the election approaches, this war of words further strains Taiwan’s domestic politics.
    2023/11/16 17:03
  • Gou criticizes talent loss due to poor national strategy

    Taiwanese billionaire and independent presidential candidate Terry Gou addressed the talent drain in Taiwan and its impact on the tourism industry. He highlighted how the lack of qualified personnel has affected the competitiveness of the industry, leading to a decline in domestic travel. Gou also linked this talent drain to the fertility crisis in Taiwan and the issue of female employment. He suggested that remote working could help parents balance work and family life, and called on the government to invest in software and hardware developments to support remote job positions. Gou criticized the ruling party, the Democratic Progressive Party, for its failure to propose effective strategies for economic growth and emphasized the need for industrial upgrades to sustain Taiwan’s competitiveness in export-driven industries.
    2023/11/08 19:57
  • 馬克華柏格、湯女郎續前緣演夫妻 「吳彥祖舊愛」也加入演出

    Apple TV+宣布推出動作喜劇電影《全家逃走中》(The Family Plan),由馬克華柏格攜手《不可能的任務》系列「湯女郎」蜜雪兒摩納漢主演,2人繼《愛國者行動》再續前緣演夫妻,他這回升格為3寶爸,面對一連串突發狀況,不得不攜家帶眷「逃走」,展開一場精彩刺激的公路冒險,將於 Apple TV+12月15日上線。
    2023/11/08 18:20
  • Lai Ching-te advocates for residents’ rights in mining areas

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te asserts that repairing the roof of his family home in Wanli is a resident’s "right" rather than a "privilege" after multiple typhoons. Lai calls attention to the housing problems faced by residents in mining areas and urges local governments and relevant departments to address these issues. Lai’s response comes after criticisms from TPP presidential campaign director Huang Shan-shan and Professor Hsu Shih-jung for not paying taxes and focusing only on his own house. Lai rebuts these comments, stating that similar situations exist in Jinshan and Ruifang within New Taipei City.
    2023/11/07 14:53
  • Unclaimed NT$10 million lottery prizes to expire soon

    Four winners of the May-June uniform invoice lottery in Taiwan have yet to claim their NT$10 million prizes, which will expire on Nov. 6, according to the Ministry of Finance. The winning number for the special prize is "29268886," with a total of 21 tickets bearing this number. The unclaimed winning tickets were obtained through everyday activities such as shopping, refueling, or food purchases.
    2023/11/05 19:49
  • Taipei Mayor calls for historical transparency

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an, a descendant of the Chiang family, supports the complete public disclosure of information related to former President Chiang Kai-shek’s era. He has read parts of Chiang’s diary from when he was in the U.S. The Academia Historica recently released a book containing returned Chiang-era documents. Mayor Chiang hopes that the publication of Chiang’s diaries will provide a comprehensive understanding of history.
    2023/10/31 18:17
  • Mayor Chiang wows at fashion show with monochrome suit

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an makes a fashionable statement at Taipei Fashion Week, sparking excitement among attendees and online followers with his monochrome suit. Interestingly, Chiang revealed that his son played a key role in choosing his eye-catching outfits, highlighting the significance of family involvement in personal style.
    2023/10/23 16:44
  • 哇庫哇庫!《間諜家家酒》第二季開播 TOP10角色一次看

    日本人氣動漫《SPY×FAMILY 間諜家家酒》於去年動畫開播後造成話題,由間諜「黃昏」、殺手約兒以及擁有讀心能力女孩的安妮亞3人所組的的奇特家庭,新穎的設定再加上詼諧的劇情,讓這部動畫成為許多人每週必追的輕鬆小品,尤其主角安妮亞可愛的模樣,更是讓人心花怒放。
    2023/10/11 13:57
  • Mayor Chiang leads family run for National Day celebration

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an celebrates Double Tenth Day with a heartwarming family run. Chiang emphasizes the spirit of National Day, and the event highlights Republic of China elements.
    2023/10/10 17:29
  • Premier urges citizens in China to prioritize safety

    Taiwan Premier Chen Chien-jen issues a safety warning to Taiwanese citizens in China, urging them to prioritize personal safety and stay in contact with the government. The alert comes after the recent arrest of a Taiwanese woman during a family visit to China, raising suspicions of political motives.
    2023/10/06 14:22
  • 《間諜家家酒》安妮亞聲優種崎敦美宣布結婚 閃嫁同業

    日本動畫《SPY×FAMILY 間諜家家酒》知名角色安妮亞佛傑的聲優種崎敦美,今(2)日透過社群媒體公開喜訊,表示已與同為聲優的宮崎遊步入禮堂。她同時公開一封親筆信,獲得全球粉絲的祝福。
    2023/10/02 16:52
  • 安妮亞回來了! 《間諜家家酒2》10月上線「2大咖獻聲電影版」

    讓掀起全世界「女兒」熱潮的動畫作品《SPY x FAMILY間諜家家酒》,第2季即將於10月7日興奮回歸,動畫代理商木棉花也正式宣布代理續篇,安妮亞經典的「興奮」表情與「呵臉」表情也登上第2季主視覺!這股熱潮延燒到電影版,特別邀來中村倫也、賀來賢人為原創角色配音,日本也將在聖誕節前夕上映。
    2023/09/15 12:43
  • New Taipei deems VP Lai’s family home illegal construction

    Chang Shao-pin, deputy spokesperson for the New Taipei City Government, claimed on Sept. 7 that DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s family home in the city is illegally constructed.
    2023/09/07 21:22
  • MND apologizes to family of deceased lieutenant

    The mysterious death of a 23-year-old navy lieutenant at a Taiwanese marine camp has raised suspicions of foul play.
    2023/09/07 17:56
  • Policeman saves stranded family with patrol car jump-start

    A policeman and a restaurant owner in Taichung come to the rescue of a family whose car wouldn’t start near a mountainous area in Taichung.
    2023/08/28 16:28
  • Taipei Mayor to attend Shanghai Forum on Aug. 29

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an is set to attend the 2023 Taipei-Shanghai Twin-City Forum in Shanghai from August 29 to 31, marking the first visit to mainland China by a public official from the fourth generation of the Chiang family since the Chinese Civil War.
    2023/08/28 10:37
  • 日本全家便利商店撤出泰國市場 2百門市轉成當地品牌

    日本全家便利商店與泰國最大零售集團「尚泰」(Central Group)的特許協議契約,已於2023年5月下旬結束。全家10日宣布將退出泰國市場。目前在泰國的約200間全家便利商店門市,正陸續轉換成尚泰集團旗下的小型超市品牌「Tops Daily」。
    2023/08/12 18:20
  • 「台灣噴射機」要當爸了 張宗憲官宣俄羅斯辣模女友懷孕 

    PLG台北富邦勇士球星張宗憲,是今年率領富邦勇士邁向奪冠之路的功臣之一,季後賽更繳出場均14.67分成績,休賽季帶俄羅斯辣模女友Alisa前往泰國海灘度假,稍早他在個人IG宣布女友懷孕喜訊,寫到「Family of 3」,配上女友肚腹微凸照片,不到一小時吸引破萬讚,200多名網友留言恭喜張宗憲。
    2023/07/13 17:02
  • 到底講幾次?《玩命關頭》馮迪索「家人」掛嘴邊 統計結果出爐

    美國動作電影《玩命關頭X》,票房於上映後居高不下、穩賺不賠,知名主演包括系列電影主角馮迪索(Vin Diesel)、曾出演《水行俠》的傑森摩莫亞(Jason Momoa)以及美國職業摔角選手約翰希南(John Cena)等。而電影不乏圍繞「家人」這個核心主題;有外媒更針對「馮迪索到底說了幾次Family」進行統計,結果出爐引起關注,更讓網友震驚。
    2023/06/26 15:42
  • Taiwan’s youth see bright future in real estate investment

    Young adults in Taipei City who aspire to purchase a home often require meticulous budget planning and sometimes rely on support from family members.
    2023/05/07 16:45
  • 世代保健 娘家看見 FAMILY RUN親子路跑園遊會 娘家品牌贊助國際扶輪送愛心

    2023/04/24 18:14
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